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Mental Illness and Substance Abuse - Essay Example

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The paper "Mental Illness and Substance Abuse " highlights that from the review and analysis of the articles it could be found that mental illness is strongly associated with drug abuse, particularly Cannabis which is more widely used than any other drug. …
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Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
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Dual Diagnosis Mental illness and substance Abuse Specifically Cannabis, in Australia and New Zealand The complexity of consumer care is moreevident these days, with many consumers presenting varied needs, paving way for many problems to arise. One such problem - Dual Diagnosis associated with consumer is mental illness and substance abuse. This essay tends to explore this issue, narrowing down the feel to cannabis abuse and mental illness pertaining to Australia and New Zealand. The pattern, the essay tends to follow is by critically analyzing and reviewing certain articles pertaining to this issue, thus bringing out both acclaim to the articles and at the same time retrieving the facts needed. Introduction : - Cannabis and Mental Illness Cannabis is a drug that is attain from the plant "Cannabis sativa", the active chemical in it being delta - 9 tetra hydro cannibol (THC). On ingestion the THC is found to be absorbed into the blood stream from where it is carried to the brain, producing a high feeling. The THC molecules is found to affect a number of areas of brain, inclusive of the areas of control balance, perception of time, sound, color and as any other drug the Glucose craving. Psychosis on the other hand can be defined as a cluster of symptoms characterized by hallucination and impaired reality. Psychosis is often symptom associated with Schizophrenia. Cannabis used have shown to produce symptoms similar to psychotic disorder as Schizophrenia, when ingested at large amount. Mounting researchers have indicated that Cannabis found to trigger the onset of Schizophrenia or its relapse and also aggravates the symptoms. (Hambrecht, M. and Hafner,1996). The users of Cannabis experienced unpleasant effects on usage as anxiety and pain, while some may experience hallucinations. The unpleasant effects are found to disappear as cannabis wears off. But some people may have frightening experience as it withdraws. It is found that of 1 in 10 people who use cannabis are found to be addicted to it. It is worrying fact that usually it is the young people who get hooked to it and they smoke cannabis on daily basis. The early the age they are exposed, early is the onset of Psychotic symptoms. It is found to be still more severe in people with existing mental disorders as Schizophrenia or bipolar, where they undergo negative psychological effect on cannabis use. Researchers pouring in point to the direction that cannabis may be the gateway for many other drugs to enter in. Thus one point is established as, in persons having mental illness are for persons with known family history of mental illness, cannabis triggers adheres psychotic symptoms. (Imade and Ebie ,1991) Though the usage of cannabis is known from 1970s now it has become an issue of concern as more young people are found to be the smokers of cannabis. Most cannabis users started in very early teens, thus causing a psychological transition and misadventures on a young persons life. This issue of regular Cannabis use is found to be a menace in developed countries. This has really become a national crisis mainly for countries as Australia and New Zealand. The Government has taken wide range of steps from forming a forum, organizing discussion, releasing pamphlets, funding research to create an awareness about cannabis and its link to mental illness.( Jerrell and Ridgely,1995) So this essay tries to unravel the above facts by discussing and reviewing the articles published with this concern. The List of articles selected and the reason for the selection : 1. Cannabis use and mental health - facts - is an study based on Australian community with case study done among 2 age groups as adolescent and adults, aiming to pinpoint the majority groups age by which they start this habit. 2. Cannabis and psychosis - Information for health care workers - An research report done under the instruction and funding of Victorian government health information, by the state government of Victoria, Australia, tends to explore the relationship between the psychosis and cannabis, dealing with the nature and type of psychosis offering information as pamphlets to create awareness among public. 3. Development in treatment of cannabis use disorder: that is fully focused the recent developments achieved in the treatment of cannabis abuse, a work under taken by the Jan Copeland of Australian drug and alcohol research center, trying to put a check on the growing menace. 4. The 7.30 report, by the Australian broadcasting corporation , TV transcript, gives a varied view, that focuses on the research between the cannabis and mental illness, focusing the politician and neuro experts view. 5. Adolescent cannabis use: by Wayne Hall , a professor of public health policy of Queen's land of Australia, explains even to the layman about what is cannabis, its effects, symptoms, its role in psychosis among New Zealand population. 6. Cannabis, answer to your question, a report done by Jan Copeland and group of researchers on behalf of National council of Drugs. This in a explicit manner discusses about what is cannabis, how is it abused in Australia, the legal and illegal part of cannabis, the physical effects and symptoms arising due to its abuse, treatment available in Australia and New Zealand. This is a extensive study on the topic of all the articles chosen in the essay. 7. Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened: a study done with a sub group of school people in Australia and New Zealand that tends to reemphasize the connection between a cannabis and mental illness. 8. Similar done by Joseph M Ray of University of Sydney, more evidences establishes clear link between use of Cannabis and Psychiatric illness which strengthen the point that Schizophrenia is aggravated only by Cannabis than any other drugs. This also utilizes New Zealand for a case study. Analysis, Critique and review of articles : 1. The First article, done by Australian Truck foundation clearly intends to provide the facts for the study it has selected adolescents and adults, trying to bring out the point that the younger the Cannabis is started higher is the risk factor for dependents and health problems. The major causes of concern in Cannabis using young people as per the report is mental problems such as depression anxiety and psychotic disorders. Entire article brings about facts of what Cannabis, Psychosis its relation with Schizophrenia. In the end the research tries to bring out the association between Cannabis and depression and anxiety disorders, pointing out that suicidal tendency with this is very minimal. (Cannabis use and mental health: the facts , 2003the DrugInfo Clearinghouse website ) This article is simple presentation of facts, serving the purpose of providing information to the public, though I feel it doesn't bring out effectively the various symptoms and scientific evidence for the dual diagnosis. The Cannabis and Psychosis information for health workers a funded research by victorial government is a scientific article that in simple words also spreads out the facts about Cannabis and its main link to with Psychosis. The study is highly reliable as the study was conducted for 20 years, mainly among large dose users of Cannabis. This study pops up with new information that Cannabis users are more prone to psychotic diagnosis that people who do not use it. The risk of developing psychosis is found to increase with amount duration of Cannabis use and on the persons family history. It also details the symptoms of psychosis. The study says the risk of developing of psychosis is greater when Cannabis is introduced between 16 to 30 years of age, this study was done on 50,000 Swedish army people. They also say that the Cannabis use prolonged the duration of symptoms lower chances of recovery and increase the risk of relaps. This also describes the effect of combination of Cannabis and other drugs.( Cannabis & psychosis - information for health care workers,29 March, 2007) This article I chose because it deals only psychosis aspect with Cannabis. The greatest advantage is its reliability due to the large study group and the longer duration taken. The Third article, Development in treatment of Cannabis use disorder is a article published based on a study of randomized control trials on treatment of Cannabis addiction. The result that arouse from the study is positive that the cognitive behavioral therapy when continued till 20 months showed a considerable amount of success of reduced Cannabis dependents in adults and adolescents.( Jan Copeland , 2004) This article does not provide a proper introduction to the case discussed but this article is acclaimed as it shows that Cannabis dependents can be successfully reduced by therapy, giving hopes for millions of life. It is a scientific article that provides exact facts. 2. The Fourth one is a report of a TV program done in Australia that I took for this essay as I felt it throws a different light on the topic. This discusses the existing situation in Australia, trying to reach a solution speaking with an politician and bringing out more facts on the effects of Cannabis on mental state by interacting with a neurologists. Mark Bannerman gives the report. He opens the discussion with shocking facts that 2 of 3 teens in Australia have tried Cannabis sending a chill through parents. His report examines the impact of drugs on developing brains and establishes the link Cannabis and mental illness. He gives the reports of interview that happened with adolescent addicted to Cannabis giving first hand information from user's end. He further discusses the situation with member of metal health council of Australia. They confirmed there is 100% association of drugs with Psychosis. He breaks out the fact that Cannabis can effectively change the younger brains better than the adult one, thus posing a really serious risk. This connection was further affirmed by Martin Cohen's (from medical research institute) interview. He points out that he is been mapping the brain function with long-term Cannabis user and that of Schizophrenics, the results found was shocking. The long-term users of Cannabis brain has been rewired, permanently impairing the frontal part of brain as seen with Schizophrenics. The interview ends with the positive node on discussion of how to stop the youth from getting addicted with health secretary who shares their view that education and prohibition can only achieve this. (Reporter: Mark Bannerman, Research links cannabis to mental illness, The 7.30 report TV PROGRAM TRANSCRIPT LOCATION: Broadcast: 13/12/2006 This article is I feel giving a different angle of existing situation, a effort to approach the problems from different angle. 3. The Fifth and Sixth article shares the same stage in that they explicitly try to explain about what is Cannabis, how is it relates to Psychosis. The fifth article is strong in the view that it is a culmination of various researches done in this field, the surveys placed in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The fifth article sheds it focus mainly on adolescents. The sixth article where as starts from the scrape of what is Cannabis. They differ from other articles in that they tend to explain where is the plant grown from where it is spread to Australia its legal status in Australia. It also details penalties that could be imposed if found an illicit Cannabis abuser. It further explains the short term and long term physical and mental effects of Cannabis. Towards the end it grows very scientifically explaining Cannabis link to psychosis and Schizophrenia. The effects it caused as depression and anxiety, its rule in violence and generic effects are also discussed. It details the treatment available giving a positive motivation for Cannabis user.( Hall , 1997) (Cannabis answers to your questions,2006 , Prepared on behalf of the Australian National Council on Drugs by Jan Copeland etal., for National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre) Thus as the fourth article throws different shade of light on Cannabis usage, the sixth article go at length to shell out every detail starting from the description of Cannabis plant to the treatment available. The variety of aspects covered is to be lauded. The Seventh and Eighth articles both with their research findings reemphasize their link between Cannabis and mental illness. The Seventh article emphasize that Cannabis use depression and Schizophrenia are strongly interlinked, giving a dearth of available evidences. They for the study examined 1600 Australian school people of 14 to 15 years age group for 7 years found out that there are 2 fold increase in risks of depression at the age of 20. They also confirmed the people who use Cannabis by the age of 20 are found to be four fold increased in risks for Schizophrenia than Cannabis users who start using it by the age of 26. The Eight articles on the other hand tries to link Cannabis with promotion aggravation and relaps of Schizophrenia. Both the articles uses a strong strength of study group gives confirmed link between mental illness and Cannabis abuse.( Emma Young ,2002) (Joseph MRey,Christopher CTennant, 2002) Conclusion : Thus from the review and analysis of the articles it could be found that mental illness is strongly associated with drug abuse particularly Cannabis which is widely used than any other drug. This abuse from the reports found to be high in Australia and New Zealand. Further more the reports have established that introduction of Cannabis at the earlier age aggravates the risks of developing Psychosis and Schizophrenia. Bibliography: 4. Hambrecht, M. and Hafner, H. 'Substance use and the onset of schizophrenia' Biological Psychiatry 40, 1155-1163, (1996). 5. Imade, A.G.T. and Ebie, J.C. 'A retrospective study of symptom patterns of cannabis-induced psychosis' Acta Pyschiatrica Scandinavia 83, 134-136, (1991). 6. Jerrell, J. and Ridgely, M.S. 'Comparative effectiveness of three approaches to serving people with severe mental illness and substance abuse disorders' Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease ; 183, 566-576, (1995). 7. Cannabis use and mental health: the facts , 2003the DrugInfo Clearinghouse website , retrived on 27/04/07 8. Cannabis & psychosis - information for health care workers,29 March, 2007 This web site is managed and authorised by the Drugs Policy and Services Branch, Mental Health & Drugs Division of the Victorian State Government, Department of Human Services, Australia, retrived on 27/04/07 9. Jan Copeland , 2004, Developments in the Treatment of Cannabis Use Disorder Curr Opin Psychiatry 17(3):161-168, 2004 10. Reporter: Mark Bannerman, Research links cannabis to mental illness, The 7.30 report TV PROGRAM TRANSCRIPT LOCATION: Broadcast: 13/12/2006 Retrived on 27/04/07 11. Hall, W. , 1997 .Cannabis Use and Psychosis National Drug and Alcohol Research Council Sydney Australia 12. Cannabis answers to your questions,2006 , Prepared on behalf of the Australian National Council on Drugs by Jan Copeland (PhD),Saul Gerber,Paul Dillon,Wendy Swift (PhD) National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre Emma Young, Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened, 2002, news service 13. Joseph MRey,,Christopher CTennant, 2002,More evidence establishes clear link between use of cannabis and psychiatric illness , pp1195, 1199, 1212 ,BMJ 325:1183-1184 (23November) Read More
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