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Mental Illness and the Homeless (School) This paper is comprised of a brief literature review and a short article; it serves to discuss the social concern of mental illness and the homeless population and how this can be addressed in a group setting.Keywords: social concern, mental illness, homeless, homeless population, group project Literature ReviewHelfrich, C., Chan, D., Simpson, E., & Sabol, P. (2012). Readiness-to-Change Cluster Profiles Among Adults with Mental Illness Who were Homeless Participating in a Life Skills Intervention.
Community Mental Health Journal, 48(6), 673-681. doi:10.1007/s10597-011-9383-z This particular study works to detail the readiness to change aspects that different members of the homeless population who suffer from mental illness present. It discusses the different subjects in the study, their particular type of illness, and how willing they were to make changes in their lifestyles to cope with these particular afflictions. Sun, A. (2012). Helping Homeless Individuals with Co-occurring Disorders: The Four Components.
Social Work, 57(1), 23-37. doi:10.1093/sw/swr008 This study takes a look at homeless individuals who presented with co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance abuse and some of the different ways that they can be assisted, what resources are available, and how to offer them specific types of support for these afflictions.Mental Illness and the Homeless There is an increasing concern of how best to deal with the members of the homeless population who suffer from mental illness, especially in light of the fact that it is often due to the severity of the mental illness that these individuals end up in a situation that results in becoming homeless in the first place.
One possible method of addressing this issue of social concern is to take a group of concerned individuals, comprised of volunteers, doctors, therapists, and social workers who would all work together with these individuals to show them what resources are available to them and how they can best avail themselves of those resources. In the introductory phase of the group, the individuals that comprise the group, the doctors, therapists, social workers, and volunteers would all work together to determine the best target population to start with; a look at the different areas where the homeless congregate, as well as the types of people who make up this population would serve as a way to best address this goal.
Once the target area has been determined, the group members would, through the use of their individual specialties, work with the members of the homeless population who suffer from mental illness, and based upon their affliction, determine the appropriate resources they would need in order to best meet the goal of improving the quality of life for the patients as well as working to get them back into being productive members of society.
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