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When Friend Forgets to Pay Back Loans - Personal Statement Example

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Very often, we do come across situations that leave us exasperated. One cannot really fathom how to really stride the path when emotions get intertwined with obligations, responsibilities and ambitions…
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When Friend Forgets to Pay Back Loans
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R.Preeti 26/4/2007 PROCESS ESSAY Very often, we do come across situations that leave us exasperated. One cannot really fathom how to really stride the path when emotions get intertwined with obligations, responsibilities and ambitions. Friendship they say, remains good until money becomes a part of it! This is true, and such situations need to be handled with care.If a friend of mine does not repay the loan, I will have no option but to confront him in a peaceful and amicable manner.

Firstly, I would arrange for the both of us to have an open talk. A friendly and confiding talk can bridge the gap that the unpaid loan has brought in. Next, I would ask him for the reason that had prevented him form keeping up his word. I shall help him take me into confidence and confide in me about his position or circumstance. By treating him with courtesy and not intending to spoil our friendship, I would also talk to him openly about my dilemma.

The fact that I am in a financial crunch and in bad need of the sum would be explained to him in a very amicable manner.Next, I would go no to tell him that if not for this crunch, I wouldn't have been hell-bent and too strict with the dates of repayment. I would politely but strictly tell him to repay it within a week at the maximum. This way, I would not only consolidate our friendship, but would also make it a win-win situation for him and me.

He would get an extension of week, but no further. I would get my sum back within a week and not beyond that. This would help do away with uncertainty and would help us remain confidants.

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