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Information Technology - Questions to be answered - Essay Example

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Neural networks belong to a more general class of processing systems, parallel distributed processors, and neurocomputing is a special case of Parallel Distributed Processing, or PDP, whereby processing is done in parallel by a number of independent processors and control is distributed over all processes…
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Information Technology - Questions to be answered
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Expert systems (in general all symbolic systems) and neural networks are two "rival" approaches to Artificial Intelligence, both having different application areas within this scope. expert system design may take months of gathering information and testing. On the other hand, a neural network may be designed and trained in a few days after most examples related with the domain are gathered. A good rule of thumb is if the rules are not well defined and there is a lot of training data then use neural network approach.

If there are no examples available then a classical expert system approach may be taken. Apart from this, there are of course other criteria for deciding which approach to follow: Expert system technology is a mature and well expressed technology which is currently available. it can be stated that the desire for increased knowledge has brought expert systems out of the research laboratories into the office. Expert systems are good at procedural types of problems such as strategy, scheduling, and teaching.

They are better than manuals because they ask the user only relevant information, they incorporate past experience into solving the problem, and they answer questions about their reasoning process [17]. Data warehousing can ensure that a company remains profitable as. 2. Summarize how a data warehouse might become a survival issue for a companyData warehousing can ensure that a company remains profitable as it can help businesses and consumers cut through the chase and provide a more meaningful service to both consumer and business, or they can be used in such a way as to harm the business, the consumer or both.

With this potentially tremendous power comes tremendous responsibility.Companies that choose to engage in data warehousing activities should have in place not only a technical team for implementation, but also a sound data security policy as well as an ethical use policy. These policies should be made available to the consumers whose information is stored within the warehouse.The following table summarizes the seven myths and counter-myths discussed in this paper, organized by value to the consumer, business and society as a whole.

Source: (Joseph Cazier and Ryan LaBrie, 7 Myths of Common Data Warehousing Practices: An examination of consumer, business and societal value. 2003)3. ERP, CRM and other behemoth conceptual information systems represent behemoth physical systems. Compare and contrast whether or not such behemoth conceptual systems inhibit an organization's physical system and its ability to be agileThe phrase "agile organization" refers to an organization that can respond in a real-time enough fashion to situations that impact the health and well-being of the organizations and its stakeholders.

Becoming "agile" typically involves a combination of process re-engineering as well as the deployment of application, infrastructure and management capabilities with the goal of taking time and cost out of business processes, while improving the quality of these

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