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The Cases of Identity Theft - Essay Example

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"The Cases of Identity Theft" paper achieves baseline information on the cases of identity theft and the determination of the knowledge of the public regarding the crime that concerns every member of the population. The study was undertaken through the integration of the reaction of the population…
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The Cases of Identity Theft
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IDENTITY THEFT A Study on Identity Theft In APA Style Identity Theft No one can contest a fact of disrespect to the rights of another is a form of crime for every human being has his own rights. In this note, a crime of disrespect that robs the right of a person over his or her own finances and identity is in great need of resolution. Identity theft is one of the most prevalent crimes of modern times. It can be considered as one of the fraud cases wherein important information are accessed by people that wrongly utilize them for financial purposes. The groups that perpetuate such crimes are responsible for performing financial transactions that are unknown to the person. Basically, the crime is undertaken through the access of information such as Social Security Number, bank account or credit card number. Through the knowledge of such information a staggering effect on the life of the victim occur specifically the credit and finances (Department of Justice, 2006). The knowledge regarding the methods on the crime of stealing one's identity can be considered as of the most essential weapon. Protection of one's property, in the present time, does not limit the material possessions, but key information that can access valuable materials. Due to the fact that the present era can be considered the era of information, thus, the data gathered can be equated to monetary units (Federal Trade Commission, 2006). In the increasing prevalence of this type of crime, an overview both informative and descriptive in nature can be an important exploration to be able to contribute to the knowledge of the public and also for information dissemination. In this note, the objectives of the research that was undertaken is to achieve a baseline information on the cases of identity theft and the determination of the knowledge of the public regarding the crime that concern every members of the population. Research Methodology The issue regarding the crime that can affect every member of the population was studied in line with the opinions and the experiences of a sample population. The study was undertaken through the integration of the reaction of the population and the knowledge that they possess regarding the topic. Through the determination of the opinions of the representative of the population, primary data was gathered. A. Sampling Process The process of data gathering covers certain groups in the population. In this particular study a particular group of citizen was chosen to represent the public. This is done to be able to determine the primary reactions of the public in relation to the topic of interest. Opinions were gathered regarding the identity theft as a crime. This can measure the basic knowledge of the sample population regarding the issue along with their outlook on the issue. In the research conducted specifically, it was aimed to explore the knowledge regarding identity theft and the misuse of information. There are certain techniques that can be employed to be able to achieve the desired amount and quality of data. The sampling process can be undertaken in various ways. One type of sampling is the simple random sampling. This employs randomization process such as drawing the names of the possible respondents or through the use of random numbers to be able to determine the respondents for the survey. Another type is the stratified random sampling. In this method, the possible respondents are first divided into groups. Within each group simple random sampling are employed. Though the segregation of the population into groups the study can establish a background characterization sample space that can result to a more directed data gathering (Davis, 2002). Another is the proportionate sampling which is a sampling technique that requires the proportion of the stratified group that corresponds to that of the sample population. There are surveys that do not employ sampling process. The non-probability sampling is the type of survey that does not use sampling. It is mainly used in the preliminary study of the population that can be covered by the research process. The initial study in the research process can be one of the three different types which include the 'convenience' process, the 'self-selected' process and the 'snowball' sampling. 'Convenience sampling' is the type which is done on the basis of the accessibility to the sample population. It usually includes the factor of the availability of the sample population. It measures the ease of data gathering mainly based on the proximity and the availability of data required. 'Self-selected sampling' is a type wherein the member of the population themselves have an option on whether to be included in the survey research or not. This type can base mainly on the reception of the members of the population. The 'snowball sampling' networks respondents through other respondents. It gathers and includes the people related to the members of the sample population such as relatives, acquaintance or members of the groups to where the person belongs (David, 2002). The essential factor in the survey research is the questionnaires thus it is the primary step undertaken in the process. The preparation of the questionnaires that is needed to be able to achieve the data required. The strategy in the question construction and arrangement is important to achieve and maintain the interest and the impartiality of the respondents. In the conducted research, the simple random sampling was used. Sampling was undertaken in choosing 50 respondents composed of those that are most susceptible to identity theft such as employees and people that do transactions on the internet and also those that are least susceptible. A notion to consider though is the fact that every members of the population is subject to the crime. The respondents belong to different age classes that became the basis of the stratification in the presentation of the results. Simple random sampling is done due to the fact that the sample population is chosen randomly to answer and achieve results. The chosen respondents were given a set of questionnaires related to the issue. The questions tackle issues on the awareness of the population regarding identity theft, the basics concepts that include perpetuation of the crime, the possible ways of preventing and fighting and policies related to resolving this type of offense. The survey was undertaken through both personal one-on-one interviews telephone conversation. Through the two ways of data gathering samples were taken from people of the local community and even from a different place. This technique enables randomization although inclusion still exit which mainly limits the sample population to residents of the country. Several challenges were encountered during the research process. One of the challenges of data gathering is the encounter with the members of the population that permit inclusion in the study but do not give out information needed. In such cases, the persons that fail to share vital information are excluded in the results. B. Possibility of Bias in the Research Process The application of the principles of the survey process can bring abut primary results. Although this is the case, as other techniques, there are disadvantages. One consideration is the validity of the gathered data. The validity can be affected by different factors. One is the effect that is brought about by the researcher. The respondents commonly have a notion that they have to respond in a certain way that may conform to the expectation of the researcher. They tend to think that they have to answer the questions correctly, not realizing that it is their opinion on the issue that counts and will serve as the basis in the analysis of the research conducted. Another premise is that the fact that population is inclined to agree and give an affirmative reaction regardless of the question that is being asked. This means that respondents tend to feel that the answer that they are giving is the accurate one. Another is the response elicited due to the fact that certain issues that were being asked by the researcher, although some may have the knowledge regarding the topic, their orientation may change in the spur of the moment. A factor that can affect the results of the study is the data analysis is the tendency for a trend in the answer of the population. For this reason, some data were gathered through other forms such as telephone conversation. Results Identity theft is one of the crimes of present times that cause concern due to the effects that it can bring about to the victims. The results of the study conducted basically explore the awareness of the population regarding the issues on identity theft. The opinions and the awareness of the population are essential due to the effects coupled by the knowledge on the issue in relations to the defense and resolution of the problem. The prevalence and the performance of the crime are essential. A. Demography and Characteristics of the Population To be able to establish the results of the study the initial questions asked in the query are aimed to gain background information about the respondents of the survey that was conducted. The population is composed of respondents with age ranging from 16 to 65 years old. Due to the fact that the population was randomly selected the ages wherein the population can posses an account and information utilizable for theft is covered, mainly including the legal age 18 and above. The working age group comprise more 46 out of the 50 respondents of the survey belong to the working age. In terms of the gender of the sample population, there is almost equal number of male and female respondents. B. Awareness on the Definition and the Occurrence of Identity Theft The awareness of the population was determined through the query on their knowledge of the on the meaning and occurrence of identity theft in the society. Based on the results 90 percent of the population, 45 out of 50 respondents, is aware on the occurrence of identity theft although some have limited information. The information that was gathered by the members of the population was either through personal experience or through the different forms of information dissemination. Ten percent of the respondents have experienced the offense and 20 percent have acquaintances that have experienced the crime. They are the remaining part of the population that comprises 80 percent. Others have achieved information through the media and other forms of information dissemination. C. Importance of the Awareness of the Issue The basic knowledge on identity theft, on the other hand, makes the populations aware of the importance of the advocacy against identity theft. The members of the sample population recognize the importance of the awareness in the perpetuation of the crime. The response of the population is inline with the importance of the knowledge of the crime which can be considered essential. The responses that were given can be related to ideas with basis. Half of the population perceived that information dissemination and empowerment of the population is the primary. Thirty percent of the population believes that the awareness of the issue is for stopping and decreasing the occurrence of the crime. One of the reasons that can be perceived is the fact that when the public is aware of the prevention, action and resolution, thus, the people are more empowered in fighting this form of modern crime. In relation to the prevention, people learn act with more precaution specifically in important information such as those that can access financial and other accounts of value (Department of Justice, 2006; Federal Trade Commission, 2006). Through the prevention of the occurrence of the crime, the hazards of the crime can be avoided. In the study that was undertaken by the authorized agencies, the damage that can be attributed to the crime include effects both on the time for effort, specifically more than 100 hrs , on the other hand 330 hrs are required to correct the damage (Identity Theft Resource Center, 2004). The prevention of such occurrence results in the avoidance of the effect of the detrimental effects of the crime. D. The Effects of Identity Theft The damages that can be incurred through the identity theft have no limit. The members of the sample populations sighted different cases that can be considered as one of the negative effects of the perpetuation of the crime but all of the sighted effects can be attributed as related to financial purposes. Results of the survey showed that 95% of the population believed that the ID theft was financially related. Although most of the effects are related to financial aspects in fact 66 % of the reported victims in 2004 have been affected through their financial resources such as credit lines. On the other hand, 28% were affected through accounts such as mobile phone service and other ways that can affect the life of the victim (Identity Theft Resource Center, 2004). The non-financial effects include use of legal documents such as licenses. The repercussions of the case are not limited on the crime itself but on the time and effort that can be attributed to the correcting and straightening the fraud. Other effect that are also included which were mentioned by the respondents are destruction of reputation of the victim and difficulty in attaining employment. The financial effects as well as the moral damages can be a challenge to face. Some of the perpetrators of the crime were discovered to have been emphatic connection to the victim or even parallelism in the way of life which may result in robbing the life and living it through fraud (Federal Trade Commission, 2006; Identity Theft Resource Center, 2004). E. Common Target of Identity Theft Based on the result of the survey that was conducted, 46 out of 50 respondents or 92 percent were convinced that the crime is limited to people with accessible financial lines and account. Due to the fact that the Social Security number is used for creating accounts, every member of the public should be aware. People of different ages are susceptible to the crime of ID fraud. Aside from the financial benefits that can be achieved in committing the crime, there are other cases wherein the parent of a child uses the information to access different forms of benefits (Federal Trade Commission, 2006). The offences can take place through the different ways of access. Some of the situations can lead to attaining important information are stalking, tracking the garbage of the victim, and interviews done by different personalities pretending to be members of a particular agency of group. An important consideration is safety at home and even at the workplace. Precaution is a must specifically in protection of important information that can be equated to finances (Department of Justice, 2006). It can be surmised any age group can susceptible to this type of crime, thus, knowledge is essential to fighting the crime. F. Effective Ways of Prevention of the Crime One of the most important is keeping the essential information and not placing them in hand carry objects and preventing use of the said information for passwords that can be decoded by the people that can use them for their benefit. Another is the safe disposal of trash with precaution on legal documents especially those with the essential information such as Social Security number and credit card number (Federal Trade Commission, 2006). Preparation of precautionary measures to be arranged with the financial and credit companies such as information that can be used as password if ever transactions are made over the phone is important. Conversation with unknown people pretending to be from different agencies must be prevented. In going out of the house, important documents are the priority. Keeping them with care will prevent the owner from being susceptible to any type of fraud. The regular request of credit and financial reports is also essential to be able to keep track of the transactions made and not made, an indication of possible theft (Department of Justice, 2006). On the basis of the ways that are known to prevent the occurrence of the crime, the respondents gave the most important but the basic way of prevention, protection of the information and vigilance on the ways wherein these information can be accessed, which received the approval of 20 of the 50 respondents. On the other hand, the proper disposal and the vigilance of protection of information in the workplace is considered of primary importance by 30 % of the population each. G. Primary Action for Resolution All of the members of the population are aware of the fact that the assistance of the authorities is needed in finding solution and acting on the problem, a hundred percent perceived that reporting the incidence is the most important action that is needed to be undertaken. Although the awareness is there most of the respondents are unaware of the agencies that are contacted in cases of fraud and ID theft. Based on the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, the primary authority in cases of ID theft is the Federal Trade Commission. The suspected misuse of the Social Security number is reported to the Social Security Administration. On the other hand, another important consideration in cases of misuse of credit accounts is contacting the three major credit companies namely the Equifax, the Experian and the Trans Union. These are important ways undertaken to be able to cease the extraction of funds on the name of the victim. Upon the knowledge of the crime passwords and access information is in need to be altered (Department of Justice, 2006; Sovern, 2004). I. Possible Motives for the Occurrence of the Crime In the determination of the possible motives for committing crime, 48 percent of the respondents perceived that the people that commit the said crime are criminals that already have done other forms of crime. The other part of the respondents, 52% points out the financial motives due to the fact that finances suffer the hardest blow in this form of crime. The results can be compared to the result of the study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission. The results point out economic reasons as the main motives in committing ID theft and fraud (Federal Trade Commission, 2006). J. Potential Hindrances in Solving and Preventing the Identity Theft Respondents site certain hindrances that are considered to be reasons for the unreported occurrence of this type of crime. Of the 50 respondents, 35 perceived that reporting the crime can be a hindrance due response of the police. The remaining 15 respondents view that there is limited knowledge on the authorities that should be contacted aside from the police. Studies by different groups confirmed this view. It is mainly the response of the authorities specifically the police that in most cases disregard the importance of attention given to the victim. Another is misunderstanding also with the authorities and the misguided and misinformation due to lack of information dissemination regarding the issue (Federal Trade Commission, 2006). K. Proximity of ID Thieves to the Victims One of the main notions that are needed to be understood is the relationship of the victim to the criminals. Based on the results of the study, people that commit this type of crime are commonly a stranger to the victim, 60% respondents. The remaining respondents viewed that the perpetrators are known by the victims or information may intentionally or unintentionally given by people related to the victim. Studies conducted prior to the survey revealed that the information can be achieved from people that are closely related to the victim. An example that can be sited is the access of information through the people in the same workplace. This is confirmed in the study by the Identity Theft Resource Center (2004). L. Importance of Safety on the Internet The internet and transactions that are undertaken through the cyber interface can be considered as one of the method undertaken by the identity thieves. Similar to the safeguarding of the information in communication through the phone and in public documents, all of the respondents of the survey process recognize the importance of safeguarding important information especially in transactions made through the internet. The respondents are 100% aware of the use of internet to perform the crime. These include credit card number and Social Security numbers that are not needed on most cases in making transactions. The results are comparable to the study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission (2006). M. Preventive Methods of Companies and Service Providers In case of businesses, a total of almost $50,000 was losses in 2004 attributed to the cases of ID theft (Federal Trade Commission, 2004). In relation to this, only 20 percent of the respondents gave opinions on possible precaution. This is related to keeping company information to be able to prevent access by ID thieves. Based on the study by Federal Trade Commission, it is important to contact authorities and have cooperative relationship with the authorities to be able to prevent and provide protection to the whole organization (2004). Precautions that are required from the companies, businesses and organizations are similar to the actions required from the private individual, the vigilance and the proper protection of information that can be used by criminals to commit fraud. N. Government Action and Policies Regarding Identification Theft The increasing impact of ID theft in the business transactions have been identified by the state and the authorities. In relation to the situation, the government acted out on the problem through the establishment of organization that will act upon this form of crime. The result of the study reveals the inadequacy of the awareness of the public regarding the action of the government. Almost 95 percent of the population was not aware of the specific organization that can act on the problems of ID theft. The Identity Theft Task Force, The Department of Justice Fraud Section Criminal Division and the Federal Trade Commission along with the different groups such as the Social Security and the major credit groups work on the concerted effort to prevent, detect and resolve cases of identity theft. References Davis, J. (2002). Types of research methods. Psychological Research Methods 2. Retrieved November 9, 2006, from: The document is a published collection of the different types of research methods. The reference is a utilizable guideline for conducting a research study. It describes the different types along with the advantages and the individual uses. The essential concepts are described in an informative manner and even instructional to be able to serve as a guide. Department of Justice. (2006). Identity Theft and Fraud (A Publication available from U.S. Department of Justice: Fraud Section, Criminal Division. The article mainly based on the information regarding identity theft and identity fraud. It tackles different areas of the subject including the ways to that the crime can be undertaken; the policies related to the resolution of the crime specifically the authorities; the methods that can protect the public such as ways to identify the occurrence of identity theft and fraud; and the groups and organizations that can provide support in case of the occurrence of the crime. Federal Trade Commission (2004). FTC Facts for Business: Information Compromise and the Risk of Identity Theft: Guidance for Business. The reference is produced by the Federal Trade Commission that targets the dissemination of information on different organizations and businesses. This is an action to the increasing occurrence of identity theft that derives information in the workplace. Also, the workplace comes second in the places wherein important data that can be utilized for fraud can be located. The type of information presented in the reference can be considered essential for the establishments to protect subordinates Federal Trade Commission (Producer). (2006). Avoid Theft: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft [Video]. (Available from A video produced by the Federal Trade Commission is aimed to be able to inform the public regarding the realities related to identity theft. The presentation tackles the experiences of the victims Identity Theft Resource Center (2004). Identity Theft: The Aftermath 2004. Retrieved November 9, 2006, from: A document released by the Identity Theft Resource Center, whose main advocacy is to be able to provide information through data gathering of resources related to the issue. Aftermath is one of the important documents by the group that tackles the status of the crime in relation to the effects, the perpetuation and the different actions undertaken to resolve the crime. It is an important reference on the topic due to the presentation of statistical data that can be considered essential to the study. Langenderfer, J. and Linhoff, S. (2004). Identity Theft Legislation: The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 and the Road Not Taken. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38 (2), 204. The article concentrates on the legislation and the actions undertaken by the government regarding the issue. The steps taken are mainly on the credit related transactions. This is for the protection of both parties from the financial fraud of the criminals. Sovern, J. (2004). Stopping Identity Theft. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38(2), 233. An article focuses on the fight against identity theft and also the ways of prevention in the view of the market transactions. It can be considered important for information dissemination and further reading. Stafford, M. R. (2004). Identity Theft: Laws, Crimes, and Victims. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38(2), 201. The article is essential in terms of the different aspects of the issue on identity theft to be considered. It discusses the legal terms and views, the definition of the crime itself and the victims and the different factors surrounding them. United States Office of the Press Secretary (2006). Executive Order: Strengthening Federal Efforts to Protect Against Identity Theft. The reference is a document by the government that description of the actions undertaken by the government to solve the crime of identity theft and fraud. This is the main source of the legal data related to the topic. The legal aspect of the research process and the action of the authorities can be considered an essential facet of the issue. Appendix Questionnaire 1. How old are you 18 to 25 26 to 30 31 to 36 37 to 41 41 and over 2. Are you aware of the crime on identity theft Yes No 3. Have you ever been a victim of identity theft Yes No 4. If your answer to item 3 is yes, how many times 1 to 2 times 3 to 4 times 5 to 6 times More than 6 times 5. What do you think there is the primary reason for a need for knowledge and information about identity theft For the prevention of the crime For stopping and decreasing the occurrence of the crime For the information dissemination and empowerment of the population 6. What do you think are the major effects of ID theft to the victims Financial effects Non-Financial effects Both 7. Who do you think are the most common target of identity thieves People with accessible financial accounts Every member of the population 8. What methods do you think can be the primary effective method in preventing the occurrence of this type of crime (choose on the basis of importance) Protection of important and accessible information on different transactions Protection of the important documents especially upon disposal Protection of important information in the workplace 9. What do you think is the primary action that should be undertaken to be able to prevent identity theft Report the incident to the authorities and cancel transactions performed by the theft Wait for further updates on the action of the theft before reporting the incident Perform your own investigation 10. What motive can you perceive to be the possible reasons of identity theft Crimes such as ID theft are performed by criminals that are used to doing this kind of crime Financial reason is the primary factor None of the above 11. What are the possible hindrances that prevent victims to report the cases of identity theft The response and attention given by the police Lack of information on the authorities to contact regarding the issue None of the above 12. Are identity thefts mostly acquaintance or unfamiliar person not known by the victim Know the victim A stranger to the victim Indirectly connected to the victim 13. Are you aware that the internet can be an alley of ID theft Yes No 14. Do you know possible preventive measures can be applied by companies and service providers Yes No 15. Are you aware of actions that are undertaken by the government against identity theft Yes No Read More
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