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Victimology and Policing - Case Study Example

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Yasaf is a young girl living and working in Yorkshire. She was born in Britain. 18 years before, her parents moved from Nigeria and settled in Yorkshire. Last night, Yasaf was attacked while returning to her home. It was about 6.30 p.m. The incident took place in the bus - upper level - and was caused by two young boys that were drunk…
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Victimology and Policing
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When the rest of the passengers moved towards them, they tried to escape. However, the bus driver was notified to close the doors and the two boys were trapped inside the bus. The police centre was notified about the incident. I, as a police officer, was sent to the area to identify and evaluate the conditions of the incident and provide the necessary support to the victim. We found the offenders in the bus and we arrested them. The victim was in a very bad psychological condition and was not able to describe the incident.

She followed us to the police station where she described the conditions of the. Within short time - in about an hour - Yasaf left the police station with her parents, who were notified for the incident by the police officers. Yasaf and her parents were asked whether they are going to sue the two young boys; they replied negatively. When the police arrived at the place of the incident, the victim was under severe stress and mental trauma. In fact, the trauma was proved to be more psychological than physical.

Apart from a few bruises, the victim did not have any damage in her health; however she was shocked that people in her age treated her in this way without any reason. The police officers were notified on the conditions of the attack which could be more dangerous without the immediate reaction of the other passengers. Her parents were also called and were notified on all the circumstances of the specific event. The victim and her parents decided not to proceed with criminal actions against the young people involved in the specific event.

They only asked the police officers to make appropriate notice to them in order to avoid similar actions in the future. A police officer talked with Yasaf for about 30 minutes. She explained to Yasaf the potential motives of the offenders notifying that there was the case that they reacted in this way because they were drunk.1.3 Circumstances related with the victimYasaf used to travel in the same route every day. She never faced a risk of her life in the

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