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Current issues that deals with accountability in health care Health care is a very complicated duty because it involves lives of people and primarily it should be given outmost concern by the people who are practicing this. People who are engaged in this kind of profession and allied services are deemed accountable in all aspects as lives of depend on them in treating different diseases and dealing with the improvement of health through researches and health care practice in general but there are also people who are exploiting this kind of privileges.
Emmanuel E and Emmanuel L (1996) stated that "Accountability has become a major issue in health care. Accountability entails the procedures and processes by which one party justifies and takes responsibility for its activities. The concept of accountability contains three essential components: 1) the loci of accountability-health care consists of at least 11 different parties that can be held accountable 2) the domains of accountability-in health care, parties can be held accountable for as many as six activities: professional competence, legal and ethical conduct, financial performance, adequacy of access, public health promotion, and community benefit; and 3) the procedures of accountability, including formal and informal procedures for evaluating compliance with domains and for disseminating the evaluation and responses by the accountable parties.
Knowing this premise, we are now aware that there are determinants to know the accountability that surrounds health care. At present there are accountabilities in health care that are necessary to be looked upon. There are those who are taking advantage of the situation in having medical/health care caused by negligence Current issues that deals with accountability in health care 2or own will in having diseases and this problem is deemed as one of the most exploited situation in health care.
For instance in 1999, the Congress had a bill stating that the people in their own negligence would be denied on medical attention in order for the people to be aware of their moves and to protect those who want to gain benefits from insurance company in a wrong manner- both APA and AAP have supported this bill. In the website it is written that "Managed care legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives in October 1999 includes the health plan liability provision strongly supported by both the APA and AAP.
This provision would hold managed care and other health plans legally accountable for harm caused by their own negligent decisions to reduce or deny needed patient care." This is very important considering the fact that there are those who demand health care in which in their own will or negligence have caused accidents and health imbalance. This would make the people refrain from doing things that would harm them and would further cease exploitations in insurance company. These practices resulted into deprivation of access in medicine and in health, lacking of adequate services, receive lack of priorities in upgrading preventive programs in health care.
In the aforementioned cases, it is evident that reforms are needed in satisfying health care for the betterment of the people. Mefford, J. (1994) stated that there is a need for reform in medical practices. At present times, statistics shows that there are still a lot of people who are exploiting health care and there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the kind of services rendered despite the fact that health care services are abundant.References:1) Emanuel E, MD, PhD, and Emanuel L, MD, PhD (1996).
MEDICINE AND PUBLIC ISSUES. What Is Accountability in Health Care Vol 124, Issue no 2, PP 229-2392) Mefford, J. (1994). COST & REIMBURSEMENT ISRSUES IN HEALTH CARE REFORM: How Does Quality Fit In The Quality Messenger, 1(2), 1, 4, 5.4) Smith, M.D., Altman, D.E., Leitman, R., Maloney, T.W., & Taylor, H. (1992). Taking the public's pulse on health system reform. Health Affairs, 11(2), 125-133.
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