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Quantitative Methods in Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management - Research Paper Example

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While there is a definite need to enhance understanding of the global cargo world to avoid strategic errors,one of the primary focus in the current times is operational planning,maturing systems to combat prevailing turmoil and accommodate the growing requirements of Air Cargo transportation …
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Quantitative Methods in Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management
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Quantitative Methods in Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management Affiliation: In the current landscape, aerospace cargo transportation management is synonym to growth for the aviation industry. While there is a definite need to enhance understanding and knowledge of the global cargo world to avoid strategic errors, one of the primary focus in the current times is operational planning, maturing systems to combat prevailing turmoil and accommodate the growing requirements of Air Cargo transportation by optimizing efforts and outputs keeping the future in view.. Following pattern based strategy, analyzing the current trends, forecast and other predictive models, it is absolutely necessary to ensure potentially significant changes and improvements are introduced in cargo transportation management. Appropriate decision making cycle is required today to meet tomorrow's market demands . The key drivers that will dominate the air cargo world in the years to come are its standards, security and seamless movement across borders. This study will highlight the initiatives driven by important governing bodies like IATA, TIACA, Cargo Committee, Cargo Executive Summit to achieve those very goals of optimization and superior standards of cargo management. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 1. Introduction 4 2. Overview - Air Cargo 5 3. Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management 7 4. Quantitative Methods of Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management 8 5. Focus 20 6. Conclusion & Future 21 1. Introduction The primary objectives of this report would be to provide an insight on: Air Cargo Overview Cargo Management - Today and Tomorrow Quantitative Methods - Approach Focus on Optimisation Significant gains in productivity can be achieved through advanced and more efficient IT-support and improved software systems, as well as automated transportation and handling equipment. The primary objective of this study is to reflect a few challenges and to present new insights and successful solutions to operational problems of cargo systems and cargo management. It has to be a collective effort with focus on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as simulation results backed by authorities like IATA, TIACA and others whose initiative are in the interest of the industry. Initiatives are mainly keeping the larger picture in mind, to accommodate globalization of logistics, process complexity, need for fore cast, cost control, operational performance, Air freight company objectives, industry landscape, enhanced technology to support optimization. 2. Overview - Air Cargo Facts from IATA: Air Cargo is a US$50 billion business that transports 35% of the value of goods traded internationally and a critical part of the airline business which, as a whole, is the US$490 billion heart of a value chain that supports 32 million jobs and US$3.5 trillion of economic activity. It is an important industry that is critical to global business. While IATA continues in its endeavour to improve Aviation industry's competitiveness by cutting airport charges, improving fuel efficiency and other initiatives, there is focussed approach as far as Cargo priorities are concerned. Their attempt to simplify the business is already delivering results. E-freight is a reality and their US$28 billion settlement system is the supply chain's financial backbone which will be discussed further in the below sections. Apart from E-freight, their priorities include Cargo Safety, Cargo Security, Cargo and Environment, CASS and agency programmes along with Cargo Standards. It is imperative, IATA's priorities in Cargo Management ideally is the basic outline based on which quantitative methods for Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management have to be developed and implemented. Before there is further detailing on quantitative methods, a quick glance at the key drivers of Cargo world and its potential impact on business are listed below: Reduce operating costs Maintain optimum levels of customer service Effective research and plan to capitalize on the changes within the cargo industry Adjust as per shippers' changing needs Develop or acquire exceptional management tools to improve competitive performance While there are not enough opportunities as of now to properly classify, statistically describe and illustrate all forms of data as access to system information is currently not available, this report will allow to understand and utilize probability rules and theory to formulate answers to common business decisions. Based on the methods described under section 4, it offers an option to understand the probability distribution and base decision accordingly. With one and two sample tests related to proportions, counts, and measures of dispersion in order to make accurate and cost-effective decisions; constructing simple and multiple simulation and regression models; utilizing computer-based statistical software to perform the tasks required will result in an understanding of the use and applications of this content, by minimizing time requirements associated with performing elaborate mathematical calculations. This is subject to data availability from relevant authorities to complete the analysis and derive inferences. 3. Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management It is not possible to plan effectively unless one is aware of current operations and limitations. It is therefore mandatory to collect base line data after thorough operations review from all stake holders in the Aviation Industry related to cargo movement. For key business planning to understand which long-range strategy or method is the best suited for optimum results, it is important to evaluate the transportation pressures brought by each planning outcome and adopt necessary measures for effective execution of the plan. The depth of the recent recession blindsided most businesses. As the economy starts to recover, many business leaders are being pro active rather than reactive to reduce risk and increase growth opportunities. This framework for proactively seeking and acting on trends and patterns currently prevailing in the marketplace, identifying probable results and to identify the disciplines and technologies that assist consistently to adapt and excel is perhaps the best known strategy as of now. The International Air Cargo Association TIACA stands for all major segments of the air cargo supply chain, including airlines, forwarders, airports, ground handlers, all-cargo carriers, road carriers, custom brokers, third party logistic companies, integrators, shippers, aircraft manufacturers and educational institutions. Its members are affected by security protocol of Transport Security Administration (TSA). Their initiative to incorporate the screening mandates established by the implementing recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 is one such pro active measure, being farsighted so that the cargo movement is not affected when the screening mandate is fully implemented in August 2010. TIACA calls on Transportation Security Administration to expedite evaluation of new cargo screening technologies. While the economic uncertainty prevails, together with increased safety, security, and environmental demands, the questions that need to be answered and sorted in these times are those that will drive initiatives regarding Cargo Transportation Management. The economic scenarios need to be considered that the air cargo industry face now and how best to respond to those circumstances positively. There has to be efforts to ensure the air cargo supply chain bounce back from the current recession to deliver results, efficiency and customer value. The cargo transportation management will also be primarily ruled by the need of air cargo supply chain to respond to the increasing security and environmental regulatory demands. While there are efforts now and in months to come by Cargo Committee and Cargo Executive Summit, in public platform and expert forums to focus on developing an industry agenda to tackle these questions by adopting methods to manage aerospace cargo effectively, keeping the current circumstances in view. 4. Quantitative Methods of Aerospace Cargo Transportation Management Businesses can thrive by managing their logistics costs despite the dynamic unforeseen changes and dramatic increases. Situation analysis and proposed solutions can bring desired results. To address the current and future needs of Cargo Management, the cargo industry can reap the benefits of Parcel Shipment Consolidation, manage Shipping Classificationsand several such thought through endeavors along with technology based solutions. A few such methods already in practice are detailed below followed by a few more suggestions to introduce other methods in a structured manner based on current driving forces of the Cargo world All methods that affect Cargo Transportation Management need to be considered to evaluate options and understand quantitative outputs. 4.1 Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems (CASS) IATA's effort to simplify the business of Air Cargo - CASS is an important part of the settlement system. In the last four years the CASS network grew 60%. It now covers 72 countries, handling almost half the business - US$23 billion with a collection rate of over 99.994%. 4.2 e-freight IATA website indicates e-freight will eliminate more than 7,800 tones of paper documents, the equivalent of 80 Boeing 747 freighters and that is one of the most promising methods to manage air cargo transportation. Other benefits would be industry cost savings, speed in terms of reduction in transfer time, accuracy as electronic documents eliminate manual entry errors, online tracking which obviously means better visibility of the cargo movement and tracing. 4.3 Freight Matching Service/ Load Boards The concept of Freight-matching services/load boards is fairly simple. These are primarily Internet-based tools that allow shippers, carriers and forwarders to post shipments or search for freight movement opportunities. Freight matching is the process of matching availability of space with need to move load which supports available freight near the current/planned location or freight headed in the direction carriers intend to travel. Freight-matching services are a way for carriers or shippers to find backhauls and reduce the number of deadhead miles driven. Though the majority of freight is moved under contracts, a certain percentage of freight movements still require spot purchases, which benefits from this tool that allows shippers or freight forwarders to find capacity and space. Furthermore, it facilitates round trips where freight is scheduled to match outbound shipments with return trip. Most often shippers or carriers do not have scheduled loads headed back toward the origin or domicile, and having access to a tool they are able to find shipments headed in the required direction. This saves money and ensures the freight capacity is used more effectively. 4.4 Transport Management System Global logistics must support different modes of transportation with appropriate planning and execution requirements, applications should help automate the movement of goods globally by ensuring that processes are in sync with all the parties involved in the international shipment. International shipments are fairly complex involving multi mode movements in which goods and information flow among many entities, such as suppliers, port operations, governments, air and domestic carriers.. Solutions are changing rapidly because of increase in buyer demands and consideration of global shipping requirements by many big and small enterprises, coupled with the increasing economic pressures to reduce supply chain costs. Even if solutions are not streamlined, they are maturing gradually and its support for international shipping requirements is on the brighter side. Getting accurate source data can assist to cope with increase in demand for international logistics tools that can capture many of the data elements required to support similar global initiatives. Additional insight on Oracle at Transportation Management is provided below: Oracle Transportation Management The Oracle Transportation Management software application is customizable to meet customers' individual needs. Oracle Transportation Management was chosen based on its flexibility, ability to reduce freight costs and increase on time deliveries. Benefits of Oracle Transportation is not limited to saving money , increasing on time deliveries, it also provides visibility of shipments to all concerned with real time shipment status and access levels well in control. It also identifies consolidation opportunities, integrates with warehouse management systems, completely web based and provides automated communication, exception reports and claims resolution. It also assists in consolidating order with own or other companies. Oracle Transportation Management determines the best and most cost effective way to ship an order to meet a customer's requested delivery date and sends the order to the warehouse floor with routing information. This system provides customers complete visibility of inventory in transit and to better control inventory levels. This measure has dual purpose of not just allowing visibility of the cargo movement but also space availability and consolidating shipments. 4.5 Cargo Portals Cargo portals are Internet-based, protected Web sites that enable partners in a transportation community to query air cargo carriers for real-time space availability and pricing, book shipments and track the status of enroute cargo. The portal provides a planning platform. These portals will be popular as the preferred method to have end-to-end visibility into cargo carrier capacity, pricing, booking, enroute status reporting and exception management. 4.6 Global Visibility for TMS - Multimode Global visibility for a transportation management system (TMS) improves connectivity and visibility across facilities, multiple transportation modes, transportation providers, trading partners, suppliers, customers and, eventually, governments. Global visibility enables companies to track and find international orders and shipments across the entire shipment itinerary regardless of the modes used. It assists in detecting event-driven problems early and notify recipients of problems. While visibility is not restricted to international shipping, the complexity, cycle time and number of steps involved in international logistics make visibility more critical in these environments. Event management applications are maturing, but data quality issues remain and connectivity to carriers and other entities - such as suppliers, forwarders, brokers and governments - was relatively difficult, however things are changing now. Electronic Data Interchange: Capturing movement information beyond those entities that are electronic data interchange (EDI)-enabled remains still in embryonic stage. EDI is currently adopted only by large trading partners and needs to be utilized beyond the existing horizon as it continues to be the dominant way for companies to connect with trading partners and ensure cargo management and effective space utilization. 4.7 Radio Frequency Identification An RFID reader is a radio frequency device that emits a signal through an antenna. This signal is received and responded to by the RFID tag. Readers come in various forms. A portal reads tags as they pass through it. A handheld device reads tags in a portable manner. Mounted readers are affixed to mobile assets to communicate with tags. RFID tags are small devices that have a range of capabilities in terms of memory, read range and level of read/write, and contain information ranging from the product serial number to product history. There are two basic categories of tags - passive and battery-enabled. Passive RFID, specifically ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) passive, is the most-common form of RFID system in the logistics market. Numerous applications of RFID have been hyped for inventory management; however, RFID and similar sensory technologies are emerging as a strong asset management tool with the ability to collect information about an asset as it moves through the supply chain, as well as provide asset location visibility. Airlines facing economically challenging conditions will be slow adopters of RFID-enabled management systems for their baggage-handling applications, as well as inventory parts tracking. Many large carriers and shippers will consider RFID-enabled projects because of the global adoption of electronic manifesting. However, standard RFID technologies alone cannot provide long-range geo locating, such as tracking the location of a vehicle miles from its domicile, so what is sought are sensory technologies to intertwine with RFID tags to observe and communicate location and environmental conditions. One trend in this market is the combination of sensory technologies: Sensor-based combinations will become more viable with the standardization of the interface between the tag and the sensor. Major initiatives that use or propose to use this technology will include tracking of assets, loss prevention, inventory management, transportation, logistics, toll payment, traffic management, and transportation asset tracking and control. The impact and business value will vary across industry segments, proposed use, or business solutions and regions. Within an enterprise, the value will be derived from the potential additional benefits of using RFID technologies versus other identification technologies, such as bar coding. In these cases, a cost-benefit analysis should compare the various identification technologies, and RFID should only be chosen if the business case proves it to be the better approach. The grander vision is the value RFID would offer as part of the extended supply chain and logistics challenge, where RFID would be used to track, monitor and facilitate the flows of products and modes of transportation across the global supply chain. To achieve RFID's end-to-end vision, standards must emerge that define the requirements that the system components must follow to operate across enterprises and geographies. For example, global supply chains will require a set of common standards to facilitate proper interchanges of information across all the entities involved in an international shipment transaction. IATA has drafted a recommended practice for the use of passive RFID on cargo containers. 4.8 Supply Chain Analytics Supply chain analytics refers to the methodologies, metrics, activities, processes and systems used to monitor and manage the performance of a portion of a supply chain, including portals, dashboards, key performance indicators, industry templates and business activity monitoring solutions. Supply chain analytics are the tools needed to support supply chain performance management (SCPM) at a departmental or functional level, and are key to monitoring and measuring a supply chain's activities and performance. Basic supply chain analytics will devolve into tactical departmental analytics, while a more-strategic use of supply-chain-oriented performance management will likely replace it with a more end-to-end view of supply chain management (SCM) and product performance management. Supply chain analytics bring about proactive and intelligent management of an enterprise's supply chain functions by using ongoing monitoring and feedback to adjust and fine-tune processes and activities. 4.9 Load Planning - Cargo Service Tracker IATA This might apparently seem a very simple exercise however its consequences are many fold. While there would be technologies to support tracing of cargo location, space availability, rounded trip for cost effective logistics, however the ability to anticipate load volumes is extremely important. Since not having enough far sight would inadvertently delay shipments and will not be in the best of interests for the entities involved in the transaction. Freight movement need to planned well in advance. There are several exporters who have clauses in their export orders regarding mode of shipment. It is also advisable to keep the preferred freight forwarder intimated based on the order shipment date. This would provide data to the transportation planner. A transportation planner might want to forecast load volumes many months in advance to determine whether there is enough committed capacity when needed, or a user might want to evaluate traffic patterns around major metropolitan areas to do a better job of avoiding traffic congestion. 4.10 Air Craft Design There would be continued thoughts and efforts by different authorities and stake holders in Air Cargo industry to introduce methods and implement policies to streamline Aerospace Cargo Transportation. When the time comes for optimization method, one also needs to contemplate about the air craft design that would be structured to primarily address cargo movement seamlessly. According to recent excerpts from the Aerospace world, the method now in focus, implements and improves some previous results of the fully analytical approach which is currently adopted at the state-of-the-art. The fully analytical approach provides the minimum mass solution under buckling and strength constraints, irrespective of other possible design limitations, such as, shell stiffness constraints. As a consequence, the minimum mass solution turns out to be satisfactory whereas other requirements are absent or automatically achieved but, on the contrary, it can drive the final preliminary configuration far from the real optimum. The proposed method implements numerical minimization allowing the designer to easily handle suboptimal configurations which are located in the vicinity of the minimum mass solution. When stiffness requirement is present, as in most cases, the benefit of this approach - in terms of weight saving with respect to the analytical design. An excerpt follows, a practical example. One of the toughest choices freight operators face is deciding how to add new planes or replace aging narrow bodied planes like the 727, at a cost that isn't sky high. At Alcoa-SIE Cargo Conversions, we've landed on the ideal solution. Our 14Plus conversion package is the most cost-effective way to upgrade or modernize your fleet. 14Plus delivers the advantages of the Boeing 757-200 and the advantages of our expertise in aviation structural design, engineering, technology and materials. Here are just a few reasons why you should make 14Plus Boeing 757 cargo conversion part of your flight plan for success: The B757-200 is an ideal conversion platform, with a proven track record as a safe, efficient and reliable workhorse. The twin-engine 757 provides longer range, a larger payload, and significant operational savings over older freight carrying aircraft. Pre-owned 757s are available at competitive prices, making them appealing investment options for cargo conversion. 14Plus converts the 757 into a superior intermediate-sized freighter at a cost below $4 million per unit, which is extremely cost effective. With 14Plus, a fully-converted 757 freighter has a range of 3,000 nautical miles, a basic takeoff weight of 220,000 to 250,000 pounds, over 6,300 cubic feet of cargo space on its main deck, and a structural payload of up to 70,000 pounds. 14Plus employs a simpler design that retains more of the 757's original structure and systems lowering costs, speeding conversion, and minimizing risk. Our 14Plus conversion accommodates 14 standard 88" x 125" pallets on the main deck plus an additional container, with additional freight carried in the lower holds located fore and aft of the wing. Assuming a standard load factor of 75% to 85% - the industry norm - the 14Plus delivers 100% of 15 pallet capability at 20% less cost. 14Plus delivers much greater value. 14Plus leverages the advantages of the Boeing 757-200 while transforming the sturdy passenger plane into a world-class freighter, with 14-plus pallet positions, over 6,300 cubic feet of cargo space on its main deck, and total volumetric payload exceeding 8,200 cubic feet. The package offers an industry-standard cargo loading system, solid 9G barrier, no changes to the flight deck configuration and optional jump seats off the flight deck. 4.11 Initiatives An initiative cannot necessarily be regarded as a method however TIACA's initiatives cannot be ignored in the current Air Cargo scenario. Their efforts mainly revolves around widening market access by the reduction of constraints imposed on air cargo by its dependence on bilateral traffic rights agreement, identify and oppose any new regulations that could increase air cargo operational costs or hamper its performance capabilities. Their initiative includes supporting security measures that are effective, workable, and affordable and create a minimum of disruption to the flow of air cargo that essentially relies on speed. The whole idea is to construct and promote strategies and principles that will reconcile legitimate public concern for sound environmental policies with the continuing need for economic growth, supported by competitive airfreight services, particularly in developing economies. To protect the interests of all relevant parties and secure consistent progress in the efficiency and integrity of relevant regulatory agencies, especially customs services and raise industry performance standards has been in the agenda of TIACA for some time now. Identifying key drivers in the air freight sector, assessing potential impact if the most important factors of cargo movement are not addressed timely and effectively, conceptualizing new methods and streamlining existing ones to mitigate negative effects will apparently be a futile effort, if adequate measure and initiatives are not taken towards regulatory constraints. TIACA's constant endeavor supports the approach to take care of such bottle necks. 5. Focus There can be no industry that can function on its own with out dependency. There are several possibilities and combined efforts across industries and sectors that make a particular initiative successful. The success of any quantitative method primarily depends upon a few factors and are influenced by a few other factors, either latent or unforeseen, within the Aviation industry or outside. Some of them are listed below to understand dependencies and influences which are the probabilities in the business environment. Dependency Cargo trends and forecasts - All businesses and enterprises involved in cargo movement E-opportunities - Access, awareness, adaptability Freight Volumes - Prediction across industry Capacity Versus Yields - Efforts of the Air freight stake holders Decisions influenced by Delivery of a competitive product - Example high air freight cost affects the price of a leather bag being exported, which in turn influences the exporter to consider other modes of transportation to stay competitive or offer reasonable pricing to their customers. Quality control in cargo operations - Safety, Security, Quality issues are deciding factors for every enterprise that are engaged in cargo movements business, either directly or in the name of large orders or equipments sales lower operating costs while improving service levels - This aspect has been emphasized enough and by now, it is an unspoken truth that they are perhaps most important factors to be considered while doing business The developments have been gradual in the air cargo industry. The improvement in air freight volumes predicted by leading indicators has occurred, albeit at a slow pace, as reduced de-stocking generates some uplift in industrial production. The entire cycle is interdependent and valuing those critical factors, like appreciating the constraints and dependency of other businesses that utilize air freight for their cargo movement, their urgency to have their shipment on time, their need to keep their clients informed about the status of shipment while in transit, the huge inclination for better customer service using trustworthy, capable and reliable freight forwarders are day to day aspects that need to be considered while charting out plans and working on initiatives to better the cargo world. Keeping other's business priorities in mind should be one of the key drivers to plan future initiatives to dominate the cargo world. 6. Conclusion & Future There are a few factors that is generic to the overall logistics and transportation world and Air Cargo can be no exception. Globalization of logistics is not a buzz word in modern times but a reality to be dealt with. Apart from the quantitative methods discussed in the previous sections, most important factor that is potential pointer to be looked at for the future of Cargo Movement are advance planning capability. The use of forward looking predictive modeling tools in this context is relatively new and adequate capabilities are yet to be built. Some TMS vendors are adding, forward-looking planning capabilities, such as freight forecasting, tactical planning and transportation network design. So there is dependency on the application that facilitates advance-planning capabilities, Raw Simulation Tools, Optimization Engines and consider External conditions such as traffic patterns and economic models Multiple subcomponents make up a comprehensive TMS across planning and optimization (for example, load consolidation, routing, mode selection, carrier selection), execution (such as tendering loads to carriers, shipment track and trace, freight audit and payment), and visibility and performance management (for example, global visibility, event management, business activity monitoring, track and trace, and analytics) Global logistics applications help automate the movement of goods globally by ensuring that processes are synchronized with all the parties involved in the international shipment. Market Trends New emerging technologies and applications are helping businesses to challenge conventional enterprise and "value chain thinking." This wave of thought through approach and innovation is supporting to generate new growth for providers of TMS solutions. A number of forces are impacting the TMS market, and these forces will likely shape it moving forward. Market Influences Market influences shape an industry's strategy and modus operandi. Dealing with current constraints is a survival concept which can probably assist in facing the tide but not necessarily reach the shore. A number of forces are impacting the market for Transport Management System applications which is integrated to the air cargo world and is likely to shape its future: Favoring SaaS (Software as a Service) TMS solutions is the emerging notion of trading partner networks. These networks are composed of numerous carriers and are expanding to include suppliers and customers. As SaaS TMS vendors add trading partners to their platforms, the partners become immediately available, at little to no added cost, to current and future clients. New capabilities are enabled through the notion of the network, such as carrier portals that allow shippers and carriers to collaborate - from source through settlement. The value of creating a network is nascent, and we can safely anticipate more-innovative capabilities to emerge. Pressure is growing for more adaptive and dynamic infrastructures that yield greater agility, flexibility, transparency and responsiveness, especially given the more virtual supply chain nature inherent with transportation. Multiple options for TMS deployment (on-premises, outsourcing, hosting, SaaS and so on) are helping to accelerate growth and expand the addressable market. Optimization Solution What can be viewed as success in a particular industry fades out with changing times. With consistent efforts to understand the cargo world and its future, what needs to be an ongoing process is the research and development concept not just at an authority level but at granular level. The stake holders in the freight world are the spokesperson for the future. The concerns they voice need to be listened to with a keen ear and the broader picture of those concerns have to be watched with a critical eye and . They are the field operators and the best way to do a reality check is to keep their views in focus. It is important to formulate the qualitative factors that it will need to evaluate its possible solutions after it has looked at financial measurements. Develop Short-Term Solutions Vs Strategic Solutions Perform Cost/ Benefit Analysis with tentative time frame Specify the Strategy Plan Define costs and benefits in terms of implementation costs, forecasted benefits, and the time frames needed to implement each initiative Prioritize solutions based on those with the greatest potential for rapid payback Establish a time line for implementation Plan Implementation Strategy Involve stake holders and authorities to finalize and fund project Research based on current trends and future forecast Identify Team to work on such initiatives from across the list of interested parties that hail from various corporations. The team should develop a plan-aptly referred to as a road map-that can be used to reduce transportation costs. The team should summarize its recommendation, and then prepare a final report and presentation for the company's leadership team. The report should include a path forward for implementing the plan. The team should: Translate future transportation improvements into initiatives Define the initiatives in terms of the steps required to implement them, the human and financial resources needed, and the time needed to implement The team can either take ownership the following deliverables as well or share responsibility regarding Determining the best implementation strategy Monitoring the Execution/ Implementation Measure results with expectations and fine tune strategy The efficient movement of product through effective transportation management offers the greatest opportunity to reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. Success, however, comes not by developing and implementing measures for today and tomorrow but by continuously engaging in optimizing efforts. A method that is adopted today and brings desired results as anticipated might not be the best of method for the future. Research should continue to test hypothesis and results based on trends and future, with social relevance and business interests as target objectives. Cited Work Website of The International Air Transport Association (IATA) - Website of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Website of The International Air Cargo Association - Excerpts from the following site under section Air Craft Design Additional References Articles Journals and Reports Scientific and Technical Aerospace reports - Read More
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