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The influence of Western Cultural Values on how we see art (Upper Division Art Class) - Essay Example

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Art has been a focal point for a variety of cultures since the history of time. It is an expression of how a race or a group of people perceive themselves in relation with the world around them. In this context, an important premise remains the fact that art is born from within and from influences that come from the outside…
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The influence of Western Cultural Values on how we see art (Upper Division Art Class)
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(Brown, 2005; P 2 - 4). The volume has conceptualised the way art has been seen and used since 1985 with the advent of mass media and especially the Internet. This conceptualisation has reached a phase where the influx of ideas related with the use of technology and mass media has grown to such heights where it accommodates a whole new dimension of art. It is said that the way something is built has a large bearing on how it is perceived. In the case of art, the use of mass media has accentuated the play of technology to the extent that the very way that an art form is conceptualised depends on the factors that are a part of the culture surrounding it.

Since 1985, the play of mass media has begun on a note that has created the scope to create art beyond what has been seen in the conventional sense. The rise of technology has been accentuated by the west. Technology has come from the west and is associated with the west. Thus, an important premise here is that most of world sees western culture as an amalgamation of technology along with an ethic that is associated with the same. (Brown, 2005; P 2 - 6) Communication forms in the form of electronic, print and other media has had a major role in deciding how western culture is perceived to begin with.

(Brown, 2005; P 4). Thus, art has been accepted in context of these communication forms that dominate the various resources in the world. Technological innovations are a matter of providing newer and better insights into the way various elements around us are perceived. This has had a large bearing on the way western culture is perceived to start with. This in turn, affects the fact that we associate art with western culture as well. This associative mode has a bearing on the relationship between western cultural values and the way art is perceived.

Structural ImplicationsIn this paper, the effect of western cultural values has been studied as an influence on art forms. This has been done through the definition of individualism in two structures. These are, a Sumerian figure, the Greek Apollo, the Gothic Jamb figure. These figured have been used from the book titled Art and Mass Media. These figures have been studied as the structural implications of the affect of western cultural values on the way we see art. This is a part of the associative mode that is an important premise in this paper.

Individualism is an important part of western culture. This is apparent in the fact that technology is an important part of the way people in the west lead their lives. This gives rise to a sense of independence in everyday living which in turn supports the feeling of individualism in the way people lead their lives. This individualism has been connected with the three figures that are being studied. As discussed above, building and perceiving are inter related concepts. This has been discussed as 'making' and 'matching' in Art and Mass Media.

(Brown, 2005; P 4). This concept of 'making' and 'matching' is an important concept in the space within which a structure is conceptualised. This is apparent in the first figure - the standing male figure from ancient Sumer. The space and form within which the art form has been created shows that there is a disparity between

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