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Ethics in Criminal Justice - Essay Example

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Justice is the process of providing the appropriate treatment or verdict for a particular deed or crime, in the context of criminal justice. It is not merely the concept of egalitarianism that comes into the picture, but is also inclusive of morality and ethics…
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Ethics in Criminal Justice
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ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE R. PREETI 15/9/2007 Discretion, duty, honesty, and loyalty - which do you think is the most important and least important Explain your answer.Justice is the process of providing the appropriate treatment or verdict for a particular deed or crime, in the context of criminal justice. It is not merely the concept of egalitarianism that comes into the picture, but is also inclusive of morality and ethics. Therefore, ethics in criminal justice is a very imperative aspect in the provision of or exemption from punishment for crimes.

In this scenario, according to me, being dutiful is the most important quality one needs to possess, as a justice personnel. When a convict or a person charged and accused of committing a crime approaches a criminal justice personnel; this is the main quality that the latter needs to possess. Performing one's duty, which is that of administering justice or striving to obtain justice for an innocent convict in this case, is of prime importance.

When the justice personnel is dutiful towards his professions and maintains the ethics and morals of criminal justice, he automatically begets qualities like honesty and loyalty, since he is committed to performing his Duty sincerely. Discretion comes by, in the process too, as he becomes well aware in the process of differentiating right from wrong, while catering to his Duty. Thus, being dutiful is the most important quality, as it brings along with it, a multi-quality persona!2) Submit your research topic for approval.

The topic for my research is Ethics governing Cyber Laws. The advent of the Internet has created a revolution worldwide and has made life easy for man. However, there are numerous problems and ethical issues cropping up globally, due to the undeniable access and percolation of the Internet into almost every sphere of our activity. This is where Cyber Laws and their ethical application come into the picture. With a rise in the number of cyber crimes like hacking, impersonation and the like, one needs to acquaint oneself with Cyber Laws and their functionalities.

So much so, 'netiquette' and 'cybercitizenship' are the new buzz words. In fact, the New York Times on April 23, 2000 reported that, "We are in a horse race with kids who have grown up computer skills and teenage ethics". Another poll conducted said that 48% of the children did not consider hacking a crime!Cybercrime has personalized varied perceptions. While the internet is lauded as the no-bar, completely transparent global netvironment, how does one categorize certain practices as unethical and perhaps, even pave way for criminal charges against them If a university student downloads an essay from a website, does it have to necessarily qualify as plagiarism and illegal or can it still be ethical Copying a template structure of a website need not qualify as unethical, but sometimes it does.

So, one is perplexed as to the clarity in terms of boundaries and laws governing the cyber world. In such a circumstance, it is an uphill task to qualify an act as unethical!The Government has been very vociferously trying to categorise certain cyber acts as unethical. For instance, hacking into an individual's account and thereby, accessing personal and professional information can play havoc in the concerned individual's life.

If downloading a set of essays is simple, it is simpler to read through the terms and conditions, the privacy policy and also the plagiarism conditions of one's university! This way, one can set rules and regulations regarding the 'ethical' utilization of the internet. Ethics regarding the cyber world need to emerge from individual perceptions of what it means to snoop around or barge into the others' lives, even in the virtual world.

It is said that one's freedom ends where the other person's nose begins. Modifying it a bit, one can say, one's freedom ends, where the other person's mouse starts clicking in the virtual world. Therefore, individual ethics and a combined consensus of these can help the Government frame laws and grounds of ethics with regard to the Cyber World.References'Cyber Ethics and Cyber Crime',

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