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Professional Values and Ethics - Essay Example

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The essay "Professional Values and Ethics" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in professional values and ethics. Reality is defined as – which persists. That, which exists in all periods, remains the same in the past, present, and future…
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Professional Values and Ethics
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"All the world is a stage And all the men and women - mere players. They have their exits and their entrances". William Shakespeare Reality is defined as - which persist. That, which exists in all periods of time, remains the same in past, present and future. Does our present world fulfill the definition of reality Since we do not experience the same world in our dream state and any of the worlds are not present in the deep sleep state so it can not be real. We take the world of plurality for its face value. Through deeper reflection and concentrated concentration, better known as meditation, world can be discovered as not existent. In fact "where there is a mind there is a world". So we need to mind our mind which is very source of imaginary world. There must be a changeless entity to perceive the change. We can not experience the motion of the earth since we are part of it. We need to be apart to notice the change. Since I am noticing the changes in my body, mind and intellect, I cannot be any of these. Then who am I Revealing this mystery will be the ultimate source to experience the absolute bliss within. The real progress is advancement towards the source. The world is in a state of constant flux and everything is in the struggle to acquire its original state. The greatest of scientific discoveries confirm that the object will remain in motion till it regains its original status. In the light of the above, without exception, we are in constant pursuit of happiness in and from the world. If we are seeking absolute peace and permanent happiness, than we are peace and happiness personified. But this is easier said than done. In a way we are living in spiritual slums and the higher degrees of happiness, ecstasy and bliss elude us.. A thought always precedes the action. It is not vice versa. So to improve the quality in action we must improve the quality of thoughts. An action is only the manifestation of the thought, and not only that, the thought lends the very strength to the action. In fact there can be no action without a thought behind. "As we think, so shall we become" is the applicable law. We are aspiring for a better world, but unconsciously the means applied are not constructive. Reforming the world beyond any doubt is required but, remember, charity begins at home. Subjectively reformations will be more effective. Since the world is the projection of the mind, and if the world is needed to be improved to enhance the quality of experiences, we should sanitize our minds. We should work on the projector for a change in the projection. We have to have a clam mind to be serene. We should not agitate the world and at the same time get agitated by the world. We should not be carried away by the apparent names and forms at the expense of underlying common reality. For me every body is a God playing a fool, simply because God being omnipresent. Where is any room for superiority or inferiority when no body is less than God and no one is more than God. Spirit is the core of human personality, like spoke in a wheel, which must regulate the other personality layers - intellectual, emotional and physical. It can not be other way round. Involve! We can not solve! It is but natural to be carried away by the whims and fancies of mind. Objectivity should not be lost and smile should not be compromised. We should be vigilant enough for the massive demand of smile and limited source of supply in the world. Let me be the hub or centre for the supply chain. Smile costs nothing; and being infectious and can do wonders. We always seek the expert opinion in different spheres of our life, like we have so many specialists for different ailments. But when it comes to our mind we lack the awareness. Why should we not, then, seek the expert opinion to run the affairs of mind which is actually the seat of joy or sorrow. The only way to educate the mind is by picking up the higher values which will result in dropping the lower ones. It is rightly said that old habits die hard. We can not renounce our old practices, which are deeply rooted in our society, so easily. To uproot the social evils like inequality, hatred, jealousy, fear, anger and greed we need to assert the universal unity. We need to shake the foundation of the very consciousness to alter our path towards modesty. So many sects, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind Is all the sad world needs In peace Sons burry their father but in war fathers burry their sons. Absolute peace is the goal of all religions. If we do not want to see the world as"where life was" we just need to annihilate all the circumstances of war and make it a war free zone. Nature takes its own course and the laws of nature play an inevitable role for the mankind. There is enough for all man's need but there is a few for a single man's greed. Natural laws for the mankind are to be complied with and not to be ignored. This compliance will serve the basic necessities for one and all. All is well and wisely put. We all have our own roles specified. Dignity should be maintained for one and all irrespective of the nature of role we are playing in this world. There must be a attitude of gratitude for the contribution of any individual, in what ever form it has come for the world. Forget about anything else, millions contribute, for a glass of water that reaches our hand. We need to have a world with dignity for everyone irrespective of caste, creed, color, religion or even occupation. We can raise above all temptations and weaknesses by asserting our real self. The world must turn aside to let any man who is his real self. Let us be ourselves over our world or it will lord over us. There should be no room to entertain suspicions or superstitions. We should have no doubts about our own self. We should accept the bullet instead of doubt in heart. We should dare to laugh and launch into the truth. There should be no reason to be afraid. Are we afraid Afraid of what Of God Nonsense: Of man Cowardice: Of the elements Dare them: Of yourself Know thyself The above needless to say sums up the vision of the world. But the world will be empty and meaningless without human relationships. The question is what should be the values associated with Human relationship Harmony in the relationship is the thing required the most. But to keep it is the real challenge. If I can not come out of my nature, I should not expect also. We have a distinctive attitude towards acceptance of natural instincts. If a snake bites, a dog barks and a lion kill we take it as normal but when it comes to human relationship our reactions are different. Why can we not weigh the both on the same scale Humans are equally bound by their nature like the animals are and can not go beyond the inherent character. If only we could understand this much of fact, the harmony in relationship will never be at stake. Our society is devoid of good listeners. This is also an art to be learnt. When we are not at ease that means there is a disease. To increase the comfort level in a relationship, equal freedom of expression is a must. Speaking alone will not do. One silence beats thousand voices. Qualitative discussions are not dependent on the quantity of the words. Minimizing negative vibes or at times keeping silent can bring the rhythm and make the bonding stronger. Lecture is never easy to go through. First apply then reply. In a relationship also we need to preach by setting precedents only. Actions speak louder than words. Affection spent never goes waste and returns multiplied. We should be aware while responding to a relationship and our likes and dislikes should not color the response. If you have hundred friends that is not enough, but if you have one enemy that is more than enough. Broadly we can categorize human nature in two types - constructive and destructive - like of a cow and a lizard. Fear is the by product of destructive type of nature. Human relationship is without fear when harmless. Nevertheless we can overcome our enemy by coming over to him. What makes us sustain these values in us Empty thyself! Stimuli are must, response there will be. It is only with the empty ness within, which determines the quality of response. So long as we are the part and parcel of the world we will have to face the pressure of the world. But if we have a proper filtering system the chances are least to get affected. It is like having an antivirus protection taken to prevent the spam. "Perception should end with the perception" to enhance the broader vision in life. The present should not be carried in the future and the past should not pollute the present. Let bygone be bygone practically! If we are one with the nature, and the priorities are given the worth, no worldly fluctuation can shake the values. Sustaining these values is binding and obligatory for a selfless person. Shaping of these values is never easy at all! Life is a series of interruptions and these interruptions only shape the principles, ethics, morals and values associated with us. It is a violent world. Violence has become means of attainment So to say Daily violence in the form of road rage has resulted in fatalistic ending. Bashing and fighting at slightest of provocation is not very uncommon. Affection has become a rare phenomenon which is contrary to the growth of the society. There is a large gap between haves and have not. The behavioral difference in attitude with these classes is extremely prevalent around the world. Have not are looked down as liability rather than assets. We are becoming more and more materialistic rather then being spiritual. We preach equality and dignity but fail to implement these preaching while practicing. Apartheid is not the thing of the past. Racist comments and deeds have not only resulted in life losses but also mental and moral harassment. Distinctions are made based on caste, creed and color. Social evils are deep rooted. Drugs and alcohol have broken many houses and relationship. Cut throat competition has reduced the patience and tolerance to the minimum. People look at each other as potential opponents. Wars are fought on pretext of religion. Should we not ponder on these issues Should we not shape our values so as to make the world a better place to live in These issues demand, ethical human relationship, to be resolved. Are these values compatible with the core values of social welfare "Practice is always shaped by the needs of the times, the problems they present, the fears they generate, the solutions that appeal and the knowledge and skills available" Bertha Capen Reynolds We need to preach affection to counter the violent stream within. Little desires have no right to intrude; anger, passion, etc are the things of darkness. We need to permeate, lowest and highest. Show our own self through love. In Hugman's view, the caring professions are concerned with aspects of life which "are enmeshed with emotion" Heart is the entrance to the jubilee hall of inspiration; head is the exit. Love inspires, head expound. Change the feelings in any individual through affection, and his whole method of thinking will be revolutionized. Now, hatred can not survive; jealousy will not exist; fear must meet its end and greed will cease to be. All work will then become a spontaneous expression of love alone. Situations are bound to happen, and even in the ocean of circumstances, sharing increases the happiness and decreases the sorrow. Patient hearing can dig out the deepest disenchantments. Silence sometimes has miraculous effect on the psyche. It produces positive vibrations which in turn can help in uplift. It is true that there is nothing as poisonous as the company of Gossips, believers in appearance, shameless slaves of shameless "respectability", but where love encamps, no impertinent tramp can loaf around. We have no need to shun the company. Nature is no more than stubble. Accept it and refine it. Though we have our own values for relationships we have a challenge to modify them for adaptation and for practical purposes. W.D.Walsh expressed "morality is first and foremost a social institution, performing a social role, and only secondarily, if at all, a field for individual self-expression" (Frankena 1980 p33). Opinions ought to be weighted not counted. If some one is questioned "where does sun rises from" "East" will be the spontaneous reply. But the matter of fact is that Sun never rises. It is always there. Sky is attributed to be colorful but then again sky is always colorless. We may have different opinions about social uplift; social welfare techniques but there should be oneness in solution depending on the merit. Slowing down the pace will tantamount to better understanding of the world. Mind thus becomes more peaceful and a peaceful mind is first requisite in any endeavor. Taking a practical approach will bring quality in our actions. This will not be out of place to mention here that righteousness must get promoted in and through all our actions for the betterment of the society. That which is forced is never forcible. No one likes the bondages. If we try to impose our own opinions the reactions may be retaliatory. We need to have a filtered understanding of the circumstances and act accordingly rather than working on preconceived notions. "Seemingly irresolvable choices leave a residue of moral loss, regret or guilt" (Banks and Williams 2005 p1005). Never treat others as you would not like to be. Use your power for building the community. Based on the experience of poor rural women in Mexico, Townsend, Zapata, Rowlands, Alberti, and Mercado (1999) have conceptualized four forms of power: Power over Power from within Power with Power to do These women describe power over as personal and institutional forms of oppression that inflict these individuals as poor women. As these women came together to share their struggles and their hopes with other Mexican women, they discovered power from within. They encountered power with others as they organized to confront the conditions of their lives. And they addressed power to do in concrete terms, such as developing and sustaining community projects and making money. The very purpose of Social welfare should not be defeated in the quagmire of Social values. A healthy society must contain the seeds of Social Justice. Social justice is defined as "an ideal condition in which all members of society have the same rights, protection, opportunities, obligations and social benefits" (Barker, 1995:354). As a social welfare professional we need to create an ideal environment to reduce the value gaps so that social structure is benevolent for all. Overall, in my view, the positives of professionalism for social work and community welfare are: 1. The service ethos which requires us to suppress our own interests and values, and to behave in a "professional" way with service users without distancing ourselves from them. 2. The integration of knowledge from research and theory in our practice, so that we work in informed ways and thereby shake off the charity, do-gooder image (and avoid "compassion which wounds"). (Connie Benn and summarized in Unit 7 in the section on "Empowerment) One who is not moved by the world will move the world. The renunciation in action should not be misunderstood and practiced as renunciation of action in the name of so called spirituality. Our mind should be at rest while the body is engaged in action. Work as everything depends upon us and feel as if nothing is in our hands. Look at the world as it is, not as we would like it to be. "In their practice social workers place the objective of service before personal aims, views or advantage" In this world our work should be done with pleasure. Not that you have to give up work and labor, but that your spirit in and towards your work should be changed, and work and pleasure you will always be doing. As light emanates from the sun, as fragrance emanates from the rose, as coolness emanates from beautiful snowy peak, mountain, stream and springs, so let peace, joy, love and light proceed from you. Work Cited AASW (2002) AASW Code of Ethics 1999 Canberra: Australian Association of Social Workers Banks S, and Williams R. (2005) Accounting for Ethical Difficulties in Social Welfare Work: Issues, Problems and Dilemmas. British Journal of Social Work 35 (7) pp1005-1020 BARKER R (1991) The Social Work Dictionary BENN, C. (1976) A New Developmental Model for Social Work, in Boas, P. and Crawley, J. Social Work in Australia. Melbourne REYNOLD B.C.,Challenges and openings at the beginning of a new century in Critical Social Work Vol. 2002, No.1 EARTH CHARTER (2000) FRANKENA W.K. (1980) Thinking About Morality. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press HUGMAN R. (2005) New Approaches in Ethics for the Caring Professions TIRTHA R S, In Woods of God- Realization. The complete work of Swami Rama Tirtha Volume II TIRTHA R S, In Woods of God- Realization. The complete work of Swami Rama Tirtha Volume III TOWNSEND, J., ZAPATA, E., ROWLANDS, J., ALBERTI,, P. & MERCADO, M. (1999) Women and power: Fighting patriarchies and poverty William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7) Read More
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