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I also would work on the program throughout the week on my using PECS (picture exchange communication), Cued Articulation (cueing the consonant and vowel sounds with hand movements), and Makaton/sign language. With that background and being a parent myself as well (I have my own two children fifteen and seventeen), I have the experiences, enjoyments, and difficulties of nurturing and watching children grow and develop into individuals firsthand.
I'm presently studying the Access course in nursing. I'm particularly enjoying anatomy and physiology, and I believe there is good potential for my further professional growth in these fields. Aside from that, I have a keen interest in complementary therapies and have taken various twelve-week courses including reflexology and shiatsu.
I have developed the wish to work in a caring profession since the age of thirteen when I got involved in nursing practice because, after a major car accident, my mother was staying in hospital for months. Her condition (she had several skin grafts and pins put into her legs) required close monitoring, and it was then that I realized what a difference the professionalism of the nursing team could make both to a patient and the family of a patient. When it was time for my mother to come home, my previous personal involvement in her healing process in the hospital gave me confidence that I would be able to emotionally support her and taught me the initial nursing skills needed for her physical support by physiotherapy.
On the other hand, I encountered feelings of loss when a friend of mine lost her nine-year-old daughter not long ago, and another friend died of lung cancer. Now I realize how important for them, and anyone in their situation was support and comfort from people, and I hope that I have helped them by listening when they felt they needed a friend to talk to. To summarise, with my current stage of involvement in nursing I feel that I like this field of activity, and have a great enthusiasm to further expand my knowledge and skills.
With all this said, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to study at Surrey University because it has an excellent reputation as an educational institution that can provide every needed element for the growth of those who have a keen interest in personal development. Particularly in the field of child nursing profession, I am sure that Surrey University can provide the necessary atmosphere and conditions for me to become a true professional. Moreover, the fact that the university is within traveling distance of my home should greatly increase the effectiveness of the study.
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