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Suicide Bombing and Why It Is a Common Terrorist Act - Essay Example

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The paper "Suicide Bombing and Why It Is a Common Terrorist Act" states that suicide attackers often believe that their actions are in accordance with moral or social standards because they are aimed at fighting forces and conditions that they perceive as unjust…
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Suicide Bombing and Why It Is a Common Terrorist Act
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Suicide bombing and why it is a common terrorist act Suicide bombing is a bomb attack in which bomber dies in carrying out the attack deliberately allows himself or herself to be killed in the process of attempting to destroy something or kill somebody (Encarta) . Suicide attack is an attack on a military or civilian target, in which an attacker intends to kill others, and knows that they will either certainly or most likely die in the process which includes vehicles filled with explosives, passenger planes carrying large amounts of fuel, and individuals wearing vests filled with explosives in other words, it is a martyrdom operations (Suicide Attack pars 1). On the otherhand, terrorism is somebody using violence for political purposes: somebody who uses violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination just to intimidate often for political purposes . Historically, suicide bombing started after the Oslo Peace Process between Palestinians and Israel when Palestinians felt despair , hopelessness, Israeli oppression and humiliation, (Asad pars 10), Thus suicide bombing originates from the primitive religious rival between Palestinians and Muslim even during the time of Abraham which we can read in the Holy Bible. Early 1990's, Palestinians is trying to resist against Israeli occupation in West Bank and Gaza where young Palestinian men, and women to strap themselves with explosives making their way to Israeli Jewish areas whether crowded with soldiers or civilians and blowing themselves up killing and injuring dozens of people around them including police, men, women and children (Asad, pars 11 ). An act resulting from humiliation by the army, and/or seeking revenge for the killing or injury of a relative or a friend, desperation and frustration from the oppressive Israeli occupation, unemployment and confinement, imprisonment and torture, hopelessness, racism, discrimination, as well as other reasons , (Ateek, pars 10 ). These young people were not born "terrorists". But they are born a in the image and likeness of God. They were born human beings with love of life and freedom. But all of them, with no exception, were born under the Israeli military occupation. The only Jews they knew were Israeli soldiers carrying guns and dehumanizing Palestinians that made them terrorist. The only thing that Palestinians wants is to end Israeli occupation and the establishment of their own state along side the state of Israel ( Ateek, pars 13 ). On the other hand, Israeli continue its oppressive and punitive measures against them killing people to assassinate Palestinian leaders and even destroying homes. Thus suicide bombings came to be perceived as a more potent tool of resistance that can reciprocate the pain and hurt they were experiencing. And as they were driven deeper into despair, their desire to hit back in any way possible grew in intensity. From a Palestinian perspective, therefore, the real sequence of the cycle of resistance has been this: Israeli occupation, Palestinian resistance, greater Israeli oppressive measures, and greater attempts on the Palestinian side to increase the resistance, and the vicious circle goes on. Their main objective and desire to take away as many Israeli lives as possible using their own bodies as tanks and shells to destroy and devastate Israeli areas. If the oppressors have the heart (or should one say lose the heart) to kill women and children and to make the life of Palestinians miserable, the suicide bombers are not going to spare Israeli lives that in Islam, they called suicide bombers as "shuhada "a martyrs and its prize in depending their homeland is a paradise rather than a human military medal ( Ateek pars 22). A Muslim Perspective . There are three main reasons why suicide bombings become a more powerful phenomenon according to Hamas leader, Khaled Mash'al, namely, the religious, the nationalist or patriotic, and the humanitarian. Humanitarian suicide bomber sacrifices himself in order for his people to live. They are motivated through the advocacy of their respective leaders that God would compensate the martyr for sacrificing his life for his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins (houris), 70 wives and everlasting happiness (Suicide Attack pars 14). For Nationalist point of view, suicide bombing was motivated aside from religion driven reason as a result of Prof. Pape,R as cited Suicide attack (pars 28) that Suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation rather than a product of Islamic fundamentalism. ... Though it speaks of Americans as infidels, al-Qaida is less concerned with converting us to Islam than removing us from Arab and Muslim lands. From 1980 to early 2004, 95% of suicide attacks had the central objective of compelling a democratic state with military forces on territory that the terrorists prize to take those forces out. Generally, the suicide bomber is understood as irrational, driven beyond the boundaries of rational thought by environmental, religious, political, and/or social factors ergo capable of setting aside the "common sense" of self-preservation. That according to the result of the study done by Pentagon pinpointing motivation by a suicide bomber: "His actions provide a win-win scenario for himself, his family, his faith and his God," The document explains. "The bomber secures salvation and the pleasures of Paradise. He earns a degree of financial security and a place for his family in Paradise. He defends his faith and takes his place in a long line of martyrs to be memorialized as a valorous fighter. And finally, because of the manner of his death, he is assured that he will find favor with Allah," the briefing adds. "Against these considerations, the selfless sacrifice by the individual Muslim to destroy Islam's enemies becomes a suitable, feasible and acceptable course of action." (Suicide attack .pars 28) Other groups like Hamas condemed these acts not as suicide bombings but as "martyrdom operations" and " martyrdom weapons". Nationalism and faith have been fused together and imbued with power. People regarded the suicide bombers as martyrs and that paradise awaited them. Their rewards include forgiveness, companionship with the prophets, friends of God in heaven, and intercession on behalf of their families on the Day of Judgment ( Ateek, pars 24 ). Ateek (pars 25) cited that during the sermons preached by Sheikh Isma'il al-Adwan and broadcast on Palestinian TV, the Sheikh said, "The shahid, if he meets Allah (Arabic for God), is forgiven his first drop of blood; he's saved from the grave's confines; he sees his seat in heaven; he's saved from judgment day; he's given seventy two dark-eyed women; he's an advocate for seventy members of his family." Be that as it may, these martyrs believe they are fighting for the cause of God and their place in heaven is, therefore, guaranteed. An important quote from the Qur'an in this regard is, "Count not those were slain in God's path as dead, but rather living with their Lord, by Him provided." Other Muslims argued strongly that Islamic law forbids the killing of non-combatants and therefore, the killing of innocent Israelis is wrong.Imam Yahya as cited by Attek, said that gives a Qur'anic view of Jihad, martyrdom, and terrorism and violence. On Jihad, he emphasizes the personal form of jihad which is the intimate struggle to purify one's soul and spirit from sin. This Jihad takes precedence over the physical jihad in which Muslims wage wars against oppression and transgression. He quotes the verse "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors." This verse speaks of a defensive war that is waged to stop the aggression but not to go beyond it. "The idea is that justice prevails. You don't fight because you enjoy fighting, but because there is an oppression."but do not involve the killing of civilians. Imam Hendi as cited by Ateek (par 26) says that martyrdom clearly clarifies that those who die in the service of God are martyrs, "though that service needs to be of a different sort than that provided by terrorists."Finally, he clearly states that, "the Qur'an doesn't condone terrorism, though Muhammad was the leader of a military force and therefore used violence. While there are passages in the Qur'an, like the Old Testament of the Bible, that celebrate military victory, the overall gestalt of the Qur'an promotes a more restrained view. We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people'. This passage places a great value on the sanctity of a single life. 'If you kill one person it's as if you kill all humanity'" that if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah." There are various observations by some politicians, public intellectuals, and journalist who provided various moral justifications for killing and demeaning other human beings. That they are killed because they are enemies and not deserving to live. Today, liberals thought that everyone has the absolute right to defend himself, in the full knowledge that liberation from the oppressor in Iraq for example becomes part of defense for both the American occupier and the insurgency. Many liberals also believe that people have a moral obligation to attack evil, either in order to redeem themselves or to redeem others who cannot do so for themselves (Talal pars 4). Also, World leaders, especially those of countries that experience suicide bombings, usually express resolve to continue on their previous course of affairs after such attacks. They denounce suicide bombings and sometimes vow not to let such bombings deter ordinary people from going about their everyday economic business. For those who sent the suicide bomber, Israel is trying to target using military strikes against organizations, individuals, and possibly infrstructure, (Suicide attack, pars 41-42). Ateek (pars 31) emphasized that there are somemilitant Islamic groups saw the suicide bombings as a powerful weapon that inflicted not only a heavy human toll but also a psychological trauma affecting a large segment of Israeli society and exposing Israel's vulnerability. Indeed, the suicide bombings shook the Israeli state and caused widespread panic and terror. Consequently, Israel heightened its media warfare against the Palestinians, locally and internationally, comparing its predicament to that of the United States in its fight against terrorism; and comparing Palestinian "terrorism" with that of Osama Ben Laden and his Al-Qa'ida network. Israel did not mention its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories and domination of a whole nation. Therefore, many people in the West, especially in the United States fell in the Israeli trap not discerning the great difference between what has happened in the United States on September 11 and what is happening to a people who have been EFFECTS AND OUTCOME of bombing in which Ateek (pars 34) cited some of those namely: 1. Israel had many more options than the Palestinians thought they did. As it turned out, Israel had a good number of military options; and due to its successful media campaign, everything it did was justified as self-defense. In spite of its gross violations of international law including the perpetration of war crimes, it got away with it and managed to escape the censure of the international community. Israel did not exhaust all its options, while the Palestinians had very few. 2. The West Bank is not southern Lebanon. Hizballah was, indeed, successful in driving the Israeli army from southern Lebanon after 22 years of occupation. According to the 1919 Zionist map, southern Lebanon was clearly envisioned as part of the future Israeli state. So was most of the eastern side of Jordan. Israel recognizes, however, that not everything envisaged is realizable. It made its calculations and withdrew from Lebanon. Undoubtedly, Hizballah's resistance played a crucial role, but there were other factors. The West Bank is different. Religious Jewish settlers and right wing Zionists find strong biblical and historical roots in the West Bank and it will not be easy to evict them from there. The presence of the illegal settlements is one of the most difficult issues in the struggle for peace. 3. The United States is the only great world power today and has an unflinching commitment to the well-being and security of the state of Israel. It will come to its rescue politically, militarily, and economically whenever it is needed. 4. Israel was successful in its media campaign internationally. Many countries in the world are against suicide bombings. 5. The Israeli society did not crumble economically in spite of hardships. 6. The vast majority of the Israeli people, perceiving the struggle as a fight for the very existence of the state of Israel, supported Sharon and his right wing policies. PALESTINIAN CONDEMNATION Ateek (pars 35) stressed that suicide bombings were condemned by some Palestinians including the Palestinian Authority, they were accepted popularly by many as a way of avenging the Israeli army's daily killings of resistance fighters and innocent Palestinians. And while the American government rushed to condemn suicide bombings and expected the same from the Palestinian Authority, Israel's killing of Palestinian leaders and ordinary civilians did not abate and passed as self defense and was un-condemned publicly by the United States. It is important to reiterate clearly that the Palestinian community is not totally in support of the suicide bombings. Although there are Palestinians who are sympathetic, many have denounced them. On Wednesday, June 16, 2002, 58 Palestinian men and women, Muslims and Christians, among whom are well known personalities, signed a public statement published by the most read Arabic daily, Al-Quds asking for a halt to all suicide bombings. They made it clear that such operations only widen and deepen the hate and resentment between Palestinians and Israelis. It also destroys the possibility for the two peoples to live in two states side by side. The statement mentioned that the suicide bombings are counterproductive and will not lead to the fulfillment of the Palestinian national aspirations. It only allows Israel to justify its increasing vicious attacks on Palestinian towns and villages (Ateek pars 36). The statement was published in the paper on five consecutive days before it was transferred to the website with hundreds more signatories. Over 500 people expressed their desire to see a termination of any suicide operations (Ateek pars 37). ISRAELI REACTION Ateek (pars 38)stressed that Gideon Ezra, the deputy public security minister were calling for more drastic and severe measures to curb the suicide bombings who openly on television on August 19, 2001, called on his government to execute the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. He argued that if potential suicide bombers know that their families will be wiped out then they will refrain from committing the act. Apparently, Ezra was basing his suggestion on a Nazi practice that used to arrest and inflict suffering on the families of those who were suspected of undermining the state. His words did not draw any protest or criticism from the Israeli government because he possed an extreme voices inside Israel. Ateek (pars 40) added that Bush fails to comprehend that the suicide bombings are a product of mass starvation and humiliation of the Palestinian people. Bush's aides are doing us so much harm by refusing to acknowledge that only an immediate end to the Israeli occupation will bring an immediate end to the Palestinian uprising." Ateek (pars 41) emphasized that "they are now witnessing a situation in which 3.5 million people have no future, no hope, no vision, other than to become terrorists and avenge the continued harassment and shelling by the Israeli army's helicopters, tanks and artillery. While Bush has never set foot in this region, we have been living here, watching how the Palestinians were trampled and denied basic rights on a daily basis, besieged and occupied in every possible way. Our Jewish sources teach us that where there is no justice, there is no peace. Most Israelis know deep in their hearts that once we stop humiliating and oppressing this nation, we will return to become a safe and secure democratic Israel living next to a viable Palestinian State". A CHRISTIAN RESPONSE Christians responded to the international in human killing of people they called it as martyrs. Martyr is "one who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce a religious principle; one who makes great sacrifices for a cause or principle; one who endures great suffering." From their political and religious perspective, the suicide bombers have made the supreme sacrifice, the offering of themselves for their faith (in the way they understand God) and for their homeland. In Arabic, the verb "shaheda" means to witness. "Shahid" is a martyr that is a person who has suffered death as a witness to his faith or the principles he/she stands for. In the Palestinian struggle, it has been used to refer to those Palestinians killed by the Israeli army as well as for those who voluntarily sacrificed their life for Palestine. The death of a "shahid" including those suicide bombers became a cause of pride for the family though that in itself does not lessen the pain and grief of their loved ones (Ateek pars 42-44). Ateek (pars 48) cited various Reasons for Condemnation Suicide Bombing: 1. They are a crime against God.Ultimately, it is only God our creator who gives us life and who can take it. Thus 2nd greatest commandment says that is to love our neighbor as we love our own selves, then to kill oneself is a greater sin since it eradicates the basis for loving the other. 2. We believe that we must refrain from inflicting suffering or death on others because these young men and women do not only kill themselves; they cause the death of others many of whom are civilians and innocent. 3. We believe that when we are confronted by injustice and evil, we must resist it without using its evil methods. 4. For the Christian, the supreme example is Christ. "When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the one who judges justly." 5. It is probable that Prime Minister Sharon (and the right wing religious extremist ministers and settlers around him including some Christian Zionists) believes that the war against the Palestinians can be justified biblically because he is doing exactly what Joshua did in the Old Testament. Therefore, as Joshua's actions pleased God so must Sharon's actions. Similarly, the suicide bombers believe that by blowing themselves up and killing those around them they are fighting in the cause of God by ridding their land of the injustice inflicted on it by "infidels," and so earning for themselves a place in paradise. 6. In the midst of the injustice, suffering, and death inflicted on us, we believe that God in Christ is there with us. We must never lose hope. Our hope must be anchored in God who is ultimately our savior and liberator. Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God'". 7. They practice, in essence, collective punishment against people many of whom are civilians. They are guilty of the very things Palestinians detest in the Israeli government. When suicide bombers commit collective punishment, they become what they loathe. 8. Although people may be ready to die for their faith or even for their country they need to do everything they can to stay alive and witness in life rather than kill themselves. So long as they are alive, they have the opportunity to witness to the truth. Indeed, they need to remain faithful until death but they must not give up on life and kill themselves. Their life is a gift from God and they must not destroy it. We must live the life we have to its fullest. Christ has come so that we might have life and that we might have it abundantly. The typical suicide bomber Aharonot as cited by (Shuman, pars 6) presented a profile of the typical suicide bomber: 47% of the suicide bombers have an academic education and an additional 29% have at least a high school education. 83% of the suicide bombers are single. 64% of the suicide bombers are between the ages 18-23; most of the rest are under 30. 68% of the suicide bombers have come from the Gaza Strip. CONCLUSION Historically, suicide bombing started after the Oslo Peace Process between Palestinians and Israel (Asad pars 7), We can read also in the Holy Bible especially that even during the time of Abraham, these two state Palestianians and Israel are considered as mortal enemies maybe becuase of two different religion due to some reason : For Islamic tradition, "he who gives his life for an Islamic cause will have his sins forgiven and a place reserved in paradise." God would compensate the martyr for sacrificing his life for his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins (houris), 70 wives and everlasting happiness. (Suicide Attack pars 14 ). This scenario has spread far and wide among non-Muslims which we can now conclude that there is a connection between Islam and suicide attacks. Suicide attackers often believe that their actions are in accordance with moral or social standards because they are aimed at fighting forces and conditions that they perceive as unjust (Waterman pars 10). For "Palestinian suicide bombers, they are neither products of a passive and unquestioning obedience to political authority nor pressed into service against their will." But the common thread among all suicide bombers is the "bitter experience of what they see as Israeli state terror." Rabbani as cited by (Shuman, pars 18). When Palestinians felt despair , hopelessness, Israeli oppression and humiliation, (Asad pars 11), Both religion and the humiliation of life under occupation were the key motives for suicide bombers either Palestinians, Israelis and other races. If bombing will be stop, all nations rejoices and everyone can find peace, happiness, love and a better life . A paradise which everyone is dreamed of and not even experienced in afterlife but here in our hearth, mind and home. Let God be the center in our lives, daily activities, dreams, and act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. That both Palestinians and Israelis can acquire freedom and independence if occupation will stop thus suide bombing will stop through God intercession. Let us hope and pray that sooner or later it will happen so that both of them can share, give and spread love to everyone inorder to fight terrorism. References: Ateek, Naim . "SUICIDE BOMBERS". Cornerstone . I25, Summer 2002. 13 Dec.2007. Asad, Talal , "On Suicide Bombing". Columbia University Press. 12 Dec.2007. Shuman, Ellis. "What makes suicide bombers tick". Isaraelinsider.2001. Suicide attack. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2007. 11 Dec.2007. Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2003. 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved Waterman, Shaun. "Analysis: Egypt's New Anti-terrorism law". United Press International. 2007 . 11 Dec. 2007. Read More
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