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Putting on Heirs Critique - Essay Example

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The essay "Putting on Heirs Critique" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues in the mystery of Putting on Heirs. Time was running out on Chad Lewis's project and he could almost hear the death knoll strike its midnight toll…
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Putting on Heirs Critique
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Putting On Heirs Time was running out on Chad Lewis's project and he could almost hear the death knoll strike its midnight toll. "A million dollars is a lot of money Ms. Everly. You can go wherever you want and do whatever you please." His pleas were getting more desperate. As property consultant for Boxy Smart Discount Stores it had been Chad's job to purchase the land tracts they needed to open a store in Seymourville and time was running out. No land and no store. The widow peered suspiciously over her glasses and snarled, "And what would I do for a house Where would I live" Bud Everly, her well-ironed son, interjected an icy remark. "Mother, this house has a market value of $80,000. Chad is offering you over 12 times that much. You can easily find a better place to live with less upkeep and a dishwasher." Bud had sat silent for most of the evening since Chad had arrived. Chad had come to talk, but Bud needed to be heard. "Mother this is a chance of a lifetime. Mr. Lewis says that they are ready to cancel the project if you don't move soon You will be left to battle with the neighbors that are angry at you for holding out." Ms. Everly rose and huffed, "I've lived here for 60 years in this neighborhood and not a one of them even says 'hello'. A few more years won't kill me. Goodnight." Bud Everly apologized to Chad Lewis and broke out the bottle of Cognac that Chad had offered as a gift upon his arrival earlier. Chad Lewis spoke first, "I thought you said you could convince your mother to sell. Bud, you're letting me down and you're letting yourself down. We had an arrangement and your mother can't get in the way of that." "I'll talk to her again," Bud said sipping a Cognac, "She'll come around." He refreshed his drink and poured Chad another. "She's just stubborn and wants to hold out to the last minute." "It is the last minute," Chad growled. He finished his drink and drove off into the turbulent night even more agitated now by the rain and the lightning. As the sun came up the next morning the weather was as crisp as apple cider and hot as a Roman spa. Detective Sonny Broshears had gotten the call shortly after 10 AM. The dispatcher had simply said that old lady Everly had died. Fell down the stairs. The TV repairman found her when he arrived to fix the satellite system. Paramedics were already on the scene. Though he was vaguely familiar with the isolated house on the outskirts of town, he had never met the widow. Sonny brushed the bagel crumbs from his jacket as he drove down the long lane. He mentally noted that the house was tidy and compact with a well-manicured lawn as green as the love of money. The summer heat had erased all traces of last night's storm and as he meandered the gravel drive Sonny pulled in behind the ambulance and walked toward the house. A paramedic was waiting in the yard and Sonny asked, without introduction, "Has another officer been on the scene" "No, the Examiner is on his way but your the first cop to show," the EMT droned. Sonny studied the drive and thought out loud, "The whole area is wet. What was she doing Watering the lawn" The paramedic offered, "No, they've probably got sprinklers. Probably automatic. They were off when we got here at about 10 O'clock." "Well, who was parked in that spot there that's still dry It's about the size of a police cruiser. Are you sure nobody has left" Sonny asked. "You're it, the one and only." The paramedic seemed disinterested and Sonny went inside. He met a second emergency worker at the top of the stairs. The paramedic informed Sonny that the body was still at the bottom of the stairs and it looked like she had taken a pretty nasty tumble. She was dead before they had even arrived. Sonny glanced at the morning paper, still unread, lying on the kitchen counter. "I'm Detective Broshears, in charge of the investigation. Why don't you guys just go outside and wait for the Examiner. In the meantime, don't touch anything." The widow Everly's crumpled body lay in an unnatural heap at the foot of the stairs. Sonny studied the body in the dimly lit cavern and surmised that she probably fatally injured her head. He noticed that she had broken the crystal on her watch that it had stopped at 8:20. Sonny looked up when he heard the Medical Examiner rummaging around upstairs and yelled, "Examiner Fleet, its good to see you. Can you get us some light down here" After some fumbling, the examiner found the switch on the kitchen wall and flooded the basement with light. Sonny noticed nothing unusual, except an orderly basement with rigid organization. As the examiner came downstairs Sonny remarked, "I'll save you some time. Her watch broke during the fall and quit running. You can put the time of death at 8:20 AM." As Sonny was leaving, he noticed a half-full bottle of Cognac interrupting the floor of an otherwise spotless kitchen. His suspicious nature marked it as evidence and he proceeded to go outside to interview Bud Everly, who had just arrived. Sonny was surprised by Mr. Everly's detached attitude. There was little grief and even less interest in any of the details. Kind of unusual for a close family member, he thought. "Mr. Everly, I'm so sorry about your mother. Looks like she tripped down the basement stairs. Is there any reason why she would go downstairs without the light on" Sonny asked solemnly. Being more abrupt he asked, "Where were you between 8 and 8:30 this morning" "I was at home working," Bud replied with an air of arrogance. "Can anyone verify that" "No, I was there alone until 8:45 when I left for a Doctor's appointment. That I can prove. Surely you don't think I had anything to do with her death, do you You said she fell down the stairs. Is it an accident or not" Bud's tone was rising and took offense to having to prove his innocence at the scene of his mother's death. "No, I was just hoping you could help me out with a few details. I'm sure there are perfectly good explanations," Sonny reassured Bud. "I found a bottle of very expensive Cognac on the kitchen floor. Any chance your mother was drinking and slipped down the stairs" Bud thought for a minute and said, "My mother never drank at all. Mr. Chad Lewis, a real estate buyer for the new Boxy Smart, gave that bottle to me last night when he came over to talk about buying the property. I don't know how it got into the kitchen. I put it in the dining room hutch just before Mr. Lewis's departure." Sonny looked up from the notes he had been taking and asked, "Does your mother have the morning paper delivered The morning edition is on the kitchen counter." A scowl crossed Bud's face as he said, "My stepsister left that. She must have been here this morning. Sandra Van Treck. That's who you should look at. Her and my mother hated each other and they made no secret of it. They fought like starving hyenas for the three years my stepfather was alive. Since he passed, she continues to come by a couple times a week to bring her a paper and offer some anger. She was here and I know she likes expensive Cognac." "Well thank you for talking to me this morning Mr. Everly. You've been a big help. Oh, I took your mother's watch off. I know an old German watchmaker that can fix the broken crystal and get it back to you before the funeral. It'll be just like new." Sonny slowed his pace and asked, "What kind of work do you do Mr. Everly" "I'm an accountant." "That's a beautiful Corvette you're driving. Is that your only car" Sonny asked. "Yes, it's all I can afford. I make OK money, live alone, and it's my one indulgence." "What kind of car does Mr. Lewis drive" Sonny asked light heatedly. "A Ford. I believe it's a Crown Victoria. Why do you ask" Sonny sensed that Bud Everly was getting impatient and he was overstaying an already unwelcome visit. "Oh it's probably nothing. I guess accounting is just better than real estate these days. Well, you call me if you can think of anything else that might help," Sonny said as he drove away. Sonny called the department and got the address of Sandra Van Treck's employer. She worked for two of the most powerful attorneys in the county. Sandra Van Treck made a striking presence in the law office where she worked as a legal aid. "We can use this office down the hall Mr. Broshears, it's temporarily unoccupied," Sandra said as she flipped her flowing black hair back across her nearly naked shoulders. "What's this about" "Well Ms. Van Treck, I have some difficult news. The widow, Ms. Everly, died this morning. I just came from there and I know you were there earlier. I just need to ask you a few questions." Sonny paused to gauge Ms. Van Treck's reaction. It was concern without caution. Suddenly Sandra looked as if she had been electrocuted. "No Really She's dead You're kidding!" There was a hint of laughter as she said, "Yes, I was there this morning and I don't yet miss her, but I assure you she was as alive and as a venomous snake when I left." "What time was that" Sonny asked. "Sometime between 8 and 8:30. I left home about 8, stopped and got her morning paper and went straight there. I stayed about 10 minutes, just long enough to call the TV repairman and left. I was at work by 8:45," she said candidly. She leaned closer and asked, "How did she die" "She fell down the basement steps and hit her head on the concrete. But, there may have been someone at the house at the time because I just can't understand why she would go downstairs without a light." Then Sonny added, "If you despised her, why did you care for her" Sandra hesitated, "It was my father's wish that I take care of her for as long as I could. He never trusted Bud, as he was only interested in fast cars and spending money. Hell, Bud could push her into the dark to die and never look back. Just like he was pushing her to sell the house so he could get his inheritance. But she wouldn't sell. Bud and that Boxy Smart guy, Chad Lewis, kept pushing her, but she wouldn't let it go. Bud. Just ask him where he was this morning." "I've spoken to Mr. Everly, and he says he was at home. But the time of death puts you at the scene during that period. Were the sprinklers on when you left this morning" Sonny asked. Ms. Van Treck restrained herself enough to reply, "No, no they come on automatically and run between 9 and 9:15 every morning. I was gone long before they would have come on." Sonny rose to his feet and said, "Thank you Ms. Van Treck, you have been very helpful. I'll be back in touch if there is anything else I need. By the way, what kind of car do you drive" "A yellow Volkswagen Beetle. It's outside and you're welcome to look through it." "That won't be necessary Ms. Van Treck. Good day." Sonny loosened his tie and headed back to the station. The next morning the medical examiner called to tell Sonny that the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. "Could it have been caused by her fall on the concrete floor" Sonny inquired. "No," Examiner Fleet said, "It was a concentrated blow of considerable strength. Someone intentionally inflicted this wound." "I may have the murder weapon," Sonny said, "I have a Cognac bottle found at the scene with only Bud Everly's prints all over it and a million dollar motive to go with it." "I doubt it," Fleet said. "The force of this blow would have shattered the bottle. It would be like hitting a baseball with a windowpane. The killer probably used a bat or a rolling pin." Thank you Examiner," said Sonny. Sonny dialed the phone and was connected to the office of Mr. Chad Lewis. "Is Mr. Lewis in" Sonny asked. "No, he's out of the office and won't return until this afternoon. I'm Pam. Is there something I can help you with" "Maybe you can help me Pam. Was Mr. Lewis in the office yesterday" Sonny asked. Pam contemplated her answer and said, "Oh yes. He arrived at 8:00 as always and stayed in all day, except for a few minutes just before 9:00 when he left to run a personal errand. He wasn't gone long and returned immediately to the office. He was here the rest of the day." "Thank you, Pam. Can I get an appointment to see Mr. Lewis this afternoon" "Sure, will 2 O'clock be OK" Pam endured an awkward silence and asked, "Who shall I say he'll be seeing" "Detective Sonny Broshears, and 2 O'clock will be fine." Sonny arrived promptly at 2 O'clock, still wearing yesterday's lunch and parked next to Mr. Lewis's Crown Victoria in the parking lot. The offices were as cramped and bleak as a nomadic boiler room and nothing like the plush digs of Sandra Van Treck. He made chitchat with Pam and was informed that Mr. Lewis was ready to see him. "Good afternoon Mr. Lewis, I'm Detective Sonny Broshears." Mr. Lewis gathered his composure and said, "Yes, of course. I heard about Ms. Everly. Such a dear sweet lady. It isn't right what happened to her. I hear you suspect it was murder" Sonny glanced around the room as if checking for bugs and whispered, "I know it was murder, I just need you to help me explain a few irregularities, as we call them in police work. Where were you at the time of the crime" Mr. Lewis gave thought to a carefully crafted answer and replied, "Well according to Bud Everly the murder was committed at 8:20 AM so I would have been here in the office. You can check with my secretary if you wish. Of course I know you already have." "Of course, Mr. Lewis. But you see, there's the problem. The killer was real smart. What if the murderer set Ms. Everly's watch back after they killed her Then broke it to make it appear that the time of death was 8:20. That is a heck of a good watch. You know, I took that watch to a German watchmaker and sure enough that old watch never quit running. It's a funny thing about those old watches. The watchmaker said the hands are keyed and only fit on one way. When he replaced the hands, the watch was still running and exactly 45 minutes slow. So the watch actually stopped at 9:05 AM." Sonny stared into Lewis's eyes. "Where were you at 9:05 on that day" "I was on my way back to the office from a personal errand, but what does it matter You have the murder weapon and it's got Bud Everly's prints all over it." Chad Lewis looked about the room as if searching for hidden danger. Sonny waited for Mr. Lewis's eyes to return and continued, "Well that's what I thought, but as it turns out that could not have been the weapon. I figured the murderer just placed that Cognac bottle in the kitchen to try and frame Bud Everly. You were the only one that knew his prints were on it and where it was kept. You had been very careful not to touch the bottle the evening before. Maybe you killed her so you could get your hands on that property." "Look," Chad Lewis blurted, "Sure I wanted that property, but I wasn't willing to kill for it. Even if all this nonsense were true, which it isn't, you can't place me at the scene of the crime. I was never near there that day." "Oh, you were there Mr. Lewis, and I can prove it." Sonny said, "Ms. Everly had a fine lawn and she used to water it everyday with an automatic sprinkler. After you arrived, at 9:00, the sprinklers turned on and soaked the entire area. When you left at 9:15, your Crown Victoria left a perfect outline where the ground was still dry. We've already made the measurements and it's an exact match. I'll bet if we search your house we'll find the murder weapon." "You can't search my house, you need a warrant. You have no right." Chad's words became choked and confused. "You have no right." "As a matter of fact, my men are there right now with a warrant searching your premises," Sonny said. Chad Lewis broke down in tears and began to sob uncontrollably. "All I wanted was to buy that house. Why couldn't she just take my million-dollar offer A million dollars. If she hadn't been so damn greedy she'd still be alive. Oh God, what have I done" A uniformed officer approached Chad Lewis, handcuffed him, and recited, "Mr. Lewis you have the right to remain silent. You have the right......" As Sonny strolled back to his car he fumbled with the still broken watch in his pocket. "Guess I owe it to Ms. Everly to find a real German watchmaker, and see if he can really fix it." Read More
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