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WAR ON DRUG CRIMES A drug can be described as any substance that when administered affects the functioning of living organisms or the cell in them. In medicine, these drugs are used to diagnose, cure or prevent occurrence of diseases. Unfortunately modernization and civilization has lead to the discovery of certain drugs, which serve different purposes either than the former. This type of drugs is commonly referred to as hard drugs. These hard drugs are also substances that when administered affects the functioning of living organisms but the difference is that it does so negatively.
The discovery and usage of these hard drugs has brought about a lot calamities in our societies. They are mostly the cause of many social problems we are facing these days in our society such as; rape, assault, reckless driving est. These drugs are mostly illegal drugs and when used often can lead to very server addiction, which is very difficult to overcome. Example of such drugs include cocaine, heroine est. The problem of wiping out these drugs from the system has become a global concern since trades in these drugs are now done even across.
Many governments therefore are trying so hard to structure out very effective ways of preventing their countries from being used as trading grounds or safe passes by people trading in these illegal drugs since it poses a great to their country.These drugs have very negative effects both on individuals and the society and the society at large. These effects include addiction on the part of the individual. As mentioned earlier on, these drugs have very addictive potentials. Therefore when one takes these drugs two or three times, it is possible for that person to become addicted to them.
Addictions to these drugs cause a lot of harm to the human body. Once people get addicted to these drugs, they will risk anything; either their education, job est. in other to get these drugs to take. This is because when they become addicted to them it becomes more or less like a live supporting thing to them and when they don't take any for some time then they begin to feel they are dying and therefore need to take the drugs to survive. Students in such crisis have less or even no time for their studies and even sometimes end up dropping out of school.
In the case of workers, instead of using their hard earned money on more profitable ventures, they end up spending a great percentage of it on these drugs due to addiction.Some people also become unfortunate and end up having mental disorders either as a result of taking these illegal drugs for the first time or as a result of too much continuous dosage of these drugs. When such a thing occurs ,once again the individual suffering from the mental disorder is not the only one affected but the society also.
The reason is ,when these individuals are sent to the mental hospital ,the number of patients there is increased therefore the government also has to increase its budget for the catering of mental patients and their medication at the hospitals at the expense of other important facilities or needs such as schools est. for the society which could gone a long way to help the society in one way or the other and this is where the society also suffers.Crime in our societies has become very rampant and the availability of these illegal drugs is one of the things aiding its rampant growth.
Most people after taking these drugs come under its influence and when this happens they become very violent. It also cause them commit crimes such as reckless driving, assault amongst others. This occurs most of the time without the person having the intention to do all those things but end up doing them due to the influence of the drugs on them. There are other cases also where people intentionally take these drugs to enable them undertake their criminal acts. Some of these drugs can give so much energy and them feel they could anything they want but they also have side effects on the human system.
These drugs are administered in various ways. Two of these ways can also bring about other dangerous diseases. One is administering with syringes and needles. These syringes and needles are mostly not sterilized after they are used by these drugs addicts and one syringe and needle can be used by so many of them exposing them to the danger of contracting diseases such as aids. This means the problem of drugs in one way or the other is giving rise to another difficult social problem, which is the spread of aids.
The second means of administering is the smoking of these druigs. The consistent smoking of these drugs together with the fumes they produce can cause very severe respiratory diseases.When you look at just the few negative effects these illegal drugs are having on our society, you would agree with that the government legalizing some of these drugs will not bring the war on it to successful end but rather give illegal drugs more grounds to increase its devastating effects on society. It would just be like adding more fuel to an already burning fire.
The best thing therefore is to structure out more efficient policies to be able to get rid of this problem.Some of the ways the government can completely get rid of illegal drugs in our society include, education. I believe most people fall victims to these drugs due to ignorance. It is therefore very important the education of the harmful effects of these illegal drugs be intensified to get to every Tom, Dick and Harry no matter the persons location.The Government must also ensure the effectiveness of all policies banning the cultivation, exportation and importation of such drugs.
In this way these illegal drugs will be wiped out of the market at least. Policies should also be made for the security agencies to be able to arrest anyone caught in handling or dealing in any illegal drug and handed over for prosecution.More counselors should also be employed in various communities to be able counsel those unfortunate ones who have already been addicted to these drugs. So that even as the government is taking measures to prevent from falling victims to these drugs, it will also be ensuring those who are already victims are also been helped out to make our communities complete drug free communities.
These are very important steps the government has to take in ending the war on drugs rather than legalizing some of them and if some of the above strategies are already in place then the best thing is to intensify and add more effectiveness to them if they are to work as planned.REFERENCESWikipedia.Hard and Soft drugs. Retrieved from on April 4,2006.What are drugs. Retrieved from on April 4,2006.
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