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"My Comfort Zone" BZZZZZZZ! The oven alarm pulls me out of my reverie. Reluctantly, I leave my sanctuary and walk to open my oven. Ihear my daughter clamber down the stairs, and as she descends she demands "Are they ready" Of course they are ready. I pull out her cinnamon buns but I am distracted by the invitation that beckons directly across I have a room in my home that I live in. I don't eat or sleep in it. I don't even bathe in it, but I do live in it. Formally it is called the living room, but I am not formalso it is my comfort zone.
This one room with powder blue walls greets me each day with displays of the past, visions of the present and promises of the future. It matters not what the weather is outdoors, for in my haven, I begin each morning gazing at blue skies. No matter the outdoor seasons, I don't need slippers in my comfort zone for I pad about with my feet warmed by lush mauve cotton. I sit each morning in my sanctuary listening to the birds chirp just outside my window. If I close my eyes though, I can let them in.
Once in, the birds pick their place in my haven and wish me a good day with their chirps. Comforting scents of coffee, cinnamon and butter slowly waft in as I rest my head on a couch cushion. I hear determined footsteps through my sky. My daughter is awake and getting ready for school. A glance to my right reminds me how privileged I am to be the mother of this remarkable woman. In this room she lives as well. My right wall is adorned with the proof of her superiority Honor roll, first place in science six years in a rowvolleyball team recognitions.
All of these things surround the pictures of my magnificent seventeen year old creation. Only last night, in the evening sky I visited with my instruments. There they have sat for years waiting for my touch. I wonder if they miss my touch and the music we made together. Do they need new strings Do they resent being ignored or do they realize that our sanctuary which was once our music room is now a shrine to a new generation As my instruments gaze at my daughter's latest flute award, are they jealous I should teach my daughter the mandolin and banjo.
Perhaps our generations should meetI with my banjo and mandolin and my daughter and her flute. Perhaps during the day as my daughter works in school, and I clean our home, these instruments make their own music. I believe, that during the afternoon, my sanctuary is a music conservatory. This afternoon, my sanctuary will turn into a movie theater. I will sit and watch all of the videos that I took but never took time to actually watch. I will sit in my comfort zone and watch the past, enjoy the present and as I gaze at my daughter's pictures and her honors, brace myself for the future.
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