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Smoking Marijuana - Essay Example

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The paper "Smoking Marijuana" discusses that marijuana is not very addictive in nature. In spite of that, people do get addicted to the drug owing to chronic and long-term use. As marijuana addiction was largely unheard of till a few years back, very few treatment centers existed…
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Smoking Marijuana
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Smoking Marijuana Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana or ganja is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United s of America (NIDA). It is a psychoactive drug obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa. Various parts of the plants like seeds, flowers, hemp, and even leaves are used in dried and shredded form. Thus, marijuana is basically a mixture of the dried plant parts which is usually green or brown in colour. The resinous parts of the plant are used as the drug hashish, which is a stronger form of marijuana. Marijuana contains 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the biologically active compound which makes the drug so potent. Marijuana can be consumed either by smoking or oral administration. The drug can be smoked in the form of a simple paper wrapped joint or through different devices like bongs and chillums. The contents of Cannabis can also be vaporized, wherein a gas is produced without actually burning the drug. This method of consumption is considered less harmful than direct smoking as the vaporized gas contains lesser concentration of toxic substances. Studies conducted have revealed that subjects were "only 40% as likely to report respiratory symptoms as users who do not vaporize, even when age, sex, cigarette use, and amount of cannabis consumed are controlled" (Abrams et al 572). The alternate way is to consume marijuana orally in its dehydrated or heated form. Occasionally, it might be taken in combination with other drugs or with alcohol or tobacco. This coupling increases the toxicity and potency of marijuana. Studies have revealed that nearly four percent of the world's adult population (162 million) use cannabis annually and 0.6 percent (22.5 million) daily (UNODC). There has been a rampant increase in the use of marijuana ever since the 20th century. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is not extensively used by teenagers. A study conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse proved that aforesaid fact. The results demonstrate that fewer than one in five high school going teenagers were marijuana users (NIDA) Marijuana- Brief History Marijuana has been used since ancient times. Its history dates back to the third millennium BC. Seeds of the plant Cannabis have been excavated from sites of several ancient civilizations. The drug was used commonly in ancient India and Nepal, where it was known as ganjika or ganja. It is mentioned in the Vedas as a sacred hallucinogenic, and was one of the five spiritual plants in Indian mythology (Rudgley 102). The Chinese used to cultivate cannabis to obtain hemp fibres and also for food. The use of Cannabis is also found among ancient Aryans, Assyrians, Scythians and Thracians. It is also believed that shamans burnt the leaves of the plant cannabis to induce a state of trance (Cunliffe 405). Besides these medicinal purposes, marijuana was also used for spiritual and religious practices. Scythians observed religious ceremonies where marijuana was consumed. The Scythians also used marijuana as offering in royal tombs. It was, in fact, the Scythians who introduced hemp into northern Europe around 500 BC. Historians also believe that it was used by ancient Jews, Christians and Muslims. Thus, through the course of history, marijuana has been used for multiple purposes. The long period from the third millennium BC to the present times has experienced the spread of marijuana around the globe. With the widespread popularity also came the discovery of its possible side effects. It was largely used by many musicians especially jazz artists, for they believed that smoking marijuana gave them transcendence and the inspiration to create music. Its use was glamorised and it was sold in the black market. As its abuse increased greatly, many countries were forced to declare it an illicit drug. Marijuana was made federally illegal in the United States America in 1937 by the Marihuana Tax Act. It was classified as a Schedule I drug, which implies that it was classified as a dangerous drug with no medicinal use. But the popular sentiment was that marijuana was less addictive than other narcotic drugs. Some laws were passed in 1976 which allowed marijuana to be used for limited medical purposes. But the National Institute of Health still maintains that great caution must be exercised while using the drug. Marijuana-Medicinal Uses As is mentioned earlier, marijuana does serve certain medicinal and therapeutic purposes. But only a few states in the USA permit the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana was the primary pain killer or analgesic before aspirin was invented. Research has also shown that smoking the drug reduces intraocular pressure. It is a medically accepted fact that high intraocular pressure causes blindness in glaucoma patients. So, many doctors believe that smoking marijuana could prevent blindness in glaucoma patients (Mikuriya) Marijuana has also been investigated as an alternative to chemotherapy for cancer patients. Clinic trials have shown the efficacy of marijuana in treatment of cancer and AIDS patients. It is also a potential mode of treatment for several neurological diseases like epilepsy, bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Research studies conducted at National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) have proved that cannabinoids are "useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia." (USPTO) Besides these medical ailments, marijuana is also used to treat anorexia, weight loss, nausea, vomiting and even hair dandruff. Some studies have also pointed out a potential therapeutic role in treatment of multiple sclerosis and other movement disorders, but there are no absolute proofs regarding this. The Side Effects of Smoking Marijuana Even though marijuana possesses medicinal and therapeutic properties, its side effects and addictive nature make it a dangerous drug. The side effects of marijuana have formed an area of intense study in the recent past. These effects are often grouped into two categories- short term and long term effects. The short term effects of marijuana last for about one to four hours after the consumption of the drug. Short Term Effects Once marijuana is consumed, the biologically active compound, THC travels rapidly into the bloodstream from the lungs, thereby reaching the brain and other body parts. When it reaches the brain, it combines with specific Cannabinoid receptors, triggering off a series of chemical reactions, which ultimately lead to the mental "high" that is often experienced by people who smoke marijuana. This "high" is characterised by mild euphoria, altered consciousness, a feeling of relaxation, increased sensuality and libido and in some cases, increased artistic and creative thoughts. These reactions also result in impaired memory, a difficulty in thinking and concentration, and distorted body movements. Most significantly, studies have proved that marijuana disturbs the hippocampus which is primarily responsible for short term memory. Thus, marijuana smoking might lead to disrupted short term memory. (NIDA) Marijuana also affects motor skills, bodily movements, coordination and reflexes. All these effects, in turn, temporarily affect driving abilities. This automatically increases the risk of road accidents among marijuana consumers. Apart from the brain and the neurological system, marijuana also affects other bodily functions. It's consumptions ha significant changes in the circulatory system; both the blood pressure and heart rate increase, while the oxygen carrying capacity of blood decreases. Further studies have supported the fact the chances of a heart attack more than quadruples in the firth our after smoking marijuana in people who abuse the drug (Mittleman et al 2809). Other short term effects include dryness of the mouth, reddening of the eyes, a decrease in intra-ocular pressure, muscle relaxation and a sensation of cold or hot limbs. Unlike other drugs, marijuana is not highly toxic in nature. Thus, consuming a large amount of marijuana cannot be fatal. In fact, a 1988 ruling from the United States Department of Justice concluded that "In practical terms, marijuana cannot induce a lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity." (Schaffer Library of Drug Policy) Long Term Effects It is precisely the long term ill effects which make marijuana a potentially dangerous drug. Studies have revealed that the adverse effects of marijuana, especially on learning and memory processes can last for a few days. (Pope et al 909). Thus chronic use of marijuana can lead to permanently dysfunctional memory power. In the long run, marijuana abuse also affects dopamine receptors, thus creating an imbalance in the functioning of the brain. Numerous studies have been conducted to conjure a relation between use of marijuana and the incidence of mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies and schizophrenia. But so far, the studies have proved inconclusive. The only link that the studies have been able to establish is between marijuana and schizophrenia and related disorders. (Moore et al 319). Though marijuana is less addictive than a number of other narcotic drugs, long term abuse can lead to addiction. It can turn into a compulsive craving, which obviously exposes the brain to the aforementioned risks. Addicts trying to quit experience classic withdrawal symptoms like irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving. The effects of marijuana on the lungs are still uncertain. While it has been convincingly proved that marijuana smoke contains 20 times more ammonia, and five times more hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxides than tobacco smoke, the link between marijuana smoking and lung cancer is yet to be proven (NIDA). As marijuana smokers tend to inhale and hold their breath for a longer time, its potency obviously increases. But, as was mentioned earlier, the drug's role as a cancer causing agent or carcinogen is still unsubstantiated. Nonetheless, it can lead to chronic cough, excessive phlegm production, greater risk of lung and chest infections and obstructed airways. Scientists are still examining possible co-relation between marijuana and diminished immune responses. Again, there haven't been any concrete conclusions but researchers believe that marijuana might impair the immune potential of T cells in the body. Like several other narcotic drugs, marijuana creates reproductive and pregnancy related complications. Marijuana is known to decrease sperm production, motility and fertility in men. In women, the drug can potentially impair the ovulation cycles and reduce the concentration of gonadotropic hormones. When it comes to the issue of pregnancy, the effects of marijuana are still under debate. While some studies have claimed that marijuana might lead to loss of fetus early in pregnancy, several other studies have found no such relation. Nevertheless, studies have convincingly proved that children born to marijuana consuming mothers tend to have a more problematic childhood. They might experience problems with decision making, memory, and the ability to remain attentive (Cornelius 738) Treatment Options As has been mentioned earlier, marijuana is not very addictive in nature. In spite of that, people do get addicted to the drug owing to chronic and long term use. As marijuana addiction was largely unheard of till a few years back, a very few treatment centers existed. But because of growing information and researches, several such drug treatment programmes have come up. There are no chemical drugs to treat addiction, rather major stress is laid on counselling and group support system. Thus, the therapy is more psychological them chemical or pharmaceutical in nature. Works Cited Abrams, D. et al. "Vaporization as a smokeless cannabis delivery system: a pilot study". Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 82 (5)(2007): 572-8 "Cannabis: Why we should Care" United Nations Office of Drug and Crime. 07 Feb 2009 Cornelius, Mark. "Prenatal tobacco and marijuana use among adolescents: effects on offspring gestational age, growth, and morphology". Pediatrics, 95(1995): 738-743. Cunliffe, Barry W. The Oxford Illustrated History of Prehistoric Europe. London: Oxford University Press, 2001 "Drug Library Drug News" Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. 05 Feb 2009 <> "Marijuana: Facts for Teens." National Institute of Drug Abuse. 08 Feb 2009 <> Mikuriya, Tod H. Marijuana Medical Papers. Nevada City: Blue Dolphin Publishing, Incorporated, 2007. Mittleman, M.A." Triggering myocardial infarction by marijuana". Circulation 103(23) (2001): 2805-2809 Moore, D et al. "Cannabis use and risk of psychotic or affective mental health outcomes: A systematic review". Lancet 370 (9584)(2007):319-328 Pope, G. et al "Neuropsychological performance in long-term cannabis users". Arch Gen Psychiatry 58(10) (2001):909-915 Rudgley, Richard. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Substances. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998 The US States Patent and Trademark Office. 07 Feb 2009. <> Read More
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