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US army reserve in Homeland Security - Research Paper Example

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The US Army Reserve should engage in Homeland Security and guarding the US borders. It provides trained units in addition to qualified individuals in times of need such as time of war, national emergency, and at times when national security may need them…
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US army reserve in Homeland Security
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US Army Reserve should engage in Homeland Security and Guarding the US Borders The US Army Reserve should engage in Homeland Security and guarding the US borders. It provides trained units in addition to qualified individuals in times of need such as time of war, national emergency, and at times when national security may need them. The security issue within and outside the US is at stake; the number of immigrants is very high in the US because of the illegal entry and smuggling. The paper will expound on the military experience, homeland security expertise, global demand for army forces, and the operational environment in future as the main factors that make the Reserve Component fit for being utilized in Homeland security and guarding the US boarders. The paper will also on how loss of attention in some key areas in addition to pressure on the US economy pose challenge on the integration of the Reserve Component in Homeland Security and guarding the US boarders. The Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952 expounds on the roles of reserve forces. In section 201 (a) of the 1952 Act claims that the reserve components of the United States have specific roles. They provide trained units in addition to qualified individuals in times of need such as time of war, national emergency, and at times when national security may need them (Marcia, 2012). Often, reservists are only given the opportunity to volunteer for active duties. Participation in volunteering activities denies them the promotion opportunities like other active-duty armies. In addition to this, the lack of participation in active-duty service prevents them from benefitting the same training active-duty personnel went through. Apart from personal benefits, the security issue within and outside the US is at stake. The number of immigrants is very high in the US because of the illegal entry and smuggling (Marcia, 2012). Terrorism acts as well as threats to the US also pose a great challenge to the security administrators. The engagement of the US Reserve in Homeland Security and guarding US Borders is an effective security measure to augment Federal, State, and Law Enforcement Agencies which supports the Defense Strategic Guidance while improving the operational utilization of its Soldiers. Military Experience The US Army Reserve has military experience. This is in relation to the fact that they undergo strenuous training like other active-duty soldiers. According to Major General Marcia, Deputy Chief US Army Reserve, the main mission of Army Reserve is to “provide trained, equipped and ready soldiers and cohesive units to meet global requirement across the full spectrum of operations” (Marcia, 2012, p.3). From his assertion, one can deduce that the Army Reserve has military experience that makes it for the provision of services within and outside the US. In relation to Marcia’s assertion, Cody (2013) claims that the Reserve Component Airmen train together with Active Component Airmen in order to prepare to assist combatant commanders across the globe. Despite this fact, it is apparent that the US experience many security issues. For instance, Katulis (2014) asserts in his article “5 National Security Issues to Watch in 2015” that the massive waves of migration pose serious immigration challenges to the US. In relation to this, Jenkins (2014) claims that the US has diverse homeland security issues such as the position of al-Qaida and security on the border that it needs to address. According to Jenkins (2014), more than 75 percent of Americans consider terrorist attacks in the US as a continuous threat that the government needs to do more in order to stop. Beyond al-Qaida, it is possible that there are other groups that are subscribing to relate hostile Salafist ideologies. For instance, continuing chaos in countries such as Libya, Syria and the rising sectarian violence in Iraq will pave a way for the emergence of new terrorist adversaries (Jenkins, 2014). The diversion of attention to only al-Qaida in addition to relying on only active-duty armies exposes the US to many terrorist attacks because the role of provision of security services. In relation to terrorist threats as a result of immigrations and emergency of many groups of terrorist, it is crucial for the reserve army components to take part in the provision of homeland security. This claim correlates with Ott’s argument that the best way to utilize the reserve component (RC) is by not only using it, but also employing it operationally. In tandem with Ott’s assertion, Marcia (2013) claims that the reserve is important to support not only steady state peacetime engagement, but also contingency requirements of the soldiers at home and abroad. In addition to this, Marcia claims that the reserve has the capability as well as the capacity to reduce national military risks linked to supporting major theater war and long-term stability operations. In connection with Marcia’s assertion concerning the Reserve Component mission, it is apparent that the US needs to utilize the military experience of the reserve army in the provision of homeland security and to guard the US borders. Homeland Security Expertise According to Talley, Thomas and Wilson (2015), the Reserve Component forces have specific expertise and experience required in filling the gap that Active Component cannot fill alone. In addition to this, Talley, Thomas and Wilson (2015) claims that the reserve forces offer access not only to proficiency, but also experience crucial for training active and reserve components. They also bring civilian workplace skills to armies’ operations such as Air Force operations that are crucial in cyber as well as space careers. According to Talley, Thomas and Wilson, the provision civilian workplace skills by Reserve Components are in relation to their many years of civilian experience. Additionally, it is apparent that the overall cost-effectiveness, as well as skill, makes the Reserve Component the best force to meet the national security challenges. The Guard and Reserve are also renowned of serving in all modern conflicts. For instance, it is evident that approximately 400,000 Guard and Reserve members took part in the Second World War. Almost 1,000,000 Guard and Reserve members also took part in the Korean War. In relation to this, it is true that the Reserve Component is relied on extensively. The renowned Army National Guard (ARNG) that consists of mix of combat, combat support as well as combat service support units portray diverse capabilities that can be utilized by not only the nation’s state governors, but also the Department of Defense. The number of ARNG is significantly high; it consists of 362,015 personnel (Talley, Thomas & Wilson, 2015). From the number of ARNG as well as its capabilities, one can deduce that giving it the responsibility of providing homeland security in addition to guarding the national borders will intensify the level of security in the US. The expertise of the Reserve Component correlates with their sharing of equipment, facilities as well as installations as from the Post-Cold War era. In addition, the integration of the Reserve Component in the Air Force led to the funding of the Reserve Components which boosted their expertise in specific areas. Additionally, it is evident that the integration of Active Component and Reserve Component in training increases their expertise in their selected Areas of Responsibility. In relation to this claim, Buchalter (2007) asserts that the inclusion of the Reserve Component forces into guarding the US together with the Active Component today has been proving effective. According to Buchalter (2007), the Reserve Component manages to play the same roles played by the Active Component in many missions. The main reason for the establishment of the Reserve Component was to “provide strategic depth against the eventuality that the nation is confronted by threat capabilities that exceed the capacity of the active force” (Buchalter, 2007, p.35). However, with time the Reserve Component proved to be very effective in other things such as providing operational forces against terrorism, cyber security, homeland defense, and stability operations. Thus, it is recommendable for the Reserve Component to be utilized in the homeland security as well as guarding the borders because they have the expertise like that of the Active Component in the provision of security. Insecurity threats at the U.S. borders Recently, a top United States general claimed that he is unable to protect not only the continuous flow of illegal drugs, but also weapons and immigrants from Central America. In relation to the US boarders’ threat, Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly requested the Congress to provide him with more money, drones as well as ships. His argument for his requests was that the extensive intrusion of the undocumented immigrants at the US borders has the likelihood of creating a security issue in future (O’Toole, 2014). Additionally, Kelly genuinely explained to the Congress how the budgets cuts to the military at the borders degrade the military ability to defend the US borders. According to Kelly, neglect of the military support at the borders, creates vulnerabilities that can be used by terrorist groups. In connection with Kelly’s complaint regarding the provision of security at the borders, it is crucial for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to reconsider training the Reserve Component on how to protect the US borders. This is in connection with the fact that its main mission is to ensure that the homeland is safe, secure, as well as resilient against terrorism and other potential hazards. Additionally, it is crucial for the DHS to train Reserve Component on how to conduct raids on drug dealers who are the main cause of insecurity in the US boarders. Global demand for army forces A number of factors have evolved today leading to the increase in demand for the Reserve Component. For instance, the increasing mission demands and the evolving Total Force policies call for the inclusion of the Reserve Component in the Total Force as the Active Component. In relation to this claim, Abrams Doctrine, which entails the voice of the people recommends for the involvement of the US in war only in the presence of the Guard and the Reserve,? The global role of the Reserve Component in the provision of Homeland security is also evidenced by their roles today. For instance, it is evident that the Reserve Component serves as a strategic hedge today (Graham, 2011). In addition to this, it is also incorporated in day-to-day military operations as well as participation in many missions than in the past. In relation to this claim, the strain of the active force as a result of the occurrence of Desert Storm led to the Department of Security to acknowledge the capabilities of the Guard and the Reserve in meeting mission requirements. Additionally, the increase of the contributions of Reserve Component to the Total Force missions between 1992 and 1996 shows that the operational role of both the Guard and Reserve is very crucial. Their inclusion in the army enhances success in any security issue. The responsibility of the Reserve Component towards military operations since the 2001 terrorist attacks justifies their demand in the US. In support of this, approximately 794,000 Guard and Reserve personnel have taken part in Operations Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle in as well as New Dawn and Iraqi Freedom. The majority of this personnel constituted of voluntary and involuntary activations from Guard and Reserve Components. According to Talley, Thomas and Wilson (2015), without the Reserve Component forces the US would have been forced to increase the number of the Active Component by more than 270,000 personnel to carry out the missions’ responsibility today. In relation to this assertion, Marcia (2012) claims that the continued dependence on the Reserve Component as one of the sources of the operational forces obliges the Department to run its forces in totality rather than as separate entities constituted of the Active, Reserve as well as civilian components. Thus, the role that has been played by the Reserve Component as from the terrorists of 2001, their demand in carrying out the missions currently, as well as the extensive reliance on it in the operational forces emphasizes the importance of the utilization of the Reserve Component in homeland security and guarding the US borders. The operational environment in future The predictions about the future are weighed down with uncertainty because of factors such demographics, globalization, and economics. Technology, energy, as well as natural resources in addition to climate changes, will probably pose a significant challenge in future. In relation to this, it is apparent that specific types of operations such as Homeland Defense in addition to routine operations in war, as well as war on terror, will be required (Office of the Vice Chairman & Office of Assistant Secretary, 2011). All these future challenges signify the potential responsibility of the Reserve Component in a wide spectrum of operations. In connection to this, it is evident that the Active Component spends a lot of time as well as resources in getting and maintaining both the equipment and skills required in carrying out many operations. Due to the increase in demand for the participation in many operations, the US will be forced to use trained in addition to Ready Reserve Component units in carrying out large-scale conventional campaigns such as the Desert Storm that managed to counter the invasion of Iraq in Kuwait in 1990. In relation to the future challenges, it is apparent that it is crucial for the US to reconsider conducting extensive stability operations. Stability operations constitute of many diverse military missions, tasks as well as activities outside the US. Stability operations are the main responsibility of the US. Unfortunately, such operations have the potential of occurring in not only all the period of conflict, but also across the scope of military operations in combat and non-combat environments. The magnitude of the large-scale stability operations missions may also vary from small-scale to large-scale. It may also take place at a short-duration or long-duration. Good examples of large-scale and long-duration stability operations are the Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan as well as Operation Iraqi Freedom (Graham, 2011). Since these challenges may lead to the increase in demand for many operations, it is crucial for the Reserve Component to be utilized effectively in not only the provision of Homeland Security, but also guarding the US borders. There are many steady state engagement activities that take place today in not only the support of DoD’s Theater Security Cooperation (TCS), but also Building Partner Capacity (BPC) efforts (Office of the Vice Chairman & Office of Assistant Secretary, 2011). The main objective of such activities is to boost the security potentials of partner nations in order to combat hostility from both external and internal adversaries. Among the activities that enhance this include taking part in combined exercises in not only small scale, but also large scale in which the United States military forces come together with partner nations in conducting mutually beneficial training. In relation to this, the US may provide teams as advisors to the different components of partner nations security forces (Office of the Vice Chairman & Office of Assistant Secretary, 2011). Since geographic relationships are very crucial in enhancing the US relation with the partner nations, it is crucial for the Reserve Component to take part in the missions. The Reserve Component has diverse experience in security issues in addition to public relations. Loss of attention in some key areas Although the utilization of the Reserve Component in Homeland Security and guarding of the US borders will augment Federal, State, and Law Enforcement Agencies which supports the Defense Strategic Guidance while improving the operational utilization of its Soldiers, it is evident that its change of roles will have some disadvantages. For instance, it is evident that Reserve Component is the one that provides operational forces that enhance provision of vital capabilities that enhance achievement of the national defense goals, balance the stress associated with the Total Force, spread the responsibility of defending American interests in addition to preserving the All-Volunteer Force on a regular basis (Marcia, 2012). Utilization of them in Homeland Security as well as guarding the US borders will lead to the occurrence of challenges in these areas. The Reserve Component constitute of part-time personnel such as citizen-soldiers, airmen and seamen who link the military with the American public. It is through them that citizens take part in enhancing the nation’s security. In relation to this, Army Reserve Soldiers are associated with helping protect the nation domestically as well as abroad (Thie, 2004). They also contribute as citizens of civilian communities. In tandem with this assertion, one can deduce that the Reserve partner with civilian authorities during incidents such as disasters. Thus, it is apparent that utilization of the Reserve Component of Homeland Security as well as guarding the US borders will lead to the loss of support during disasters. Additionally, the public will lose touch with the army which is essential in observance of a nation’s security. Pressure on the US economy The utilization of the Reserve Component in providing Homeland Security as well as guarding the US borders will make the US reconsiders employing Reserve Component as Active Component. Assignment of such activities calls for more compensation that is a serious challenge to the US government because it has been suffering from a weak economy (Graham, 2011). In connection with the issue of pressure on the US economy, Ott (2014) asserts that Reserve Component has a shortage of $51 billion for purchase of equipment requirements. According to him, the skills as well as the expertise of the Reserve Component will vary significantly from that of the Active Reserve because of training challenges. In conclusion, the number of immigrants as a result of illegal entry and smuggling in addition to terrorism acts pose a great challenge to the security administrators (O’Toole, 2014). In relation to this assertion, the engagement of the US Reserve in Homeland Security and guarding US Borders is an effective security measure to augment Federal, State, and Law Enforcement Agencies which supports the Defense Strategic Guidance while improving the operational utilization of its Soldiers. Some of the key things that make the Reserve Component utilization in Homeland Security and guarding of the boarders include its military experience. The Reserve Component undergoes strenuous training just like other active-duty soldiers. The Reserve Component also has Homeland Security expertise and experience that is required specifically required to fill the gap that Active Component cannot fill alone (Cody, 2013). Additionally, the overall cost effectiveness as well as skill makes the Reserve Component the best force to meet the national security challenges. It is also important to utilize the Reserve Component in Homeland Security and guarding borders because of the global demand for army forces; a number of factors have evolved today leading to the increase in demand for the Reserve Component (Graham, 2011). The predictions about the future are weighed down with uncertainty because of factors such demographics, globalization, and economics also call for the inclusion of the Reserve Component in the provision of security. However, it is evident that utilization of Reserve Component in Homeland Security and guarding of the borders will pose some challenges such as loss of attention in some key areas and imposing pressure on the US economy. References Buchalter, A. (2007). Historical Attempts to Reorganize the Reserve Components. Library of Congress. Retrieved from Reserve-Components.pdf Cody, J. (2013). Strengths and Capabilities of Active, Guard and Reserve Components. Retrieved from Chief%20Master%20Sergeant%20James%20A%20Cody.pdf Graham, D. (2011). Tailoring Active Duty Commitments for Reserve Component Service Members. The Eleventh Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation. Retrieved from Files/SR17_Chapter_14.pdf Jenkins, B. (2014). The Real Homeland Security Issues for 2014. Retrieved from _and_security_americans_need_to_debate_homeland_security.html Katulis, B. (2014). 5 National Security Issues to Watch in 2015. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from watch-in-2015/ Marcia, A. (2012). Duty Status Reform Observations-Analysis-Findings. Retrieved from Marcia, A. (2012). U.S. Army Reserve. Retrieved from O’Toole, M. (2014). Top General Says Mexico Border Security Now ‘Existential’ Threat to U.S. Retrieved from border-security-now-existential-threat-us/87958/ Office of the Vice Chairman & Office of Assistant Secretary (2011). Comprehensive Review of the Future Role of the Reserve Component. Retrieved from Ott, M. (2014). New Reserve Forces Policy Board Report: Reserve Component Use, Balance, Cost & Savings. The National Guard Association of the United States. Retrieved from component-use-balance-cost-savings Talley, J., Thomas, L. & Wilson, P. (2015). America’s Army Reserve: A Life-Saving, Life- Sustaining Citizen-Soldier Force for the Nation. Retrieved from TalleyJ-20150317.pdf Thie, H. (2004). National Security Research Division. RAND. Retrieved from Read More
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