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Naval Recruiting District in Atlanta - Case Study Example

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The author of the paper titled "Naval Recruiting District in Atlanta" paper looks at the issues that Commander Allan Devereux will encounter in his tour and how he is likely to tackle those issues using the assess, decide, implement and assure (ADIA) framework.   …
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Naval Recruiting District in Atlanta
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NRD Atlanta Naval recruiting district in Atlanta is one of the many districts that recruit young people in toactive navy service in the United States of America. As Commander Allan Deveneux of the US navy will be touring the district, several issues will come up which will require him to address them for his tour to be successful. This paper will look at the issues that Commander Allan Deveneux will encounter in his tour and how he is likely to tackle those issues using the assess, decide, implement and assure (ADIA) framework. One of the issues that the commander is likely to face is the practice by officers program officer to encourage officers not to drop out of the program for a time long enough to shift the blame to another department. This practice, although not illegal was unethical and Commander Allan Deveneux had to act on it, therefore, he had to assess the how rampant was the problem and the factors that contributed to it. The problem would be found to be loopholes in the system; therefore, a decision would have to be made on how those loopholes would be covered to avoid such incidents in future. After the finding the right way to seal those loopholes in the system, Commander Allan Deveneux would go ahead and implement the decision he found suitable. The final step would be to ensure that the problem of encouraging officers to hold in the program for a period long enough to shift the blame has stopped. The friction between chief Piersall and chief Cyphre caused by a recent firing and widespread command failures to make goals which left a lot of employees unsettled. While Piersall, who was the CMC, was deeply concerned about the morale of the staff and wanted to take some time to help the staff overcome the incident, Cyphre thought that they were just shaken up because they had been used to poor leadership and bad habits and when they resume their normal duties, they would feel better. In order to get to the real cause of the friction between the two senior staff members, assessing them on a personal basis would bear much fruits since they were insincere in their public apologies. In addition since master Piersall was not a career recruiter while master Cyphre was a career recruiter might have been part of the reason for the friction, Allan would have sought the perspectives of both which would have helped him determine whether it may have been a cause. Based on the information that he got from both parties Allan would then opt for a solution that would ensure that they work amicably. As the commanding officer, he would then inform them of his decision on how they would carry themselves in future to avoid such incidents again. He would then require them to follow the directive; he would then be keen to see their work interactions to determine whether his decision was effective enough and whether it was being followed. The recruiting process was getting complicated day by day due to lack of appropriate candidates for recruitment and the large number of contacts that were required before a candidate could be allowed to join. For instance, minors are required to get consent from their parents while in other cases waivers are required or working with potential recruits to reduce some deficiencies such as overweight. These cases took a lot of time for the recruiters, which would be spent in search of new qualified recruits. In dealing with this case, Allan would have to talk with the recruiters in a bid to find more about the challenges that they are facing in recruiting and how they think those problems could be addressed to increase the number and quality of recruits. From the opinions of the recruiters and from his own assessment of the situation, Allan would then be required to make a decision on the best way forward to make the recruitment process in the navy recruitment district of Atlanta easier and more effective. This would then be followed by briefing of the recruiters and other relevant authorities on the decision for a smooth implementation of the same. After the decision has been implemented, assurance of the effectiveness of the decision would be assessed by the number and quality of new recruits in to the navy. Another problem that was likely to be faced in the tour of navy recruiting district of Atlanta involves the families of the first time recruitment officer who thought that their coming to the shore would mean they would find more time to spend with their families (Britton, 2007, 98). Although this happened in some cases, in most of the cases it never happened since the recruiters found themselves with no time to spend with their families. This has put a lot of strain in the families of the soldiers with a recent report showing that NRD Atlanta has divorce rates that are above average. Allan, in his tour would be required to assess the working conditions of the recruiters which makes them not get time to spend with their families, although he personally believes that recruiters should work long hours, he should be guided by professionalism. Based on unbiased findings the commander should make a decision that will allow soldiers some time to spend with their families while at the same time attending the duties that they have been allocated in the district. This decision should be implemented to all staff members without paying attention to whether one has a family or not. The assurance of the efficacy of the program should be determined by a reduction in the number of divorces among the officers from the district and the enthusiasm to work as a result of satisfaction. Some universities, high schools and community colleges were refusing access to recruiters because they did not support the war in Afghanistan making it hard to get new recruits. In his tour, Allan would have to assess the reasons why the institutions refused to grant assess including why they did not support the war in Afghanistan. He would then find a solution that would be acceptable to both the institutions and the NRD Atlanta, which he would then ensure it is implemented, and the results assured by an increase in the number of recruits from the institutions. References Britton, D. L. (2007). Predicting the number of potential military recruits over the next ten years with application to recruiter placement. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA. Read More
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