Diets without Meat Are the Healthiest Diets Essay.
Diets Without Meat Are the Healthiest Diets Essay.
The paper "Diets without Meat Are the Healthiest Diets" is a great example of an essay on medical science. I selected this dish in keeping with the idea that diets without meat are the healthiest diets. We are trying to make a green, healthy dish. We started by using five flavorful and healthy vegetables as the basis for our dish. These include tomatoes, zucchinis, green and red peppers, and onions. These all contain important nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins that must be consumed each day. Peppers and zucchinis contain much more vitamin C then the others, but they all are very healthy. These five kinds of vegetable can deliver an individual’s daily value of vitamin K, B-6, A, and vitamin E. Next, we considered adding eggs to provide the dish’s fat content. Eggs are also one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D. Our third consideration was how many calories the dish should have. We are all females in our group and have calculated that given our average weight and height, age and activity level, we should consume about 2608 calories per day. In this dish, we have 88 calories from tomatoes, 60 calories from green peppers and 46 calories from red pepper, 4 calories from onion, 20 calories from zucchini, 120 calories from olive oil, 360 calories from eggs and 230 calories for a wheat wrap for a total of 928 calories. This would account for the major meal of the day. Our final consideration in planning this dish was economic. All of these ingredients are fairly cheap and easily available at the supermarket. We believe this dish is very healthy because of the wide variety of nutrients and vitamins found in the ingredients.
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