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Deconstructing Representations of Identity in the Media - Term Paper Example

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This term paper "Deconstructing Representations of Identity in the Media" focuses on analyzing the representation of the Islamic community in the media using the examples of three articles about terrorist attacks. All the articles present the information freely…
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Deconstructing Representations of Identity in the Media
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Deconstructing representations of identity in the media Faculty Table of Contents Introduction Background Discussion Conclusion Reference Appendix Introduction In last one decade, the global community has experienced some of the most severe attacks from the terrorism like September 11, 2001. These terrorist attacks have been linked with a particular religious community. Media has presented news and facts in different ways that has been questioned by authors like Chomsky. There are various factors of news that makes it acceptable among the mass. The news and coverage makes the social construct of reality. This means people develop a particular thought or approach gradually for a particular aspect of society. This paper covers the recent presentation of the Islamic community in the news. Three articles from The Sydney Morning Herald have been taken for the analysis. Destructionist analysis approach has been adopted for the study. Background Deconstruction is a process that does not lead to a ‘definable meanings’ or ‘determinable missions’. According to Derrida (1997) deconstruction means to explain “institutions, traditions, societies, beliefs, and practices”. These are done according to the need of the user. This offers more than the objectives of a particular study as it does not limit one with boundaries. This evaluates the questions like the reality and its occurrence. “Deconstructive analyses look for what is deemphasized, overlooked, or suppressed in a particular way of thinking or in a particular set of legal doctrines. Sometimes they explore how suppressed or marginalized principles return in new guises.” (Balkin, 1996) According to MacNaughton (2005) it is challenging to identify what is not said and the link between link and concept that is deforming. The freedom of information within the discourse can be studied with the ‘difference’ and ‘otherness’ concepts of Derrida. Derrida (2002) described deconstruction as an ethical tool of ‘affirmation’ that involves positive consideration to the otherness of other to something new. Deconstruction breaks the texts to logic and these logics form alternative meanings to the same. All three articles used in this study cover various aspects of media presentation of terrorism and Islam. The first article discussed, consists of the gender issue presented in the news. Discussion Article 1: Call to ban anti-Islam ads This article covers three specific issues Islam, gender and role of advertisement. Islam and woman are the terms ‘othered’ in this article. The politics of opposition exists in the form of the term Islam which has been underprivileged due to its specific nature and recent incidences. Islamic girls and women are being ‘othered’ for their religion. The advertisement for which this news has been published, is not only communicating to its target audience but also creating fear among the other mass (See advertisement Appendix 4). The advertisement is communicating and the entire concept of could have been much better if it had targeted all the girls and women facing domestic abuse or vulnerable to violence. The hidden meanings of this advertisement could be generalized by the non-Islamic community as all the women and girls of Islamic faith can be victim of honour killings. The other aspect of such advertisement was the lack of empathy for a particular religious group. The news indicated that half of the cab drivers were of Muslim faith. The number of Muslim commuters and audiences was not provided. The advertisement was targeted for Muslim women and had potential of hurting other member of same faith. This article provides information on the controversy, legality aspect and the false advertisement resulting from the advertisement. Article 2: Christian leaders plan anti-Islam conference Tovey (2009) in this article covered the repercussions of Victoria’s abortion laws, Anti-Muslim Christian conference. The otherness is linked with ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’. The term ‘Muslim’ was used in the statement of Mr. Nile in general. The message of protecting Christianity has been stressed in the paper and Islam was portrayed as major threat to the Christianity faith. “At some point we have to draw the line and say enough is enough, he said. The nation has to stand for its Christian values, irrespective of whether all people practise Christianity or not. (Nulliah as cited by Tovey, 2009) This article ended with the information on the speech, Is the West being de-Christianised? which was about to delivered by Mr. Nalliah. Nalliah being strong supporter of Christianity expressed his views of posing Islam as a major threat and Islamic activities for weakening the Christian heritage. One of the binary aspect covered in this article is Christianity versus Non-Christianity particularly Islam. The ideological difference of the religious groups was evident with the statements of Pastor Nalliah. Nalliah is not only othering Islam as a religion but also trying to privilege Christianity over this debate. This can not be considered normal for a religious leader who is trying to privilege his religion not over the good aspects of the religion but on the bad aspects of other religion. Article 3: War on terrorism is over ... in lexicon This article was different from the other two articles. This article expressed the role of language and words used for communication materials for terrorism, jihad, Islamic extremist and the explicit links often created between Islam and terrorism. Sardar (2006) has expressed that politics has become so much of the part of life of the Muslims as young as 12 years old that the members of this religious community openly express their opinion regarding any politician or government efforts of engaging with Muslims. Sardar (2006) also emphasized on the fact that the impact of the deconstruction of media bias is high among the average Muslim. There are different other aspects that affect average Muslim are listed as ‘foreign policy, war on terror and policy’ (Sardar, 2006). Some aspects of the official language used for discussion of terrorism and government review of the same have been covered in this paper. Words than can glorify terrorism, terrorist acts and terrorists can have potential of causing fear among the rest of the community. One of such word ‘Jihad’ is tagged as a word that have opposite influence on terrorist and other communities. This news indicated that this effort was inspired by the linguistic realignment of Britain. The replacement of the "Muslim terrorists” to “al-Qaeda terrorists" by the politician is considered a positive move as the linking of terrorism is done with particular terrorist group rather than a religious group. This article shows various binary relationships of Islam and non-Islam, terrorism and religious group, use and non use of particular terms in correspondences. It is indicated that ‘war on terrorism’ is linked with Muslims. Privileged group in such scenario are all the others from non-Muslim background. Analysis According to Macnaughton & Smith (2001), the notions of deconstruction by Derrida and erasure of Focauldian has been the ways of exploring relationship of power. These provide tools for the understanding the ethical meaning of a construct. This helps in exploring the limits of words. Developing an understanding of meanings to that extent where no other meaning can be derived allows understanding the silent aspect of the information. This helps in understanding the meaning of truth and power. There have been various discussions over the use of binary for destruction analysis in the past. “Deconstructing the binary can enable understanding of the restrictions, limits and policing that occurs across the spectrum (Surtees, 2008). This is clear that all the news covered Islam. The deconstruct reveals that Islam has been linked with terrorist in one way or other. All the others belonging to non-Islamic group can be considered privileged in all the article analysis. Power of media to construct reality is evident from the information presented. The first article communicated about the advertisement in detail, allowed more people to get information regarding the particular website and its movements. The second article also presented Islam in negative manner as a threat to the Christianity. “Deconstructing the practicum documents through a critical lens makes it possible to see the competencies and assessment frameworks as expressions of power: the power of particular groups to circulate their versions of reality, rather than neutral objective measures” (Ortlipp, 2006) Second article was also indicating the desire of power with the statements of Nulliah. The third article presented the complexity and issues related to the lexical use for communicating regarding terrorism and related issues. According to Surtees (2008) in the present educational scenario, teachers avoid discussing certain matters in the class like sexuality or can have “selective silences about such matters, arguably endorses existing inequities while limiting opportunities to make connections between difference and diversity, power relations, structural inequalities and discrimination. (Surtees, 2008)” Conclusion Power of words is indicated in each of the article discussed. Islam willingly or unwillingly was linked with terrorism in all the three articles. Third article seems to provide positive output as it signifies the efforts of changing the decade old practice of using words like Muslim Terrorism, Jihad and others which not just glorify terrorist groups but also misrepresent the Islamic religion. All the articles freely presented the information. The otherness was linked with the Islam, Islamic groups or Muslim faith and the rest of the community was privileged. The deconstruction analysis indicates that there is still a long way to go in order to consider and communicate terrorism as terrorism rather than linking with specific religious or social group. Reference AAP (2010) Call to ban anti-Islam ads, August 25, 2010 Retrieved September 14, 2010, from [accessed on 13 September 2010] Balkin, J.M. 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Heteronormative Responses within a Discourse of Child-Centredness and the Emergent Curriculum. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(3), 10+. Retrieved September 14, 2010, from Questia database: Warren, J. T. (2003, Spring). Why I Hate Boston Public . Multicultural Education, 10, 24+. Retrieved September 14, 2010, from Questia database: Tovey, J (2009) Christian leaders plan anti-Islam conference Retrieved September 14, 2010 from Appendix Article 1 Call to ban anti-Islam ads August 25, 2010 AAP Yellow Cab Chicago has requested that a fleet of taxis remove controversial anti-Islam ads. The ads, sponsored by the group Stop of Islamization of America, appeared on 25 Chicago cabs this summer. Beside pictures of young women who were allegedly killed by their Muslim fathers for refusing an Islamic marriage, dating a non-Muslim or becoming "too Americanised" was the message: "Is your family threatening you?" The placards also displayed the web address Michael Levine, the CEO of Yellow Cab Chicago, said the signs were offensive to the citys taxi drivers, an estimated half of whom are Muslim. The ads were carried by independent Yellow Cab affiliates, Levine said in a statement. The fleet owner was paid by a company that specialises in advertising atop taxis. When Yellow Cab learned of the placards three weeks ago, it called the advertising company and asked to have the ads removed, according to Levine. Yellow Cab was told they were taken down, but found out on Tuesday that three ads were still running atop taxis. "They will be removed," Levine said. "Yellow Cab does not regularly approve advertising content carried by our affiliates, but we do reserve the right to ask them to remove ads that offend either the drivers or the public." Although the ads appeared to offer a safe haven for young women who want to leave Islam, critics contend the signs stoked fear among passengers and passers-by about the way many of the citys taxi drivers worship. Pamela Geller, a leader of Stop the Islamization of America, previously told the Chicago Tribune that Muslims are increasingly taking over schools, financial institutions and the workplace. Geller said the ads were directed at "Muslims girls in trouble, living in fear of their lives, struggling to find resources to help." Geller, who is also one of the leaders against building the Park51 mosque near the site of the September 11 attacks in New York, could not be reached for comment on Tuesday. The Council on American Islamic Relations considered legal action regarding the ads. It chose not to after a story in Sundays Chicago Tribune "shed light" on the controversy, said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago. "Its long overdue," Rehab said of the ads removal. "These ads are sponsored by a notoriously bigoted anti-Muslim group. Its a classic case of false advertising." © 2010 AAP Article 2 Christian leaders plan anti-Islam conference Josephine Tovey August 10, 2009 AN EVANGELICAL church leader who blamed bushfires in February on Victorias abortion laws will address an anti-Muslim Christian conference alongside the Reverend Fred Nile and state Liberal MLC David Clarke this year. Mr Nile invited the leader of the Catch the Fire ministries, Pastor Danny Nalliah, to address the National Conference for all Concerned Christians on November 21 on the theme Australias Future and Global Jihad, an event Mr Nile said was about strengthening Australias Christian heritage. We are concerned with the conflict between Islam and Christianity that is happening around the world, Mr Nile said. Mr Nalliah was widely criticised for issuing a press release in the week after the Victorian disaster claiming the fires which claimed 173 lives were punishment for the relaxation of Victorias abortion laws. He had previously made headlines when he and a fellow minister were prosecuted under Victorias racial vilification laws in 2002 for comments about Islam, triggered by a complaint from the Islamic Council of Victoria. A judge upheld the complaint but it was later overturned on appeal. Mr Nile said he was not worried by the racial vilification accusation. I was very concerned that he was persecuted by the Muslims, he said. It was an ambush. Mr Nalliah told the Herald the alleged terrorist plot on Holsworthy barracks by men with links to the Somali terrorism group al-Shabab showed why Christianity should be protected as the core value of the nation. At some point we have to draw the line and say enough is enough, he said. The nation has to stand for its Christian values, irrespective of whether all people practise Christianity or not. Mr Nalliah will deliver a speech on the topic Is the West being de-Christianised? Article 3 War on terrorism is over ... in lexicon Stephanie Peatling July 7, 2009 Ads by Google Cert in Terrorism Studies University of St Andrews & Informa Online Homeland Security Course THE phrase "war on terrorism" is set to be expunged from the official lexicon. Nearly eight years after the September 11, 2001, attacks the Federal Government is reviewing the official language used to discuss terrorism. "Experience has shown that the language used to describe terrorism can be counterproductive," the Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, said. "Certain words have the potential to glorify terrorism and terrorists, while others can cause anxiety among Australians and create divisions within and between communities." Of particular concern to the Government are phrases that specifically link religion to terrorism, such as "jihad" and "Islamic extremists". The "war on terrorism" as well as its more American-style cousin, "the war on terror", are also in the Governments sights. "We need to use language that does not inadvertently glorify terrorism but rather describes it in terms of base criminal behaviour of the most reprehensible kind," Mr McClelland said. The project was inspired by a similar linguistic realignment that recently took place in Britain. A counter-terrorism phrasebook was drawn up by the Home Office to help public officials talk about terrorism without making an explicit link between Islam and terrorism, with politicians starting to speak of "al-Qaeda terrorists" instead of "Muslim terrorists". The Australian project will involve focus groups of members of the public to test their views on the language of terrorism. They are being run by the Australian Multicultural Foundation. The executive director of the foundation, Hass Dellal, said people did not want a new wave of political correctness but wanted language to be used more carefully. Words and phrases such as "moderate Muslim", "jihadist", "Islamic extremists" and "Muslim terrorists" were too general. He said participants did not want religion removed from discussions about terrorism but that the context needed to be made clear. The phrase "war on terrorism" was particularly pernicious because it had quickly become "shorthand for Muslims". Appendix 4: Honour Killing Victims controversial advertisement Read More
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