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Equal Time Rule, Dominance in Media and Its Repercussions - Article Example

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The paper "Equal Time Rule, Dominance in Media and Its Repercussions" highlights that media today seems to be more of a mix of exaggerated glimpses, disguising figures and manipulated stories. It is an agent with the ultimate goal to shape reality to influence us as audiences, voters and consumers…
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Equal Time Rule, Dominance in Media and Its Repercussions
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In politics, this culture is culminating in projecting candidates who rig their identities with scripted performances and television commercials intended to induce a rapid emotional response (Kanedeno, 2006).

Discrimination based on casts and sects has an overwhelming influence on the projection of events; for instance, Republicans were not at all bothered when episodes of Law and Order featuring Fred Thompson were run by cable networks, nor did other candidates ask for extra time after there was a parade of candidate appearances on Saturday Night Live. But Trump's declaration of candidacy on The Apprentice had an immense impact (Podlas. 2009).

Dominance in Media and its Repercussions
The loosened government restrictions on media ownership and the Telecommunications Act 1996 passed by Congress which allows companies to own even more media outlets facilitate a candidate to receive more coverage than others. This media consolidation has given birth to broadcasting monopolization allowing candidates and parties to receive more coverage than others. Most of the nation’s newspapers are owned by the Hearst, Knight Ridder, and Gannett corporations, whereas many radio stations are possessed by Clear Channel Communications. The Walt Disney Corporation along with the Disney Channel and Viacom owns CBS, MTV, ABC, and ESPN. Media consolidation limits consumers’ choices and eliminates competitiveness due to restricted or manipulated news coverage by corporate owners. Read More
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