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The Policies of the European Union in Broadcasting - Term Paper Example

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This paper " The Policies of the European Union in Broadcasting" discusses a broadcasting policy that promotes the commercial, political and cultural integrity of the European Union. It regulates the development and transmission of economic, cultural, social concepts of various democratic societies…
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The Policies of the European Union in Broadcasting
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The policies of the European Union in broadcasting Introduction:  News reports and researches have often mentioned that European Union has been following a broadcasting policy that promotes the commercial, political and cultural integrity of European Union. Broadcasting of audiovisual sector plays a vital role in the field of communication and its contribution is many and varied in European society. It regulates the development and transmission of economic, cultural, political and social concepts of various democratic societies. One of the most significant features of the policy of the European Union in broadcasting is its dual nature- cultural and commercial. Various diversities such as linguistic, cultural, social, economical and religious , often challenge the smooth functioning of broadcasting. European Broadcasting Union have developed and followed a policy that ensures human rights especially the freedom of opinion and expression. One can find that it gives more emphasis on the protection of fundamental values such as cooperation, solidarity and tolerance. Transnational broadcasting system is a new trend of global audio visual markets. Transnational broadcasting system largely failed in Europe because of various reasons such as, economical, linguistic competition, relationship between channels and publishers, and technological developments. Economical, linguistic competition, relationship between channels and publishers, and technological developments influence the process of transitional broadcasting system. As a result of the existing broadcasting policy European Union have changed their broadcasting methods especially, the implementation of digital broadcasting which has provided a new phase. Under new broadcasting policy all European broadcasters are expected to convey their services on both analogue and digital platform. The existing audio and visual broadcasting policy is highly helpful to European countries in its social, cultural and economic development. Paula Chakravartty, Katharine Sarikakis state that; “In the case of broadcasting policy, debates about culture and identity ,function around claims for the recognition of difference in contrast to the universalizing tendencies of the market.” (Chakravartthy & Sarikakis 2006, p.87). The new broadcasting strategy will support the construction and allocation of European employment and it will change the social and economic scenario. The book entitled Broadcasting in the European Union: the role of public interest in… provides valuable information about the advantages of new broadcasting policy to the nation. The author Ingrid Nitsche makes the reader to think that; “The commission’s communication for the community’s audio-visual policy in the digital age, in recital 11, stress as the ‘fundamental goals of its audio-visual policy are to encourage the production and distribution of European works, by establishing a secure and stable legal framework to guarantee the freedom to provide audio – visual services, on the one hand, and through appropriate support mechanism on the other’.” (Nitsche 2001, p.49). European parliament and Commission has given all support to the existing broadcasting policies. One can easily find the fact that these programs fecilitate network - building and the main aim of these policies are to encourage production of audio-visual works so as to face challenges of financing and marketing of their products. One can see the frequent evolution of European Commission’s broadcasting policies in the study entitled An Evaluation of the Commission’s Approach to Broadcasting by David Ward. The author rightly comments that; “It is argued that the Commission is far more sympathetic than many academics would admit, to the democratic requirements of the need for institutions to facilitate communication, independent of both the State and commercial imperatives.” (Ward 2001, p.2). Existing policy has the device which consists of national assortment and it will be admiring and promoting national and provincial policy. The presence of public sphere in the fields of broadcasting ensures credibility and national integration. The online article entitled Central and Eastern Europe states that; “Public service television has enjoyed a special place in the European broadcasting landscape, being envisaged as a vital contributor to democracy and as a constitutive part of the European cultural heritage.” (Dragomir n.d, p.5). The broadcasting policy is mainly based on the market performance and it will try to increase the program’s resources. The officials from the European Union demand the formation of a cultural safety net for the protection of social and cultural heritage of the nations. The online article broadcasting policies of the European Union explains that; “The safety net was to be comprised of quotas aimed at preserving the different national television industries and encouraging the development of a pan-european broadcasting industry which would remind Europeans of their common heritage and goals.” (Rogerson & L’Ecuyer 1999). The European Union has resorted to the widespread broadcast- marketing and they argue that the new broadcasting method promotes media pluralism. European Union’s new way of broadcasting in the field of audio-visual programs ensure its political and cultural identity. The online article entitled European Union: Television Policy rightly comments that; “Television policy in the EU reflects the underlying purpose of promoting European integration and abolishing national barriers to the free movements of goods and services within the Common Market.” (European Union: Television policy, 2010). Challenges faced by European Public Broadcasters: As a result of this innovation some changes can be seen in the process of broadcasting. Post-communist Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEECs)who wish for the EU membership and they have changed their audio- visual broadcasting policies with European Union directives. But the real problem is that the European broadcasting policy is yet to be fully successful and has number of limitations. Many controversial problems surround public sector broadcasters in European countries. European public are burdened with general taxes and compulsory television license fee. The web article The funding of public service broadcasting points out that “It might be truer to say that the public has become more demanding in terms of quality programming and value for money when it comes to paying either indirectly through taxes or directly through license fees.” (The funding of public service broadcasting, 2010). One of the most important problems that affect the public broadcasters is that they are not competitive and they can not restrain the current Global broadcasting markets. The web article The Disadvantages of Digital Broadcasting comments that; “According to, broadcasters also had to adjust to the conversion, and needed to invest in new production, transmission and operating equipment as well as new devices for video and audio encoding.” (Devaney 2010). The necessity of technological development in the fields of broadcasting is clear in the above statement. Different political and economical factors influences the changes in media system in European sector. The national and transitional media competition and marketing are the other main problems in European broadcasting. European broadcasters face problems such as competition from extensive numbers of overseas channels. European broad casting failed in producing good quality programs and thus popularizing its channels. The online article “The influx of increased advertising programming in European among all media firms is evident from the way media companies sited and relocated stations to find possible locations where they could bypass national regulations that restricted activities of transnational broadcasting.” (Effects of market liberalization on European broadcasting media systems, 2010). Technological developments have paved way for innovative ways in broadcasting in the world. The web article entitled Focus on broadcasting policy issues in the EU underlines that; “In the new digital environment the key issue is whether a new approach to regulating audiovisual content is necessary.” (Focus on broadcasting policy issue in the EU, 2004, p.2). European audiovisual sector might have been successful at national level but it has faced problems across European border. Transnational broadcasting system has largely failed in Europe because of this reason transnational media does not exist in Europe or with only very limited coverage. The online article Transnational media concentrations in Europe underlines that; “Economic, regulatory and technological developments regarding transnational media concentrations are examined, as well as developments affecting European audiences and media content.” (Bruck et al 2004, p.8). European broadcasting owners are more concerned in promoting and establishing different political views and thoughts while producing and airing audio visual programs. This has created problems in both western and eastern European areas , as involvement of audio visual production houses in the field of print media is very rare and it paved the way for media crisis. The online article how television failed to integrate Europe explains that; “Transnational and pan-European television should not be thought outside a broader (global) economic environment.” (Garcia 2007, p.26). Why transnational broadcasting has largely failed in Europe: Transnational broadcasting system is a new trend of global audio visual markets. One can see that this invention is making the new developments in commercial and entrepreneurial ambition in the market. Even though European Union is ready to welcome a new broadcasting system, they have showed some practical problems in the case of transnational broadcasting system. The online article public broadcasting why? How? Permitted that “Because the public broadcaster’s goal is not to attract the widest possible audience at all times, we cannot use this single tool to measure its audience. Ratings do not take into account, for example, the diversity of the public.” (Public broadcasting why? How? 2001, p.23). But Europeans were not ready to accept the transnational broadcasting methods. So the transnational media concentration on broadcasting is causing unconstructive effects on freedom of expression and it also making unwanted effects in European communication culture. Kenneth Rogerson and Pula L’ecuyer state that; “Europeans wanted to increase the amount of Community -produced broadcasting on national television stations while lowering internal European barriers to the transmission of these broadcasts, in keeping with the visions of the single European market.” (Rogerson & L’Ecuyer 1999). New transnational broadcasting system has contributed to commercialization of European media. In this system, different countries and national broadcasters and publishers make competition with transnational program production and getting hold of attractive and amazing contents. Maeve Connolly clearly remarks that;” Public service broadcasters are faced with the challenge of retaining audiences for generalist programming, while transnational competitors can operate largely outside the limits of national regulation and orient their programming towards the most lucrative markets.” (Connolly 2003, p.1). Europeans do not maintain good relation with media owners and publishers. So they are not keeping conventional relation between transnational broadcasters because they come from foreign countries. One can find the crisis that affects the broadcasting process in European countries in the web article Transnational media concentrations in Europe. It clearly states that; “However, national and European competition laws are in general insufficient to deal with the impact that transnational media concentration has on freedom of expression, pluralism and cultural diversity in a specific country.” (Bruck et al 2004, p.35). Transnational broadcasting system in Europe has also faced the problem of competitive language. Noncompetitive language service and other programs have often failed to act in response to present market conditions. One of the serious problems is that broadcasting did not maintain quality signal delivery in many areas. As a result , they faced marketing challenges, and low audience awareness. The online article Worldwide Challenges to Public Service Broadcasting explained that “Economically, the financial basis was being eroded by diminishing support from public funds, increasing disparities in income between public and commercially funded broadcasters, escalating costs, and questions of equity.” (Rowland & Tracey 1990). The broadcasting agents and program publishers distribute same audio and visual programs. The new transnational media environment permits a new broadcasting culture that ensures liberalism in public broadcasting. The online article entitled transnational media concentrations in Europe comments that; “As an example, in broadcasting, cheap programs and formulaic serials tend to dominate many channels and are offered in similar ways in more than one European country.” (Bruck et al 2004, p.7). The public is not ready to accept these programs and this act as a significant reason in the failure of Transnational broadcasting system in European nations. These are the problems, for the failure of transnational broadcasting in Europe. Inevitable presence of the public sphere in broadcasting system also became a barrier in the successive implementation of transnational broadcasting system in European nations. Conclusion: European Union has established a developed policy in broadcasting audio visual programs. This policy ensures the social, economic, political and cultural integrity of Europe. Analyzing evolution of broadcasting policy in European countries one can see that political and economical factors have a significant role in policy making. The existing broadcasting policy gives more emphasis on market performance. European Commission invites innovative changes in the field of broadcasting and the new audio-visual policy explores new technological developments and scientific innovations in broadcasting. Analyzing the features of existing broadcasting policy of the European Union, one can find that transnational broadcasting system largely failed in European nations. The issue of political and cultural barriers act as a negative force and it prevent the smooth functioning of transnational broadcasting system. The involvement of publishers in transnational broadcasting badly affects both broadcasting officials and the European audiences. European publishers were not ready competing with publishers and broadcasters from other countries with variety of programs. Technical developments in Global broadcasting system also make problems in the field of European broadcasting. Attitude of European audience have often prevented the establishment of transnational broadcasting system in European countries. To conclude, existing broadcasting policy in European Union is effective enough to promotes the social and cultural heritage of Europe and has acted as a barrier in accepting transnational broadcasting system. Reference List Bruck, P. A. et al., 2004. Transnational media concentrations in Europe. [Online] AP-MD, p.8. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Chakravartthy, P & Sarikakis, K., 2006. Media policy and globalization. [Online] Edinburgh University Press, p.87. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Connolly, M., 2003. Re-imagined communities? Ireland, Europe and the web as shifting site of television discourse. [Online] Irish Communications Review, 9, p.1. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Devaney, E., 2010. 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[Online] World Radio and Television Council, p.23. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Rogerson, K & L’Ecuyer, P., 1999. Broadcast policies of the European Union: Economically or culturally bound? [Online] Pittsburgh. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Rowland, W. D & Tracey, M, 1990. Worldwide challenges to public service broadcasting. [Online] Questia. Available at:;jsessionid=MHZH1Jzh6kpXLGGthRQRMlglHpPnDvjwhnMl2lxsVklphnQS1y9G!1645582110!-1455036664?docId=96440309 [Accessed 22 July 2010]. The funding of public service broadcasting, 2010. [Online] Council of Europe. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Ward, D., 2001. The democratic deficit and European Union communication policy. [Online] The Public, p.2. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2010]. Read More
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