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Skinny Models to Everyday Women - Research Proposal Example

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The author of this research proposal "Skinny Models to Everyday Women" discusses whether the representation of women changed from skinny models to everyday women in the advertising media. Admittedly, the research plans to accomplish a rational approach to the image of women…
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Skinny Models to Everyday Women
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Research Proposal Skinny Models to Everyday Women Research Proposal Abstract The research proposal – has the representation of women changed from skinny models to everyday women in the advertising media? It plans to accomplish a rational approach to the image of women and prevent further distortion of minds of the viewers by the media. It is necessary to awaken women and target fields of social psychology, media influence on viewers about prototype women created by the media to highlight the destructive effects on health and consumerism caused due to this impact. Qualitative, quantitative and exploratory methods will be used to process the data with reference to social, religious, ethical issues, consumer, moral and psychological behavior of women in society. The Research proposal proves vital for the well being of all women. Research Proposal Has the representation of women changed from skinny models to everyday women in the advertising media? Chapter I. Introduction and Statement of a Problem. Just imagine Michael Angelo sculpting an Ally McBeal? Or Rembrandt painting Naomi Campbell? Or even Jane Austen portraying her female protagonist Elizabeth in beautiful gowns with nothing but bones and skin over her body? Besides saving Marble for the statue, paint and material for the painting, and word space to describe her heroine, there seems little achievement in choosing such models to depict the concept of beautiful women, in the field of art, literature or society, be it in the early 1500 century or the 21 century we are living in. But that was a time when there was nothing like the modern media. The society had scope to think for itself. Forms of expressions were for betterment of society and were devoid of manipulations. They were close to reality and in genuine proximity to nature unlike today. Women were a focus of every society although perspectives of representations of females have undergone catastrophic changes through the far reaching tentacles of the seductive, tantalizing and captivating media of modern consumerism and the capitalistic society. Buxom Belles represented beauty and prosperity. The Milkmaid by J Vermeer is admired as a masterpiece of art even today. Not only because of its excellence in painting skills and the superb realistic effects in the painting but also because of the daily life maid, the bulky but beautiful model he has chosen for his painting. Research Proposal Men preferred healthy robust women as it was a social belief that they could procreate progressively. Religions the world over revered the natural status of women for child bearing and rearing. Medical fields respected natural biology and the unique metabolism of humans. Sociologists acknowledge the well being of women to be a vital part of a healthy society in a nation. Anthropologists reported buxom bodied women as highly regarded females in native cultures of the world. So there has been absolutely no place for skinny models in the past in the studies of social sciences, humanities and the depiction of women in those societies. It is only the hyped up image of a woman created by the media that engulfed the masses due to a revolution in the communication and information technology in the last 2 decades. Contrary to the enhanced development of individuals and society this electronic medium became a devastating source of manipulating minds of viewers. Russell rightly points out in one of his popular quotes “It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this” the loss of critical and analytical thinking in viewers of the ‘idiot box’ the world over while accepting or rejecting the information disseminated to the masses by so called master minds of the world, has become redundant. Why else would the women between the ages of 12 to 34 become so obsessed with thin and skinny bodies? The 20 century promoted an abnormal body size of women. Size 0-14 became the rage rampantly pumped by the media representation of women into gullible viewers of television and fashion magazines and Research Proposal advertisements. The image became an impossible ambition for most women who were obsessed with being object of mass appeal themselves. Modern medical science and technology made this possible for the affluent consumers. And this easier and quicker method of fitting into media prototype women trickled down to the averages of society at the cost of anything and everything to get that figure and look as in the models that Vogue promoted and Versace designed for in his studios. The skinny models brought about insomnia for all women aspirants while doctors, and their allied products and services thrived in nexus with the media. Is it not time someone shook these women on a beauty rampage? Is it not time women woke up to deeper virtues than just superficial beauty? Is it not the need of the hour to create beautiful human beings than try to fit them into designer clothes or a particular size? The question needs to be answered; media madness needs to be harnessed. Has the representation of women changed from skinny models to everyday women in the advertising media? The research proposes to get a positive answer to the question so that a rational approach to lifestyle and bodies can be accomplished in the realm of modern women. They are the cradle of mankind and no genetic engineering can deny them that honor and privilege unless they indulge in self denial by accepting what ever is fed to them by the mass media and their tycoons. Because of the strong grip of the media over masses it is of utmost importance to rebel against whatever is deterrent to the minds and growth of society. It is vital to oppose the depiction of women as skinny and undersize bodies so that they are near reality. Everyday Research Proposal women who associate with the models on silver screen need to be pacified to have a second look at themselves and their bodies. Media should be awakened to its social responsibility of promoting self respect, human virtues, good health and holistic progress in society. The use of media to manipulate innocent minds for the sale of consumer products through advertising must be stopped. Detrimental consumerism through media as a tool of mass communication must be optimized for a better purpose of ulterior global welfare and human progress without hindrance to the common status of world citizens especially the women of modern society totally misrepresented as skinny figures to the normal women of average sizes, proportionate body and weight mass and overall health in a demanding environment. This is only possible if representation of women by the media shifts to women in everyday life. It is time we addressed the question so that women of the world will wake up to reality and once again transform themselves into figures of not just superficial body sizes but epitomes of virtues of compassion, tolerance, gratitude, generosity and all other positive emotions they are born with than representations of women by the media. Major issues which harass minds through the media are consumerism, Psychology, sociology, biology, medicine, religion, philosophy, art, ethics and moral principles of life in modern society. The stereotype representation of women has brainwashed the productive generation to look like Barbie doll. They have corroded the psychology of these young women to use all their resources to meet that look. The media has provoked malicious lifestyles and destructive health habits into them as they diet, starve themselves Research Proposal and become victims of bulimia and anorexia. Media and its image of women have influenced sociology to an extent that is detrimental to society. This under nourished skinny and boney image has brought about biological distortions to their natural bodies. Advertisements escalate demands for products without the jurisprudence of young women. Youth culture realigns its religion to suit such peer pressures to be attractive to the opposite sex. Medicine thrives in sale. Philosophy of life deviates from ulterior aims and goals of life to distractions through media messages. Morality takes a back seat and codes of ethics conveniently interpret into norms of popular social behavior as expressed by the media. The significant answer that media representation is changing from skinny models to women in normal daily life will not only address these crucial issues of life but also attempt to resolve them. Once the media acknowledges the image of a woman in daily life the viewers will spontaneously incline to accept their natural forms. From deep curves to slight bulges will not give them night mares. They may retrospect and introspect about their deeper potential than superficial carnal aims of being women. There will a reduction in psychiatric problems due to un accomplished aims of beautiful bikini bodies. Doctors may have lesser number of dying patients succumbing to advertising and media mania. And most of all, there will be a renaissance in individual and social behavior as it will focus on self realization than on self destruction through consumption of media messages. The answer of the problem will attain a social cause. It will achieve its ultimate aim. That of enhancing human life through the beneficial and Research Proposal restricted use of science, technology and media. The change has begun but it needs to be emphatically asserted. It needs to be brought to the notice of all those living under the illusion of false joy, who victimize themselves an effort to ameliorate false images of women under the influence of media. Chapter II.Review of literature and Research Question. The issue of media and its effects on viewers has been a popular topic of discussion. Research has focused on many angles of the media on the basis of what impact it makes on viewers the world over. The presentation of women in the media, in the advertising world has evoked multifarious response in women’s liberation movements, the organizations for women upliftment and others. Their use as items for commercial publicity has been strongly criticized by female activists. They have condemned the use of female figures in publicity campaigns especially to enhance sale of particular products. Women have been thoroughly depicted as a tool for mass appeal and there has been magnitude of research on most of the issues regarding the body show of women in the media. But the statitistical data or qualitative empirical survey of whether models are changing from skinny figures to natural figures of today’s women, has not yet gained much ground. Research of this kind might help to convince viewers that their days are on the brink. That they no more have to agonize themselves over skinny looks only to qualify as beautiful bodies of women. That one does not have to be all bones and no flesh to take part in the beauty pageants any more and that you don’t have to have a near death experience only to be walking the ramp in the best fashion shows in Paris. Research Proposal The research on whether Representation of women in the advertising media has Changed from skinny models to everyday women has not been found to be done in the field of media psychology, medicine, socio-psychological effects on women due to this prototype image and their inclination towards daily women. The data and results of this research will prove to be eye openers for all viewers in the category of those who are the greatest consumers of the media and its gimmicks. A recent online opinion poll conducted by several articles, newspaper reports, fashion magazines and women’s blogs have revealed forthright expressions from none other than females in the age group of 12-34 about the abnormal body figures and sizes boasted by the models and the need to change them to women of normal sizes in society. “Due to the high criticism from society women receive, they become more self- consciousness about what they wear and what others will think. They become more aware of their surroundings of what is in or out in the fashion industry. Nobody wants to look or be seen as ugly; therefore women conform to what society wants” (media blog). In food and women “The media as discussed has and is very powerful over women and their body perception. The media has its way of conveying messages and having the audience believe in them”. In Model behavior Conniff remarks: “The modeling industry is an important aspect affecting the female’s body image. One popular issue is the promotion of the perfect and skinny body. Modeling industries strive to only have the most attractive and skinny model. Therefore many female models attempt to fit their needs in order to be employed. This includes eating irregularly, unhealthy eating and snacking, and even starvation. In November 14, 2008 a Brazilian model, Ana Carolina Reston passed away due to complications dealing with anorexia. Ana’s weight was only 88 pounds when she died. Her story and Luisel Ramo’s story, another model that passed away due to anorexia, have captivated much attention towards the modeling industry and eating disorders. Due to this the Madrid Fashion show required all the models who were lower than an 18 in body mass to be banned because they were classified as underweight by the World Health Organization. In facing the media, Morenita a youngster quotes” An article in this website titled “Media Coverage of Women and Women’s Issue” discusses the under representation of women in the media and how women are portrayed in stereotypical roles. Some of these stereotypical roles include women being only housewives, only sexual items,” An opinion poll by the Cosmopolitan about the representation of women in the media comments “The women used in advertising campaigns are not realistic representations of the average women - but thats because the "average woman" probably doesnt sell clothes as advertising is all about the belief that if you buy this product you will be a "better person" etc.( Tee). The manipulative role of media has been strikingly pointed out by most. Adds the cosmopolitan “Women are represented in an unreal way – even women with figures to die for are photo-shopped to ‘perfection’ – no wonder we can never hope to achieve it! The BBC had an interesting article on the real-life proportions of Barbie. “Women are represented as mannequins, something to hang clothes on”. “High fashion only wants models as something to hang clothes on; if their personality was shown it Research Proposal would take the full focus off the clothes” (Melanie). Such opinion polls indicate the unrest of women and their discontent about portrayal of their gender in stereotype saleable unrealistic dolls by the media. The media has detrimental effects on women and their self esteem, the fight for emancipation of women, concepts of beauty, statistics of an ideal woman, her dress sense as well as the mass appeal of women shown in advertisements have taken center page in research topics. But focus on the change in this cliché and the proof that women images are now changing from typical skinny types to flesh and muscle toned healthy women is a valuable research proposal for the benefit of all women in society. Some of the reasons why this question stirs up repeatedly inspire an ambition to make it known to millions of viewer’s world wide. The ultimate goal through the research is to awaken women to their holistic well being and to raise an uprising against distortion of innocent minds through the advertising media. Body image survey in 2006 from an entertainment weekly revealed a detailed report. 78.3% of respondents believe body images in the media have an impact on how they feel about themselves. The impact is gender based. Over one third of men (37.6%) say body images in the media do not have an impact on the way they feel about themselves compared to 11.9% of women. The strongest impact is on females aged 19-30 years. Older respondents are less affected by media images, however 22.1% of women 51 years or more still say ‘absolutely’.” Do body images in the media have a direct result on how you feel about yourself?" (Age). This goes to prove how important it is to establish the answer to my research proposal Research Proposal through the gradual change in choices of women by the media in the world of glitz and glamour. Has the representation of women changed from skinny models to everyday women in advertising media? This question will prove to be an antidote to women becoming victims of dieting diseases and may certainly save many from fatal experiences at the cost of achieving seductive looks promoted by none other than the media. Chapter III Methodology Qualitative methods- a group of 5 students will be formed to observe the behavior of students walking into college cafeteria during lunch time. The subjects will primarily be girls between the age of 13 -20. The observations will focus on their eating habits, their confidence levels and body language, their conversation topics, their dress sense and the style they pose in public. Time period envisaged is 3 months. The data collected will throw light on the issues of self esteem, food habits, intellect and social and peer pressure of looking good in the eyes of the viewers in girls of this age. Another group of 5 volunteers will be assigned the work of participating into conversations of boys in the age group of 13-20 in and outside school and college. These volunteers will make note of what the boys talk about girls in and around them. They will observe their expressions, views and behavior with reference to girls only. The volunteers will record the remarks made by these boys about the kind of girls they like to watch on television as their hot favorites in models. Research Proposal The data collected by this process will highlight the prevalent image trends of women in the youngsters of opposite gender and report on influence of media on this image of women through advertisements. Time frame proposed is 3 months A group of 5 volunteers will visit major medical practitioners in the state to find out reported cases of bulimia, anorexia and fatal dieting in the area. The age group, class, culture, race, background of these cases will bring out the link between image consciousness with other issues. Time frame speculated is 3 months. A group of 5 volunteers will visit elderly homes to take their comments and to measure it with their health charts, looks and diet only to show the prospective merits of eating and living well to lead a happy and healthy life. Time frame planned is1 month. The quantitative method will include special interviews will international beauty pageant models, organizers, sponsors and contestants to highlight their co relation between self denial of a normal life only to fit into images of prototypes demanded by society and the media. Time frame estimated is 3 months. Dress designers will be cross questioned on why they cannot design clothes for normal sizes and why they purport on women with lowest body mass even if it is abnormal in medical standards mentioned by WHO. Time frame is 3 months. Skinny women will be focused on questions of health, happiness quotient, child bearing endurance and capacity, diet and lifestyle for the purpose of information Research Proposal collection about these stereo types in pubic demand through questionnaires. Time frame is 3 months. Buxom women will face same questions about the same issues for a comparative study of body, mass, appeal and self with questionnaires. Time frame is 3 months. These observations, remarks, collected information will constitute the qualitative method of the research. The qualitative method envisages a time period of 3 months from the day of its inception to the day of implementation and collection of data through the said process. Exploratory methods will include the installation of special cameras in public places frequently visited by girls in the age group of 13 to 34. Theatres, Malls, Pubs, Cafes, Restaurants, and Libraries, University zones, Hospitals, Offices and prominent places on streets will be installed with prior permission of authorities to capture evidence of image representation and presentation by the female gender groups with special relevance to how and where they imbibed such ideas of prototype women in society. Social and demographic data will be achieved by this process. Different areas will deliver different videos only to link up their professional, academic, intellectual and social intelligence to their superficial personalities as compared with those they see in advertisements and the media. This process is estimated to take one month from the time of installation of cameras to the time of collection of videos. For Quantitative Methods a rubric will be designed for the purpose of collecting tabulated data of opinions from various strata of society. It will consist of women, men, children irrespective of their ages. The rubric will be a standardized format to note down different levels of public Research Proposal opinion in terms of women’s issues. The audience will be plural but the columns in the rubric will assess scores on the basis of age, gender, clothes size, psychology of image, media representation of women, likes and dislikes , the gap between normal women and glossy bikini models in advertising. The collection of 1000 such sheets will give substantial support to form a hypothesis that media has used women extensively to sell their products but in the bargain has exploited the minds of people to strive for abnormal figures in body statistics in the real normal world. This process is estimated to take 1 month through help of door to door surveys by holiday job boys and girls in the neighborhood. Systematic measure of opinion poll through the online surveys and online agencies will help formulate the views of media fans in the change seen in choice of models of women in the past 5 years. The audience will consist of women in the age group of 13- 45 watching soaps and advertisements during the day. The opinion poll will consider their remarks on the issues of gender image and the changing preference of media from skinny to daily life women. Advertising agencies will be contacted to answer a survey the choice between skinny models over normal looks. It is estimated to take 1 month to produce a survey of 300 top advertising firms in the country. The same will be done for agencies of the print media. Magazines, books, journals and cover pages will be recorded for the type of photographs portrayed in the last 1 year. This will lay emphasis on the research problem of changing choices of women by the media. The process of collection of quantitative data will take 1 month with systematic approach and management of an organized data base of audience Research Proposal The data collection in standardized format with a gauge of scores like good, better, best, ugly, not sure, don’t know, don’t care, maybe or sometimes etc. will tabulate Mass psychology. Duration of 1 month. sno Methodology Activity Time - months 1 Design/plan Frame questionnaires/formats 1 month 2 Quantitative Appoint, train, designate people 3 months 3 Exploratory Appoint, train, execute plan 3 months 4 Qualitative Appoint, train, implement plan 3 months 5 Collect data Analyze collected information 1 month 6 Compile data Compile data to form hypothesis 1 month 7 Write –print proposal- final stage Total 6 months The method of qualitative research will provide sufficient empirical support for psycho social issues while quantitative method will provide statitistical data for standards of media impact on the chosen audience and the exploratory method will give evidence for establishing research hypothesis and postulate for further policy makers of the society and mass media responsibilities. Merit of this research proposal lies in its strong social cause of women and their socio-psychological upliftment but Business Houses and Capitalists may find it a demerit to consumerism. Reaching out to maximum number of women seems like a limitation but it can still be attempted with the use of electronic media and available data base from previous social scientists. Research Proposal Works Cited Are the skinny starlets of 90210 setting a bad example? Sep 17, 2008, 08:39 AM | by Pop Watch Categories: 90210, Television, Those Crazy Kids! 19 April 2009 Time CNN-Sunday april12 2009 Barbie doll.16 April 2009 Body Image: What is beautiful? March 17, 2008.19 April 2009 Conniff Taber, Kimberly. With Models Death, Eating Disorders are Again Spotlight. International Herald Tribune 20 Nov. 2006. 16 April 2009 Donna Allen. (1920-1999) Papers (1968-1987) include professional correspondence and printed materials on sex and race discrimination cases, media stereotypes, public broadcasting, womens news, national and international womens conferences, women in management. [C3795, 18.6 linear feet, 18 audio cassettes, 1 audio disc] Research Proposal Works Cited 19 April 2009 Media coverage of Women and Women’s Issue. Media Awareness Network. 2008. 23 October 2008. 16 April 2008. < Posted by Morenita. - 67k> Melanie. 19 April 2009 Psychopathology of Everyday Life. 19 April 2009 Slim Hopes: Advertising and the Obsession With Thinness.Dir.Jean Kilbourne. VHS. 1995. 16 April 2009 The Portrayal of the Female Image Through Media !6 April 2009. < - 67k. Sunday, December 14,> The Affect of Media Beauty Standards on Womens Self Esteem. 19 April 2009 Research Proposal Works Cited Your opinion on the representation of women. :: Cosmopolitan. !9 April 2009 Read More
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