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Diversification in Mainstream Media - Assignment Example

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In the paper “Diversification in Mainstream Media” the author answers the question: Did the article, television show, or motion picture attempt to address the diversity represented in the American landscape? The television show in question is “The West Wing” from NBC…
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Diversification in Mainstream Media
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With the age of reality television in full force, it can become quite difficult to find televisions shows that set out to reach the threshold of outlining how diverse society can be. The television show in question is "The West Wing" from NBC. With the White House as the visual landscape, the television medium became an ample source to exemplify the diverse nature that is governmental procedure and politics in general. Coming to a close after a highly charged seven-year run, the show tops off its performance for diversification by zeroing in on the diverse and multi-layered nature of public campaigning for the highest office in the land the Presidency of the United States.

Answer: As old as the first newspaper, the use of stereotypes has been around for centuries. A choice of a label meant by the user, to classify the other person(s) in a specific category, whether it's true or false. To a great extent through its means, the media on a daily, even an hourly basis, relies on stereotypes for justification and explanation. In the case of the media at hand, the stereotype commonly used for Democrats is being weak on national defense and Republicans fumbling as it comes to domestic tranquility.

Through the eyes of "The West Wing" and the events surrounding the election held during the final season, the viewer comes to realize that stereotypes are just that and ultimately, a hindrance in understanding the bigger picture as it comes to comprehending the full capability that human nature can muster.C. Assess whether or not you believe the selected article, television show, or motion picture fostered a better understanding of diversity and multiculturalism. Justify your answer.When it comes down to it, "The West Wing" does provide a believable backdrop as it comes to the understanding of the diverse national platform and the multicultural nature of its citizens.

As it is dealing with the political waters that are ever so choppy, the participants are forced to face the playing field of diversity in opinion, actions and the cultural system which is interwoven amongst it all. As is the case, in terms of mainstream television, a show such as "The West Wing" serves as the necessary vehicle to facilitate the discussion of diversity and multiculturalism. After all, the underlying nature of the program is aided by the understanding and representation of the diverse, multicultural nation that is the United States, but also the diversity and cultural scene of the national political landscape.

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