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Impact of Poor Customer Relations in Ports and Maritime - Research Paper Example

The paper “Impact of Poor Customer Relations in Ports and Maritime ” is a convincing example of a marketing research paper. There are major global challenges that face the customer services in the ports and maritime industry at large in Logistics and supply chain management.
There are major global challenges that face the customer services in ports and maritime industry at large in…
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There are major global challenges that face the customer services in ports and maritime industry at large in Logistics and supply chain management. These include global customer supplies chain exposure by the effects of ash from the Icelandic cloud and attacks from terrorist on the airfreight system. There is need for cooperation and communication among the key customer players involved in the global network of supplying to curb such effects. Climate changes at this time when there is an increase in globalization relentlessly has put pressure on freight transport and companies are required to reduce the emissions of carbon from their operation customer logistics. Goals of the customer economic development in new fields and sustainability of the environment are conflicts that are direct to customer logistics. One should contemplate how companies reconfigure global customer chains of supply with effect to future changes to production costs around the globe (Meneses, 2011). Customer Supply chain collaboration that should improve environmental and economic performance in logistic systems and the companies can be in need to collaborate to a greater level considering their present state. In the report outline, the mindset and business model that is new should be required when the rest are arguing that cloud computing should offer the means of making new platforms in collaboration universally which customer supply chain data and logistic data is managed. Lastly it underpins the rest, a new team of staff should be recruited to meet the emerging changes and challenges with implementations outlined in the report. This needs fundamental change in the public perception of customer logistics as low level sheds and trucks activities.

Literature review

Deficiencies in customer logistics and transport infrastructure are making the growth in customer services slow in trade and its need to make effect on the global market blocked internationally on trade enablement. Corridors and terminals are congested while excess capacity is being provided in locations that are sub-optimal, as many regions and countries are becoming logistic hubs. Lack of infrastructure such as hinterland has constrained development of airports and ports hence jeopardizing their financial long-term viability making final consumer price increased. There should be coordination internationally in governments, logistic operators and infrastructure providers for them to be sharing information with planned coordination, which ensures revealing of bottlenecks, optimization of freight modal split and utilized transport assets. Infrastructure pricing should be used effectively both to incentivize the private sector investment and management of the available capacity. Benefits and wider costs of flight rescheduling deliveries into off peak phases should be fully explored making customers aware not to inconvenience the customers who use the facilities.

Customers Information sharing and intercompany collaboration

This is and should remain the main source of improvement in chain supply. It is made possible by technological advances and improvements like cloud computing but needs change procedures and corporate approaches with recognition from agencies of competition from the government that the initiatives of collaboration are with benefits to consumers and should be approved. Increasing chain complexity and globalization have put the network of logistics at much disruption risk that has been clearly demonstrated on air- freight operations vulnerability to volcanic ash cloud. Coordination and preparation among customers should be improved to handle related cases of dislocation in the systematic chain. The inflow of contaminated and counterfeit products is another chain supply related problem illicit trading that is expanding rapidly and of which is defrauding consumers and companies and posing much threat to safety risks and health and is currently being researched but many 3PLs are not sensitized sufficiently. There is shortage of staffs with supply chain and logistic skills in many parts of the world and is constraining the development entity. It is always hard to get higher caliber people to supply chain management and logistics because of standings in the business circle that are relative and images. There is an importance of rebranding the field for career reasons, training programs and relevant promotions in education that improve alignment of accreditation internationally with supply chain and logistic qualifications. The industry for logistics should emphasize on closer partnership with government and academic institutions to address the shortage of talents that should be used to address customer’s services in Ports and Maritimes.

The enabling trade should be achieved through dialogue between trade ministers at regional trade agreement with large shippers and companies for negotiations and discussions that enable trade. These raises broader awareness facilitated by targeted data and logistic indicators should be indicated in ministers of trade performance indicators and regional trade agreements. In light of supply in global chain distribution, terrorism, weather events that are extreme with others factors should be addressed using a response mechanism from the emergency logistic teams. The forum plays a good role in establishing networks for relevant stakeholders with knowledge aggregation on best practices in risk management on the supply chain and response strong capabilities. The supply chain talent is universally with lack of staff with sufficient skills for undertaking supply chain and logistic tasks at all levels in the hierarchy of employment from the senior executive to the operation level. Efforts should be made to assess the scale and nature of the problem and look for options on how to solve it. The community is undertaking significance on work within the carbon and de-carbonization level of reporting.


Studies and research show that our globe is vulnerable on the supply chain with disruptions. Disasters that are natural such as hurricanes and floods, earthquakes often have strategic effects including considerable supply chain impacts that affect the distribution and movement of customers and general consumers who depend on the industry. The effects of the 2011 earthquake in Japan and the tsunami were felt with a number of companies around the globe as supply management disruption.

Focus on customer supply chain continuity creates by decisions that be made by managers on supply chain itself instead of the wider environment of business. All risks to be labeled as systematic given that the all lie within the chain of supply itself compared to the larger business global environment. This enables the shape of the supply chain profile of risk to be largely determined by actions and decisions from managers but not just external risk exposure on sources.

The reason as to why customer supply chain is modern and has become vulnerable to disruption than in the past is to determine Just-in-time and customer supply chain practices on trends. Moreover, several companies have sought to actively advance on efficiency of their chains of customer supply when they introduce just-in-time arrangements and sought to make their learners operational. These methods on merit of stable conditions of the market become less viable in the business environment increase of volatility comparatively.

To explain the customer supply chain in globalization because of the theatrical shift away from local-for-local marketing and manufacturing past strategies. Today, because of offshore sourcing, assembly and manufacturing, the customer chain of supply is stretching from one side of the universe to another. Hence there is exposure longer and risk that is geopolitical with exchange rates and more time on variable lead times.

To interpret whether there is centralized distribution and focused factories as many companies have streamlined there centralized distribution and facilities of production. Hence, instead of often-local factories and many smaller warehouses that are of service to the local market, those companies pursue markets globally from fewer but facilities that are bigger. This results to risking the system wholly with increases if one of the conveniences is impracticable.

To explain why as a result of other and these trends the customer chain of supply has become undoubtedly more complex. Complexity with its definition is not just with complication of networks but more of how they are interconnected. The customer chain supply that is typical has often had more links and nodes in the past that has made network-controlling task harder.

To compare the actions that the companies take to diminish the probable for commotion to their customer supply chains in todays extremely interconnected ecosphere (Wang, 2011). The leading requirement should be higher level of customer chain for supply understanding since the disruption potential lies in several phases far from operation that are controlled. Dependency that exists beyond immediate suppliers and customers should be recognized.

To develop a customer chain supply for mapping essential steps in identification of pinch points that are potential and paths that is critical that it adds to chain of supply vulnerability.

To interpret the growing recognition for high levels of information and recognition along demand and the customer supply network. Tools such as management of events systematically are gradually getting adoption, which enables organizations to get awareness of potential problems that become crises. Signs are that arms length, approach to working with upstream, adversarial approach that is often and downstream partners to the customer chain of supply. There is growing indication that the companies that react rapidly to customer chain supply disruptions have a more collaborative approach to management relations.

Explain the vital prerequisite for customer chain supply risk justification in an assurance that is strong with aim of improving the customer chain supply liveliness. Liveliness, in the context that management of customer supply chain reflects the networks ability to respond to activities that are unexpected. Organization that have developed liveliness capabilities have much likeliness of bouncing back much quickly if there customer chains of supply are disrupted meaning they are resilient. These form of companies tend to establish levels of collaboration that are high with some members of their demand and supply network. The access capacity ability or capitals from other members of the customer network can be resilient. These type of arrangements helped many Japanese recover more quickly to their company from the 2011 earthquake impact.

Interpret how these companies seek out opportunities constantly for removing complexity that is unnecessary from their customer chain of supply (Research, 2013). There is activeness in searching for ways to reduce times of lead through process re-engineering and the breaking down of administrative silos that delay cross boundary working. Finally when changes are implemented to customer chain supply arrangement the organizations don’t see cost decrease as the major precedence. These are done because the uncertainty and volatility world is the ability of response for rapid circumstances that change the definitive source of competitive advantage.


Global de-carbonization customer logistics

The world economic forum have made estimations that 5.6% of emissions is from logistic accounts on global greenhouse emissions, 91% of it come from the transport freight industries and the rest from the buildings of logistics. This is a low percentage deliberating the roles that customer logistics play maintaining and sustaining life around the world. It is likely to rise suggestively over the next few decades unless determinations are completed to decarbonize customer logistical activities.

5.5% of global gas emission in the World Economic Forum and Accenture

Customer logistics GHG share in total in productions is likely to raise for various reasons; the expanding overall demand for customer logistics. There has been a close traditional link between economic growth and the customer logistic levels. In some countries that have developed like Denmark and United Kingdom the correlation between GDP and freight traffic that is positive appears to have over the past decade disappeared. Nevertheless, the volume of freight movement in many other nations is making a fast growth in the economy as a whole.

Globalization has made a momentous rise in the customers transport distance of goods averagely. Ironically, adaptation of climate change and strategies of mitigation may reinforce the trend in logistic upwards. For example shift to renewable forms that is important in energy as well as enhanced flood protection and enhanced coastal that entails the movement of materials of construction in vast quantities. The transport freight intensity is at the increase on the global economy.

GHGs proportions emitted by customer logistics are likely to increase, as fossil fuels are relatively difficult to wean. Several other sectors are powered by electricity and benefit from electricity generation decarbonization (Akopian, and Rogozhin, 2014). Operations like urban van deliveries, warehousing and electrified rail freight services can run indirectly or directly on low carbon electricity, shipping, aircraft and long haul trucks have to continue relying on carbon and liquid based fuels. Much of these fuel may be manufactured from plants or waste materials on a cycle of life and they usually emit less GHG per each liter consumed compared to fossil fuel. Large quantities of fossil fuel is still needed in movement of freight three to four decades to come

Increase in GHGs emitted by customer’s logistics against fossil fuels

If low carbon electricity customer alternative logistics are unable to counterweight the essential growth in ultimatum for logistic services, its footprint for carbon may grow in terms that are absolute unless other reducing means are found. In contradiction of a worldwide target of critical GHG emissions by 50% by 2045 and a EU detached of tumbling by 85-90% by that date, the customer logistic sector is likely not to be established with the right to increase its carbon footprint. On the contrary, there are many expectations from this sector. One of the decarbonization options is to reverse the historical processes that have been driving the growth of freight traffic. The concentration of warehousing and production to take advantage of lower inventory and economies of scale were with a same effect. In theory, returning to decentralize logistic and localized trading that reduce freight movement customer prices and related energy emissions and consumption (Lasek and Kazalski, 2014). These would also hamper enlargement of the economy in the emergent market predominantly and not automatically yield a net discount on GHG productions.

After all, decreasing the customer distance averagely that goods move cuts freight related emission a small proportion of the life cycle is represented on customer freight transport. Production operations are accountable for greater amount of GHG release and the carbon intensity of making is consequently a much more element of produces life cycle secretion than the detachment transferred. The benefits of the customer’s environment for decentralization are challenged on same grounds. Any saving of carbon in the operation of transport have to be weighed in contradiction of the higher discharge from higher numbers of slighter, fewer energy efficient facilities. Before taking the localization-decentralization path, a more holistic analysis should be taken in which the trade of carbon between customer warehousing, freight transport and production are modeled explicitly. The trend turnaround method to decarbonization could also board just-in-time replenishment. JIT has misshapen customer supply chains and productions over the last 35-45 years. It was with accusations of achieving inventory savings at the expenditure of higher traffic levels, poor vehicle utilization and greater emissions (Crumbly and Carter, 2015). In a low carbon globe, it is good to watch on this balance and provide vehicle fill priority that is high over stock levels that are low. Portraying JIT as a mean of cutting inventory undermines the inescapable effect that it has on customer business practices, raising productivity and reducing of waste. Any of the carbon dioxide increases from vehicle loading reduction can be more than counterpoises by enhancements in the energy effectiveness of extra customer business progressions managed by the basis of JIT. To not only focus on transport related carbon dioxide emission we need to analyze the larger suggestion of carbon of any lessening of the JIT system.

Given the struggle of messing up with well-known practices and business trends, and indecision about the consequential conservational effects, a technical approach seems more interesting.

Exploitation of carbon benefits of new customer technologies

There has been a customer logistic software history, physical devices that are poorly utilized, IT systems and some of environmental and economic potential being wasted (Najib, Fazziki, and Boukachour, 2014). This is illustrated well on computerized vehicle routing software, which, could proposition better gains in delivery efficiency if working practices and ordering were more flexible. It is at this level of operation where it’s argued that we should be concentrating decarbonisation customer logistics with effort for the next few years. Training in eco-driving philosophies principally but not completely in the road freight sector, strengthened telematics observing drivers fuel efficiency performance. Then come better loading, vehicle maintenance and nighttime delivery each with the footprint carbon by a few percent but reducing the carbon concentration jointly of logistic by a substantial margin. The best practice measures are unlikely however to decrease it enough to counterbalance the strong underlying increase in demand of customer logistics services.

Result finding

In global customer business lines, the ports and shipping sector is already undergoing significant acquaintance to the climate change risks. Companies in sector of maritime are responding to these risks beyond their obligations and proactively. The customer organizations that are not acting with immediate response are going to become less competitive as shippers are seeking partners that show credentials that are sustainable in the logistics supply chain (Gunasekaran, 2012).

The international terminal operator understands the footprints of carbon issues within transport and individuals and logistics customer chain are complex. The main focus has been approaching a new energy monitoring, carbon accounting protocols and data collection procedures in a more robust manner.


2015 was a critical year for change in climate actions mostly within the International Maritime Organization being under pressure to deliver firm mechanism for the implementation of lessening of emission from customer shipping (Kulshrestha, 2015). The customer chain of supply pressure is summing up and could be the key driver for coming years for effective carbon management. Approximately 92% of good in the world are handled by container terminals and handled by ship enhancing continual improvement in the global customer chain supply.

Carbon Management Customer Techniques

Through its environmental strategy, targets for carbon reduction and leadership from the board of directors have furthered the sustainability and carbon agenda. This self-drive has been completed by external forces through legislation particularly and social and customer environmental reporting requirements by the institutions of finance Since 2007, the world has had a strategy for the customer environment that in place that has placed thorough emphasize on measurements. An enumerated baseline is absolutely critical in selecting appropriate solutions with low carbon in customer technology. It is a difficult task for customer shipping, logistic companies and ports that in all have complex sources and structures of carbon emission from customer business activities that are differently interlinked. It is further complicated with complications of allocating the emissions to disconnected customer shipment, consignment or even containers. In maritime sector, there are different several opportunities of carbon reduction from tracking systems and sophisticated systems to retrofit and mechanical solutions for reduction of fossil fuel consumption.

A large proportion of customer chain supply emissions typically come from the freight movement that is during the deep shipping leg. For shipping lines, improvements represent not only competitive occasions but also functioning cost saving as carbon is suitable key purchasing consideration among shippers and retailers (Kee and Yoshimatsu, 2010). At marine ports and terminals there are also well-thought-of prospects for decrease. Examples vary from switch off energy consciousness campaigns and larger-scale retrofitting developments on large mobile apparatus fleets to speculation in renewable energy such as inaugurating photovoltaic solar and wind turbines.


Presently, most GHG decrease approaches are small scale and are introduced by separable organization. To initiate greater improvements, increased partnerships between terminal operators, customer shipping lines and port authorities and logistic companies, are indispensable. Through increased partnership between shareholders, ambitious and effective decrease projects including corresponding customer logistic arrangements and larger-scale renewable energy developments that need to be employed. It’s important to enumerate the condition before and after the development so that the definite cost, carbon and timesaving’s can be identified for distribution and exposition.

Development towards the long-term goal of a lower carbon maritime subdivision is not to happen overnight. It has to be the outcome of both bi and small phases taken by every customer company, every competence and individual at the globe. We do distinguish that as a global terminal operator, we play a significant role in the customer supply chain that we rely on. The modest communication for every contestant in the customer supply chain is that until we are both computing and reporting our intake and carbon emissions in a thorough and see-through manner, we cannot expect our clienteles and partners to consider we are serious about pay on any part in undertaking climate change.

It is vital that we restart to accomplish our conservational impacts, avoid and eradicate redundant energy use, raise consciousness of the footprint and capitalize in best practices in go-getting to for continual perfection. Through relationship, sharing of ideas and proofing better ways of transferring and customers containers, we can progressively take carbon out of the supply chain and make momentous difference. We believe that after environmental awareness and continual performance improvement should be part of all characteristics of our lives. Hence, must strive to inspiration our associates and customers and guarantee the well being not only our own families but also the neighborhoods in which we function.

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