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Awareness of GSDC - Research Proposal Example

This paper "Awareness of GSDC" tells that previously, there were more members in GSDC, and the environment was more interactive. The number of memberships is gradually decreasing due to volunteers and members' age, moving to retirement village outside of Epping and frequent nursing home lockdowns…
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Extract of sample "Awareness of GSDC"

  • Section 1 - Title Page
    • 1.1Project Title

Recruitment Process

    • 1.2Project Location

Epping Uniting Church Hall - corner Oxford and Chester Streets, Epping

    • 1.3 Community Organisation responsible for implementing the project
      • Name: Granny Smith Day Club (GSDC)
      • Contact Details:

Description of Organisation (including rationale or mission statement)

GSDC is a not-for-profit and non-government community program, and joint initiative between the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and Epping RSL Sub-branch. It is conducted on every Friday at the Uniting Church hall between 10am and 2pm. This club is designed for all men and women, veterans and non-veterans who are aged or not able to engage in social or leisure activities within their community. By fully participating in activities run by GSDC, participants can generate relationships with other members and maintain their physical ability/remain active. There are couple of dedicated volunteer who help with duties (e.g. administration tasks, meal preparation, hall set-up, etc.) and look after members. There is a contribution of 5 dollars each time from members and volunteers and this covers morning tea, lunch and entertainment.

    • 1.4Project Proposal Written By
    • 1.5Date written


    • 1.6Project duration

Proposed starting date:

Proposed finishing date:





(year) 2017

(year) 2018

    • 1.7Estimated total budget
    • 1.8Dates of evaluations

Mid-term evaluation: (month) December (year) 2017

        • End-of-project evaluation: (month) March (year) 2018

    Section 2 - Background and Justification

        • 2.1 Need statement

    Previously, there were more members in GSDC and the environment was more interactive. However, the number of memberships is gradually decreasing due to the age of volunteers and members, moving to retirement village outside of Epping and frequent nursing home lockdowns. The GSDC Coordinator, volunteers and members stated that the decreased number of memberships influences opportunities of social interaction in GSDC. In addition, it is a requirement that GSDC needs to have a certain number of members in order to receive funding from DVA. As a result, the decreased number of members could affect the funding.

        • 2.2 How was this need determined?

    Throughout data collections, including surveys completed by the volunteers and members, informal interviews with volunteers and members, formal interviews with the Coordinator, and forced raking tables completed by members and volunteers, determine this need. Additionally, few members stated that the opportunity to talk to other people in GSDC is now limited. Since the number of members is decreasing and it is evident that sometimes there are only 1-2 members sitting in one table, whereas the table was full of members previously, as stated by one of the members.

        • 2.3 Describe how the project will complement any existing programmes, projects or services of the community organisation
        • GSDC is currently utilising newsletter, flyers (“friendship pass”) and word-of-mouth for recruitment process. GSDC also recommends members to bring their friends along.
        • 2.4 Describe how the project will complement any existing programmes, projects or services of external agencies

    Promotions undertaken by DVA include routine orders (promoting community clubs on their newsletter), promotional campaigns and merchandise. Strategies of other community clubs include social media, newsletter, flyers and word-of-mouth and perhaps GSDC could share resources for promotion with other clubs.

        • 2.5 Describe how the project relates to any national and local development strategies and policies

    Due to DVA policy and procedure and Charity Act 2013, GSDC does not have the permission to do public fundraising which limits the funding, consequently, GSDC becomes less well-known in Epping community and number of memberships is gradually and significantly decreasing. Hence, there is the vision of helping increase the number of members of the organization to avoid a scenario where the program fails due to lack of members.

    In addition, there is a social inclusion program from the City of Parramatta Council which includes all elderly in the community.

    Section 3 - Summary of Project Goal and Objective/s

    3.1 Overall goal (to which the project will contribute):

    By the end of March 2018, the number of membership in GSDC will be increased by at least 10 people.

    3.2 Objectives:

    1. To liaise with stakeholders from DVA and the City of Parramatta Council in regards to promotion/advertisement

    2. To increase awareness of GSDC within the Epping community through an open-day event and social media

    3.3 Describe how the project will contribute to any other goals and objectives of the community organisation (e.g. as detailed in the community organisation’s current strategic plan)

    The current strategies in GSDC include the newsletter, flyer (“friendship pass”) and word-of-mouth which will continuously be utilised in activities planned below in order to achieve the goal and objectives. For instance, the use of these current strategies will help build up the awareness of GSDC within the community and as well as promoting the club to a wider community in Epping. It will also ensure that more people access the benefits associated din the participation of the program. This will be done by increasing the number of the members of the organization and also the spreading of the organization’s goals and objectives to the general public for more awareness through the use of the different methods outlined above.

    Section 4 - Project Beneficiaries

        • 4.1 Target Group (Who are the intended beneficiaries)

    GSDC members and volunteers are the main beneficiaries in this project, however the target group will be wider throughout the activities, as the goal of this project is to expand the number of members in GSDC. It can therefore be said that the intended beneficiaries extend to the entire community in the region as a whole.

        • 4.2 How were the target group identified?

    Throughout data collections, the Coordinator states that the target group of members and volunteers will be the main beneficiaries as to maintain GSDC and their membership in the club.

        • 4.3 How are the target group expected to benefit from the project? (both directly and indirectly)

    Due to DVA policy and procedure, GSDC must have a certain number of members to keep the club running. If the number does not reach the DVA policy, the club will need to be ceased which GSDC members will no longer be able to attend. The target group will also be able to carry out its activities with a wider scope to enable the organization reach more members and obtain better funding.

        • 4.4 How have the target group been involved in the project design?

    Throughout the discussion and interviews with GSDC members, volunteers and the Coordinator, the idea of arranging an open-day event is suggested. In addition, the Coordinator also stated that it is important for her to liaise with DVA stakeholders in the meeting in regards to the open-day event for further promotion on this and general promotion to enhance the awareness/popularity of their club. For instance, the DVA stakeholders can promote the general Friday meeting and the open-day event to a wider community for us which could increase the awareness of GSDC, and eventually increasing the number of members. The coordinator also said that the dates of the meetings could be re-arranged to suit the schedule of many other members who are unable to attend (AusAid. 2000).

    4.5 How will the target group be involved in the project implementation, project activities, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation?

        • Liaising with stakeholders of DVA and the City of Parramatta Council, GSDC volunteers can help design flyers/handouts of the open-day event which DVA stakeholders can hand it to the wider community. Additionally, the Coordinator can collaborate with GSDC volunteers in regards to creating online social media accounts for general promotion purpose and as well as promoting this activity. GSDC members are recommended with ideas of activities hold in open-day events. For instance, most of the GSDC members enjoy dancing and this could be one of the activities in open-day event. GSDC members and volunteers are also recommended to bring their friends along to the open-day event. With regards to monitoring and evaluation, the Coordinator and GSDC volunteers can help design a simple survey for members and their friends to complete at the halfway and the end of the event for feedbacks. The GSDC volunteers can also organize other entertainment activities that are capable of attracting more members from the community to increase the number of the members of the organization.
    • Section 5 - Project Activities and Work Plan (300words)
        • Objective 1


        • Who is responsible for implementing this activity
        • Activity Timing
        • Resources Required for Activity
        • Assumptions

    To design handouts of the open-day events and general flyers/handouts of GSDC

    • GSDC Coordinator and volunteers
        • 3 hours
        • Printer, computer
        • The community will be able to appreciate the hand-outs and flyers designed and hence attend the open-day event of the organization, where they will be able to see firsthand the importance of the organization and hence join it as permanent members.

    To arrange a meeting with the DVA community support worker

    • DVA community support advisor
    • GSDC Coordinator
        • 2 hours

    Computer, handouts

        • The DVA community support workers will find time to attend the scheduled meeting.
        • To arrange a meeting with the City of Parramatta Council stakeholders
    • The City of Parramatta Council stakeholders
    • GSDC Coordinator
    • Other selected officials of the organization.
        • 2 hours
                                • Objective 2
                                • Activity
                                • Who is responsible for implementing this activity
                                • Activity Timing
                                • Resources Required for Activity
                                • Assumptions

                            Arrange an open-day event which involves members, volunteers and friends of members and volunteers

                            Firstly, there will be a brief introduction at the beginning of the event to provide a basic understanding of the club – GSDC. After the introduction, multiple activities include singing and dancing, bingo, trivia and any other table-top activities will be run? This will help their friends gain a better understanding of what services GSDC provide to them, what they can get and enjoy as a member in GSDC and how GSDC works. Lunch will also be provided and their all the members, volunteers and their friends can sit together and interact with others to further develop their friendship. Eventually, there will be a sign-up table for their friends which the Coordinator can further contact them.

                            • Volunteers and the Coordinator
                            • Current members of the organization and their chosen assistants.
                                • 10am-3pm, 5 hours
                                • Tables


                                • Members’ and volunteers’ friends will sign-up to indicate that they will join GSDC on every Friday and are willing to become permanent GSDC members. The friends and family members of the volunteers will also create time to attend the event. This is absolutely necessary because they will not be able to understand the organization and its goals if they are not able to attend the event.
                                • Online presence through social media

                            To create an account on Facebook, Twitter awareness, whatsapp groups and any other relevant social media platform.

                                • Volunteers and the Coordinator
                                • The entire period of the campaign
                                • Whatsapp groups, Facebook pages and other relevant social media awareness methods.
                                • It is a well known fact that most people in the world of today spend a certain amount of time on social media. Hence social media is the cost effective and cost effective method of communication. With this in mind, it is assumed that the targeted people are active on social media and they will be able to see the advertisements and announcement put up o behalf of the organization. This will create more awareness and a better presence for the organization. It is also assumed that the volunteers and coordinators will be creative enough to ensure that the messages they send out on social media attract attention.

                                                Section 6 - Risk Management (150words)

                                                  • 6.1 Describe any risks to the project and how these will be addressed

                                                It is possible that the organization will not be able to attract enough members after the campaign is over. This would mean that it will not be able to access any funding besides the fact that it might collapse due to the lack of enough members. To address this, the current members are encouraged to ensure that they communicate with all their friends regarding the organization and its plans and also try as much as possible to convince them of the viability and importance of the organization. Additionally, concentration on mounting a powerful social media presence accompanied by nicely crafted messages will ensure that the message being sent is attractive to those who come across it. Hence, the power of social media will be able to create sufficient awareness about the organization, its importance and its goals (Jensen, 2010). Ensuring the members bring a family member is also going to be helpful as a family member will be easily convinced to join the organization.

                                                Section 7 - Expected Project Results (500words)

                                                7.1 Describe the overall results and impact that the project is expected to achieve

                                                At the end of the project, it is expected that the organization will have at least 10 new permanent members. With these new members, the organization will be able to carry out its normal activities without a problem as it will already have a sufficient number of people. Additionally, the organization will be able to access the required funding from the relevant authorities due to the fact that it will have regained its numbers and its operations will have reached more people. Once it is able to acquire this minimum number of people, then it will become easy to acquire even more members. With the acquisition of new members, the advantages of the organization to the community will be realised step by step (Kenny, 2011).

                                                7.2 Describe any potential unintended impacts of the project and how these possibilities will be addressed

                                                It is possible that the flyers, handouts, social media advertisements intended for creating awareness on the organization will attract criticism from the public. To counter this, the messages sent will have to be cleverly crafted to first of all assure everyone that the organization is non-profit and non-governmental.

                                                7.3 How will the implementation of this project contribute to building the capacity of the target group and/or the community organisation involved?

                                                The implementation of the project will make sure that the target group has a bigger influence in the community in that the members of the target group will be able to reach more people and hence create a better society in the end. With the acquisition of more members, the organization will also be able to grow further as a result of word of mouth from the numerous numbers of members (DFID Tools for Development, 2006).

                                                7.4 How will the implementation of this project ensure the human rights of the target group are guaranteed?

                                                The human rights of the target group will be guaranteed by making sure that there are rules and regulations set to govern the activities of the members. The strict adherence to these rules and regulations will be ensured by setting up of a department within the organization that will be in charge of listening to complaints and determining the verdict. This can comprise of the coordinating officers and other trusted leaders of the organization. All the rules governing the operation of non-profits organizations will also be relevant in the organization to protect the target group from outsiders and themselves in general.

                                                7.5 How will the benefits of the project be sustained after the end of the project?

                                                After the end of the project, the benefits attained by the project will be sustained by ensuring that the various methods used in the project to create awareness on the organizational are maintained to enable the organization attract more members even after the project. (Kenny, 2011).These include the maintenance of the social media presence created during the project and also regular issuing of flyers and handouts to ensure more people are able to learn about the organization. This will enable the organization to get more members.

                                                Section 8 - Monitoring and Evaluation (800words) **see examples for this part!

                                                  • 8.1 How will the project activities be monitored by the implementing community organisation?

                                                The respective volunteers and coordinators of the organization will be involved in designing and issuing of the flyers and handouts to ensure that they are up to the expected standards and that they reach the intended audience. The social media awareness will also be carried out by the coordinators and their selected volunteers (McCawley. No date). The regular social media updates will be done by the volunteers under the supervision of the coordinators. This will ensure that everything concerning the awareness creation is done according to plan.

                                                8.2 Monitoring Framework



                                                How is it calculated?


                                                What is the current value?


                                                What is the target value?

                                                DATA SOURCE

                                                How will it be measured?


                                                How often will it be measured?


                                                Who will measure it?


                                                Where will it be reported?


                                                Recruitment of at least 10 new members

                                                Calculation of new recruitments


                                                At least 30

                                                Registrations done by the chief coordinator

                                                After one day

                                                The chief coordinator of the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Objective 1

                                                The issuing of appropriate flyers and handouts to the relevant people

                                                Making sure that at least 100 flyers are issued every day for the entire period of the project

                                                1000 flyers issued

                                                Number of flyers and handouts issued by the volunteers of the organization and other participating individuals


                                                Coordinators in charge of then activity

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Expected Results/ Outputs

                                                The neighbouring community is aware of the existence and goals of the organization

                                                Inquiring from the community about their knowledge of the organization

                                                10% of them know about the organization and its vision

                                                At least 60% of the neighbouring community knows about the organization

                                                Number of new individuals who have learned something about the organization

                                                After every week

                                                Volunteers of the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Activities/ Inputs

                                                Printing of the relevant flyers and handouts

                                                Number of flyers issued to the public

                                                No flyers have been printed and issued so far

                                                At least 60% of the neighbouring community is issued with the flyers and handouts

                                                Number of new individuals who have received or seen the flyers or the handouts

                                                After every week

                                                Volunteers of the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Objective 2

                                                Create an account on Facebook, Twitter awareness, whatsapp groups and any other relevant social media platform.

                                                Is there a message created on each of the various social media platforms?

                                                No social media presence of the organization currently.

                                                Not specified

                                                At least 100 people join the Facebook page

                                                Every day

                                                Volunteers of the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Expected Results/ Outputs

                                                At least 100 people join the facebook page created regarding the organization. A least 100 people are members of the Whatsapp group.

                                                Checking the number of new people joining the groups on social media.

                                                No social media presence of the organization currently

                                                Not specified

                                                At least 100 people join the facebook page

                                                Every day

                                                Volunteers of the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Activities/ Inputs

                                                Creation of a Facebook page, a whatsapp group and a Twitter hurdle

                                                Ensuring the specified groups and pages in the social media have been created

                                                Currently, there are no specific groups in social media

                                                Not specified

                                                At least three Facebook pages , Whatsapp group and a Twitter hurdle created


                                                Volunteers of the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Objective 3

                                                Public awareness by word of mouth

                                                Ensuring as many people as possible is told personally about the organization

                                                Only family members and friends of members


                                                At least 50 people are informed personally about the organization


                                                Members of the organization and volunteers

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Expected Results/ Outputs

                                                All the friends and family members of the relevant individuals are aware of the organization

                                                As many people as possible is told personally about the organization

                                                Only family members and friends of members


                                                More than 50


                                                At least 50 new people know about the organization

                                                Epping Uniting Church Hall

                                                Activities/ Inputs

                                                Time spent talking to people


                                                A few of the members




                                                All the members of the organization inform all their friends and immediate family of the existence of the organization

                                                8.3 Identify plans for evaluation and who will need to be involved

                                                The evaluation will be carried in terms of reports given by the relevant individuals who are in charge of the specific activities. The reports they give to the chief coordinator regarding the progress in their specific activities will be used to evaluate the progress of the project. This will ensure that the required service is delivered by the relevant individuals (European Commission,2004)

                                                8.4 Evaluation Framework

                                                Purpose of the Evaluation

                                                Evaluation Timing

                                                Anticipated Evaluation Start/ End


                                                Main/ Priority Evaluation Questions


                                                Evaluation Activities/ Information Sources

                                                Evaluation Budget

                                                Find out the progress of the issuance of the flyers and handouts

                                                2 weeks

                                                How many flyers have been issued

                                                Record of printed flyers and handouts

                                                Find out the progress of the creation of social media presence

                                                2 weeks

                                                Have the relevant pages and groups been created on social media

                                                Pages and groups created

                                                Find out the number of people the members have informed

                                                Three months

                                                How many people has each member informed by word of mouth

                                                Number of people who are aware

                                                Section 9 - Project Budget

                                                  • 9.1 Potential funding links (List any external funding agencies that you could apply to in order to secure funding for your project)

                                                City of Parramatta Council can be persuaded to provide a certain percentage of the funds required

                                                9.1 Budget Overview


                                                Description of Item

                                                Item Cost






                                                Teaching them to evaluate social media presence

                                                Equipment and Supplies

                                                Laptop computer

                                                Printing equipment

                                                Project Activities

                                                Creation Facebook group

                                                Printing flyers





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