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Collaboration Within Retail Advertising - Research Paper Example

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COLLABORATION WITHIN RETAIL ADVERTISING Student’s Name Course Professor’s Name University City (State) Date Introduction The essay will look into retail advertising as the specific professional and further narrow down to how collaboration occurs within advertising. Advertising refers to a process of sharing product information and resources with an aim to increase brand influence as well as resources. Although many advertising agencies are looking forward to integrated models geared towards delivering modern advertising solutions that encompass digital marketing and promotion to public relations, many advertising agencies do not want to pull all the eggs in a single basket. For this reason, many agencies are opting to outsource or else collaborate with other sectors, agencies, entities, individuals as well as organisations towards achieving a common goal which is profit maximisation. Many are the companies that look to move to multi-agency along with the spirit team work. This essay will take a form of a research paper comprising of the introduction, interview, academic research, analysis and conclusion sections meant to bring out the theme of the paper. With the help of interview from the advertising manager and a review of academic sources, this essay looks to shed light on how collaboration occurs within the field of retail advertising. The paper informs on essential aspects of collaboration such as equal participation and a sense of purpose, new product development, problem-solving, job satisfaction and employee retention. Interview During the research, the study was able to obtain information from the advertising manager of a certain firm by carrying out a personal interview. Advertising Manger, (2017) provided that promotions, marketing, and advertising manager play a pivotal role in any firm as it stimulates the process of selling of goods and services. The manager provided that he acts as a liaison between potential customers and creative department within his workplace. Additionally, the manager added that he is responsible for designing and directing firm’s strategy for promoting, advertising and marketing its products. He was sure to mention that he serves as the master fisher with a duty to stir up interests in the general public for a certain commodity or service produced by the company. In my understanding of the interview, it is evident that advertising agency works hand in hand with other stakeholders including individuals and organisations in the journey to the achievement of firm’s goals and objectives. Drawing insights from the interview with the advertising manager, collaboration in retail advertising entails two or more entities coming and working together in harmony to attain a status quo within the internal and external facets of the firm. The manager noted that advertising department works in conjunction with the head of staff to lay down crucial subjects such as which products to produce and which should remain as the flag bearers of the company. From the interview, the manager uttered words such as “the management team including departmental heads, and I have been working together in deciding which type of media such as television and billboards will be used in advertising our products” (Advertising Manger, 2017). In addition, the manager provided that for a long time, the company works hand in hand with financial staffs, sales agents as well as director of arts to organize campaigns and strategies targeted at engaging current and potential customers’ interest in a good or service. In addition, they analyze the corporate market and come up with pricing strategies for their various products. The manager stated that “being in my position, I have been mandated with the duty to ensure that the public is comfortable with our pricing.” He added that “while the company looks to minimise costs while maximising profits, as a manager my duty is to ensure that my department chooses an appropriate combination of purchasing and advertising incentives that increases firm’s sales” (Advertising Manger, 2017). From my school of thought and understanding of collaboration in retail advertising improves firm’s productivity and efficiency. Academic Research This section seeks to among other aspects, address advertising collaboration by reviewing previous materials related to the topic and theories of teamwork Collaboration in advertising encompasses aligning firm’s interests and advertising muscle with other like-minded organisation to achieve more than what might have been achieved as a single entity. Basically, collaboration allows complementary as well as similar firms or individuals to bring together their advertising strategies and proposals to ensure a collective strength to each of the firm’s brand. Pulling strings by ensuring top brands work in collaboration increases customer retention and value as well as brand recognition for each of the player (Cheruvelil et al. 2014). On the other hand, Teamwork refers to strategies and methodologies used by a group of individuals to attain particular goals relating to the team. One of the theories of teamwork is motivation theory. According to Lăzăroiu, (2015) motivation in workplaces can be achieved by offering rewards and recognition to the employees as well as including them in the process of decision making. Reward and recognition play an integral part in motivating employees as well as satisfying them. As such, workers feel as being part of a larger group which makes them more compelled to remain in the company thus consequently reducing the turnover rate. In another study, Soubhi, (2016) provides that collaboration has various benefits to the company. One of such benefits is that it improves work efficiency. Collaboration gives the company a niche when it comes to handling its business projects efficiently. This is achieved through the efficient distribution of tasks across various departments and individuals akin to the level of expertise. This eases the tasks while at the same time improving the quality due to job specialisation (divide and conquer). According to Logan (2016), collaboration impacts on problem solving and innovation. What could have taken a firm or department quite some time to solve on their own may only require minimal time frame to come up with a solution. In regard to advertising, access to various entities and workers with unique skills, knowledge, and viewpoints allows a firm to devise new thoughts and ideas that it could not have thought of if it worked alone. This as well facilitates innovations and inventions as parties work jointly with each party specialising in its stronghold sectors. Analysis Retail advertising collaboration in conjunction with other entities such as the institution of media has worked tirelessly to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in any firm’s operations and activities. The media in its advertising duty ensures that ethical standards are maintained by providing validated information regarding product safety and quality standards. This helps companies in achieving their corporate duty by maintaining a positive image in the public’s eye as well as having customer’s interests and welfare at heart (Galbreath, 2010). In addition, retail advertising in conjunction with other aspects such as staff training and other affiliated programs are fundamental components of firm operations that seek to keep a company solvent, competitive and relevant in the corporate market (Aguinis and Kraiger, 2009). Companies develop and maintain an environment that is conducive of business prosperity by expanding worker’s knowledge and skills. A combination of promotion, advertising, and marketing strategies with staff training increases firm’s competitive advantage by developing an enlightened workforce and increasing brand awareness to the general public. Working hand in hand with the financial departments both internally and externally allows for appropriate allocation of resources used to fund vibrant and aggressive advertising strategies necessary in promoting brand image and increasing product awareness. In addition, firm’s retail advertising department cannot achieve its goals of reaching out to every individual within the general public without the help of Human Resource Management and financial department among other collaborators that ensure firm’s attains its anticipated goals and objectives (O'Cass, and Ngo, 2011). In conclusion, equal collaboration in advertising is paramount and should be observed by each and every player in an organisation. Embracing equal treatment and spirit of teamwork builds on motivation which stimulates more innovations and inventions. Additionally, equal collaboration ensures that grievances and developmental ideas raised by players within collaboration are rightfully addressed. This does not only impact on innovations and inventions but also builds on the aspect of sense of purpose necessary to achieve productivity and thus realisation of goals and objectives. Advertising collaboration helps in creating a work environment that aims at building capacities and abilities of collaborators including but not limited to employees. Reference List Advertising Manger, 2017. How does professional collaboration occur within your industry? Interview with the interviewer (name). Location (city). Aguinis, H. and Kraiger, K., 2009. Benefits of training and development for individuals and teams, organizations, and society. Annual review of Psychology, 60, pp.451-474. Cheruvelil, K.S., Soranno, P.A., Weathers, K.C., Hanson, P.C., Goring, S.J., Filstrup, C.T. and Read, E.K., 2014. Creating and maintaining high‐performing collaborative research teams: the importance of diversity and interpersonal skills. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(1), pp.31-38. Galbreath, J., 2010. How does corporate social responsibility benefit firms? Evidence from Australia. European Business Review, 22(4), pp.411-431 Lăzăroiu, G., 2015. Work Motivation and Organizational Behavior. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, (2), pp.66-75. Logan, T.R., 2016. Influence of teamwork behaviors on workplace incivility as it applies to nurses. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 2(1), pp.47-53. O'Cass, A. and Ngo, L.V., 2011. Winning through innovation and marketing: Lessons from Australia and Vietnam. Industrial marketing management, 40(8), pp.1319-1329. Soubhi, H., 2016. Teamwork, Leadership, and Communication: Collaboration Basics for Health Professionals. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 6(1). Read More
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