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Marketing Electronic Information Resources In Kuwaiti Higher Education - Thesis Example

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The paper "Marketing Electronic Information Resources in Kuwaiti Higher Education Libraries" is a great example of a thesis on marketing. In recent years, Kuwaiti higher education libraries have faced many challenges as a result of changes in the external environment. Information communication technology, in particular, has led to new approaches to delivering information and library services…
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Marketing Electronic Information Resources in Kuwaiti Higher Education libraries Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background In recent years, Kuwaiti higher education (HE) libraries have faced many challenges as a result of changes in the external environment. Information communication technology (ICT) in particular has led to new approaches to delivering information and library services. The adoption and use of electronic information resources (EIR) has become one of the strategic aims of Kuwaiti HE libraries since providing such facilities to customers, such as students, researchers and faculty staff, is now recognised as being of the most importance. For example, an electronic journals service with suitable searching tools can provide customers with access from their homes or workplaces, thus saving them time (Sweeney, 1997). However, this service is not currently as good as it could be with customers not receiving the levels of service they expect, partially as a result of insufficient communication between librarians and customers. It is also due to the enormous increase in production and dissemination of information, especially at electronic global levels, which has changed the role of the librarian. Consequently, marketing plays a very important role in increasing awareness of EIR services, promoting their use and raising awareness of what higher education libraries provide in general. Listen Read phonetically   Dictionary - View detailed dictionary 1. adverb 1. no 2. pronoun 1. neither 3. interjection 1. no 4. prefix 1. in- 2. anti- 3. dis- 4. im- 5. un- The case studies in this research, the governmental academic libraries in both the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) and Kuwait University (KU), subscribe to many databases, but the usage statistics reveal that some databases tend be neglected. Therefore, marketing plays a role in increasing usage or, at least, in increasing interest in these resources. This multi-disciplinary research combines two areas namely, EIRs and marketing management. It focuses on how academic librarians promote sources of information to their customers. Therefore, the research aims to benefit from the marketing discipline to improve access to EIRs in the context of academic libraries. To date, no comprehensive research has explored the defective and inadequate marketing of EIRs in the Kuwaiti HE libraries context. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to investigate this area and to add to the current knowledge base. Furthermore, recommendations arising from these investigations will be made in relation to improving the marketing of EIR in Kuwaiti HE libraries. 1.2 Definition of terms Certain terms will be used in this report to avoid ambiguity and to ensure consistency and clarity in interpretation, namely as follows: Electronic Information Resources (EIR): For this research, the term electronic information resources refers to the more established electronic resources that are commonly available in electronic format in academic libraries today, such as the World Wide Web, electronic journals, online public access catalogues (OPACs), online databases, reference online, electronic mail and electronic books (Hsieh-Yee, 1997). In the context of this study they include: World Wide Web (WWW): Feather and Sturges (2002: 659) describe this as "A hypermedia information service on the Internet, which has been in place since 1991." It is commonly referred to as "the web". The aspect of the web this research focuses on is academic related sources and search tools, such as google, used to find them. This research is mainly concerned with the academic library web page, which customers rely on as a source of information to meet their needs. Electronic journal (E-Journal): "A journal that is available in electronic form through an online host." (Feather & Sturges, 2002:176). Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs): is a database of bibliographic records describing the holdings of usually one particular library. It allows searching by name, title and subject, and it offers online access through public terminals," (Feather & Sturges, 2002: 466). Databases: "Information collections, sharing common characteristics, such as subject discipline or type, which are published electronically by the public or private sector database producers and made available to a large public for interactive searching and information retrieval." (Feather & Sturges, 2002:127). Online Databases: These are accessed through wide-area network links to remote online host services that normally offer many different databases. (Feather & Sturges, 2002:127). Electronic Book (E-Book): “A term used to describe a text analogous to a book that is in digital form to be displayed on a computer screen” Feather and Sturges (2003:168). Information Services: “storing, accessing, processing or delivering information to meet the needs of specific users” Keenan and Johnston (200:150). For this research, information services used for electronic material and services such as electronic documents, multimedia, video and so on. Higher education libraries: In this research, higher education libraries are represented by governmental academic libraries, such as PAAET and KU. Therefore, the definition of Academic Library: “libraries in educational establishments at any level- universities, colleges, research associations etc.,” Prytherch (2005:4). Information Communication Technology (ICT):”Electronic technologies for collecting, storing, processing and communicating information”, (Feather and Sturges, 2003:310). 1.3 Research aim The main aim of this research is to investigate and analyse the marketing of the electronic resources of libraries in the Kuwaiti HE system. 1.4 Research objectives In order to achieve the research aim, a number of objectives have been identified, as summarised below: 1. To investigate and analyse the current marketing tools, policy and strategy of Kuwait HE academic libraries. 2. To investigate and analyse the internal marketing of Kuwait HE academic libraries in relation to: i. The attitudes of academic librarians and the main factors motivating them. ii. The role of academic librarians in the electronic library. 3. To investigate and analyse librarians’ marketing skills and their competence in terms of current marketing training. 4. To investigate and analyse the main external factors that influence the marketing of electronic information resources, focusing on: i. The role and impact of suppliers. ii. The role and impact of the HE authority’s policy in marketing electronic resources. 5. To produce a case study of a situation in Kuwaiti HE academic libraries. 6. To develop the marketing framework and models for the marketing of electronic resources. 7. To provide suggestions and recommendations to promote and enhance the marketing of electronic resources in Kuwaiti HE academic libraries. 1.5 Research questions This research aims to answers the following specific research questions: 1- What are the main internal and external factors that influence the marketing of electronic information resources in Kuwaiti HE academic libraries? 2- What are the most appropriate marketing tools and strategies to enhance and promote effective use of electronic information resources in Kuwait HE libraries? 1.6 Significance of the research In recent years, a sharp increase in electronic information in every sector has affected libraries, especially academic libraries whose resources are now available electronically in order that customers can benefit from these services. However, libraries need to make more effort to encourage customers to use these services more effectively. One way of doing this is via marketing the libraries’ facilities to attract and educate customers. This research into such marketing is significant for several reasons: There is a need for more multidisciplinary studies that link the marketing discipline and electronic information resources in order to achieve a greater understanding of the marketing factors influencing library employees attitudes to customers within the academic context, for example students, faculty staff and researchers. The uniqueness of this research is that it provides, through its literature review, a comprehensive study of marketing electronic information resources. This revealed an absence of research in the area of marketing electronic information resources in academic libraries, particularly in Kuwait. The research is also the first in-depth study as thesis research to be carried out on HE libraries in Kuwait. The research will provide guidelines and recommendations for the marketing of electronic information resources, which can be used in the process of development and modernisation of HE libraries in Kuwait as well as in other HE libraries in the Arabian Gulf countries. This study will assist decision makers in deciding whether or not to revise or improve information services in HE libraries in Kuwait. It can be generalised and applied in similar contexts, such as special academic libraries. This research will add to the LIS literature in the area of marketing electronic information services since there has as yet been no extensive research done in this area in Kuwait. Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction The many changes in technology that have occurred in the last few decades have affected numerous different aspects of our lives. Higher education libraries, for example, must now store a vastly increased amount of information. In addition to the traditional hard copies of books and journals, they now use an electronic communication system to do this. In a study by Lyman and Varian (2002) on the school of information and management system (SIMS), the information flow stored only on the Internet was 5 exabytes1. This dramatic increase in the flow of information has meant that higher education (HE) libraries now play a larger role in storing and disseminating information to their customers. Thus, they need to be more aware of how marketing can contribute to increasing awareness amongst their customers of the availability of information in electronic information resources (EIRs). In the following, the literature relevant to the context of marketing EIRs in HE libraries is reviewed in five sections. The first section discusses EIRs, their role in HE libraries and the categories of EIRs in HE libraries that will be the focus of this study. The second section discusses the concept of marketing, particularly in HE libraries, and then it examines the marketing of services, the marketing mix, marketing in academic libraries and marketing planning. In section three, internal marketing issues, such as the attitude of librarians towards marketing, the main factors motivating them and marketing relationships, are discussed. The fourth section focuses on the role and impact of the suppliers that influence the marketing of EIRs. The last section examines librarians’ skills and their competence in terms of current marketing training. The chapter is summed up with concluding remarks. Figure 3.1 shows the main elements of the reviewed literature. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Figure 3.1 literature review framework Interview questions: Section one : Interviews questions for library administrators: Certain terms will be used in this interview to avoid ambiguity and to ensure consistency and clarity in interpretation, namely as follows: Marketing. In this research this does not just mean advertising or selling but rather ”the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large” (American Marketing Association, 2007). Electronic Information Resources (EIRs). In this research this term refers to the more established electronic resources that are commonly available in electronic format in academic libraries today, such as the World Wide Web, electronic journals, and online public access catalogues (OPACs), online databases and electronic books. 1. What is your primary job responsibility? Are marketing library services parts of your job responsibility? 2. Does the deanship of library have a specific budget for the marketing of its activities? If so, what percentage of the total annual budget for the library administration does this constitute? Is it enough? How to solve this problem if not enough? If not have specific budget, what budget heading does marketing come under? 3. Does the deanship of library have marketing policy guideline or a marketing plan? If so, is there any specific policy or plan for EIRs? Please give details. 4. Does the deanship of library have specific strategies for the marketing of its EIRs activities? Please give details. 5. Do you think independent variables, such as experience, ages, qualification and IT skills; play a role in marketing in general and in marketing EIRs specifically? Why? 6. What motivational techniques are adopted to encourage librarians to market EIRs? 7. Do you get support from publishers? Is so, what is involved in this? Please explain? Is any else needed to support you in marketing of EIRs? 8. Finally, is there anything else about marketing EIRs that we haven’t discussed that you would like to comment on in this interview? Thank you for your cooperation in answering the questions Section two: Interviews questions for librarians: Certain terms will be used in this interview to avoid ambiguity and to ensure consistency and clarity in interpretation, namely as follows: Marketing. In this research this does not just mean advertising or selling but rather ”the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large” (American Marketing Association, 2007). Electronic Information Resources (EIRs). In this research this term refers to the more established electronic resources that are commonly available in electronic format in academic libraries today, such as the World Wide Web, electronic journals, and online public access catalogues (OPACs), online databases and electronic books. 1. What is your primary job responsibility? Have you already done marketing library services in your library? If yes, please, mention what you did? 2. In terms of marketing mix elements to EIRs: Place: How are these services offered? Or how are these services accessed? For example, are they accessible and easily visible to everyone, including those with a physical disability or sight impairment? Price: Do you charge for any services? If so, does this have any effect on the customers’ behaviour? Product: Does your library ensure these services are fulfilling the needs of all customers at the right place, the right time and the right price? Promotion: Which methods in your library are most effective for promoting EIRs now and in the future? 3. How strong do you think the relationship is between the customers who want to use EIRs and the library? Is this relationship stronger with certain types of customers, for example with students or with staff? Is it stronger with students from some disciplines than others? 4. What method, if any, is used in your library to evaluate the use of EIRs now and in the future? 5. What, in your opinion, are the barriers to the effective promotion of EIRs in your library? 6. Do you think independent variables, such as experience, ages, qualification and IT skills; play a role in marketing in general and in marketing EIRs specifically? Why? 7. Have you received any training or an orientation session from your library on marketing EIRs? If so, please describe the issues covered in this and was it sufficient or you would like more training? If no, how do you solve this problem? 8. Do you get support from publishers? Is so, what is involved in this? Please explain? Is anything else needed to support your library in marketing of EIRs? 9. Finally, is there anything else about marketing EIRs that we haven’t discussed that you would like to comment on in this interview? Thank you for your cooperation in answering the questions 1. What is your core job responsibility? (a) Prior to this have you done marketing services in your library? (b) If yes in (a) above, what did you do? 2. In terms of mix elements being marketed to EIRs: (a) How are these services accessed and offered? Are they visible and easily accessible to all people, inclusive of those with sight impairment and physical disability? (b) Are your services charged? (i) If yes what effect does it have on the behavior of the customer? (c) Does your library ensure the customers’ needs are met by your services in terms of place, time and price? (d) In terms of effectiveness, which EIRs promotion methods are preferred in your library for now and in future? 3. What is the strength in the relationship between customers who want to use the library and EIRs? (a) Is the strength of this relationship greater with students or with staff? (b) Do students from certain disciplines depict a stronger relationship than others? 4. Is there any method in your library that evaluates EIRs use now and in the future? 5. In your opinion, what are the obstacles to your library’s effective EIRs’ promotion? 6. In your view, do independent variables such as IT skills, age, qualification and experience have a role generally in marketing and specifically in the EIRs marketing? Why? 7. Are you trained or have you undergone an orientation session on marketing EIRs from you library? (a) If yes, kindly describe what you covered on this. Was it sufficient or would you consider more training? (b) If no, what action will you take to solve the problem? 8. Are you supported by publishers? (a) If so, what is the procedure? Kindly explain. (b) What other support does your library need in marketing EIRs? 9. What is your job responsibility primarily? Do you handle marketing library services? 10. Has the library deanship set aside a budget that is specific to activities’ marketing? (a) If yes, what does it constitute in terms of a percentage of the cumulative yearly budget for the administration of the library? (b) Is this budget enough? (c) If the answer in (b) above is no, how should the problem be solved? (d) If no specific budget is in place, marketing is covered in which budget heading? 11. Has the library deanship adopted any marketing plan or a guideline for marketing policy? (a) If yes, does the deanship have a plan or a specific policy concerning the EIRs? Kindly give details. 12. Have specific strategies that carter for EIRs’ marketing been put in place by the library deanship? Kindly give details 13. In your view, do independent variables such as IT skills, age, qualification and experience have a role generally in marketing and specifically in the EIRs marketing? Why? 14. In encouraging librarians to market EIRs, what motivational techniques are put in place? 15. Are you supported by publishers? (c) If so, what is the procedure? Kindly explain. (d) What other support do you need in marketing EIRs? 16. Lastly, what else on marketing EIRs that we haven’t tackled would you like to add in this interview? 1 Do you get support from publishers? If so, what is involved in this? Please explain? Is anything else needed to support your library in marketing of EIRs? 2 Finally, is there anything else about marketing EIRs that we haven’t discussed that you would like to comment on in this interview? 3 What does your job entail in relation to marketing of library services? 4 What marketing tools do you use as you carry out your core responsibility? 5 Do you think the current marketing tools are efficient or effective? 6 In a bid to market the EIRs, what policy is enforced by the deanship of the library? 7 In order to realize your objectives, what strategies have you laid down for the marketing of EIRs? Please give an explanation. 8 What is your take on variables like age, experience and IT skills? Do they in any way affect marketing of EIRs directly? 9 Do you think your objectives are being met? Please give an explanation 10 What measures do you suggest should be employed to improve and promote the marketing of electronic resources Thank you for your cooperation in answering the questions Read More
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