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Consumer Likeness on Advertising Success - Coursework Example

The paper "Consumer Likeness on Advertising Success " emphasizes the influence of consumer likeness on advertising success in the restaurant industries of the UK. A detailed analysis has been conducted considering two famous restaurants in the UK, which are Restaurant Gordon Ramsay and Chez Bruce. …
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work Table of Contents work Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Methods and Data 4 Analysis 5 Conclusion 10 References 12 14 Appendix: Questionnaire 15 Introduction Consumer preference is one of those key factors imposing strong influences on the success of the business. Relating this notion with the trends observed in the restaurant industries of the United Kingdom, it has been observed to undergo significant developments since the past few decades and is considered one of the most profitable business sectors of the country (Haymarket, 2013). This has been possible only because of the effective strategies implemented by the restaurant owners among which, the advertisement strategies have served as the most significant set. It is believed in accordance that advertising is the key to success for any business and therefore, implementing a proper advertisement strategy would help in creating long lasting impression in the minds of the people that would help attracting more customers towards the company. However, it is very essential to consider the likeness of advertisement by the consumers, as the success of the business is completely dependent on it (Abideen, 2011). In this paper, discussion emphasizes the influence of consumer likeness on advertising success in the restaurant industries of the UK. In this context, a detailed analysis has been conducted considering two famous restaurants of the UK, which are Restaurant Gordon Ramsay and Chez Bruce. Survey was also conducted with the consumers of these two restaurants in order to understand the extent to which, consumer likeness is responsible for the success of advertisement that would help further in the development of restaurant industries in the UK (Gordon Ramsay Holdings, 2015; Chez Bruce, 2013). Methods and Data Various methods and data have been used for conducting the entire research study. Both primary and secondary data collection methods have been used in order to carry out the research (Institute for Work & Health, 2009). Questionnaire survey has also been used as a primary data collection method that helped in providing more reliable and authentic data and information related to the subject matter (LTDI, 1999). In addition, the secondary data collection method also served effective for the research study. Various secondary sources, including journals, articles and reports from authentic sources were used in order to gather various information about the restaurants as well as other relevant information those were necessary for conducting the research study. However, for the analysis of data, both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used for the effectiveness of the research (WebMD LLC, 2015). For analysing the data from various journals and literature studies, qualitative analysis served as most beneficial, following which, a quantitative analysis was also used in the interpretation of data retrieved from interviews and questionnaire surveys. Statistical tools have also been used for the interpretation and analysis of data in accordance (Hohmann, 2005). However, for conducting the survey, overall 20 customers were selected randomly from both the restaurants of the UK. Each of them was provided a questionnaire that contained 5 questions to be answered by them within a given time. The questionnaire contained open-ended questions so that the respondents were able to provide detailed opinion against the questions forwarded to them. This further helped in conducting the analysis in a more effective manner. Moreover, the respondents were also shown two video clips of advertisement of the two restaurants collected from online sources that helped in understanding, which, between the two advertisements, did they prefer. Analysis The success of any business establishment highly depends on the advertising strategies being adopted by the company in order to attract more consumers towards its products and/or services. As advertisement is the key to success of any business, the owners feel free to spent millions of dollars in advertising, when considering the current market scenario. However, spending large amounts in advertising does not lead to the success of a business. For the effectiveness of any advertising, it is therefore very essential to represent it before the consumers considering their choices and preferences (Peter & Olson, 2010). This is because consumer likeness on advertisement highly affects the extent to which, the consumers are attracted towards the services of the company. However, there has been a significant growth in the restaurant industries of the UK since the past few decades, owing to the effective marketing strategies being implemented by the restaurant owners, among which the advertisement strategies served as the most effective (Restaurant Growth UK, 2015). However, analysing the existing literature studies from various journals and articles relating to the topic helped in obtaining clarified views on the importance of consumer likeness on the success of advertisement in the restaurant industries of UK in a detailed manner. An effective advertisement also created a long-term impression in the minds of the people and thus, it was necessary for every business to develop their advertising strategies based on the preferences of the consumers (Peter & Olson, 2010). Consumer likeness is an important factor that determines the effectiveness of advertisement in attracting more customers. Therefore, advertising is one of the most effective means through which, a company can promote its brands to the targeted people. As the customers are the ultimate stakeholders of the restaurants and the amount of profit to be earned by the company completely depends upon the customers, it is very essential to satisfy the customers by providing them good quality products and services that would help in creating customer loyalty towards the company (J Franks, 2014). Similarly, in context to the restaurants of the UK, it is necessary for the restaurant owners to provide services and food menus after considering the choices and preferences of the customers. Therefore, it is very essential for the restaurants to communicate their food menus and services to the consumers and thus, advertisement serves as the most effective means of communication for the restaurants (Haymarket, 2013). Moreover, it is also necessary for the restaurants to represent their brand and services to the customers in such a way that it creates a positive impact on the minds of the customers regarding the restaurants that shall help in attracting more customers. The restaurants should also be highly focused on consumer likeness while making any advertisement owing to the fact that it substantially helps to represent the products and services of the restaurant to the people. However, according to Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research (2011), the extent to which the customers will prefer the restaurant highly depends upon the likeness of the consumers towards the advertisement. An advertisement is thus stated to be highly successful if it succeeds in attracting the customers towards the restaurant as well as create brand value (Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research, 2011). However, the restaurant industry in the UK is highly developed and the country is surrounded by a large variety of hotels and restaurants that includes both high-end types as well as the take away outlets. Therefore, there exists a high degree of competition among the restaurant owners and thus, it has become inherently necessary for them to adopt unique advertising strategies that would differentiate its products and services from others. Moreover, through analysis it has been found that for considering consumer likeness it is very essential for the restaurants to develop an understanding of consumer behaviour (Guardian News and Media Limited, 2015). Correspondingly, to develop an understanding of the influence of consumer likeness towards advertising success of the UK restaurant industry, a consumer survey has been conducted by showing two advertisement clips of the selected two restaurants of the UK. The clips were collected from online sources and were shown to the respondents in order to understand their perceptions and likeness towards the advertisements. Overall of 20 respondents were selected on a random basis, who were provided the questionnaire containing a total of 5 questions (Refer to Appendix). The first question asked to the respondents was concentrated on identifying, which among the two advertisements they preferred the most. It was an open-ended question and they were provided enough time to answer the question. After analysing their opinions, it was found that among 20 respondents, 15 of them liked the advertisement clip of Hotel Gordon Ramsay and 5 of the respondents were in favour for restaurant Chez Bruce (Gordon Ramsay Holdings, 2015). This finding thus indicates that the advertisement strategy of Hotel Gordon Ramsay is more effective in attracting the customers towards it. Contextually, it has been ensured that there does not exist any biasness while analysing the opinion of the respondents. The respondents were clearly informed regarding the purpose of the study and were ensured that their opinion would be kept confidential (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 2013). Therefore, the responses derived from the first question were completely in favour of Hotel Gordon Ramsay. The second question asked to the respondents was to analyse whether they prefer emotional advertisement or information content advertising. Analysing the opinions of the respondents it was found that 50 percent of them were in favour of emotional advertising while the rest 50 percent were in favour of informational advertising. This suggests that both the advertising aspects, i.e. emotional aspects and informational aspects serves to be beneficial for an effective advertising of the UK restaurant industries. Emotional advertising is also important in order to create emotional attachment of the consumers towards the restaurant that will increase the customer loyalty (Heath, 2007). Informational content advertisement also serves beneficial for attracting major customers towards the restaurant, as in this form of advertisement, the restaurant provides necessary information regarding the attractive menus and offers including services to the customers. This serves beneficial in attracting customers through informing them with the attractive menus and offers. However, it would be most beneficial if the restaurants developed their advertisements in a way that would contain both emotional aspects as well as informational aspects of advertisement (Hadjimarcou, 2012). The third question concentrated on obtaining the opinions on how advertising of the restaurants could be made more effective. In response to this question, majority of the respondents replied that more focus should be given on the transparency of their services and rates of food items that will provide accurate information to the consumers. In majority of the cases, it is found that the restaurants and hotels advertise their offers and special menus in such a way that it seems attractive to the customers (J Franks, 2014). However, in reality, it is found that various conditions are applicable to acquire those offers and thus, the restaurants are perceived as if making fool of the customers (Abideen, 2011). This advertising strategy may seem beneficial from the viewpoint of restaurant owners but actually, it creates a negative impact on the restaurant when the customers faces the realty. Therefore, misrepresentation of the offers and rates by the restaurants should be avoided in order to increase customer loyalty that would ultimately lead to increased profitability (J Franks, 2014). Moreover, the respondents also suggested that in addition to emotional and informational contents in the advertisement, there should also be humorous contents in the advertisements to boost consumer likeness for the advertisement. Humorous content in the advertisement increases the customer attraction towards a particular brand, which is beneficial for the company in the long run (Hoang, 2013). These findings altogether reveal that it is also necessary for the restaurants to select advertising strategies based on the likeness of the targeted audiences. The next question provided in the questionnaire concentrated on the importance of advertisement in promoting restaurant industries in the UK. In response to the question, there were various opinions obtained from the respondents. Analysing their opinion it was found that advertisement plays a major role in promoting the UK restaurants. Correspondingly, in order to promote the services, offers and menus to the customers, the restaurants have to maintain a continuous communication with them. Thus, advertisement may serve as the most effective means for communicating its services to the targeted customers in order to attract them. Moreover, if the rates of menus and food items are being properly advertised, it would serve easy for the customers to remain aware of the services being provided by the restaurants. However, the last question was regarding the medium of advertisement that are mostly preferred by the consumers. In response to this question, 40 percent of the consumers were in favour of print media and 60 percent were in favour of electronic medium of advertisement. This represents that both the mediums of advertisements are comparatively of similar importance for the restaurant in order to promote their services with special offers. However, the advancements of technology have created great opportunities for the restaurant owners to promote their products and services through various electronic mediums including online websites, social media and television among others. Hence, the most effective medium would be to choose the appropriate medium depending on the targeted audiences. The most effective medium would be through television advertising as it is accessible to almost all the people of the country. However, advertising through various print media, such as banners and leaflets, will also serve as beneficial in case of promoting the latest offers by any restaurants of UK (Haymarket, 2013). Conclusion Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that likeness of the consumers play a major role in the advertisement success of the restaurant industry, as proven from the sample of two restaurants in the UK. Advertisement is considered as the key to success of any business establishment and thus, it is necessary for the business owners to select proper advertisement strategies based on consumer likeness. From an overall perspective, it can also be noted that restaurant industries have become one of the most popular sectors of the UK. It continuous expansion can also be triggered with relation to the effective strategies being implemented by the owners, those have been successful in attracting more customers towards them. However, in order to analyse the degree of consumer likeness, responsible for the success of advertisement, two famous hotels of the UK, i.e. Restaurant Gordon Ramsay and Chez Bruce had been selected. The advertisement clips of these two hotels were accordingly shown to 20 consumers who were chosen randomly and interview was conducted in order to analyse the importance of consumer likeness on advertising success. From the analysis, it was found that consumer likeness imposes a strong influence on the success of the UK restaurant industry. Before selecting and advertising strategy, it is thus very essential for the restaurants to consider the perceptions and choices of the targeted audiences, which would be the main contributing factors to steer the success of the UK restaurants and those located in other areas of the global economy. References Abideen, Z. U., 2011. Effective Advertising and Its Influence on Consumer Buying Behavior. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 55-65. Chez Bruce, 2013. The Restaurant. Chez Bruce, [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 31, 2015]. Gordon Ramsay Holdings, 2015. About The Gordon Ramsay Group. Gordon Ramsay, [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 31, 2015]. Guardian News and Media Limited, 2015. Why Agencies Must Focus On Consumer Behaviour As Well As Sentiment. The Guardian. [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 31, 2015]. Hadjimarcou, J., 2012. An Investigation of Informational Versus Emotional Advertising Appeals during Life Transitions. International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 55-65. Haymarket, 2013. Meet the New Generation Of Restaurant Brands Outsmarting The Establishment. Article. [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 31, 2015]. Heath, R., 2007. Emotional Persuasion in Advertising: A Hierarchy-of-Processing Model. Journal, pp. 1-50. Hohmann, 2005. Quantitative Methods in Education Research. 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Consumer Behavior & Marketing Strategy. McGraw-Hill Companies, pp. 1-554. Restaurant Growth UK, 2015. 12 Development Areas: Sales and Marketing for Restaurateurs. Article. [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 31, 2015]. WebMD LLC, 2015. Presenting and Evaluating Qualitative Research. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 31, 2015]. Appendix: Questionnaire 1) Which of the two advertisements do you prefer? 2) Which form of advertisements do you prefer, emotional content or informational content? 3) How can the advertising of restaurants in UK be made more effective? 4) What is your opinion regarding the importance of advertisement in promoting the restaurant industries of UK? 5) Which medium of advertisement do you prefer the most, electronic medium or print medium? Read More
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