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Organizational Structures of Marketing - Coursework Example

The paper "Organizational Structures of Marketing" focuses on the complex analysis of the variety of organizational structures of the marketing system in the companies. Prosperity in business operations depends on the organization of work in the marketing department…
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MARKETING – LEVEL OF IMPORTANCE OF MARKETING By Location Introduction Prosperity in business operations depends on the organization of work in the marketing department. The hierarchical structure of organizations is of great importance due to various reasons. For instance, it is through a proper hierarchy instituted in an organization that individuals perform in accordance to their managers’ expectations. Secondly, there is improved level of profit making because of enhanced performance. The hierarchy is responsible for improved communication. The principal concern of this essay is to illustrate the different level of marketing importance in the organizational structure and hierarchy. It also entails knowledge regarding the reasons for the difference in level. Further, the study encompasses information regarding better and vital organizational structures necessary when aspiring to improve marketing strategy. Organizational structure or hierarchy The type of structure determines the capability of an organization to accomplish set targets and objectives. Structuring of business organizations depends on the functions of the established business, the location of the manufacturing firm, and the type of products and services offered by the individuals in that organization. There is a range of employees destined to work in various departments. Defined individual responsibility is a basic necessity, which calls for the degree at which one contributes towards the level of output. There has to be leaders of various groups of workers to ensure that employees work is meeting of the set targets. The organizational structure encompasses operational managers who give directive guidelines for the organization. The structure of the organization determines the number of employees to work in the business environment. The level at which particular employees work under is vital for the actual performance of the marketing department. Hierarchical structures, placement of employees is at different levels according to individuals’ ability. There is a better establishment of the chain of command and better span of control through various hierarchies. The prime structures in organizations are the flat and tall structures of hierarchy. The ability to keep an organization on the environment is by ensuring there is enough finance (Lumby and Jones 2003, p. 489). Tall organization structures The tall structure also bears the name “Narrow span of control” because of the levels of supervision within it. The chain of command is strictly from top to bottom, meaning that giving of directives is only by the top management personnel. This structure calls for alterations, as it hinders employees from making decisions, some of which are viable for improved production. It (tallest structure) is advantageous in that workers aim at attaining the set targets and improving the level of output. This structure also leads to a decrease in supervisory fatigue as supervisors have only a few numbers of employees to control. On the contrary, adoption of tall structures is an ill motive to the organization because of an assortment of reasons. For one, tall structures impede making of better decisions about the mission to accomplish. Improper making of decisions hinders individuals from carrying out tasks properly to improve work performance (Relations Dept 2011). The Flat Structure The Flat organization structure, which also refers to the wide span of control, entails only a few levels of management. The reason for the span of control being wide is that individuals under one supervisor are more than the number of employees supervised under the tall structure. The flat structure necessitates employees to be part of the decision making team. There is a range of positive effects of the flat structures. First, due to employee involvement in making decisions, there is increased morale of performing assigned duties. Increased morale results in quality of output, as workers have relevant knowledge concerning the duties assigned to them. Secondly, there is an increase in the level of profit making since individuals have less constraints concerning tasks performed. Thirdly, there are enhanced means of meeting customer needs because both employers and employees can alter with the decisions made and make decisions that are favourable regarding the prevailing market conditions. On the contrary, this (flat) structure has some set backs in that it necessitates individuals to work only within some limits. Additionally, the structure may contribute to failure of the organization to meet the set targets because it only applies where employees have advanced knowledge that is relevant to the duties allocated to them. Employees require adequate training to acquire skills vital for the organizational tasks. Every leader has the mandate of ensuring that all employees in particular departments have guidelines when performing their duties. Importance of the hierarchical structure The hierarchical structure is advantageous to the organization in several ways. To begin with, the hierarchy of the organization determines the flow of operations in the departments. Through restrictions in the business, hierarchy helps insert accountability of performance. Clear hierarchy helps in defining and creating better ways of carrying out assigned tasks. Secondly, enhanced structures pertaining hierarchy offer a substantial progression of the guidelines required when performing duties. In addition, clear hierarchical paths help develop individuals through motivation obtained by employees aspiring to take various steps up the supervisory ladder. The principal regulations in the hierarchy, establish better grounds for communication. Communication is of significance in that it helps in coordinating activities performed. On the other hand, hierarchical structures help in ensuring that the span of control is properly in accordance to the type of activities done within the business. In addition, proper establishment of hierarchies helps in organizing companies in such a manner that amalgamate individuals in various departments. Coordination of business operations and different personnel (both employees and employers) establish better working grounds (Wang and Wang 2010). Reasons for differences in the marketing level There are changes in the hierarchical arrangement of work in various organizations. Individuals ought to establish certain instruments to help impede the changes from having an effect on the performance of the organizations. The major factor affecting the level of marketing performance is the organizational structure or hierarchy and technology. To begin with, the prime factor to changes concerning the importance of the level of marketing structure and hierarchy is leading technology. Lack of knowledge pertaining technological developments impedes better performance of work, which is in effect to the level as well as the quality of output. Secondly, there is improper selection of data on the subject of the type of product manufactured and the medium used to avail knowledge to the consumers. Poor allotment of tasks, acts as a tool working contrary to the real motive of reaching the finishing point. Managers and employees require essential information to give guidance when taking business actions concerning marketing. Other reasons contributing to changes in the level of importance of marketing are, the mechanism of marketing and the level of inflation. Communication is also an important aspect to look into specifically because it is the prime factor enabling individuals to interact with ease. Establishment of cordial relations between employers and employees is significant in that it denotes the desire to reach a wide range of individuals in diverse regions by availing qualitative information (Viardot 2004, p. 98) Measures taken to improve the importance of the level of marketing Organizational managers aspiring to maintain a smooth flow of work depend on strategies established to deal with the factors affecting the actual motive of hierarchical structures. Technology being the major area of concern necessitates managers to acquire knowledge pertaining anticipated changes in product knowledge. Such changes help individuals obtain advanced means of carrying out marketing tasks. There should be adoption of modern technological machinery to help with the quality of work done. Additionally, there is the need to institute educational seminars for an increase in knowledge regarding the changing market economies. It is essential for the managerial heads of the organization to decentralize decision making by adopting the most crucial structure when carrying out business responsibilities (Brady 2011, p. 176). Other ways of ensuring that changes in the level of marketing importance include the following. Marketers ought to have desirable information about the number of employees to perform various tasks. It is also of importance to have pleasant knowledge when setting targets in the number of customers to reach within a specific period. Individuals in the business organizations need to employ the best way of reaching consumers in diverse regions. To increase sales, there has to be concern about the product quality and quantity. On the side of the market mechanism, it is of great importance to ensure that pricing is favourable and there is a high quality of quantity output (Wang and Wang 2010, p. 78). Reasons why the level of importance of marketing should always be higher Marketing is very crucial for the growth of any business organization. The ability to establish good relations with the public determines the selling of products in particular regions. The central point of operations in the business is the marketing department since it has concerns about the manufactured products and the most appropriate way to have the commodities reach consumers. Product awareness is a function of the marketing team and is the determinant factor of the total sales to make within a specific period. Faarup 2010 (69) asserts that marketing entails of three levels with the major being the operational level. Summary and conclusion The organizational structures are very important to a business. They are the prime determinants concerning the stay of businesses in various regions because of various reasons. For instance, hierarchical structures, namely the tall and flat structures restrict the potential of employees to perform as anticipated. Secondly, the way of carrying out duties is significant in that it helps determine the quality of commodities produced. Individual ability to let the public obtain product knowledge determines the rate of making sales. Individuals need to consider the most crucial aspect to ascertain smooth operations of the marketing department. This is evident when Bragg 2010 makes certain that there is as smooth stream of operations in the business industries. Most of the individuals require much knowledge on how to partake distinguished jobs within the organization. To avoid incurring losses, the marketing personnel ought to acquire good communication tactics to help pass over the information regarding importance of the products. Therefore, it is worth concluding that individuals should aspire to obtain more knowledge about marketing, as it (marketing) is the heart of all business organizations. Bibliography Brady, L D 2011, Essentials of International Marketing, New York. Bragg, S M 2010, Cost reduction analysis: tools and strategies, Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons. Faarup, P K 2010, The marketing framework, Aarhus, Academica. Lumby, S & Jones, C 2003, Corporate finance: theory & practice, London, Thomson. Relations Dept, I. M. F. E. 2011, Finance & Development, June 2011, Washington, International Monetary Fund. Viardot, E 2004, Successful marketing strategy for high-tech firms, Boston, Mass. [u.a.], Artech House. Wang, J & Wang, G 2010, Abletrend identifying and analyzing market trends for trading success, Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. Read More
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