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Promotion Strategies - Research Paper Example

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They provide beverage drinks that have a large demand in the world. Most particularly, the industry is always dominated by two major soft drink producers which are coca cola…
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Promotion Strategies
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Promotion Strategies Introduction The soft drink industry is a dominated by major companies who compete for a large market in the world. They provide beverage drinks that have a large demand in the world. Most particularly, the industry is always dominated by two major soft drink producers which are coca cola and Pepsi. Their dominance and market coverage are determined by their strategic marketing strategies. Each of the companies undertakes a distinct approach in promoting and advancing their customer influence.

The industry is always competitive, and the market players must be creative and innovative in order to remain relevant in the industry (Homburg, 2009). The individual brands remain competitive because of implementing effective strategies that can conquer the market. Therefore, it is relevant for the players of the soft drink industry to develop unique and marketable strategies of winning customer trust.Promotional Strategies The soft drinks industry is composed of various players including coca cola, Pepsi, and Cola Turka, Zam Zam cola, Parsi cola, position and RC cola among others.

Despite being many players, coca cola and Pepsi have mastered the art of marketing to their advantage. Both of the companies specialize in making concentrates that are distributed to their various bottlers. This ensures that the company serves large markets in the world. Coca cola’s objective is maintaining its market grip in all parts of the world. As a result, it has been able to establish itself in all the countries in the world apart from North Korea and Cuba (Hayes, 2007). However, it is reported to be available as a gray import in both countries.

Furthermore, the company manages to conquer the soft drink market by diversifying its products. For example, the company has had caffeine free versions and fruit flavours that have been included over the years. Moreover, the company provides the no calories colas that can be found it the coca cola outlets. On the other hand, Pepsi also manages to diversify its products to accommodate various customers. However, its main objective is to have an influence in a large soft drink market through continuous brand marketing in various parts of the world (Stevenson, 1989).

Communication Channels Promotion of the soft drink brands is a matter of importance to the market players. The companies use different communication channels in order to promote their products. Their promotional objectives are to remain relevant and enlarge their market coverage. For example, the internet is the most common platform of marketing among the companies. The companies also use the print and digital media to market their products. This is evident through the TV advertisements that are available at all times.

For example, coca cola has used millions of dollars in TV adverts of its products. This works to their advantage as the customer tend to trust their product’s quality and professionalism (Helga, 2014). Comparison and Contrast of Promotional Strategies The promotional strategies used by the different companies develop a different level of influence among the people. The various companies use sports sponsorship as marketing strategies. In that case, the companies endorse sports teams and great world athletes in order to promote their brands.

This has been effective for coca cola the company has managed to sponsor some of the world’s best athletes and sporting events. This approach enables the companies to enlarge its market coverage in different countries (Peter, 1999). For a long time, the sponsorship of sporting events and teams has seen the soft drink companies increase their sales volumes in regions that did not consume much of their products. Evidently, coca cola and Pepsi have similar promotional strategies that enhance their market dominance.

However, coca cola has been able to remain dominant over the other companies because it manages to provide their concentrate at a low price that can compete with the other producers. Moreover, the prices of the coca cola products remain affordable to the people.ReferencesHayes, J. (2007). Coca-Cola Television Advertisements: Dr. John S. Pemberton. Nations Restaurant News, 1.Helga, D. (2014). Marketing Strategy Business Plan. Cambridge Strategy Group, 1-8.Homburg, C. a. (2009). Marketing Management - A Contemporary Perspective (1st ed.). London: McGraw-Hill.Peter, J. P. (1999). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy.

London: McGraw-Hill.Stevenson, W. J. (1989). Introduction to management science. Boston: Irwin.

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