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Amazon's Kindle Fire Aspects of Consumer Behavior - Research Paper Example

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According to the article 100 Top Global Thinkers (2010), many of these aspects are more concerned with the efficiency and affordability of the…
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Amazons Kindle Fire Aspects of Consumer Behavior
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There are many aspects of consumer behavior which Amazon’s Kindle product and services should emphasize in their marketing plan. According to the article 100 Top Global Thinkers (2010), many of these aspects are more concerned with the efficiency and affordability of the product as well as the existence of similar products on the market. It is therefore necessary for Amazon to keep these aspects in mind whenever it does its marketing because if it does not, then its products would not long survive the very competitive market environment of the modern world.

In this paper, we shall elaborate on these aspects and how they affect the marketing of Amazon’s Kindle products.The very first aspect that those marketing the Kindle product should consider is the fact that the product should be built or created to be more efficient than those of rival companies. This is essential for the marketing of the product because consumers tend to consider efficiency when buying a product. Consumers may prefer to go buy a product which is fast and wastes less time when they are using it even if the product is more expensive than similar products from other companies.

The company should work on improving the speed of products if it intends to attract more consumers by promoting the efficiency of its products. Another aspect of marketing which should consider consumer behavior is the frequent changing of how the product is packaged. Consumers tend to believe that the products with a look that is new and different from the previous one is better. Amazon should therefore ensure that the look of its Kindle products is changed frequently to ensure that consumers are kept interested in them.

New tools should be incorporated into the new forms of the product to make its use easier and this can be made a basis upon which the product is promoted (Poole, 2011). Consumers tend to prefer portable products which they can use anywhere at their own convenience. The Kindle products should be made more portable than they already are so that its marketers can use it as a strategy for marketing the product. Consumers are more likely to want to buy a portable product because of the ability to use them in any situation.

They can read an eBook anywhere at any time and this can be used as a marketing strategy when promoting this product.The best marketing strategy which considers consumer behavior is the promotion of the product as being cheaper than those of rival products. The company should ensure that the prices of its products are lower than those of similar products in the market if it can successfully attract enough numbers of consumers to buy its product (Bjørner, 2010). Because of the affordability of the product, the consumer is more likely than not to want to buy the product because the current difficult economic situations would push them to buy cheaper products.

It has further been noted that consumers tend to buy products which they know a lot more about than those which they do not know enough about. Amazon should therefore ensure that its Kindle product is advertised frequently on television, the internet, and other media which are commonly used by consumers in their day to day lives. Consumers will as a result have enough knowledge about the advantages of the product and will be encouraged to buy it.References100 top global thinkers.(2010). Foreign Policy, (183), 33-38,42,45,47-49,52,55-61,66-71,75-84,88-96.

Bjørner, S. (2010). E-products for academic libraries: 2010 buying guide. Choice, 47(12).Poole, K. (2011). Emedia: A view from the end users perspective. EContent, 34(6), 10-12.

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