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Company Analysis of a Leading Manufacturer of Chocolate - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Company Analysis of a Leading Manufacturer of Chocolate" focuses on both parties that should have a reasonable agreement concerning the proprietorship of the two Companies. If an asset is missing, then the Company responsible for the asset should acquire it…
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Company Analysis of a Leading Manufacturer of Chocolate
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Company Analysis Introduction In case of a merger, both parties should have a reasonable agreement concerning the proprietorship of the two Companies. There is the assertion of the assets that both companies have such that if an asset is missing, then the Company, which is responsible for the asset, should acquire it for the merger to be a success. In the case under scrutiny, the merger is under a threat because some assets do not have refrigerators thus not working properly (Maguire, 2007). Requirements for the project A leading manufacturer of chocolates, hard candies and cookies, has taken up a Company specializing in the manufacture of a variety of soft candies. There is an expectation for the company to lead to economies of scale in storage, as well as the opening of a bigger market for the soft candies due to the merger. The level of IT of the company is crucial to make estimation on the efficiency it has on the Company. The assets of the merger companies are necessary to estimate the equity of the companies and also the physical conditions of the company so as to capitalize upon each asset jointly (Florzak, 2010). Aim of the project The main objectives for the consulting project are to give the company a sneak recommendation on the procedure to follow. This is in the acquisition of the company because some assets do not fit their uses including the refrigerator. This would help the company to expand on its marketing channels as well as their branding strategy (Maguire, 2007). Major objectives The project entails: Evaluation of the entire market scenario of the merger companies; Identification of the customer segment that would lead to high growth; There should be the development of an understanding of the requirement of customers from a print which is favorable and suppliers who are reprographic. This is in terms of service products as well as the products that the business makes. There is the identification of the major competitors that the company faces. There is the identification of the assets of the company for proper evaluation of the mergers; There is a summarization of the findings by briefing the sales team of business; Finally, it is essential to make recommendations on a PR sensitization for the increase of the company’s awareness as well as the company’s products among the target customers. Outcomes From the research, the company can: Understand the market sectors, which are attractive, for developments that are new to the company; There is the dedication of resources that are of value to the company towards the exploitation of the market sector; Given the present profile of the mergers, the company then positions itself such that it can compete favorably with the other companies dealing with the production of soft candies; After the identification of the markets sector, there is dedication of valuable resources to the achievement of the goal; As a result of the of the various strategies, the company will be able to define the range of the products as well as services that are on offer by the company so as to increase the company’s level of competition. It is also able to initiate a campaign that focuses on the gaining of new customers in the sector as well as to maintain the current customers. Approach The approach in use gives an emphasis on the reasons for getting information which is reliable to the IT team, the manufacturing department, and marketing department from the two companies, as well as the distribution department. Use of secondary marketing research is in use for the establishment of an image of the dynamics surrounding the reprographic and printing market as well as the competitive situation. For the investigation of the requirements of the customers, primary market research is applicable. From the investigation, the company can be able to make a decision on whether to continue with the merger. Accessibility of the information which is in summary to the decision makers would be necessary. There is reviewing of publications that reach key customers. Through the consultation project, the company develops their IT system as well as the marketing strategies (Florzak, 2010). Time plan The consulting project would take the following time plan: Week 1: initial meeting with the IT people, the marketing and distribution departments. Week 2: there is the review and presentation of the initial proposal and cases to support the decision to continue with the accusation. Week 3: there is the final proposal due to the review made on the company there is also an agreement to proceed with the merger. Week 4: another meeting with the stake holders takes place as well as the progression of the project. Week 5: there is the application of secondary marketing research to establish the current situation of the merger. Week 6: there is primary research with the buyers as well as the preparation of the final report to the stake holders. There is also the presentation of the final findings and the making of a decision. Key personnel The personnel will include a team from the information technology group, which would help in the evaluation of the level of IT due to their experience in the field. The personnel for manufacturing department would be necessary; there would be a team from the distribution department as well as a team from the marketing department. This would ensure that all the departments get a representation in the project (Maguire, 2007). Costing of the project As a result of the various meetings with representatives from the various departments, apart from their basic salaries, they would require seating allowances in accordance to their attendance. There would be charged cost ranging from about 5% of the total cost. There would be research fee due to consultations from researchers. There would be miscellaneous expenses thus; there would be an addition of about 10% of the total cost. Conclusion From the research, there would the making of a decision of whether to proceed with the merger, due to the various researches made. Thus, there would be the accomplishment of the aim of the consultation project (Florzak, 2010) References Top of Form Florzak, D. (2010). Successful independent consulting: Turn your career experience into a consulting business. Brookfield, IL: Logical Directions. Bottom of Form Top of Form Maguire, M. (2007). ABB Company Analysis. München: GRIN Verlag press. Bottom of Form Read More
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