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Learning & Memory on Consumer - Essay Example

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The paper "Learning & Memory on Consumer" highlights that memorability and learning can be increased under certain conditions. Thus, the product that is very visible in ad, and works with the object of study of actors are likely to be remembered. It includes in this perfect…
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Learning & Memory on Consumer
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? Learning & Memory on Consumer Learning & Memory on Consumer Introduction Learning is the permanent change in behavior caused by experience, where collect information and store it for the long time to be available when it is needed. Marketers can start with learning and memory concept consumer knows their products and brands, and how they want. After choosing right incentives to do right perception of consumers, marketers can start teaching consumers that their brand is, some companies are trying to make their mark in value of money, and some of them try to make their brand stands for diversity, or any other value they want. If we look at the apple, you can directly say that it means high quality and luxury of computers, if we say it is Mercedes luxury cars and sports cars BMW means (Natale 2007 45-52). Those traders have learned to their brand, successfully using touch system and stimulus. They may even offer its popular brand for rent to other companies that are not brand ill bred with the negative image. Discussion Businesses are usually relatively little power to use punishment or negative reinforcement. However, parking meters often used to prevent consumers from taking valuable parking space and manufacturers may void your warranty if consumers take their product to unauthorized repair facility (Watkins 2006 294-303). Several factors influence effectiveness of operant learning. In general, more time effects of behavior, especially. In other words, power companies will be more likely to encourage consumers to use less electricity at peak times, when consumers actually have to pay when they used electricity (e.g. - slot), but not at end of month. Learning is also more likely to occur when the person can between behavior and consequences (but learning can occur even if link is not aware). Another problem is that building programs and extinction. Extinction occurs when behavior continues to have the impact on behavior and then eventually stops happening. For example, if the passenger finds that scream at check -in staff did not receive its upgrade to first class, it is likely to stop this behavior. Sometimes the person is rewarded each time you run behavior (e.g., consumer receives the non- alcoholic beverage whenever coins were introduced machine). Nevertheless, it is not necessary for learning time occurs. Even rewarded only from time to time, behavior can be studied. Several building programs are available: Fixed interval, consumer gets the free dessert every Tuesday, when he or she eats at the certain restaurant. Fixed ratio: behavior is rewarded (or punished) for each nth time it is performed. (For example, every tenth loyalty presented supplied free). Variable ratio: Each time the action is performed, there is some chance that be given. For example, each time user enters store, he or she receives the lottery ticket. With each ticket, there is the 20% chance to get the free burger. Consumers can get the free burger twice, or he or she can go ten times without getting the hamburger once. Variable Reinforcement Is Least Vulnerable To Extinction Sometimes training may be necessary to teach consumer desired behavior. In other words, it may be possible to directly teach consumers to adopt desired behavior. For example, user can first get the good free product (product itself, if it is good, it is the reward), then buy with the large cents off coupon, and finally buy at high prices. Thus, we are strengthening approaches desired behavior. Instead of introducing Coca -Cola directly in Indonesia, fruit soft drinks were introduced because they were more like drinks are consumed (Anderson & Farkas 2003 88-93). Consumer does not always have to go through learning process itself; sometimes it can be learned by observing consequences of others. For example, stores can make the big deal out of bullpen continued shop is not so much because they want to stop this behavior among those who were, and to discourage behaviors in others? In addition, viewers can identify with characters in advertising that experience (usually positive) result from. Tactile stimuli include memory storage that would not actually see (Snyder & White 2012 149-167). For the little more when you see TV ads for product in mail that you want to buy, you save the phone number in memory, as it is not marked. This is known as short-term memory. To enter something in long-term memory, which is more permanent, you tend to repeat several times. For example, if you move and get the new phone number, you are likely to repeat myself several times. In addition, you get to know your driver's license or social security numbers over time, not because you remember consciously, but because you come across them as many times as you see them. Some methods can be used to improve information retention. Big means the rearrangement of information so that fewer parts need to remember (Bower 2011 129-148). Consider, for example, telephone number (800) 444-1000. Eight digits can be more profitable remembered as number 800 (1 piece), four repeated 3 times (2 pieces) and 1000 (1-2 pieces). Repetition means consumer to repeat information repeatedly, so he may have in mind, this often meant that phone number can be stored in any moves memory in to call. Recycling involves repeated exposure to same information, information is not consciously recognized, but is gradually absorbed through repetition. Thus, for benefit of marketing repeated widely, in particular brand (Tulving & Pearlstone 2006 381-391). Development includes think consumer, for example, in advertising the product and reflection of same questions as possible. For example, after seeing the ad for Dole bananas, the person can think of color yellow, go to zoo, they saw the monkey eating the banana and banana bread. Dole brand name can be activated when one of these incentives. Memories are not always easy to repair. This may be because information was given less than something else was, e.g. priority was, and we have done the lot. In other cases, information can be collected, but not always available - for example, we will be able to remember location of restaurant, we tried last time we were in Paris, but may take some reflection before information appears. Spreading Activation is linked to idea of the memory to another. For example, you might think of Coca -Cola every time (and very wise) professor who often bring to class. Cox can also be associated with specific supermarket that always fits many of these drinks at entrance, and baseball, where drink is consumed after game. This is useful for companies to get their product to be activated as well as many other benefits as possible. There are many reasons why you cannot find or terms, less fancy, that we can forget. First is decline. Here, information is not accessible frequently essentially rusts away. For example, we cannot recall the phone number of others that we have not talked for the few months and can forget what brand prefer that we do not go shopping with her lately ammunition. In other cases, problem may rest from noise. Proactive intervention suggests that we learned that interference in end we will later. Thus, if we remember that everyone in our family has always used tide, we have the lot of difficulty remembering too late that other brands are available (Polivy & Doyle 2010 286-290). You may not be able to remember name of new, and equally important, the friend, if that person with the old friend. For example, if your best friend for many years was Jennifer Smith, you might have trouble remembers names of your new friend are Jennifer Silverman. Conversely, interference problem is learning something new from something old block. For example, if you have used WordPerfect, what is it made Microsoft Word; you may have trouble remembering how to use WordPerfect in house of the friend, so if you are just not using any word processing software for some time (Dutta & Kanungo 2005 321-430). Most of phenomena associated with process of perception are driven by consumers - as branding, satisfaction, brand valuation and marketing communications (Kaltcheva and Parasuraman 2009 60-68). Consumers form perceptions associated with several marketing variables such as price, attributes and attribute values, country of origin of brands, corporate brands, suppliers, etc. Learning is price of content or organization of time long memory and is result of information processing. Perceptual processes lead to additions to memory if we interpret information is stored. It acts as internal sources of information in decision-making. Incentives and repeated quota will ensure that removal of unconditioned stimulus is same answer. In advertising, humor, which is known to cause the pleasurable response, can be used in hope that these positive feelings are associated with product. Creating the brand identity involves use of the relationship that positive response from audience. These images are combined with brand to create brand identity. Use of colors, symbols, pictures, country, and music to create the brand image associated with classical conditioning. Use of celebrities is also based on belief will erase image of brand celebrity. Learning is also operating through packaging. Activities of sales promotion, such as use of free samples, coupons, and price offs are instances of operant conditioning. If he does not like it negatively reinforces this training without repeating purchase of brand or even negative deviation of word. Series compensation can be used for the long period, allowing reuse of product purchase (coupons). Repeat purchase behavior is shaped by repeated use of reinforcements, so that consumers know that buying the product associated with the pleasurable experience. However, product or brand offered by market, which should be its own reward. Artificial rewards offered for the time can make the client to expect such the reward for buying brand. It may also become conditioned to buy product for the reward, not for internal rewards offered by product. Repeat purchase behavior is shaped by repeated use of reinforcements, so that consumers know that buying the product associated with the pleasurable experience. Cognitive learning is development of beliefs and attitudes without reinforcement. This type of training involves mainly communication services provided by product information target and training in nature in the rational way (Graesser Woll Kowalski & Smith 2010 503-515). Learning by heart without air conditioning, in which companies repeat their messages, which are mainly of the rational nature. Consumers are constantly exposed to these messages and, therefore, to learn about offers of company. Vicarious learning is to learn from others without direct experience or rewards. This type of training is to copy others or even modeling observed in anticipation of some reward behavior. This motivates advertising. Those who may not be copied product experts, admire achievements of social elite, or leaders with desired values. Nice to look can be used to indicate approval of type of clothing worn. Consumers cannot imagine that same thing could happen to them if they dress in the similar way. Copying Desire therefore derives from need to belonging to the consumer or to apply for membership, makes right decisions to maintain similar values or the desire for life, which can be achieved through emulation. Conclusion Memorability and learning can be increased under certain conditions. Thus, the product that is very visible in ad, and work with object of study of actors are likely to be remembered. It includes in this perfect. Thus, people are more likely to remember the Coke or Kleenex than competing brands. Comparison includes fit with situation. With memory is often reconstructed on basis of what seems plausible, something reasonable parameters consistency - for example, charcoal on porch next to grid, and not in the garage or kitchen, is likely to be borne in mind ( not life is complicated (Leight & Ellis 2011 251-266). References Anderson, N.H., & Farkas, A.J. (2003), New light on order effects in attitude change, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28, 88-93. Bower, G.H. (2011), Mood and memory, American Psychologist, 36, 129-148. Dutta, S., & Kanungo, R.N. (2005), Affect and Memory, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp 321-430. Graesser, A.C., Woll, S.B., Kowalski, D.J., & Smith, D.A. (2010), Memory for typical and atypical actions in scripted activities, Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Learning and Memory, 6, 503-515. Kaltcheva, V. D. and Parasuraman, A. 2009, ‘Personality-Relatedness and Reciprocity Framework for Analyzing Retailer-Consumer Interactions’, Journal of Business Research’, Vol 62, Iss 6, pp 60-68. Leight, K.A., & Ellis, H.C. (2011), Emotional mood states, strategies, and state-dependency in memory, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 20, 251-266. Natale, M. (2007), Effects of induced elation-depression on speech in the initial interview, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 45-52. Polivy, J., & Doyle, C. (2010), Laboratory induction of mood states through the reading of self-referent mood statements: Affective changes or demand characteristics? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 89, 286-290. Snyder, M., & White, P. (2012), Moods and memories: Elation, depression, and the remembering of the events of one's life, Journal of Personality, 50, 149-167. Tulving, E., & Pearlstone, Z. (2006), Availability versus accessibility of information in memory for words, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 381-391. Watkins, M.J. (2006), Inhibition in recall with extra-list 'cues', Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 14, 294-303. Yun Yoo, C. (2008). ‘ Unconscious processing of web advertising: effects on implicit memory, attitude towars the brand and consideration set’, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 2-18. Read More
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