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Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising Perspective - Essay Example

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The paper "Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising Perspective" reminds advertising does not exist in isolation from the other tools of marketing communications. A debate has been the significance of ensuring the integration of these tools of marketing communications…
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Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising Perspective
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? A Critical Discussion of the Concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) from an Advertising Strategy and Planning Perspective Professor Institution Course Date “It must be remembered that advertising does not exist in isolation from the other tools of marketing communications. A significant debate over recent years has been the significance of ensuring the integration of these tools of marketing communications” (Yeshin, 2006). Introduction The desire to implement effective marketing communications and advertising strategies since the inception of corporate world prompted the integration of varied aspects deemed by managers to ensure clients’ satisfaction (Luck & Moffatt, 2009). The aim of this action was to capture large pool of clientele globally as well as corporations have high client’s retention rate essential in ensuring higher market share than other key players in the same field (Luck & Moffatt, 2009). However, this concept, which is Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) has received both welcoming and dissuading arguments from varied scholars whereby the latter category deem IMC is a “management fad” (Cornelissen & Lock, 2000, p. 9). Hence, according to the dissuading category, IMC is not a new devised effective tool but a fashion of what used to be prior to the inception of utilizing it. Conversely, some scholars have argued pro about the idea of IMC coupled with availing adequate proven examples, which support the argument that have persisted up to date. Therefore, this study seeks to provide a critical discussion of Yeshin’s (2006) statement on the subject of IMC relating to both advertising strategy and planning in UK. Cornelissen and Lock (2000), in their study feature devotees’ arguments concerning IMC, discuss the concept as both a logical outcome and evolution of varied changes that either positively or negatively have significantly affected advertising aspect in the marketing setting. Hence, entailing repositioning period whereby corporations or other players in the market would embrace new strategies coupled with technology to implement appropriate marketing communications. This is to supplement advertising strategies supposed to enable any given corporate in the market to evade stiff competition as well as realize its goals. Evolution in this case encompasses integrating of technology with other marketing aspects especially in communicating, planning and execution, whereby according to IMC’s devotees or proponents this is not a “management fad” (Cornelissen & Lock, 2000, p. 9). This is because advertising cannot exist solely by its own but entails other varied and essential aspects meant to aid it in attaining the required corporate reputation in the market. Therefore, integration of the current communications knowhow usually supplements advertising aspect, which to date has experienced transitory period. Similarly, Cornelissen and Lock’s approach or argument aligns well with Luck and Moffatt (2009, p. 313) study where they expound more about significant evidence of transition in terms of marketing strategies. Based on their study, “communications” usually implies diverse marketing methods, which current policymakers ought to embrace in order to improve both participants’ interaction and relationships contrary to the 20Th century’s advertising approaches (Luck & Moffatt, 2009). Hence, posing the aspect of evolution whereby in the past, marketers solely focused on distribution channels as well commodities’ exchange, which is contrary to the current period whereby market mix has taken over as key marketing strategy. This aligns with the relayed statement whose implication cites integration of varied methods or communications together with advertising aspect aimed at heightening corporation’s reputation despite numerous counterarguments against it. Other arguments in favor of IMC aspect characterizing the current corporate world encompass establishing of communication programmes contrary to the earlier four key mass media forms (Kitchen, Kim & Schultz, 2008). These earlier media forms included planning that started with receivers and not senders, policy consistency, directing participating parties and alleged customer understanding of IMC concepts (Kitchen, Kim & Schultz, 2008, p. 532). This is completely diverse to the current state of IMC orientation whereby in certain circumstances comprises of independent agencies performing specific functions relating to a given corporation’s section. Therefore, effective implementation of IMC entails inevitable consideration of interrelationships among varied parties. Mainly, these corporations’ core purposes entail improving firms’ reputation as well as image in the corporate world where competition is extremely stiff due to rapid evolution of technological knowhow. However, despite IMC embraced in the current corporate world, its perceptions vary significantly across various states. This is evident in Kitchen, Kim & Schultz (2008) study, which draws comparisons of IMC perception in US, UK and Korea states whereby among the latter two the strategy’s effect is not only universal but also “coordination of communication disciplines”. US consider this strategy as an essential mechanism useful in both organizing and planning strategies of marketing (Kitchen, Kim & Schultz, 2008, p. 538). Hence, asserting advertising usually entails integration of varied communications or methods that will aid it to attain the required efficient in the marketing field. Study so far conducted concerning perceptions as well as acceptance of IMC in UK and New Zealand depicts a positive response though characterized by certain unwillingness by majority of their corporations (Eagle, Kitchen & Bulmer, 2007, p. 966). IMC either theoretically or practically in these states’ minority firms has proved to be beneficial due to its effectiveness in overcoming numerous marketing predicaments especially those entailing client-supplier relationship. This is because the approach generally focuses on availing good clientele’s satisfaction through application of varied communications (methods) (Eagle, Kitchen & Bulmer, 2007). Hence, it is a multifaceted strategy despite in UK and New Zealand remaining an unaddressed issue. Multifaceted in this case implies studying client’s conduct with the intention of coming up with appropriate policies that will ensure customers’ retention rate (Chitty, 2011). Numerous opponents of this idea cite it lacks proper tools meant to measure its outcomes, thus prompting them to term it as a theory lacking proper practical backing. This is regardless of Eagle, Kitchen and Bulmer (2007) study availing required data though these scholars admit it is hard for one to measure behavioral outcomes (Eagle, Kitchen & Bulmer, 2007, p. 966). IMC as well as its approaches globally despite being an accepted strategy especially by both PR and advertising organizations, the technique up to date exhibits initial phases of development in both UK and New Zealand states (Eagle, Kitchen & Bulmer, 2007). This is due to numerous counterarguments and perceptions held by corporations in these states though they highly prefer advertising compared to other global regions. However, UK and New Zealand together with other corporations globally that have not embraced IMC presently do not have any alternative towards accepting it (Eagle, Kitchen & Bulmer, 2007). This is due to the rapid environmental change evident in the market besides technological knowhow, which entails multifaceted strategies that will not only enable them to thrive in their respective fields but also maintain high clientele retention rate. In addition, despite Yeshin (2006) in his statement citing the aspect of advertising cannot exist alone, this may not be true. Since, its existence in relation to other marketing communications usually varies significantly across agencies as well as posts held by respective individuals like middle managers who have varied and numerous responsibilities (Duncan & Everett, 1993, p. 33). Therefore, the more an agency or middle manager embraces numerous responsibilities while in line of his or her duty, the more each entity experiences great urge of integration. This is to ensure each undertakes relayed responsibilities as necessitated and accomplish them with heightened efficiency, whereby there is no alternative but result to utilizing varied marketing communications (Duncan & Everett, 1993). However, there are barriers that have prompted numerous UK corporations decline embracing IMC fully despite significant number of studies revealed its advantages (Yeshin, 2012, p. 80). According to Yeshin (2012), main reason behind this reluctance emanates from varied and even sometimes distorted meanings held by corporations’ heads. For instance, some cite IMC encompasses incorporation of all tools with the intention of promoting guaranteeing “consistent message” (Yeshin, 2012, p. 80). This is ignorant on the part of Corporations’ heads whereby IMC campaigns besides two researches conducted in UK since 1996 up to date, seem to have distorted clue concerning the strategy (Yeshin, 2012). The norm is contrary in other states like US whereby according to Eagle, Kitchen and Bulmer (2007) study seem to have implemented IMC in its corporate systems in order to attain heightened efficiency besides high client retention rate. According to Duncan and Everett (1993), many people currently contend IMC in the marketing field is not a new concept as some scholars have orchestrated the statement to imply. This is because the concept has always been in use though by diverse departments in one organization. Therefore, it is only now due to the evolution of diverse technological knowhow aspects those have prompted corporations to have a clear view of the integrated communications. Since, most of these aspects incorporations with the aid of current technological knowhow can adequately “merge” them instead of having them sparsely positioned. Probably, this is the reason numerous corporations’ managers in UK were unable to fathom exactly the implication of IMC in its exact expression but unknowingly using it (Duncan & Everett, 1993). This is also apparent in US corporations whereby after getting the exact definition of IMC contends to have always being using the concept (Duncan & Everett, 1993, p. 31). Hence, implying the concept despite some scholars citing to be more of theory, is practically viable evident in the way corporations have being using it though unknowingly. Consequently, this supports the argument advertising cannot exist on its own if at all the initiating corporation ought to have any significant impact in the corporate world or attain it targeted market share. Since, much of the aspects currently referred as “communications” did not start their existence today but in the inception of corporate market. It is only currently, whereby managers and other policymakers while in the quest to focusing on clientele’s satisfaction have resulted to “knowingly” integrating them. Based on Duncan and Everett (1993) study, another reason why IMC has prompted to numerous arguments concerning its nature of being practical or theoretical is the absence of concrete mode of application and evaluation. The concept is a process that does not have any particular way of implementing it, hence the proponent of the idea contends, “…..IMC is both a concept and process and the degree of integration within each dimension can greatly vary (Duncan & Everett, 1993).” Yeshin (2012) while arguing concerning the application of IMC and its essence in the current corporate world cites time has evolved so hurriedly similar to the perceptions, preferences and consumer behaviors. Therefore, this entails new and comprehensive approaches that will not only back advertising strategies but also manage to lure customers with ease into buying sellers’ merchandise (Yeshin, 2012). This is in line with Cornelissen and Lock’s arguments evolution currently experienced in the corporate world despite similar strategies used before existing whereby for their effectiveness ought to be in an integrated form. In most cases, this aspect of integration has always characterized numerous corporations but due to lack of concrete evaluation basis, they could not manage to realize its nature. This is because in each Corporation mainly utilizes diverse communications based on targeted clientele as well as region the company intends to venture or capture a certain market share. This is evident both in its planning and varied series of individual aspects essential especially when conducting meticulous advertisements or campaigns (Yeshin, 2012, p. 14). In terms of financial allocation or considerations, advertising entails initiation of effective planning that will enable any given corporation realize its respective goals (Yeshin, 2012, p. 80). Yeshin (2012) cites there ought to be inclusion of budget and appropriate planning if a company’s mode of advertising will manage to reach the set targets. Targets or goals in this case according to Yeshin (2012) embrace good public relations and capturing of targeted clientele. Consequently, both budget as well as proper planning, which is a process comprise integrated communications supposed to ensure profitability in any organization if at all it manages to have good public relations and attain it with little involvement of financial backing. In this section, the author presents extremely diverse aspects indispensable but comprise category of “communications” that has rendered IMC in terms of categorization lack proper basis meant for evaluation. Since, based on basis of methods, it is extremely multifaceted as cited by numerous scholars to the extent of some concluding it is an impractical theory especially in marketing. Advertising irrespective of its context, its aims encompass availing adequate, brief and convincing information to the targeted clientele. On the part of the corporations, this exercise ought to be cost effective despite entailing numerous communication techniques (Yeshin, 2012, p. 96). Since, clientele based on their nature do not discriminate where the message or certain information emanates from but pays attention to the content and what an individual will gain from it based on the money he or she has (Yeshin, 2012). By evaluating Yeshin’s argument in this study, he tends to imply it is the task of corporation to ascertain what communications will enable them win over their respective clients. Therefore, there is a need to utilize varied methods that will guarantee them in realizing firms’ objectives, which is only by capturing certain consumers in the market. This supports the relayed statement that, advertising despite at certain instances on the part of those opposing the idea; it entails combination of varied strategies as well as other methods deemed by policymakers would guarantee their respective corporations success. Conclusion IMC despite there earlier applied by numerous corporations unknowingly; the strategy has currently emerged fully due to rapid changes evident in the market. This is especially on the part of consumer conduct that was there earlier predictable contrary to the present. Those arguing pro IMC cite it is not a “management fad” as numerous theorists of the contrary opinion would intent to imply (Cornelissen & Lock, 2000). The latter basis of argument cites IMC lacks concrete evaluation basis due to its multifaceted nature, whereas those supporting it contend the strategy varies across corporations and especially what a given firm intends to attain. Hence, the word “communications” implying diverse methods utilized in realizing varied corporates’ goals. Study relaying adoption of IMC by UK compared to other states like US and Korea exhibits lower preference to the extent of some key managers of state’s organizations failing to give its exact meaning. References Chitty, W. 2011. Integrated marketing communication. South Melbourne, Vic, Cengage Learning. Cornelissen, J, & Lock, A. 2000, 'Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion? Examining the Significance of IMC', Journal Of Advertising Research, 40, 5, pp. 7-15, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 November 2013. Duncan, T, & Everett, S 1993, 'Client Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications', Journal of Advertising Research, 33, 3, pp. 30-39, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 November 2013. Eagle, L., Kitchen, P. J. & Bulmer, S. 2007. Insights into interpreting integrated marketing communications: A two-nation qualitative comparison. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 7/8, pp. 956-970. Kitchen, P, Kim, I, & Schultz, D 2008, 'Integrated Marketing Communications: Practice Leads Theory', Journal Of Advertising Research, 48, 4, pp. 531-546, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 November 2013. Luck, E, & Moffatt, J. 2009. 'IMC: Has anything really changed? A new perspective on an old definition', Journal Of Marketing Communications, 15, 5, pp. 311-325, Communication & Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 November 2013. Yeshin, T. 2012. Integrated Marketing Communications. United Kingdom: Routledge. Read More
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