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Preparation of marketing job in Doha Bank, Qatar - Essay Example

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The culture of a country comprises the beliefs and traditions that influence the interactions in the society. The culture will influence the selection of design, colour and language in marketing communication. Some countries have a high power distance while others have low power distance…
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Preparation of marketing job in Doha Bank, Qatar
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? Preparation of a marketing job in a country where I am not a citizen Preparation of marketing job in Doha Bank, Qatar Introduction I speak both Arabic and English, but I am preparing to apply for a marketing job in a country where I am not a citizen. I am a Britain citizen and would like to apply for a marketing job in Doha Bank in Qatar. I am aware that the national culture of Qatar is different from Britain national culture due to different traditions, language, values and beliefs of the citizens. The use of verbal and non-verbal communications and color in the marketing communications is also different. Doha Bank marketing job advert Doha Bank commenced operations in 1978 and is the largest private owned commercial bank in Qatar and offers both domestic and international banking services (Doha Bank, 2013). Doha bank provides individuals, businesses and institutional clients with modern banking services through the use of technology. The bank has extensive market coverage and delivers the services through multiple channels in order to meet the changing banking needs of its customers (Doha Bank, 2013). The Bank has attained impressive financial results and looks forward to ensuring better returns to investors and providing an enabling work environment for the employees (Doha Bank, 2013). Job position: marketing executive. Job location: Doha, Qatar. Job roles The marketing executive will develop strategies attaining the pre-determined marketing objectives. The job holder will conduct market research, evaluate the marketing conditions and implemented marketing plans are required by the top management. The job holder will prospect for new customers and ensure that current customers are satisfied with the banking products. The job holder will oversee the marketing, advertising and promotional activities of the company. Job responsibilities Demonstrate marketing skills and banking product knowledge. Foster innovation and demonstrate integrity while communicating with customers. Maintain professional relationships both internally and externally in order to adhere with the company core values. Manage the identity bank product delivery cycle through strategic planning. Direct the marketing staff. Monitor the pricing strategies of bank products. Manage the bank product exhibitions, promotions and sales prospecting opportunities. Evaluate the sales, marketing and promotion activities and provide feedback for management review. Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual marketing communication performance for the top management. Job qualification and skills Must have a first-degree in marketing. Must have at least 2 years experience in bank product marketing. Extensive experience in managing and marketing bank products. Willingness to travel. Strong communication and organizing skills. Must be bilingual- Arabic and English. The above job advert would be different from a similar on in Britain. For instance, the headline of the article is in Red color which would not be the case for a marketing job advert in Britain. Qatar culture considers the red colour as a sign of good luck since red is included in the attire or robes of the honorific people dresses. In the case of Britain, the title could be in a white colour since Britain culture associates white with brightness thus enabling more magazine readers to see the job advert. The advert above has used dots as graphics in order to ensure the reader can sequentially read through the job information. In Britain culture, the advert would have used alphabets instead of dots since the British culture promotes the user of numbers and alphabets in numbering. The above job advert would include a green symbol since it is associated with strengths and prosperity in Qatar. In Britain, the symbol would be blue in colour since blue symbols are associated with optimist and success (Kazmi, 2009). Background of the Doha Bank in Qatar According to the bank website, the company is always looking for experienced and talented people to join its expanding workforce. The bank is aware that the quality of human capital is an essential competitive edge in the industry (Doha Bank, 2013). The bank also encourages merit in reward management and is committed to retaining the high talented employees. The workforce is multi-cultural since the bank provides career growth opportunities in order to enhance the employee value preposition (Doha Bank, 2013). The human resource management policy is geared at aligning the individual interests of an employee with the overall strategic goals of the bank. In addition, the bank has implemented market based compensation structures that support the individual employee job performance (Doha Bank, 2013). Qatar is a sovereign state that is located in the Arabian Gulf and bounders Iran, Bahrain and United Arab Emirates. Historically, the country witnessed several cultures and civilizations since the 4th and 5th millennium B.C. Qatar was once considered a pearl-fishing centre that was dominated by the Thani family. The country was a British protectorate until 1971 when the country gained independence. The country is currently the wealthiest in the Arab region due to huge oil exports and economic diversification plans. The country is on the path of becoming a global energy giant and has ensured media freedom with Al-Jazeera satellite TV station attracting a lot of the global audience. In understanding the culture, it is important that we understand the history of Qatar people and the shared realities in the society. The culture of Qatar is influenced by the dominant region, the language, the proximity of the people and economic systems prevailing in the country (Fromherz, 2011). The dominant religion is Islam while more than 80 percent of the population lives in urban areas. In addition, Arabic is a common language while the historical territory of Qatar was based on common traditions and beliefs. For instance, Qatar was controlled by emperors who had much power in deciding the economic systems and governance rules of the country (Fromherz, 2011). The national culture of Qatar is different from the Britain national culture. Culture consists of the traditions, beliefs, religion and beliefs that guide the interactions of the people in the society. Culture is also evidenced in the language and outer behaviours of the citizens. One of the dimensions of culture is the power distance in the society. The power distance refers to the degree of power distribution within the society and how the less powerful people accept and perceive the inequality in power distribution. The power distance is either high or low. High power distance culture is reflected in high hierarchy and strong leadership authority. Low power distance is reflected in individual responsibility and autonomy in the society. Qatar has a high power distance since the inequality in power distribution is endorsed by the followers. The high power distance culture implies that Doha Bank top management will not be willing to delegate the authority and responsibility of marketing functions to the job holder. The high power distance is also reflected in the strict obedience of the ruling authority and paternalism whereby the rich individuals in the society and those in powers control much of the decision making process (Fromherz, 2011). The children are expected to strictly obey the instructions of the parents and demonstrate a lot of respect while interacting with the elderly individuals in the society. This implies that I will work in a constrained environment since I will require the approval of the top managers before I can initiate the marketing strategies and plans. On the other hand, British culture prefers low power distance thus managers are capable of delegating authority and responsibility to the marketing executives (Kazmi, 2009). Another dimension of Qatar culture is the degree of individualism or collectivism in the society. Individualism refers to the degree individuals are loosely integrated in the society while collectivism refers to high integration of individuals in the society such as extended relationships with distant family members. Qatar culture embraces collectivism since individuals have extended and integrated relationships and are required to obey the group norms (Fromherz, 2011). This means that I will have to work in a team work environment whereby the credit of my success will be attributed to the whole group. On the other hand, British culture prefers more individuality thus enabling marketing executives to implement more creative and innovative ideas in their work. Doha Bank will require me to seek the suggestions of the top management in designing the bank promotion materials (Fromherz, 2011). I will also be required to work in a group environment thus limiting my imitativeness and creativity. Another dimension of Qatar culture that will be replicated at Doha Bank is uncertainty avoidance level of the top managers. The uncertainty avoidance level is reflected by the degree which the Bank will cope with uncertainty and risk bearing level of the bank (Fromherz, 2011). Doha bank will expect me to strictly follow the bank policies, the regulatory environment laws and regulations and seek the approval of the top executive before designing and pricing the new bank products. Doha bank will be unwilling to take additional risks in new product development thus hindering the opportunities of increasing the shareholders returns. On the other hand, a similar job in Britain will involve unstructured decisions that are essential in coping with the changing customer needs since the culture of Britain encourages excessive risk taking. In this case, I may be constrained in my work since it may be impossible to develop modern banking products that are based on customer trust (Fromherz, 2011). Another dimension of culture is the masculinity or femininity of the culture. Qatar culture is masculine while Britain culture is feminine. The masculine culture of Qatar means that Doha Bank will value power, assertiveness and competition among the employees. On the other hand, the masculinity of the culture will be reflected in the gender roles within the Bank since the top management positions are currently occupied by men (Fromherz, 2011). The men and women performing the same jobs may have differing compensation rates since the culture value the contribution of men more than that of women. Unlike in Britain, Doha bank culture will emphasize on competition for positions and power rather than collaborative working relationships among the employees. The other dimension of differentiating the cultures of the two countries is the long-term orientation of the culture. Britain culture is long-term oriented while Qatar culture is short-term oriented. This means that Doha Bank strategic marketing plans will be geared at respecting the traditions and fulfilling social obligations instead of focusing on the future profitability of the bank (Fromherz, 2011). The official languages in Qatar are English and Arabic though Urdu language and Farsi language are also widely spoken by the local citizens. Qatar is closely associated with strong Islamic faith. On the other hand, the official language in Britain is English and native languages are rarely spoken especially in business communication. The main symbols in Qatar include the family, images of the past rulers and idiom of kinship. The main symbols of Britain culture include the symbols that reflect the history of Britain such as liberty and unity of British people (Fromherz, 2011). However, the similarities of British culture and Qatar culture have increased recently due to globalization of culture. The increase in technological innovations such as the internet and migration of individuals has decreased the influence of the cultural traditions and beliefs in most of the historical cultures. The massive convergence of global economic systems towards capitalism and spread of the mass media has influence the convergence of Qatar culture with the Britain culture. The deregulation of the national economic systems and international trade has facilitated the free movement of capital and migration of people thus reducing the influence of the domestic culture in business organisation. British culture has been exported to Qatar by the major multinational organisations such as Starbucks and MacDonald that have influenced the dining habits and behaviours of the local Qatar people. On a political perspective, international organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and United Nations (UN) have led to decline in the use of local Arabic language thus forcing many Qatar nationals to learn English since it is commonly used in international marketing communications. The world sporting events such as the Olympic Games and World Cup have enhanced the convergence of national cultures and similarity in dressing (Fromherz, 2011. The ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts; of interview Qatar is a traditional country, but it is currently experiencing social changes in the culture. Qatar men wear white long shirts while women cover their head with black headdress and the body with a long black dress. The official language is mainly Arabic, but English is also used in business communications. Understanding the national language, mode of dressing, etiquettes and taboos of Qatar is important for the job interview (Orr, 2008). I should focus on the greetings while I meet the job interviewers since greetings are considered as a sign of enthusiasm and joy of meeting a person (Orr, 2008). Men are allowed to shake hands with each other while women mainly shake hands and hug with the close friends. It is not accepted to extend a handshake to a lady unless she first extends the handshake to you. After the greetings, I will not sit down unless I am directed to sit by the interview panel (Burleson, 2004). The dress code is important aspect in Qatar unlike in Britain whereby the cultures of many business organisations encourage casual dressing. For the Doha bank interview, I will wear business attire that is conservative and good in quality. It is extremely offensive to dress casually especially for the first meeting with the interviewers. I will also carry a business card that is translated in Arabic and present it to the interviewers with my two hands as a show of respect for authority (Orr, 2008). Before the commencement of the interview, I will adjust my attitude before entering the interview room in order to ensure that I maintain my head high and pull my hands backwards so that I can convey my confidence and competence in the marketing position. I will enter the job interview room with a little smile so that the interviewers can know that I am approachable and can work in a team (Burleson, 2004). I will sit up straight in order to project attention and interest in the marketing executive job. I will not start the conversation, but will wait the interviews to start the interview questioning. I will try to make positive gestures such as nodding in order to show my admiration for the applied job and also demonstrate my attention during the interview. I will establish a personal space since I will not ask personal questions that may make the Qatar interviewers uncomfortable. I will maintain a direct eye contact since it is considered as a sign of engagement and interest in Qatar job interviews and conversations (Orr, 2008). I will expect that the interviewers may hold their chin since it is viewed as a sign of wisdom and contemplation of my strengths that I have outlined in the job application letter. I will refrain from showing the soles of my shoes while sitting since the interviewers may consider it as a mockery. I will keep the soles on the ground during the interview. I will not fold my hands or cross them across the chest since the Qatar interviewers may interpret such as gesture as being resistant and protective (Orr, 2008). I will also address the interviewers with their title as a show of respect of their power within the organisation. I will refrain from crossing my legs since it is a sign of disrespect and disinterest in the interview conversation. I will also control the tone of my voice since the paternalist culture of Qatar requires that young people show respect to the senior citizens through lowering their voice. Qatar people take their own time to make lengthy conversations about general topics in order to establish a personal contact with an individual. Qatar people are non-confrontational and relationships take time to develop before any serious business transactions. Some people prefer having an intermediary and limit the non-verbal communications. I understand the Qatar people are not time driven by are event driven thus the interview will be more important than the outcome of the interview (Orr, 2008). Due to the open traditions of conversations, the interview may be disrupted on several occasions, but I will remain calm even if the interviewers start a different discussion (Burleson, 2004). The interview may start with a long conversation of my family life, but I will openly discuss my family life with the interviews in order to establish trust and good relationship during the interview. I will refrain from talking about the salary, bonuses and retirement benefits until I am offered an offer. At the end of the interview, I will place my palm of my right hand on my chest and bow slightly since it is considered a symbol of appreciation of the opportunity to attend the interview. I will refrain from condemning my past employers or overstating my past achievements in the marketing function. Since Qatar culture encourages collectivism, I will display strong interpersonal skills and outline my capabilities in working as a group (Burleson, 2004). I will make the interviewers understand that they are the ones who will be responsible for the marketing decisions since Qatar culture has a high power distance. The traditions and values of Qatar business executives encourages high uncertainty avoidance thus I will outline my ability to adhere with the laid out marketing plans, policies and rules of banking in order to avoid any risks (Orr, 2008). I will also give short time frames within which my performance can be reviewed since the culture of the country is short term oriented (Burleson, 2004). Some of the above behaviours are becoming universal and are accepted across the globe during interviews. Global companies recruit their workforce using similar interviews in nearly all the countries. For instance, many recruiting firms require the interviewees to dress in a conservative suit and avoid strong perfumes. The companies require the employees to be neatly dressed with combed hair and ironed suits that display professionalism. The body language is critical since it speaks volumes for global companies since employees are expected to have a smile and extend a handshake during interviews. The interviewees are expected to have a direct eye contact and avoid moving hands and arms since this may disrupt the conversations and suggest discomfort with the interview process (Orr, 2008). The interviewees are also expected to avoid any defensive body gesturers such as crossed arms, high pitch in their voice tome and leaning back on the chair. The prospective employees are expected to display both verbal and non-verbal communication ability and interpersonal skills that are essential in working in a multi-cultural environment (Burleson, 2004). The volume of the voice is regarded as a measure of authority and ability to lead a team of followers. Most of the global companies will be interested in unearthing the ability of the candidate to withstand job-related stress through checking the body movements of the candidate during the interview. The global companies’ recruitment process will also reveal the candidate’s confidence and ability to work in a team. Global companies grant equal employment opportunities regardless of the culture of the candidate and use universal methods of interviewing such as assessing the candidates’ communication skills, interpersonal skills and ability to think strategically. Global companies are also committed at ensuring diversified workforce in terms of employee background and culture in order to encourage diversity of new ideas. The global companies are committed at attracting and retaining the best talented employees in the industry (Burleson, 2004). Conclusion The culture of a country comprises the beliefs and traditions that influence the interactions in the society. The culture will influence the selection of design, colour and language in marketing communication. Some countries have a high power distance while others have low power distance. The culture of Qatar is characterized by high collectivism and uncertainty avoidance. Reference list: Burleson, D. 2004. Top answers to job interview questions. Kittrell: Rampant Tech Press. Doha Bank. (2013).(web).Accessedon19thMarch,2013from: Fromherz, A.J. 2011. Qatar: a modern history. London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Kazmi, S.H. 2009. Marketing management. New Delhi. Excel Books. Orr, T. 2008. Qatar. London: Marshall Cavendish. Read More
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