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Creation of Web Portal - Essay Example

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The essay "Creation of Web Portal" focuses on the critical analysis of the proposed solution for the Brisbane Institute of Art based on the causes of these problems and intended at proposing the most relevant and appropriate solution for the problems which the institute is facing…
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Creation of Web Portal
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? Creation of Web Portal of Creation of Web Portal Solution Approach A high level approach is used to determine a solution for the evident problems within the Brisbane Institute of Art (BIA). The problem within the institute is simply described as inefficient approach of operation. This inefficiency is illustrated as to have emanated to the use organizational systems which are not updated to meet the current trends in technology. The high point of view proposal for a solution is the focus of this presentation. In this regard the adoption and implementation of a web portal is the proposed solution as the most effective way of helping the institute to achieve its vision with the highest efficiency. The analysis of Brisbane Institute of Art reveals that the student population has reduced significantly. Furthermore, the turnover of the institution’s instructors has grown. Therefore, the proposed solution is based on the causes of these problems and intended at proposing the most relevant and appropriate solution for the problems which the institute is facing. The methodology of delivering the solution is the system development lifecycle (SDLC) methodology. This is a methodology of adopting and implanting an information system through which the proposed web portal could be managed and used to increase the effectiveness and functionality of the institute’s organizational processes. Through the SDLC methodology, the web portal will be implemented through stages which prove to be advantageous because one stage is fully implemented before the next stage is developed (Webner, William & Keating, 2009). The focus of this methodology will be focused at ensuring that the institution membership will be increased through the motivation of the web portal. Effective application of the SDLC will ensure that the analysis of the Brisbane Institute of Art is adequate in the definition of the requirements for the creation of the web portal. Furthermore, this methodology will ensure that the design of the specific components of the web portal including its architecture and platform is congruent with the needs of the clients or users. The application of the system development lifecycle methodology will ensure that the limitations of the already installed systems are analyzed and compared to the requirements of the users of the web portal. The development stage of the web portal will include the purchase of the various hardware and software application requirements. This would also be achieved through the development of customized software or outsourcing expertise for the programming and development of the system software applications. Applications such as web browsers and management information systems are developed during the development of the web portal. The development of the web portal will include the execution of various organizational changes so that the current systems would be changed to adapt to the new system or web portal. The web portal is then tested to ensure that it is applicable within the institution and whether it is acceptable by the users. The assumptions which emanate from the process of implementing the web portal include the financial abilities of the organization for the allocation of sufficient resources for the implementation of the new system. The possible constraints in the implementation of the web portal include limitations in time, expertise, the support of the leadership and management and the institutional culture which would be opposed to the implementation of the web portal (Webner, William & Keating, 2009). Nonetheless, it is important that the system is benchmarked in relation to its cost and the related benefits that would be accrued after it is implemented. More significantly, the stakeholders of the Brisbane Institute of Art who include students, the staff members, the management and the instructors should be in support of the web portal as the most effective way of solving operational problems and inefficiencies. Through a SWOT analysis, the system will be analyzed in relation to the strengths that support its implementations, weakness, possible threats and weaknesses. Solution Scope The solution that the institute will achieve through the adoption and implementation of the web portal is the increased efficiency, effectiveness and reliability in the institutional operations and processes. Therefore the Brisbane Institute of Art will be able to enjoy the satisfaction of the users of its new system which will lead to an increase in the membership within the institution and the resultant increase in the returns on investments. The efficiency as a solution will be felt in all areas within the institution. The increased institutional membership on the other hand will be felt within the administrative function of the institution. The admission section of the institution will also be affected by the increased number of students which they have to register and keep their records. The institution in general will be affected by the increased return on revenue through positive developments of the infrastructure and hardware within the institution. The solution which is achieved through the implementation of the web portal in the organization will have implications on the abilities r capabilities of the staff and users to make effective use of the new system. The needs of the users would lead to the analysis of the interface of the web portal to ensure that it is designed and presented in a user-friendly way. This will lead to recommendations for the redesign, improvements and maintenance of the user interface to suit the needs and expectations of the users (Schaeck & Hepper, 2002). The features of the web portal includes a well designed website of the institution form where the users would have access to the various functional areas such as administration, accommodation, admissions, finance, programs and news. The hardware that would support the web portal includes a main server, a local area network within the institution, a router to the internet service provider, computing devises and their accessories. The software that will support the web portal includes the server operating system, network software and application packages such as accounting and human resource management system packages. Through the web portal, communication will be enhanced within the institution and with the external clients. This will result to increased collaboration and interaction which is achieved through the interactive segment of the web portal. It is necessary to consider that there are security measures which would be used to limit the scope into which users are allowed to use the system For example the interaction of the users with the accounting management system would be out of scope due to the possible security implication of such interaction. Therefore the user interface will be focused on the business processes which directly affect the users. The IT department will be mandated for the management and maintenance of the web portal. This includes the implementation of security measures for the system. The management team will be involved with the management systems which are used within the web portal. The administrative unit will also use the administrative packages while the admissions unit will be involved with the application of the databases within the web portal for the records of the admitted students. The organization requires expertise, resources and the support of the users for the implementation of the web portal to be achieved. The users are the stakeholders of the institution and they include the investors, workers, students, educators, instructors, managers, administrators and leaders of the institution. Defined Business Case It is estimated that the benefits of the new system will lead to a 40% increase of the student population and a double decrease on the instructor turnover. Moreover, the institution will achieve an estimated 35% increase in its revenue. More significantly, the employees of the institution will have an increased morale or motivation and enhanced satisfaction of the users or clients of the institute. The costs which the institution will incur in the adoption and implementation of the web portal are related to the acquisition of hardware and software, payment of the expertise, outsourcing costs. Moreover, the institution will incur costs which are associated with the change process and the delays in the activities within the organization during the implementation of the change. The hardware that would be acquired such as computer systems, servers, switches and network cables will comprise of the major cost that the institution will incur (Mannaert, De Gruyter & Adriaenssens, 2003). Additionally the purchase of software such as the server operating system and the business application packages will be part of the costs that the institution will incur. More significantly are the costs related to the training of personnel and the users of the web portal. The possible risks which would emanate from the adoption and implementation of the web portal include the possibility of failure of the system to align to the institutional systems. In addition, the users of the system may not accept it which would result to the failure of successful implementation of the system. The vendor support may not be guaranteed which demonstrates risks associated with the maintenance of the system through activities such as upgrading. The benefits which the institution expected to get from the web portal may not be realized which translated to the cost related losses. The ability of the technical staff to manage and maintain the web portal is the risks that the institution faces. Finally, the organizational risks such as lack of cooperation and negative attitudes towards training are serious risks associated with the web portal implementation. The results of the implemented web portal and computing system must be managed effectively. This includes analysis of the costs versus benefits and the establishment of a plan and policies for successful application of the system for achievement of business goals. References Webner, William M. & Keating, D. (2009). Best practices: Portal strategy and implementation. Infonomics, 23(1), 22 Mannaert, H., De Gruyter, B., & Adriaenssens, P. (2003). Web portal for multicast delivery management. Internet Research, 13(2), 94-99 Schaeck, T., & Hepper, S. (2002). Portal standards for web services. Network World, 19(35), 33 Read More
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