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Speeches with the Power of Pesuasion - Essay Example

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The research discusses conflict resolution in general and some of the principles of persuasion expounded. Furthermore, great speeches from Martin Luther, President Obama and Morton have been discussed to show the interrelationship between conflict resolution, negotiation and communication. …
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Speeches with the Power of Pesuasion
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Speeches with Power of persuasion In any organization, communication is usually vital and determines the prosperity of it. Many a times, communication has saved businesses from collapsed and turned collapsing businesses into success. Communication involves the sender, the message and the receiver. For any communication to be successful, the message convey should be passed from the sender to the receiver. For any communication process to be successful, the receiver should also have understood the message conveyed to him or her (Levine 2). In any business, workers and employee need to communicate. Communication got various types. Common types of communication include oral, non-verbal and written communication. In business dealing with conveying the rightful information to its customers in order to market their products, always need to be persuasive in the way they convey information. Persuasion is a skill which many acquire with time and it’s a very useful tool when it comes to communication. The ability to have the power of persuasion in a business is usually a very important aspect which businesses would strive for. People with this skill are often sought after by businesses since they have the ability to attract customers (Levine 3). In addition of possessing the power of persuasion, such people also have good negotiation skills that could be used in conflict resolution. Sometimes businesses disagree over some terms, and then it will up to the negotiators to employ their skills in order to resolve the problem before them. In any business to be successful, they have to employ a number of skills useful in retaining or attracting more customers. Conflict resolution is always conceptualized as the processes and methods one uses to facilitate peaceful ending in dealing with conflicts. For any good business to prosper, conflict should not be an issue as it deters performance and moral of workers (Levine 67). In the past, we have had a number of great speeches that have persuaded many people into doing something or buying something. In addition to that, other speeches assisted in negotiation plus conflict resolution. In life, without such people with great power of persuasion, the world could be elsewhere. Any negotiator in any conflict has to be a skilled person if resolution is going to be achieved. Many a times, we have heard cases of poor negotiators entering into bad agreements that cost businesses to collapse (Levine 7). When one is faced with someone who is doing something that one does not like, persuasion can be a very important tool in such scenario (Levine 10). In as much as power is considered to be or coercion, persuasion can also be vital too as evidence from the statement ‘power of persuasion.’   Social-interest theorists liken persuasion as a form of exerting social influence on someone or about something. It is usually influence that investigates the reason why humans change. Inducing any form of change in an individual’s attitude is what is commonly referred to as persuasion, but inducing a change of belief is what is referred as propaganda or education depending on how one looks at it. Rhodes in his book uses the term ‘influence’ in a manner similar to how one he uses the word ‘power’ in an attempt to bring change. From Rhodes perspective, it is vital in identifying what is supposed to be change by the power of persuasion (Levine 15). Scholars in socio-influence sometimes include the term persuasion in the concept inducements that tends to better fit in my definition of coercive power or exchange power, rather than persuasive power. Sometimes efforts aimed towards behavioral change can be left out. In other cases, the writer seems to be concerned with efforts that change attitude and not on efforts that change behaviors. There are very many useful researches on persuasion that can be located in social-influence literature, but here, my use of persuasion may be quite different (Levine 16). In this paper, I use the word persuasion to refer to a form of power which relies entirely on symbols like words to influence change. The change referred here includes change on attitude, beliefs, or behaviors. In this paper, the change particularly interested will be change on behavior that can be brought about by modifying attitudes or beliefs (Morton 34). In persuasion, there are a number of principals commonly applied if one intends to achieve his or her own goal. In the book, Influence: Science and Practice written by Cialdini is an example of a resource material that talks about the power of persuasion plus the principals of persuasion. Robert B. In Cialdini’s book, some principles of persuasion are discussed while he evidences his work by giving important persuasion speeches that employed skills in conflict resolution and negotiation skills. In as much of his examples he draws from the marketing field, the principles talked about are applicable broadly to other fields (Levine 46). These principles of persuasion give insight in ways one can persuade other people to do things he or she wants. Excellent examples could include: It is a practice in some communities people to return favours. The author, Cialdini, views this as the “Law of reciprocity”. In his book, this form of influence can be got in his essay on exchange power. In one of Cialdini stories on persuasion, one can recall the story involving a German soldier that was very good in crossing battle lines. In world war 1, Cialdini narrates to us of how this soldier on one occasion while returning with an allied soldier for question, was convinced by the other soldier by bread. In the end, the soldier is said to have forgotten his mission after being offered that bread and returned empty handed to his seniors. From this story, we learn a wise negotiator always uses what he or she has for his advantage (Levine 47). In addition, Morton also gives us an example of another negotiator, Sadat. In his book, he writes of how Sadat used to assure his bargaining opponents before international negotiations started on how their country was treated fairly. Sadat used this form of flattery to create a positive feeling in the opponent country plus also connected with the opponent’s identities in the course of achieving his goal (Morton 23). From my own perspective, people are easily persuaded by people they like compared to strange people. In terms of liking, several factors are involved, for example, similarity, physical attractiveness, familiarity, praise, and sometimes association with positive stuffs. Such aspects are important in terms of solving problems between enemies as one need to found common grounds to solve the conflict between them. In any conflict, people are usually in disagreement over many issues and a neutral party; negotiator is always required to solve issues (Levine 23). Many people respond to directives of people higher in authority to. This can be achieved by either listening to their testimonies or direct speeches from them. An excellent example of a person who used life testimony to persuade many was President Barrack Obama, of the United States of America. He convinced the Americans to vote for him by telling them of his past life. In forming a bond with the blacks due to his African origin, Muslims with his Islamic name, the American with his history as a senator, president Obama found much favour from all these groups since they associated his success to their side. In the end, he won with a landslide over his opponents. It is a fact that people are more persuaded with celebrities since they think they are linked to them. Familiar people in any persuasion play a vital role. It is the same reason why some people in the Bible like Samson were persuaded by Delilah to shave his hair because he was familiar with her (Levine 20). In business, advertisers sometimes use this notion of familiar faces playing an important role in persuading people, to endorse their products. An excellent example is a product that has been endorsed by Ophrah Winfrey. Such a product will make more sales than when it was sold like that (Levine 33). Sometimes scarcity could become the driving force in getting one to do something which he or she would not otherwise have done. Business people usually employ these strategies commonly in persuading customers in buying their products. Words like “last chance”, “hurry before stock end are examples of words used to denote scarcity of a given product. In some countries, this could be likened to hoarding, but in persuasion, one does not hide essential commodities and leave people suffering. The notion that a given commodity is last on sale or prices are going to shoot up makes people go into frenzy and buy the products in the hope they were not hoaxed. People usually believe that when there is scarcity of a given product, prices will definitely shoot up (Levine 34). Following the above principles of persuasion at times may not be that easy. Kriesberg in his writing suggests five methods in which a given party can use to influence another party in when trying to resolve certain conflicts. In persuasion when one wants to achieve conflict from such an angle, one could understand the perspective from which the opponent views the conflict and try to resolve it. This may even lay a better foundation for a good relationship between them (Levine 44). Another method suggested by Kriesberg in enhancing the process of negotiation would be arguing out points of complimentary interests in order to yield out what was being sought. In such arguments, the oppressor and the oppressed can be identified. Always look for an interlocking issue between the two parties involved. This can be very useful in conflict resolution since one can identify the protagonist and antagonist in the conflict. A negotiator always tries to found the common ground the issue hangs from and tries to resolve from that angle. If a given concern is shared between the two conflicting parties, ascertain the issue separating them is of higher concern and would be the top list to be solved by the negotiator. In other instances, persuasion may occur sometimes on n the basis of appeal to common norms and values. An appeal is often made to abstract principle on previously neglected values or shared identification (Levine 44). When dealing with intractable conflicts, the above strategies of persuasion may work when a negotiator or a neutral party is involved (Levine 56). A third party basically is usually trusted in such cases and these can be beneficial in the conflict resolution process. In addition, a negotiator is not the cause and both conflicting parties find him neutral to the problem to be more credible than Party A's attempts to communicate exactly the same ideas. Furthermore, it is worth noting that these forms of persuasion lead to a warm relationship and somehow strengthens the ties between the two parties. It usually cements the relationship between the adversaries. Hence, after applying the forms of persuasion by a negotiator, the parties may not use a lot of effort in resolving a disagreement. In addition, effective persuasion should lay the basis for other forms of integrative power (Levine 34). Example of a vital speech: "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Junior Martin Luther speech was primarily a good example of persuasion speech which employed several types of appeals plus utilized the principles of influence discussed above. Martin Luther King opens the letter with reference to other clergymen as dear. He hence establishes kinship with the people listening to him with the words “dear” and “fellow”. Later in the speech, he deepens his connection with his people by addressing them as his Jewish and Christian brothers. In saying those words, he was positioning himself as neutral person between the two religions. In his speech, he speaks of his ordeal in Birmingham for negotiations. He explains briefly what they do before putting themselves as mediators in Birmingham (Melain 44). He comments that they had to collect facts first, negotiate, and then involved themselves in self purification before attempting to solve the real issue. In the King’s speech, guilty emotion is majorly expressed. The entire paper is also written in a calm tone and express disappointment. The King in his speech conveys a message of people to his listeners. He also touches on the injustices of racism and hope the white churches would see it and do something. From his speech, he sounds to be a godly man when he says, God forgive them. Although King’s speech was a letter written to eight clergymen in Birmingham who questioned his presence and the tactics which his followers used. Reading that letter to his people was an inspiration to them. From the letter, we can see how the power of persuasion can achieve in moving multitudes (Melain 45). Example two: Morton Deutsch speech Morton Deutsch was a very important person in persuading the Soviets and the United States to change their evil orientation during Cold war. The Cold War was in early 1960s and threatened the life of many people. It was a very bad time for many people involved in it since many people lost their lives. Being an experienced psychotherapist, he also suggested the four critical tasks that can be used in persuading enemies in times of hostile stance (Morton 16). Morton describes that one must first have the motivation to change. Secondly, the conflicting parties are always made anxious. Thirdly, he supports the idea of not taking sides. Deutsch’s also suggested that in order to persuade a given enemy, one must be willing to reassess his own behavior (Morton 16). The persuader at all times needs to have behavioral change already instilled in him or her and neutral at all points during the negotiation process. If the persuader lacks the behavioral change, then the negotiation is likely to fail. Limitations of Persuasion Example 3: President Barack Obama President Barack Obama is known for his great speeches that persuade people. In addition, he has been a mediator in many conflicts which ended up successful. After winning the election in 2008, Obama read a speech to the nation. In his speech, he is quoted to have mentioned great speech makers of all times like Martin Luther king to bring the connection to the black people (Annegret 23). In overall, America being a diverse nation with much different background and wished to live in good places, Obama speech advocated for change and a nation that was united. During that day, all eyes were set on America since they were mesmerized by this orator who persuaded votes from all groups despite some opposition. He managed to get votes from the major groups in the country from his diverse background. By him using the concept of familiarity and finding common grounds to relate, Obama persuaded the Africans and the black Americans to vote for him since they associated him with their own (Annegret 23). The Muslims also voted for him because of his familial up bringing from the Muslim community. Other groups like the Mexicans and Jews voted for him since they had been oppressed for long and wanted change. In his speech, by Obama providing a common motto that addressed and cut across all fields, it was evident that he was a neutral person and never wanted to take positions in a country with many groupings (Annegret 23). Persuasion in general is usually a cost effective way in approaching conflicts. In short, one does not require carrying any weapons in order to prove a point. When the conflict resolves, there is happiness (Levine 56). In this case, the protagonist would have been changed behaviourly or his or her behavior directed in a desired goal at a cheaper cost. Point to note, not all persuasion lead to solving problems and one should be careful at all times. According to Morton’s book, there are limits to persuasion. From her study, she writes how the communist party decided to choose persuasion over coercion since they believed that coercion could not affect the society’s long term cultural transformation. Morton observes in her book how a variety of persuasive techniques, Morton concludes that a variety were put in place in its crucial found In looking at the variety of persuasive techniques used by the party in its crucial foundational phase (Morton 18). Persuasive efforts sometimes are effective. They are mainly used when seeking to build upon existing beliefs and values and much less when one tries to change people. Remembering to keep in mind the means of persuasion like radio, newspapers, television, newspapers, radio, television, educational curricula, and one can clearly estimate the implications of persuasion. For people who do not employ such skills, experience the greatest problems. An example of people who refused to employ persuasion skills includes the Yugoslavian Communists (Levine 98). The Communists regime totally refused to accept they had committed any atrocities during the war. The war and death that resulted after the Communism government fell was worse. This they could have prevented if they would have held negotiation talks. In case one is addressing intractable conflicts, in most cases, persuasion is a very important tool. Persuasion by itself cannot achieve the rightful level of community building that i9s required for transformation to occur (Levine 99). It is for this reason that a deeper and fuller array of integrative approches has been suggested. For one to win the hearts of the target group, the techniques that target peoples’ minds might be inadequate for the task. In conclusion, this paper analyses the concept of persuasion of power and looks at it from different angles with relevant examples. In addition, it evaluates the importance of communication in a given organization and how it works to foster a good working environment. The paper also gives the main details one requires for negotiation to take place (Levine 100). Conflict resolution is also discussed in general and some of the principles of persuasion expounded. Furthermore, great speeches from Martin Luther, President Obama and Morton have been discussed to show the interrelationship between conflict resolution, negotiation and communication. All in all, the power of persuasion is useful tool in conflicts. Works Cited Deutsch, Morton. The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Print. Levine, Robert. The power of persuasion: how we're bought and sold. NewJersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2003. Print. Marten, Annegret. Obama's Rhetoric and the Myth of Virtuous Power. New York: GRIN Verlag, 2009. Print. Washington, James Melvin. A testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1992. Print. Read More
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