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Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes - Case Study Example

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The paper "Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes" is a perfect example of a case study on management. This case study focuses on Westlake Lanes, a bowling alley business that has been experiencing losses in the past two years. The business has had poor strategies in retaining its customers and maintaining attractive products and prices…
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Extract of sample "Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes"


  • Executive Summary

This case study focusses on Westlake Lanes, a bowling alley business that has been experiencing losses in the past two years. The business has had poor strategies in retaining its customers and maintaining attractive products and prices. It gives a description of the company and its legal existence, as well as ownership.

The assessment further focusses on the feasibility of proposed products and services that could change the financial position of the company. It analyzes the kid-friendly gaming environment and the upscale bowling lounge that are proposed projects for the business under the leadership of Givens.

This assessment also identifies the feasibility of the target market, as well as its likes and dislikes, and how best to target and win it. Statistics on bowlers and their earnings, as well as the age groups living in the locality helps identify possible customers.

In a bid to get an overview of how the business can make profits, the assessment goes through the organizational structure. It identifies the employees of the business and the value that they add to it. It also looks at the financial capabilities and deficiencies of the business, performing a break-even analysis to identify the profitability of the proposed projects.

At the end of the assessment, an overview of Givens’ actions is given and it identifies her achievements in rejuvenating the business. She manages to restore profitability through several projects and changes in the business.

  • Contents

Executive Summary2



Company Overview and Description of Value Proposition5

Service/ Product Feasibility7

Kid-Friendly Gaming Environment7

Upscale Bowling Lounge8

Feasibility of the Target Market8

Organizational Feasibility9

Financial Feasibility10

A Break-Even Analysis11

Overall Assessment12


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(Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words, n.d.)
Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words.
(Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 Words)
Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 Words.
“Small Business and Opportunity Management - Westlake Lanes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 Words”.
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