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Elaborating the Professional Development Program - Essay Example

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Generally speaking, the paper "Elaborating the Professional Development Program " is a perfect example of a management essay. The importance of staff training and development becomes apparent in the light of the rapid increase in the role of intangible assets in the creation of companies' value…
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The importance of staff training and development becomes apparent in the light of the rapid increase in the role of intangible assets in the creation of companies' value. According to various studies, even more than two thirds of Western companies formulate plans for personnel management without regard to the concept of strategic development of the organization and the training and development of personnel management system. It creates a situation, in which the

intangible assets (primarily human resources, personnel, corporate culture) become today

a key factor in the value of companies at the same time belongs to the Data Asset Management which is the least coordinated with the strategy. The personnel management services keep statistics on the number of people trained, number of hours spent on training, data which have been recorded in the budget for staff costs; however, these numbers can not be compared in a dynamic aspect in relation to the organization itself, or in terms of comparison with the

competition in similar businesses. As a consequence, this paper is aimed to be a report on what has been studied during the course and at elaborating the Professional Development Program which would incorporate the key theory which has been learned.

What Has Been Learned

One of the key principles which have been learned during the course consists in the importance of the variety of coaching methods and skills. By this approach, the author notes that studies in classes can be regarded as an activity which is purely divorced from the real world. Therefore, Silberman (2007) has a conviction that this format of a situation where learning and practice have nothing to do with each other. Unfortunately, a person can not learn in the classroom, solve practical problems (Silberman 2007). In the recent past, there were approaches to learning as a process in which the teacher or trainer has to deal with almost a passive student. In solving specific problematic situations, as opposed to passive listening, it is meant interaction with the student as an active subject, which is solely responsible for the achievement of their goals, not the teacher, as it was before. This knowledge helped me develop myself and constitute my own – personal – philosophy of the coaching process.

Another important point which has been learned during the course is the essence of competence and the means to achieve it. Personally, I do believe that this approach has been very successful in predicting academic performance of the work and the work that is associated with operational execution, but did not allow to determine what helps people to achieve success in such activities, where there is uncertainty, creativity, extensive interaction with other people. Furthermore, as we have learned, the value of the knowledge of this field is that it describes how the experience turns into a concept, which is then used to select a new situation for the experience. For effective learning, the individuals should be (or even have to be) observers, that is, the participants who tend to move from direct participation to the more objective analytical view. I think that each person is peculiar to individual learning styles (Silberman 2007). One of the most important tasks of the student during the course as well as in the strategy is the ability to adjust their approaches to the learning styles of those s/he teaches (Silberman 2007). The training should give priority to the learning styles, rather than their own approaches. Important needs and individual learning goals (they affect the process of gaining experience and test the ideas). Also nature of the coaching duration is either important. The author supports the idea of “integrated people.” What matters is the sensation (or as it mainly is referred to as “experience”), monitoring, thinking and action.

I have also learned that in most cases, the new training model is focused on the development of motivation, critical thinking, ability to learn new things, to examine, to make decisions, to exercise responsibility (Seed 2008). These characteristics have remained relatively stable in each profession. When the alleged fundamental change in the job nature, the need to perform a new study of professionalism. These new studies will help to create a more flexible training programs. That is the highest education today requires a new model of education, which would be built on the principles of social construction.

What I understood from the course passed is tat the introduction of new educational policies is not an easy task, much more difficult than updating curricula content. learning strategy connects all components of the formation, wherein the components always connected with cultural, social, economic, and political reality in each country and even reflect the specific profile of the university or faculty (Spence and McDonald 2015). The difficulty lies in the fact that, regardless of the fairly universal competencies, they are formed by training a certain thematic area of ​​education. For example, such a competence as a 'demonstration of creative thinking' in the coaching areas will be manifested differently. This is determined by the fact that any profession (including my further one) often requires the integration and synthesis of the capacity depending on the class of problems to solve. In view of this it is important that a set of competencies was agreed in teaching and learning and was broadcast in each subject or learning module, and the strategy has been to increase the level of their acquisition.

I have a conviction that one more point which has been studied and acquires the most attention is the constructs education. They should include a lot of horizontal competencies system, their acquisition should be managed with the participation of student / trainee (Spence and McDonald 2015). Thus, these structures must necessarily include the methodology of motivation of students to the acquisition and development of competences. This situation calls for the treatment of teachers to the use of humanitarian strategies in education in teaching of any discipline. Education researchers say that the nature of education is ambiguous, and teaching work is complex and requires judgment, action, ability to reflect and review the decisions on the basis of his observations and concepts that build a dialogue, using various learning strategies (Seed 2008).

Regarding the reflection I have from the coaching and my personal development need skills, that I should learn how to avoid the features of the teacher which may arise controversy understanding of the coaching process. During the years of reforms in the educational institutions of various programs developed standards of pedagogical professions, training methods, which have already helped many graduates to be prepared for successful teaching. At the same time questions the revision of educational strategies in teacher education today are becoming increasingly important and largely ensures the successful functioning of national education systems as a whole (Rickards 2007). On the one hand, there are widely discussed questions about the new capacity of all the structures of education, and, above all, high school, on the other hand, there is a formed higher education system.

A number of studies I have come through have been devoted to the study of existing forms of the so-called Innovative Education and the different types of processes related to learning. Research is possible to determine the basic characteristics of process innovation education. Thus it has been found that the process of updating models of education based on the use of transfer explicit knowledge (Beard 2010). For example, traditionally, it is offered to students to listen to lectures and master the theoretical principles, concepts and principles, necessary for the assimilation of the discipline (Rickards 2007). the number of researches I have already investigated pushed me to think that I should better understand the key purpose of coaching in a particular case – not in general. By this I mean that I have to feel a proper aim of a particular coaching and be ready and absolutely able to have it reached by the end of the process.

It has been learned that the principles are the instructional strategies such as active and self-directed learning; reliance on the experience of the student and research practice; focus on reflexivity; interactivity and cooperation in the educational process (Beard, Wilson and Beard 2006). In practice, the formation of the criteria for selecting learning strategies: the experience of educators, students experience, the specificity of the learning environment, the purpose of the course (subject, programs, seminars, and so on).

In that case the subject is directed to the two poles of the training cycle, the choice may be determined by the teacher. For example, in abstract mathematics difficult to find techniques that are specific experience and active experimentation. For the history, where a strong component of reflection, it is difficult to come up with tasks aimed at experimentation.

The model was the basis for the development of experiential learning strategies. Modification strategies are expressed in the models such as learning through experience in the workplace; training using the links of life experience and the results of development; structurally organized training based on the experience; learning from the experience of colleagues (Beard, Wilson and Beard 2006).

This information which has been presented above has been learned. I determined that it has been learned by the fact that I can critically evaluate the concepts of coaching and apply them in practice (in an appropriate situation). Furthermore, I appeared to have several interesting ideas which are to be incorporated in my future work (Knapp 2010). These ideas are mainly based on the theory and practice which have been gone through in the course.

How the Knowledge Obtained is Applied

All the data which have been perceived during the course have showed that the most important what I will have to do in my future job is the approach based on competences in the analysis starts with a man-to-work without preliminary conclusions about which characteristics are necessary for the proper performance of the work; then, on the basis of an interview in order to obtain behavioral examples by what human qualities associated with success in this work are determined (Spence and McDonald 2015). The competences method focuses on validity criteria: what is important is what really leads to the best performance of the work, rather than the factors most reliably describe all human characteristics in the hope that some of them will apply to the execution of the work.

In addition to this, I truly believe that the process of assimilation of the educative value is organized more flexible. Even if traditional knowledge is acquired by the assimilated methods, their assimilation requires other methods of assessment, for example, in the form of essays and reports (Beard 2010). The essay, for example, allows a student to reflect on the knowledge and their underlying theoretical principles and guidelines. In this case, the theoretical knowledge is explicitly formed. Furthermore, the methods of forming a knowledge are linked to experimental models and constructive coaching. All these ideas will help me perceive the future job and function in accordance with the essential standards of my profession.

The Coaching Development

From the perspective of the coaching development, I reckon, in the future, there will be the innovation in education which will be based on two liberal ideas. The first idea is that every society has an interest in the formation of the civic awareness among the younger generation in the preparing them to participate in public life. This idea is reflected in the growth of the social learning strategies (Rickards 2007). Strategies include participating students in the social aspect of the project, the use of assertive educational models, the introduction in the educational process models of ethical choices and critical expertise.

For example, the selection of the various activities to put them in an experimental learning cycle, it is necessary to take into account the different academic disciplines themselves (Beard, Wilson and Beard 2006). Beard, Wilson and Beard (2006) suggested that the humanities and social sciences are based on concrete experience and reflective observation, and science and mathematics on the reflective observation and abstract conceptualization (Knapp 2010). Professions which are associated with science lie in the sphere of abstract conceptualization and active experimentation, and public profession in the field of active experimentation and concrete experience. This explanation was confirmed by Biglan (1973), when he asked the faculty members of various disciplines grouped on the basis of similarities. Biglan found two dimensions “indefinite – resistant” and “net – application,” which correspond to the four dimensions flask concrete-abstract and reflexive – active.

The coaching development will have to be engaged into the so-called movement for competence. It will expand the boundaries of training programs for the modern labor market. Previously, the defined task that must be done at work was created on the basis of professiogram, training models and tests to measure the skills which are needed to perform these tasks, trying to compare the factor scores with success. In essence, an attempt to create the traditional model of separate specialties began with the analysis of work and human and trying to combine them (Silberman 2007). I reckon that this changes will be implemented into the coaching approaches.

Professional Development Program

Personally, I believe that the best approach to the Professional Development Program is the education with the support of colleagues, which can be often used in programs of managerial development. Guide relying on colleagues – or as it is abbreviated as GRC – is the training program for managers of various organizations (DeLay 2012). One of the conclusions I have come to is that the essence of the successful management lies in the fact that there is no single right way to become a successful leader, the general for all successful managers is that they daily activities and behavior of subordinate context of global concepts and long-term goals.

In the course of this Professional Development Program, I would like to make the ability to subordinate the daily activities of the long-term strategic interests, align it with the organization of concepts and professed converts administrator of an effective leader. I have a conviction that the presence of such a potential leader leads to the ability to think in terms of a higher order. My learning strategy throughout this Professional Development Program is that managers who are learning, exploring the experience of colleagues in the form of observations, surveys, interviews. The main feature of GRC, in my case, is that managers or directors themselves to help each other become more skilled leaders. The main objectives of which are put in the coaching within this Professional Development Program, are formulated as, to,

  • analyze the behavior of their own and their colleagues as the leaders;
  • achieve greater scale of thinking;
  • learn how to draw on the experience of colleagues, select it important for themselves.

I have a conviction that in the course of training in a group of 12-18 people it is necessary to hold six general meetings with an interval of 6 weeks. In this case, questionning is carried out in such a selection of questions that would not have pushed the respondent to any pre-programmed output or conclusions. My goal is to find and comment on the essence of the action of colleagues. The information collected is analyzed and interpreted in the context of the proposed concepts for the study of leadership. On the basis of the collected data is constructed its model further action. It has been discussed at the general meeting of participants of coaching. The starting point of the GRC is the position that there is no one right way to leadership. Attention of the students / coaching employees focuses on the critical understanding of their own behavior.

I truly believe that if I include the observation and mutual interviewing, this will allow colleagues to witness the activities, see them immersed in the daily work. This training strategy encourages the development of a larger thinking, allowing to see their professional activities, reflected in a mirror in the activities of their colleagues. Strategy of this Professional Development Program is based on the three methods – observation, interviewing and understanding of concepts.

During the program, the managers master the skills of collecting, analyzing and synthesizing information about themselves and colleagues, their work. Application of observation and interviewing as a research training methodology allows to abstract from the specific circumstances of the analysis of their behavior and the behavior of colleagues. Typical for PAL supervision of a specialist working in his usual environment, allows a better understanding of what you need to strive for.

The key role of the coach who is able to take the position of a consultant, thus,

  • Instructor is able to rally the team around him and create a good environment for learning.
  • Instructor understands learning goals and preferences of adults and is able to create a course that meets their requirements.
  • The instructor is fluent in a variety of active learning techniques that facilitate acquisition of practical skills.
  • Instructor is able to design and plan the course in accordance with the conditions and needs of students.
  • Instructor transmits knowledge through a variety of techniques, including work on the development of specific plans and life strategies (action selection strategies in specific situations).

The result of the guidance of learning within the very this Professional Development Program is the transfer of such kinds of skills into action. Education teaches set goals and find ways to solve them in real-life situations and in the workplace. This approach will help satisfy my needs of development skills.

Reference List

Beard, C. (2010). The experiential learning toolkit. London: Kogan Page.

Beard, C., Wilson, J. and Beard, C. (2006). Experiential learning. London: Kogan Page.

DeLay, R. (2012). Forming Knowledge: Constructivist Learning and Experiential Education. Journal of Experiential Education, 19(2), pp.76-81.

Knapp, C. (2010). Book Review: Teaching for Experiential Learning: Five Approaches That Work. Journal of Experiential Education, 33(3), pp.288-289.

Rickards, W. (2007). Book Review: Experiential Learning: A Best Practice Handbook for Educators and Trainers. Journal of Experiential Education, 29(3), pp.430-432.

Seed, A. (2008). Cohort Building Through Experiential Learning. Journal of Experiential Education, 31(2), pp.209-224.

Silberman, M. (2007). The handbook of experiential learning. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

Spence, K. and McDonald, M. (2015). Assessing Vertical Development in Experiential Learning Curriculum. Journal of Experiential Education, 38(3), pp.296-312.

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