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Cultural Differences and People Management - Coursework Example

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The paper "Cultural Differences and People Management" is a perfect example of management coursework. According to various sources, culture can be defined as shared values, concepts, or ways of living. The world continues to change daily, and people of different cultures interact on a daily basis, in different circumstances…
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Cultural Differences and People Management


According to various sources, culture can be defined as shared values, concepts, or ways of living. The world continues to change daily, and people of different cultures interact on a daily basis, in different circumstances. It is difficult to explain culture in one word, but it can be said to include shared values that human beings possess, such as a common way of living, behaving or doing certain things (Smith, 2013). Culture is something which is inherited, and is often passed from generation to generation. It is something that is taught from the parent to the child, and cannot be picked up instantly. Different people from all over the world come from different cultures, and each of these cultures is unique in its own way.Therefore,as human beings, we should learn to appreciate and accommodate people from different cultures, because culture is a universal concept.

One major concept that arises because of culture in the modernized world is a term known as culture shock. Culture shock is a term, which defines the state of displacement, or unfamiliarity that a person experiences when they are introduced to a culture that they have never known, such as a new country, tribe, or institution. Culture shock does not only include such factors as language, but also includes factors which are non verbal such as gestures, dress codes, eye contact and other issues (Ward and Furnam, 2012). In many circumstancs, culture shock is experienced when a person finds themselves in a new country.However, not every person is actually affected by culture shock.Furthermore, it does not affect people to the same extent. A person may adapt faster to a new environment than another person, since individuals are unique.

In this modern interconnected world, culture shock still continues to be a relevant concept, and occurs in many circumstances to people of different backgrounds. On a personal level, I have experienced culture shock a few times. When I travelled to a neighboring country, I found some difficulty adapting to a number of things that I observed, including the language, the dress code, the eating habits, social behavior as well as local culture and tradition. It was a challenging experience for me since I encountered concepts that I was not very familiar with (Gulestrup, 2014). I also realized that the values and thought processes of these people are different, and the way that they reason concerning issues such as politics, gender and sports are very different. Through this experience, I realized what culture shock is, as I experienced it on a personal level.

Cultural adjustment involves gradual adaptation into a particular culture over a specific time. The process of adaptation itself is not a rapid occurrence, but it occurs over an unspecified time period as a person begins to internalize and accept their new cultural settings.Th e adaptation to a certain culture is a personal experience and it often depends on the personal experience of different people (Fouad and Arredondo, 2012).The process of cultural adjustment can be shortened by taking time to understand a particular culture before actually going to the particular place. By researching more about a particular culture, one will be mentally prepared to face the challenges that they are likely to face. Proper cultural adjustment involves mental preparation for the culture shock, which will enable one to adapt quicker to that culture.

On a personal level, I did not take long to adapt to the culture of the neighboring country I visited. In a week I had already managed to understand some basic features of the language, and I was able to gesture people appropriate.Furthermore, I also quickly developed a liking for the food and drink of the country, though I had previously struggled with the feeding habits of the people.However, one aspect of the culture that I found difficult to grasp was their traditional viewpoint on a number of social and cultural issues, such as their beliefs and superstitions. These people had conservative views concerning different issues and did I was uncomfortable accepting some of these beliefs and traditions (Brislin, 2014). However, I learnt that the speed of cultural adjustment depends on the eagerness of the individual to adapt to the culture. It is therefore necessary for the individual involved to show initiative in learning the language, and contribute actively to the process.

In the process of cultural adjustment, I went through a number of stages to successfully adapt to the culture I was infiltrated in. The first stage I experienced was the pre departure stage, and this involved planning for the trip and preparing for it. I was able to orient myself with some literature and internet searches about the country, as well as what I would expect. At this particular time, I was excited and eager to travel (Cox, 2011).I was also anxious and concerned about such issues as safety and adaptation. I was full of energy and ready to begin. The second stage that I experienced was the honeymoon phase. The stage began immediately as I was welcomed into the country, and I was received with much pomp and celebration. At this time, I was still enthusiastic and restless, though I was slightly fatigued from the trip.

The next stage of cultural adjustment was the phase of increasing participation. At this stage, I began to realize that I was in a different cultural environment, and my participation level in the local affairs was minimal. I however began feeling the effect of all the cultural and social differences that I encountered. The local food caused me regular tummy upsets, I developed a slight fever due to the climate changes, and I felt irritated especially when all those around me would speak in a language that I did not understand (Zapf, 2011).Furthermore, I had insomnia and found it hard to sleep. During this period, I experienced immense fatigue and felt quite frustrated with the state of events.

After this stage, the following stage was the crisis phase. At this phase, I was at the peak of emotions and felt that I had made a mistake to embark on the trip. I felt disillusioned and was uncooperative with other people. I was irritable and at times did not concentrate. Feelings of nostalgia were frequent at this time and furthermore it was not easy. The stage was the most difficult and I was withdrawn for long periods. After this stage was over, I gradually began moving into the adaptation phase (Rau, 2013).The stage was one of gradual improvement and I began reacting positively to the environment around. I developed an eagerness for the cuisine, and slowly began picking up words from the indigenous language. I was more cheery and brighty,and began walking around as I became customized with my new surroundings.

The next stage in my experience was the reentry phase. By this time I had completely adjusted to the new culture and surroundings that I had found myself in.Furthermore,I had learnt how to accommodate all aspects of the culture of the country, whether I liked them or not.Furthermore,I had picked up a large number of words from the neighboring culture and understood all gestures and their meanings (Sreeleakha,2014).Concerning the cuisine, I had completely learnt how to cook a few local delicacies and enjoyed the food completely. I was completely free with the new environment and had adapted totally. The process of adjusting was not an easy one, but I had to be determined as well as have a strong mental will to be able to handle such social processes that may occur.

Understanding different cultures is important in order to be able to cohabit with others in the society. Different cultures meet every day and they learn new things from each other as well as teach each other new things. Understanding different cultures leads to peaceful correlations and eases intercultural relations.Furthermore,it is also important because it helps people learn new ideas and pick up new values as well. When people readily accept new cultures, then it enables them to add significance and meaning to their own lives. It is also important because it is adds new scopes of living and new life views, as well as helps individuals to pick up valuable aspects from each other (Levine,2012).Therefore, accepting new and different cultures adds new aspects to our lives and should be encouraged as well. Through learning new cultures, we also pick up new skills and this vastly improves our quality of life. A process helps us understand the world in a wholesome and more enlightened way.

Personally, I realized that learning and accommodating new cultures is actually fulfilling, and is good for the human race. I initially was reserved about picking up a foreign culture.However,with time, In realized that picking up and learning about the new culture that I found myself in was actually a fulfilling and enlightening process. It enabled me to change ways in which I initially used to interact with others. Initially I was not open to accommodating new cultures, but later on, I learnt that by being open to learning new cultures makes one open minded and adds to their knowledge (Carllisle, 2012).I was able to learn a new language, learn how to make new cuisine, pick up new values and knowledge systems and learn how to interact with people from different cultures.Therefore, this shows the importance of being open to learning and understanding new cultures.

Cultural differences have a number of difficulties too, and it is necessary to realize that adapting new cultures is not an easy process, infact it is complex. One reason why is it not easy to pick up cultural differences is because skills are needed in order to effectively pick up a new culture. It would require knowledge concerning that particular culture and how it operates. A person would have to recognize the mechanisms of the particular culture and embrace them. Yet another reason why it may be difficult picking up new cultures is that it requires communication. In order to understand how a new culture operates, one has to communicate with members of that particular culture (Smith, 2013) .The process may be a difficult one especially since communication barriers may hinder members from different groups understanding each other.Therefore, proper procedures will be necessary in order to ensure that one deals with communication barriers in order to relate with other cultures.

Another difficulty related to cultural differences is stereotypes and prejudices. Certain stereotypes towards cultures may prevent people from different cultures from correlating. When people from diverse cultures feel superior than others, and fail to recognize other cultures or look down on them. Such scenarios may lead to prejudice against different cultures and therefore make it impossible to relate to other cultures on the same level. Prejudice against other cultures causes strain and makes the process of interaction difficult (Ashton, 2014).Yet another issue that may cause issues in relations between different cultures is conflict. When different cultures face conflict, then it make it difficult to relate, and this strained relationship makes it difficult for interaction between these two cultures. Such issues can be avoided by encouraging a healthy relationship between different cultures. Frequent interaction between different communities will help to curb such occurrences and will help to ease the situation.

Another issue relating to cultural differences is time taken in reaching a conclusion. Sometimes it may take longer times than usual to reach conclusions. Difficulties of such nature may be problematic, and they may cause much difficulty especially when it comes to understanding various concepts. The time consuming nature of inter cultural relations may cause much inconvenience, especially when it comes to such issues as communication processes (Pederson,2015).These difficulties may arise from communication barriers, misunderstanding or simply having to take too much time to explain a particular cultural concept to someone of a foreign culture. Dealing with such a scenario may be difficult but often patience is required in such circumstances.

I encountered these difficulties in cultural differences when I found myself in a different cultural setting. It was difficult to interact with people from the indigenous people due to communication barriers. Even passing across simple information was difficult, as I required an interpreter to help me communicate to the local population. Due to these inconvenience, I realized that it was indeed time consuming in undergoing simple transactions such as going to the shop. I would spend more time in such interactions than I usually do (Laroche, 2016). I have also experienced stereotyping due to cultural differences, as some people would make conclusions about me as a visitor, due to presumptions that they had about people from my country. I also realized that skills are needed to avoid these cultural difficulties. Mostly, multilingual people are able to avoid such scenarios as compared to those who only understand one language.

Bruce Parry’s views are accurate, and they are of much significance in the cultural aspect. In order to understand a particular culture, it will be necessary to live in and understand how that particular culture operates. Culture can be learned by observation, and if a person is incorporated into a particular culture for a while, they eventually understand the mechanisms of that particular culture and how it functions (Brislin, 2014). Parry’s views are legitimate and he realizes that the concept of culture is one of slow adaptation. By living with a particular group of people, one will eventually learn how that culture operates and functions. Enculturation of an individual is often a slow and gradual process that requires interest and commitment from the learner. By becoming part of a particular culture, an individual learns how to be a part of that culture, while learning how it functions and operates.

It is important to preserve the uniqueness of cultures, because this will ensure longevity of these cultures. By accepting the uniqueness of a culture, the culture will be appreciated and therefore it will remain relevant. Preserving cultures is important and it ensures the continuation of diversity in the world. Different cultures have their own uniqueness and it is necessary to celebrate and accept these unique features. Cultural diversity has an important role to play in the society, and by accepting and promoting it, and then it is going to remain relevant and important. By preserving culture, we are in fact preserving the core of our society, because without culture then people lack identity (Zapf, 2011). Preserving culture helps us realize that we all come from diverse heritages, and it keeps on reminding us of our history and genesis. Culture is a special bond that ties us together, and by preserving culture, we maintain these bonds and therefore have a base.Therefore, preserving culture is preserving the very roots from which we originated.

There may be some hindrances faced when attempting to encounter or understand particular cultures. Many times, we face obstacles when trying to get a clear understanding of how these cultures function or operate. One such problem or difficulty is the language barrier.Often, understanding a particular culture becomes difficult when one does not know the particular language, and this may cause a predicament. Failure to know a particular language will mean that there is a communication barrier between the learner and the teacher (Fouad and Arredondo, 2012).Another difficulty faced in understanding particular cultures involves getting to understand different traditions and customs. Learning about culture may be made more complex by traditions and customs, which one may find difficult to grasp. Each culture has its own traditions, and for a person to understand what they indicate or symbolize, then a person must be very eager.

In order to understand different cultures, one should have patience as well as commitment. It will also be of much help if one has perfected their listening skills. One should also be a keen observer and know how to analyze and practice different concepts that they encounter. A person who is open-minded and has studied diverse cultural backgrounds will be able to internalize these concepts easier. Furthermore, one with a good understanding on human psychology is well positioned to grasp different concepts of cultures. One should also be willing to accept cultural diversity and be tolerant of these different cultures (Cox, 2011). A person would furthermore need skills and techniques that are necessary for knowing and understanding different cultural aspects. A skilled person would furthermore have the capacity to work with a large number of people from diverse cultures and communicate with them on a personal level. All these skills are useful in helping a person to study and understand different cultures.

National culture plays an important role for an individual as it gives one a sense of self-identity. It gives one national pride and a sense of belonging, thus instilling values of loyalty in citizens. National culture is an important part of any society because it contributes to the overall wellbeing of people. It also brings together a national outlook as people of different races and cultures come together to form one unique national culture (Ward and Furnham,2012).People with different cultures, traditions and customs come together to form one unique culture and nationality.Therefore,national culture is of much importance to the development of the nation as one united country. It gives people a sense of security and enables individuals to have a sense oneness and togetherness.

There are a number of manifestations of culture from my own culture that are of significance to the national culture as well. There are a number of historical sites that are places where national events of relevance were held. A number of national heroes have had roads named after them. There are national monuments that represent national pride and pay respect to the nation’s freedom fighters and presidents (Smith, 2013). Some national symbols and signs have been put up to represent national pride and a sense of national unity. The national anthem is the main sign of national unity and is sung at national function and at any event. All these are part of the national culture and bear much significance to the nation.

There are a number of factors that contribute to culture and cultural characteristics. Some of these factors include issues such as the social order and historical concepts in a particular culture, which helps one, understand their social and cultural standing in one way or another. The political system is the ruling class, and for many years it has given the direction as to how the nation has been, run (Coz, 2011). History too has played an integral role in the national culture of the nation, since it has helped to determine the national culture and issues of national importance. Religion too has a fundamental role to play in the culture of the nation, and continues to be an issue of great national importance. The social structure has a tremendous effect on culture, as a large part of culture is shaped on social norms in the community.

Personally, my cultural heritage has a very important role to play in my life. It constantly reminds me concerning my personal history, and helps me remember where I came from. It also links me to the rest of my family and gives me a sense of oneness with them. Culture helps me remain focused and offers me guidance in personal matters. My cultural heritage constantly helps me to realize the importance of the family institution, as well as my community (Ashton, 2014).The cultural heritage that I have gives me a sense of belonging as well as guiding me in my own individual aspects.Therefore,I consider culture to be of much importance to me and my cultural heritage is a personal aspect of my life that I am proud to represent at all times.

It is indeed difficult to define national culture as a whole, because though it represents one national voice and purpose, there are different sets of individual cultures within it, each with its different aspects and definitions. The national culture itself cannot adequately define the unique personalities and different cultures that exist within it, but it effectively manages to group the people from one region under a particular cultural setting, of national pride and importance (Rau, 2013).Therefore, national culture has its own unique features and characteristics which define it and make it function as it does, and it also consists of several different cultures, that make it what it is. Through culture, we can understand how different social mechanisms fumction, and we learn to appreciate them as they really are.However,it is difficult to distinguish national culture as a whole separate entity by itself.

Indulgent societies believe in a life of having fun and living life to the fullest, while restraint societies believe in living a strict life following a set of moral rules. I have personally witnessed the differences between these two sets of societiesm, and have made interesting observations. I have personally lived with neighbors of both sides and I learnt how to accommodate their differences (Laroche, 2016).The indulgent individuals were dedicated to a life of having fun, and on most of their free time they could be seen indulging in such social activities as drinking, partying and going for social events .These character are outgoing people who live their lives to the fullest with no worries. The restraint people are more conservative, and do not do such social activities, but rather enjoy reading, watching television, and pursuing their hobbies.

Collectivism is the belief that an individual belongs to a certain group, and therefore what they do reveals that individuals may get lost along the way. Individualism believes that a person is responsible for making their own choices, as they are their own individual entity. Both these concept occur in my real life situation, as I have encountered people who believe in their own personal accountability for themselves (Carlisle, 2012). Furthermore, I have also encountered people with a collectivist philosophy, and these people have often believed that they are part of a certain societal structuring or group.Furthermore, they believe that though they may make their own individual choices, they are still part of that particular group. These mindsets define the state of thought concerning social groupings.

The study of individualism and collectivism is particularly of much interest, especially in a modern cultural concept. In this modern society, it is essential for individuals to live and interact on a communal basis. Through individualism exists in major way in the societal setting, many people operate on a collectivist level (Pederson, 2015). A majority of people both in the social setting and in the workplace often prefer to live together as a community where they all contribute to each other’s well being. Furthermore, people in many societies are increasingly becoming indulgent, and embrace a life of fun and adventure. Therefore, each society has different characteristics and it is also common to occurrences where these characteristics all blend to give the society a diverse outlook.

In order to have a productive and engaging work environment, it is therefore important to accept cultural diversity in organizations, and learn how to tap from the positive aspects of every different cultural background. Often,workplaces consist of different individuals from different cultures who meet together in one setting. It may be difficult for all these individuals to inter-relate freely without friction, and therefore cultural tolerance will be necessary (Zapf, 2011).When these diverse people can tolerate each other and freely mingle at both a personal and professional levels. Proper people management in institutions will have a positive effect on the work performance and will often produce impressive results in organizations. Therefore, it is important to use the diversity of people as a conduit for organizational success.

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