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Molonglo Rail Trail Project - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Molonglo Rail Trail Project" is a good example of a management case study. The rail-trail is defined by Railtrails Australia as the conversion of a railway that has often been disused into a path that is suited to a number of uses e.g. walking, cycling or even horse-riding (Tourism Victoria, 2014)…
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SСОРING STUDY FOR UРРЕR МОLОNGLО RАIL ТRАIL by Student’s Name Code + Course Name Professor’s Name University Name City, State Date Table of Contents Introduction 3 Why the Popularity of Rail Trails? 3 Scope of the Proposed Project 4 Status of the abandoned Railway Line 4 Key Geographical and Possible Tourist Attraction Sites along the proposed route 5 Growth in Regional Economy 7 Recent Success Stories with Australian Rail Trails 7 Possible Barriers to Successful Implementation of the Project 8 An Overview of the Key Stakeholders in the Project Implementation 8 The Prevailing Political Environment in Project Implementation 9 Funding the for Project 10 Project Cost Estimates 10 Conclusion and Recommendations 10 References 11 Introduction Rail trail is defined by Railtrails Australia as the conversion of a railway that has often been disused into a path that is suited to a number of uses e.g. walking, cycling or even horse riding (Tourism Victoria, 2014). According to the publication, the use of a rail trail is much dependent of its surface which further determines its suitability for use by hybrid bikes pram, mountain bikes, four wheel ‘gophers’ or even wheel chairs. Over the years, the modification of rail trails has provided cycling tourists access to some of the most attractive sites especially when traffic snarl-ups are hectic (Steering Committee for Molonglo Rail Trail, 2016). Characteristically, the committee observes that these long, flat but neglected railways often run through historical areas and are quite appealing for a number of cultural developments. Further, more often than not, a rail trail closely follows the formation of an originally existing railway line that runs alongside an active railway for the better part of its length. However, Beeton (2009) notes that rail trails are significantly outstanding when compared to other trails since they are often graded and have a definite history of their own. The author also supports most scholars who argue that it is better to remove sleepers and rails from former railways and subsequently replace them with bitumen or gravel where better results are to be realized. Further, its often recommended to have separate dirt paths along the existing trails to serve as pathways for horse riders. According to the Steering Committee for Molonglo Rail Trail (2016) the government of Australia has already taken note of the immense contribution of these development projects in not only boosting economic growth but in ensuring a healthy population. It is against this backdrop that the Bungedore communities have proposed to have the neglected railway line from Bungendore to Captains Flat converted into Molonglo Railtrail. Consequently, this research report will serve as a scope study to help in the preparation of the proposed rail trail project. Why the Popularity of Rail Trails? A number of reasons have been given for the rising popularity of rail trails in Australia (Beeton, S., 2010). To begin with, rail trails serve as an invaluable asset especially for visitors who want to enjoy a new feel of life away from the city traffic. This is especially when coupled with the rare and pleasant experience that comes with undulating landscapes that have already been levelled earlier to accommodate trains that cannot cope with steep gradients. Moreover, the author observes that the facility offers wonderful experiences for people who wish to simply walk or ride bicycles in a safe environment when going to the shops or attending school. The experience is even more fanciful and ideal for families that wish to enjoy the natural scenery or keep fit away from congested urban life. In addition, the Steering Committee for Molonglo Rail Trail (2016) notes of the immeasurable prestige that comes with the natural heritage corridor. Finally, the committee points out the huge economic benefits that result from the demand for accommodation especially for visitors who intend to camp. This has even prompted some businesses to come up with ingenious ways to cater for visitors demands by hiring bicycles or even for providing pick up services for those who wish to make a one-way visit. The booming business has seen one of the most popular trails – Murray to the Mountains – offer packages as incentives to the visitors (Statistical Dashboard, 2015). Scope of the Proposed Project The scoping study for the proposed rail trail development on the abandoned rail line between Captains Flat and Bungendore will specifically focus on the following facets of the proposed project: Interrogate the current status of the already abandoned railway line including but not limited to the outstanding geographical features along the route. This will be with a view to pinpointing any sources of tourist attraction along the line. Review the existing literature on the success or failures of rail trails in the Federal Republic of Australia. Investigate the possible sources of opposition to the proposed project especially from the existing landowners along the proposed route. Identify the best way possible to engage the various stakeholders in the proposed project as well as how to ensure cooperation during the project period. Examine critically the prevailing political environment as well as the possible sources of funding for the proposed project. Offer a clear glimpse of the estimated project costs from the start to the completion. Status of the abandoned Railway Line The 32 kilometer neglected railway line running from Bungendore through Hoskinstown all the way to Captains Flat was constructed way back in 1939 with the sole aim of facilitating the transportation of ore from the Captain Flat mines (Railtrails Australia Inc., 2006). However, in 1962 traffic from the mines ceased and subsequently the line was abandoned and closed in 1968. Over time, sleepers of the old railway line infrastructure have slowly but surely rotten away after cessation of use and ensuing disregard that saw the maintenance services stop (Beeton, 2010). Further, the author observes that in spite of some parts of the railway corridor being under use by the adjoining farmers some sections have witnessed the growth of weeds and grasses along the line. Figure 1: Existing rail line to be converted. Figure 2: Existing rail line to be converted. Key Geographical and Possible Tourist Attraction Sites along the proposed route According to Faulks & Ritchie (2007), one of the most significant features along the proposed route is the former mining village of Captains Flat. The village is said to boast of some exceptional features not found in any of the other major tourist routes – a magnificent valley in Molonglo river, special hotels and workings on the old mining sites. Further, the village is incomparable in that much of it used to provide small allotments for the cottages owned by the former miners. Along the route, also, is the small town of Hoskinstown which used to be a settlement for the miners, only 4 kilometres away from the river valley (Parliament of New South Wales, 2014). According to the parliamentary report, this area boasts of the remnants of the old railway station; an old catholic church that is still in use to date and a unique small community hall. Further, the town of Bungendore is in itself a natural source of interest as it used to be the only service centre meant for the upper part of the line (Railtrails Australia Inc., 2006). In addition to the prominent historical buildings, the area has peculiar attractions like woodwork gallery, hotels, swimming pools and accommodation for visiting tourists. Notably, also, the Bungendore village, serves as the central operational centre for Palerang Shire by way of housing its newly established offices. Statistical Dashboard (2015) lists the combination of picturesque geographical features that line up this route as another exclusive feature. Indicatively, the project, as currently proposed, will present the touring cyclists with uncommon chance to experience as well as explore the Canberra landscape through days of cycling. Of significant impact also, will be the recent expansion of the narrow ride-way which will provide the much needed safety as tourists cycle along the old line. Figure 3: Woodworks Gallery and adjoining Café. Figure 4: Bungendore Railway Station. Growth in Regional Economy Across Australia, tourism has often been seen as a major engine driving economic growth (Destination NSW, 2015). This is by way of rescuing the local communities from social failure and creating job opportunities for the locals. Specifically, the NSW remains the top-most destination for a greater majority of tourists vising Australia. According to the Parliament of New South Wales (2014), the figures of tourists vising the country has consistently maintained an upward trend over the past few years. It therefore follows that the proposed rail trail could go a long way in turning around the fortunes of this economically sinking region where closure of business has been witnessed in Hoskinstown and Bungendore towns. In addition, the project, most likely holds significant prospects in form of emergence of new businesses especially shuttles and bicycle shops for those people who may not favour full trail travel. Recent Success Stories with Australian Rail Trails The good thing with the proposed Upper Molonglo Rail Trail project is that it stands to benefit immensely from the previous similar and successful projects in Australia among them the Murray to the Mountains and the Victorian Great Ocean Walk Rail Trails previously Implemented in Australia (Mike Halliburton Associate, 2007). The possible development opportunities as well as the economic benefits resulting from rail trails cannot be overemphasized as they’re by now evident from these sampled projects. A successful rail trail project, to large urban centres, means stimulating local economies in the process of visitors continuing to troop in. According to Rail Trails Australia (2006), the Murray to the Mountains project has led to the development of heritage infrastructure to facilitate access to historical stations, sidings, bridges and tunnels. In addition to providing a pivotal point for communal activities, the rail trail has also served as a mesmerizing attraction for visitors. Moreover, NSW observes that rail trails have regional tourism significance which is even elevated further when the right extensions are made to link important services to towns (Destination NSW, 2015). On the other hand, the Victorian Great Ocean Walk Rail Trail which is a modification of a number of earlier rail trails spanning more than 277 kilometers along the coastal strip is characterized by beautiful beach resort towns. Tourism Victoria (2014) estimates the economic benefits to the region to be in the tune of US$ 15 Million on top of providing hundreds of job opportunities to the locals. Possible Barriers to Successful Implementation of the Project The proposal to develop a rail trail along the former railway line – Bungendore to Captains Flat – has already elicited mixed reactions from various quarters and stakeholders (Parliament of New South Wales, 2014). Such stakeholders include community based organizations, local businesses, federal and NSW government besides the Palerang Local Council which has since been merged with Queanbeyan to form QPRC. However, Puniard (2014) cations that the most formidable resistance is emerging from the local farmers who are working in cahoots with rich corridor-adjoining land owners. To start with, a greater majority of the farmers working or living alongside the rail corridor are very much concerned about the prospect of having their traditional farming practices disrupted with a possibility of invasion to their privacy. Secondly, a section of the landowners, to some extent, are afraid that their lifestyles are going to drift away from what they’re already accustomed to. Thirdly, the proposal for the project that a recreation trail be maintained alongside the old rail has aroused immense resistance from the local farmers. These farmers are reportedly concerned that their property will be prone to vandalism; aerial fertilizer applications will be inhibited and access to their grazing paddocks limited. An Overview of the Key Stakeholders in the Project Implementation Some of the key stakeholders in the proposed project include: The Federal government – For successful implementation of the proposed Upper Molonglo Rail Trail Project, the state government will have to work closely with the national government. Parliament of New South Wales (2014) harangues that such an approach will not only support the drafting and enactment of the necessary legislation but will also go a long way in ensuring availability of competent personnel and sufficient funds for the envisaged project. Therefore, it is through the close collaboration between state, federal as well as the local government that project objectives will be realized and successively guarantee enough support from all the stakeholders. The Local Community - A massive project like the proposed Upper Molonglo Rail Trail calls for a lot of support and goodwill from the locals if the implementation process is to become a success (Parliament of New South Wales, 2014). Consequently, it necessitates the implementing agencies to instill a sense of belonging among the locals so that they not only own but support the initiative whole heartedly. Otherwise, risks of failure beckon before even the project kicks off. The parliamentary report further explains that a cordial relationship with the local community not only sustains project development but also guarantees stable patronage in the project’s lifetime. Further, continued consultation and engagement of all the parties provides invaluable experience that can be harnessed for the greater good of the locals and other stakeholders as well. Project’s Management Committee - Just as it was the case with the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, a management committee will be very important in running the day to day activities with regard to this massive Upper Molonglo Rail Trail Project (Beeton, 2009). The author opines that the management committee serves as the sole interface for the various stakeholders through coordination of different agencies like local councils, the community and even other interested parties in the tourism sector. Additionally, the committee serves to offer incredible insights on the best approach when implementing a massive project in light of constrained resources (Rail Trails Australia, 2006). Since, to a greater extent, project success is dependent on the local support it would be prudent to ensure that representation of the local government in the select committee is given a priority. In a greater perspective, the enthusiasm and commitment of voluntary based committees should also be considered if excellent results are to be realized. The Prevailing Political Environment in Project Implementation Presently, Victoria leads the way in the conversion of abandoned railway lines into enviable recreation facilities and, therefore, it arguably has the most mature process in implementing these type of projects (Statistical Dashboard, 2015). Since the Upper Molonglo Rail Trail will traverse through a number of jurisdictions, it would be important to come up with a special joint committee to oversee the corridor construction. This means that Victoria Rail Trails will work in close collaboration with the Department of Environmental Sustainability to come up with the management committee. Unfortunately, as Destination NSW (2015) points out, the proposed project is coming at a time when the political environment is entirely hostile and skewed. For instance, the National Party and NSW Green have consistently been at loggerheads over a number of legislative pieces coming to the assembly for discussion. Nonetheless, legislative process for the NSW will have to, hopefully, surpass myopic part interests. Consequently, the government, through its transport minister, one David Campbell, will have to move with speed and mobilize its troops in supporting the necessary legislation. In the absence of this, risks of having the project delay unnecessarily or even collapse will be real. Funding the for Project The most encouraging thing is that the construction of the proposed Upper Molonglo Rail Trail Project has already received a boost from the local community to the tune of US$ 14,000 which will be key in conducting a comprehensive feasibility study. This is according to a report by Parliament of New South Wales (2014). The parliamentary report explains that the available funds were collected recently during a fundraising concert held at Mulloon Farm, next to Bungendore. Reportedly, the function brought together several stakeholders including landowners and other rail trail interested parties who wanted the project started in the shortest time possible. Indeed, during the same function, the local postgraduate students from the University of Sydney offered to conduct the feasibility studies and this is estimated to have saved US$ 16,000 for the project. To supplement this, the steering committee has decided to work through the national electronic and social media to sensitize people on the potential benefits that can be accrued from the success of the rail project (Steering Committee for Molonglo Rail Trail, 2016). It is hoped that the promotions will encourage organizations and even individuals to chip in and support the project in anticipation of reaping from its profits in the foreseeable future. Project Cost Estimates Based on the Austrian Tourism Development Program report, the project is estimated to take at least two years to be fully developed. This will involve the entire modification process of the disused railway line into gravel based rail trail connecting the three major towns of Bundendore, Hoskinstown and Captains Flat. The steering committee for Upper Molonglo Rail Trail Project estimates the cost of the project up to completion to be in the tune of US$ 4 Million and the agency remains optimistic that cooperation between the various stakeholders could easily raise this amount (Steering Committee for Molonglo Rail Trail, 2016). The committee notes that the lion’s share of these funds will be used in putting up fences and re-routing the rail trail in instances where space is limiting. Further, landscape architecture and connecting the adjoining towns to the rail trails are also expected to take a significant proportion of the total budget. Conclusion and Recommendations From the results of this scoping study, it has clearly surfaced that the route for the proposed project is already characterized by several historical as well as geographical features that may be of considerable interest to visiting tourists. Accordingly, it follows that the proposed modification of the abandoned railway line will go a long way in not only boosting the tourism sector but also rejuvenating the local economies. Drawing experience from the existing rail trails across Australia, we can easily presume that with continued maintenance and promotion of the suggested project the economic and health benefits will be immense. Despite the expected goodies, it is worth noting that joint efforts from all the stakeholders is what will ultimately deliver the much touted Upper Molonglo Rail Trail Project hence the need to bring everyone on board as the initiative gains steam. References Beeton, S. (2009). Cycling in Regional Communities: A Longitudinal Study of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, Victoria, Australia, Research Report, La Trobe University, Bundoora Beeton, S., 2010.  Regional Communities & Cycling: The Case Study of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, Victoria. Australia. Research Report, La Trobe University, Bundoora; 2(7), p. 2 Destination NSW, (2015). NSW Visitation International and Domestic Overnight. [Online] Available at Faulks, P. & Ritchie, B., 2007. Cycle Tourism in Australia: An Investigation into its size and Scope. CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd, 42(6), p.4. Mike Halliburton Associate, 2007. Atherton Tablelands Rail Trails Feasibility Study. Queensland Government Shire of Atherton and Shire of Eacham 5(6), p.13 Parliament of New South Wales, (2014). The Upper Molonglo Rail Trail. Parliament of New South Wales. August 14, 2014. [Available Puniard, D 2014, ‘Rail Trails in Australia and NZ’, Advertiser 14 October, p.10. Rail Trails Australia (2006). Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail – Trail Description. [Online] Available at Railtrails Australia Inc. (2006). Rail Trail Establishment Guidelines! Rail trails Australia Inc. Page 128 Rail Trail Establishment Guidelines rev 11.doc Statistical Dashboard, 2015, Upper Molonglo Rail Trail Project, Advertiser 5 August, p.3. Steering Committee for Molonglo Rail Trail, 2016, ‘Molonglo Rail Trail: From Bungendore to Captains Flat’ Advertiser 2 April, p.4. Tourism Victoria, (2014). Victoria’s Trails Strategy 2014. [Online] Available at Read More
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