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Adopting Measures such as Employee Training and Motivation - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Adopting Measures such as Employee Training and Motivation " is a perfect example of a management research paper. The idea of worker well-being has developed in ubiquity in the course of recent years. Stress and\other psychological well-being conditions are presently among the primary driver of representative nonattendance, as indicated by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of personal development) nonappearance administration study…
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Management Name: Course: Instructor’s Name: Institution: Date of Submission: Table of Contents References 16 Abstract The idea of worker well-being has developed in ubiquity in the course of recent years. Stress and\other psychological well-being conditions are presently among the primary driver of representative nonattendance, as indicated by the CIPD (Chattered Institute of Personal Development) nonappearance administration study. Also, individual well-being does not exist all alone or in the work environment however it is present within a social connection. Late years have seen people's lives influenced by social, way of life and vocation changes yet notwithstanding these movements, individuals still have similar fundamental mental and physical requirements for social backing, physical wellbeing, wellbeing and an inclination they can adapt to life. Progressively, they are requesting that businesses help them to accomplish this, especially as an expansive portion of their time spent at work. All organizations try to be in a solid state. On the off chance that their representatives are in a decent condition of wellbeing and prosperity, this must without a doubt add to fruitful execution, as per the Institute of Directors in its manual for prosperity at work. Manages deal with various issues while managing employees such as stress, job dissatisfaction and sometimes managers do not give employees freedom to do the job the way they see fit which leads to conflict. The issues are addresses by improving transparency and communication in the organization, increasing employee interactions and socialization by organizing activities such as hiking for the employees among other social activities. Nonetheless, not all organizations have managed to curb these issues which serve as a drawback since the organization cannot achieve its goals with unmotivated employees. Such organizations are recommended to adopt measures such as employee training and motivation as the paper reveals. Introduction Different people give different meanings of well-being. However, the CIPD (Chattered Institute of Personal Development) views well-being at work activities as the need to restructure the requirements of the firm in coherence with those of the employees. Well-being is characterized as coming up with a domain to advance a condition of satisfaction which gives the employees a chance to advance and reach their goals for their satisfaction and that of the business (Cotton, 30, 2003). Well-being at work, in this way, is not simply about dealing with a physical and social environment with the constrained point of not making hurt representatives. It obliges associations to effectively help individuals to augment their physical and psychological wellness. Maybe the most vital component in worker well-being is the connections representatives have with their manager. Where there are solid connections amongst supervisors and staff, levels of well-being are improved. A decent administrator will perceive the qualities, likes and absence of their colleagues and will have the capacity to perceive when the volume or intricacy of the work is a lot for a specific colleague. The more supervisors are good in distinguishing the individual interests and worries of the individual, the more probable they will have the capacity to make a group where representative well-being turns into an essential part of taking care of business. Working environment well-being has numerous varieties, expansions, and related ideas for instance: emotional well-being, mental well-being and, staff/worker well-being. Hence the objective of the study is to compare and contrast the key issues of employee well-being and the ways in which individuals and organizations approach managing wellbeing at different organizational levels. Methodology The method used in the study is subjective methodology or qualitative research method. The methodology is in most cases associated with the social constructivist notion which underscores the essence of reality that the society has constructed. It is comprised of recording, dissecting and working on revealing the underlying importance and essentialness of human experience and conduct, including, conflicting feelings, convictions, and practices. In such a case, researchers are concerned with acquiring a detailed outline of the individual’s views and experience and not in acquiring data from a large number of participants (Meagan, 22, 2008). 1.2.1Participants Subjective research regularly comprises of a smaller number of respondents. This might be due to the techniques utilized, for example, profundity interviews are work and time concentrated. Moreover, considering that a certain number of respondents are not needed for the motivations behind measurable investigation or to make deductions from the outcomes. The small group of individuals regularly required in subjective exploration contemplates and the more prominent level of adaptability does not imply that the study is less exploratory than a typical quantitative study that incorporates more respondents and one that is done using a more unbending angle. The outcomes of both the exploration and their hidden philosophical suppositions are just diverse (Steve, 43, 2011). Hence, the study below incorporated two participants and it used interviews as the mode of collecting data. The people interviewed held positions as supervisors or held a managerial role in their organizations which incorporated having responsibility for the people. 1.2.2DataSource Semi-structured and unstructured interviews were used to collect data. The interview was semi structured where respondents were engaged with formal interview. Indeed, there was an interview guide that carried the list of questions and topics that needed to be highlighted during the conversation and in a certain order. The semi structured interview allowed interviewer to follow a guide which, enabled them to follow topical trajectories in the conversations that went on in the guide. However, this structure only applied to Skype since it was difficult to get hold of the managers in the beginning. After the semi structured interview, a date was then set for the unstructured interview which would take place in person. Unlike the semi structured interviews that were conducted on Skype, the unstructured interviews were conducted in person. In this case, each respondent was issued with the questions and they responded. The interview proved to be the best method of data collection since it was face to face and thus I could ask follow up question such as why, how and What. With the interview, the answers were satisfactory since the interviewees were genuine with their answers. Moreover since we had taken a semi structured interview before, the unstructured interview was meant to ensure that the data collected was essential ad that I had numerous views from the managers. The unstructured interview was used to ensure that the answers were accurate. 1.2.2DataAnalysis The data was analyzed by describing the response of the interviewees and by comparing the similarities and differences in their answers. From their answers, causes of the different approaches used in solving the issues were assessed and their outcomes. The report continues to device recommendations from the analyzed data. Findings 2.1IntervieweeA The respondent in this section is Nasser; he works at Sabic Company which is an industrial company in Saudi Arabia. He works as an HR manager; hence he is responsible for employee well-being. According to the interviewee, stress is a major employee wellbeing challenge, and it affects how the manager relates to the employees. In the Industry, the manager has to be strict to ensure that the standards are maintained and that the industry meets its objectives and goals. Therefore, some employees experience stress which is not necessarily caused by physically threatening instances, but rather by issues that bring about the same physiological feeling. As such, the employees do not have a choice of fighting or running away, for instance, when a machine breaks down, they have to repair it and get it running within a given deadline. Such situations often bring about stress which threatens employee wellbeing. In the industry, the interviewee detailed that stress also depends on the work environment and the workload the employee has. For example, in some cases, the employee could have lagged behind, and they have a deadline to meet. They, therefore, stress themselves over the workload. In other cases, the employees could be required to travel to different agricultural sectors in the world to research on the soils and some would not be comfortable with the weather which would cause stress (Economic and Social Research Council, 28, 2006). On the other hand, an employees’ freedom on how the job is also done causes stress. In this light, if the manager assumes all the control is leaving no room for the employee to make his or her decision, this often causes stress since the employee may have easier ways of doing the job and she or he may not be conversant with the manager’s method. Employee autonomy is also another employee wellbeing challenge. In most cases, employees do not have the freedom to choose their clients, roles or projects. This is a challenge as it influences their motivation, engagement and even dedication to the job. Moreover, without employee autonomy, employees are reluctant towards risk taking or whistle blowing which would be beneficial to the management (Neil, 100, 2013). Hence, lack of Empire autonomy often challenges the manager as in most cases employee does not handle the job to his satisfaction. Addressing the Issue The interviewee attested that the issues depicted above were contributing exceedingly to Representative responsibility and dissatisfaction. Hence he stated that positive, open; two-way correspondence and meeting are indispensable to picking up the dedication of workers. This requires the well-being message being made applicable to each level of the association, with champions and supporters straightforwardly reassuring their partners to more prominent accomplishments (Macdonald, 105, 2005). He included that, inflexible advantages and methods for working do not loan themselves to a well-being society. On the off chance that current strategies impede enabling workers to expand their execution and well-being, then it is the approach and strategy that must change, not the representatives. Hence, instead of firing employees who were not motivated, dissatisfied or those who had any issues. The manager communicated with the employees trying to unveil the problems and coming up with solutions. According to the interviewee, the organization has progressively focused on representative well - being of its particular staff amid a previous couple of years. This has been a piece of a bigger procedure of authoritative change, and the well - being stars facilitates are being utilized as a vital helper for staff and changing their customary qualities that were getting into their method for hierarchical advancement. The point which has been examined as effective was to look for better correspondence and more openness, polished methodology, and genuineness. These progressions were integral to the foundation of a no-accuse society in which representatives were approached with deference, and the workers reacted with a more elevated amount of engagement. The association trusts that positive worker well-being in the working environment includes various little activities signifying an effective well-being bundle. Also, the activities were centered on diminishing representative push and expanding worker self-governance. 2.2 Interview B The interviewee is Fahad who works at STC Company in the department of project management. The company is a Saudi Company, and it is in the field of Telecommunication. According to him, mental wellbeing is a challenge in this sector. In most cases, this brings about stress which is a threat to employee wellbeing and the productivity of the company. In this light, most of the employees in the department do not have a work life balance, and they work overtime in most instances. This is attributed to the fact that machines and computers break down at any time and they have to be present when such an issue occurs so that the operation is not severely affected. On the other hand, most of the employees in this department are not equipped with relaxation techniques. Hence, in most cases, they work too much, and even some forget to take meals. For instance, when a programmer is focused on coming up with a new algorithm to solve a problem in the industry, he or she becomes so ingrained that the world stops. They forget them Friends and other essentials. Moreover, due to the disappointment they experience when the algorithms or codes do not work, they are stressed. As a result, the employee finds it hard to work to their utmost potential and nature positive and sturdy relationships with other employees and stakeholders that contribute to the growth of the firm (Macdonald, 50, 2005). Another issue is the conflict in the way of dealing with projects. This kind of contention can However be useful since, it might give a positive result to any given task since both sides expressed a solid and conferred yearning to accomplish the undertaking. In any case, guaranteeing the positive result may demonstrate a problem if the administrator and the worker remain steadfast in their position. One case of such a contention might be, to the point that the chief is more conscientious and sees every progression minutely while the employee may wish to approach the undertaking with more energy and to work all the more cooperatively with kindred workers. Addressing the Issue Curbing the Conflict Clashes are a regular occurrence in the organizations between the workers, between workers and their supervisors or managers and between the managers. When arguments arise, managers must ensure that they have a sound problem-solving plan, one that will keep working relations in contact. The problem-solving plan should involve open communication between workers and between managers and workers to ensure that the workers get a chance to air their views and dissatisfaction and provide ways of solving the issues (Institute of Directors, 70, 2006). This gives the organization a chance to keep a record of how a certain issue was managed, and they can refer to the problem-solving plan when such a problem occurs in future. Intercessions that have been executed to advance wellbeing and well-being include counseling for issues, for example, liquor, drugs, or other individual, behavioral or family issues; instructive or behavioral mediations coordinated to stretch administration; wellness; wellbeing data and help (Tyres, 56, 2007). Interestingly, hedonic ways to deal with well-being concentrate more on "the full of feeling emotions that a man encounters (e.g. Uneasiness or happiness) (Bryson et al., 12, 2014). The case of mediations asserted to enhance representative wellbeing, and increment work environment well-being includes: availability of the exercise center and wellness in the work environment, stress administration, smoking discontinuance, back consideration, weight diminishment/nourishment projects and medicine for constant medical issues (Department of work and Pensions, 87, 2005). Discussion From the detail, different managers cope with the situations differently. However, the results deduced from this report depends on the exposure both interviewees had and their skills on handling employee well-being and management challenges. Moreover, the interviewee’s answers were dependent on the well-being issues that they have experienced before. The study reveals that most of the issues that manager handle are related to the conflict. However, there are diverse elements that impact well-being at an individual level; however, examination of an extensive variety of exploration studies has unveiled that if staff wellbeing is not addressed, many important organizational factors are affected including: Low motivation and non-conducive atmosphere Tainted management conduct among staff, potential employees, and the existing employees Reduced productivity Conflict Undermined customer services Hence, the exploration recommends that businesses that can center exertion on some of these zones ought to have the capacity to expand well-being (Kraybill, 56, 2003). The study likewise demonstrated that when the workloads are high, there could be a decrease in well-being. It was unveiled that employment issues did not only originate from the kind of work an employee handled, but from the comparison of the amount of work they handled outside the organization (Dibben, 36, 2012). One method for solving this issue would by promoting adaptable working in the organization. A vital concept that goes through a significant number of these variables is ensuring open communication with representatives. Therefore, to assist this course, worker agents and unions should be used to incorporate workers in leadership, particularly in blend with great initiative and line administration. 3.1 Similarities and Differences From the above information, it is apparent that different departments might face similar or different employee wellbeing challenges, and they might handle them, differently. In this case, the first interviewee reported on employee stress which was caused, by the lack of autonomy, the workload, and the working environment and whether the employee has the liberty to do the job how he or she wants. On the other hand, stress was also evident in interviewee B’s response where he said that poor mental health often causes stress due to lack of work-life balance. Hence it is deducible that both departments face the issue but the causes may be different. The second issue for the first interviewed was employee autonomy where the employee is not free to decide on which project, role or client to take which reduces employee engagement and motivation. In the second scenario, the second problem was disagreement on how the job should be done. This relates to employee autonomy since in both cases the manager tends to dictate how the job should be despite the fact that he or she is not the one doing the job. However, since the issues are in different, it is observable that they also depict some difference. In this light, the HR manager specifies on the client, role or project while the Project Manager is concerned with how the job is done. The difference is due to the different levels of a technicality in the departments. The difference is evident on how both departments address the issues. In this case, the first interviewee emphasized on open communication while the second interviewee emphasized on conflict management. With open communication, the employee outlines his or her views and his or her discontentment and also allows the manager to air his views, and they can agree on how to Solve the problem. On the other hand, conflict management allows the manager and employees to be on the same page hence reducing instances of stress (Dibben, 45, 2012). The difference in departments and the nature of jobs in the departments have contributed to the similarities and differences. However, these are not the only factors that have contributed to the similarities and differences. The other factors are outlined below: • Whether or not employees have a say on how they carry out their job. This does not insinuate that they should not follow the rules, but it implies that the workers have a level of independence over how they do their job. However, using authoritative leadership is also advantageous, but the organization should ensure that re employees have a say in the organization, and they are included in planning. (CIPD, 20, 2006) •Staff reacts decidedly when they feel that their employment has essentialness within the work environment, and also contributes significantly to the society. For instance, the HR department could include managers and human resource professionals awhile the project management department could include engineers, disaster managers among others. These employees might feel differently about their work which affects their well-being (Cotton, 36, 2003). • Clearly stipulating what the organization expects from the staff, including input on execution, which could be heeded to using a blend of powerful incitement, clearly stated conditions and a consistent evaluation process (Kraybill, 50, 2003) •Supportive supervision, where the supervisors are trained effectively and employees are allowed to offer their views and support. (Cotton, 45, 2003). •Staff likewise can gain a lot from forming connections with other people. These include managers and stakeholders and clients where applicable. (Dewa, 56, 2004). • Whether or not the organization provides opportunities for workers to expand their dreams and build up on their skills. This should be through on and off training and by allowing them to work in different departments. (Dugdill, 45, 2008). •A feeling of professional stability and clear vocation prospects both increment well-beings (CIPD, 45, 2003). Conclusion Conflicts between managers and employees, huge workloads and employee autonomy were highlighted as the most common issues affecting employee well-being. This has been fueled by poor communication and transparency between the employees and management. Moreover, Wellbeing advancement does not simply profit the employee. It also profits the organization because satisfied employees are quite dedicated, and they create a gainful working environment in the organization. There is a requirement for a mutual vision that energizes and urges representatives to take an all-encompassing way to deal with their wellbeing and wellbeing. This must connect with the association at all levels, with illustrations being set from the top and interpreted into practices and activities that are esteemed and compensated. Trustworthiness, trust, openness, and equity are integral to the well-being approach. The engagement of workers at the level of qualities takes advantage of a repository of duty that would be some way or another lay undiscovered (Cotton, 80, 2003). Recommendations Conflict, employee autonomy and lack of work life balanced were detailed as the most pronounced issues in this study. Hence, below are the recommendations: Work-life equalization activities should be founded on the organization’s employee needs, so the organization should discover the activities that would improve their feeling Of work-life parity. This could be a planned through a formal review. Counseling with the staff should be introduced as it additionally gives the opportunity to air their issues and areas that they are dissatisfied with and gives then a chance to unveil conflicts and how one could react. To steer the work-life equalization activities it is basic for the organization to have come up with arrangements and methods, so they are reliably managed followed. These activities will improve employee socialization which will free them from stress. References Bryson, A., J Forth, J. and Stokes, L. (2014). Does worker wellbeing affect workplace Performance? Department for Business and innovation and NIESR, BIS/14/1120, Available from Carr, A. (2004) Positive psychology: the science of happiness and human strengths. Hove: BrunnerRoutledge. CIPD. (2006) Absence management: annual survey report. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Cotton, P., Hart, P.M., (2003). Occupational Wellbeing and Performance: A Review of Organizational Health Research. Aust. Psychol. 38, 118–127. doi:10.1080/0005006031000170711 Department for Work and Pensions. (2005) Health, work and well-being: caring For our future: a strategy for the health and well-being of working age people. 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