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Critical Analysis of ARUP Engineering Organization in Australia - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Critical Analysis of ARUP Engineering Organization in Australia" is a good example of a management case study. Australia has myriad engineering and technical organizations. Some of these organizations perform their tasks mainly within the Australian boundaries. However, others participate in professional operations within and out of Australia…
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Critical analysis of an engineering organization in Australia Name Institution Introduction Australia has myriad engineering and technical organizations. Some of these organizations perform their tasks mainly within the Australian boundaries. However, others participate in professional operations within and out of Australia. Amongst these organizations, some have made milestone and outstanding performances amidst the challenges that exist in their respective industries. The organizations within the engineering and technical fields have a series of demanding professional codes that could cost them if they fail to honor them. Most organizations within the construction, design, and even information technology engineering sector consider that failure to honor the professional codes of conduct and ethics to be the primary cause of the failure in their operations. Precisely, failure to ensure there is a reliable follow-up of ethical practice within the daily chores could lead to poor collective performance in the industry. However, there are predominant issues that lead to poor performance regardless of the fact that they are related to codes of conduct or not. In this context, the Australian engineering organization that will undergo critical analysis is ARUP. ARUP is an acronym standing for an organization that is working towards enhancing a well-shaped future urban water management systems and services in Australia (Arup, 2015). There are numerous engineering organizations based in Australia. The organizational issues facing the ARUP organization are related to other most outstanding and prevalent issues that face most technical and even engineering organizations in Australia and across the world. The research intends to depict a detailed analysis of the organization concerning the challenges it faces in its process of operation. Further, it provides an outline of feasible actions that are considerable in resolving the discrepancies that deter the success of the organization. Rationale for choosing ARUP organization ARUP organization has a long history of operation in Australia. Precisely, the organization has operated in Australia since the year 1963 (Arup, 2015). Further, the organization possesses a long-term objective affiliated with the establishment of stable and sober structural designs in the Sydney Opera House. The gradual progress of the establishment of about seven offices in four strongholds has showed the commitment of the organization to achieve its objectives. Further, it shows that the organization’s capacity to overcome operational challenges that are presumed to be prevalent regardless of the scope of operation and economic time of operation. It is essential to denote that initial objectives of the originations that were outlined in the year 19163 are still outstanding today. For instance, the organization has a set into place a groundbreaking future target vis-à-vis the management of the urban water in Sydney (Arup, 2015). An admirable level of consistency vis-à-vis where the organization strongholds and choice of initiating projects relate to its professionalism and Further, the initial issues with respect to the safe, secure and sustainable supply of water has been the organization’s priority. Therefore, the organization satisfies the requirements of being considered as an engineering organization. Further, the organization is facing operations issues today making a sufficient choice in the process of proposing a contemporary solution. Analysis of ARUP’s Performance ARUP deals with a portfolio of activities. These activities undergo an assessment at the professional level. However, the analysis will focus on the organization performance from engineering and technically based activities. Arguably, most of the activities that the organization is indulging into are affiliated with technology and the dynamic trends of the evolving world (Arup, 2015). Accordingly, it majors in innovative and creative resolutions to the clients, as well as, their projects. Most importantly, ARUP has a defined strategy of facilitating and deploying high-profile staff to deal with the issues facing the organization. Some of these issues oscillate around the development of complex projects within and outside Australia. It is because of its outstanding performance that the organization has it has managed to stage its operations in almost every continent across the world. For instance, the organization is reputed to have developed a high-speed railway line in the United Kingdom (Arup, 2015). Acquiring a contract in a fully developed country of that calibre means that the organization has proved to have outstanding capabilities. Further, talking of operations in any organization or company, there are different things one ought to understand. These aspects include the management of human resources, capital, and the environment within which the organization exists. Remember, human resources are the epicentre of any successful operations. Therefore, ARUP accredits its performance to the healthy mix of personnel considering its proficiency in embracing different cultures. Therefore, there is divergent ideas and knowledge that is shared between the personnel. The approach of harmonizing most cultures into the organization is intended to assist the organization to appreciate diversity (Arup, 2015). In fact, it is because of the optimal level of diversity that the organization is capacitated to ensure that most of its mega projects are overwhelming. On an account of the series of projects established by the organization, the Australian and external society has benefitted from the outstanding performance in its design and construction projects. For instance, there is a recent project, Ney York’s Fulton’s Centre, which approximated to earn the organization 888 million dollars (Arup, 2015). The project is one amongst other outstanding projects done by the company. The organization bases the operations and performance objectives on the hope of developing or establishing a changed world concerning design and construction solutions. The recent approach towards innovation, insight and infrastructure updating has elevated the status of the organization significantly. Most companies and agencies consult the organization when they want to develop an advanced design practice. Thus, the organization attempts to redesign some of the traditional approaches and incorporates updated technologies. The recent development was that of establishing a wide range of innovative personnel into a new field of energy, automotive and rail construction. It focuses and fully supports any attempts of research in a bid to establish a new idea that is recommendable. Accordingly, there is essentiality in determining that the company has a merely distractible future of the operation. The Australian office frequently communicates with other affiliate offices internationally forming a team working network. Some other affiliate properties of the organization that shows its diligence in performing its duties includes the recognition of the indigenous cultures. These include the Indigenous Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders. In fact, the organization has developed an indigenous employment strategy that gives way to the employment of the indigenous Australians that are partially segregated by the mainstream communities. From an account of current development, some projects that the organization has completed include the regional rail link in Victoria. Further, the organization also participated in the establishment of the Dr. Chau Chak Wing Building and Brisbane Airport link (Arup, 2015). However, there are contemporary challenges that the organization is facing. These challenges are likely to deter or tint the awesome reputation that the organization has acquired. Challenging operating conditions ARUP organization is facing some operations challenges that can obstruct timely and effective completion or achievement of the projects it is undertaking (Arup, 2015). Further, there are myriad factors that have resulted in the deterring of some activities and projects that the organization intends to start. First, the organization is a victim of the randomly changing climate. Remember, the Australian based ARUP organization majors in facilitating water supply and drainage systems. However, the organization is facing a challenge of Australian climate change. Accordingly, the organization is likely to redo or readdress the issue without notable success. Further, the society may get influenced by the climatic changes to believe that the plan developed by the organization concerning the issue of water is not resolved. The organization is also facing divided attention in the context of trying to initiate a unique approach towards the water and the drainage system projects. For instance, the so assumed to be a well-thought engagement of the joint water supply plan by the organization and ARUP is likely to yield a high level of delay. That is unlikely when it comes to the company’s aim to retain its reputation in the market. Further, the company is now suffering insufficiency of professionals to operate in the technical sector. That is because of the high rate of employee turnover. Further, it is sometimes complex to have an employee travel from an abroad country to go and work in Australia. Initially, it is costly, and it could raise issues concerning the state statutes associated with hiring (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002). Therefore, the organization is suffering and incorporating less qualified personnel into prime operations within the organization. That is presenting the organization into undesirable risks. In fact, there are instances when the organization is expected to train the newbie’s. The exercise is expensive; in fact, the organization is losing the very employees after training leading to a double loss (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002). The organization is also facing challenges in having to adjust to the changing trends of life and demographics in the cities. Arguably, the initial plans for the project stipulate that there are specific categories and estimate of the water channels and the population. However, there are emerging changes in the population making it complex for the company to adjust some project completion estimates. The most complex impact, in that case, is the financial impact caused by these inconveniences. That means that the company has to suspend some other affiliated forms of developments in a bid to salvage a very important project that has been its focal for years. The other challenge is that of culture inclusion and diversity. The changing culture is becoming an issue of concern for the organization. Unfortunately, the changing culture is not only considering the demographic culture. However, it is also trying influence the culture of inculcating a greater number of acting women in the engineering profession (Kang, Cheng & Gray, 2007). The issue is not just a development but also a compulsory issue that any organization that wants to survive the wrath of civil societies has to incorporate. Therefore, the organization has to make hasty decisions that may not serve the organization well in terms of enhanced productivity. Feasible solutions to these challenges The company can resolve its issues using the already existent potential that remains bestowed in its opportunities and strengths. Recently, there has been a precise address of the weaknesses and threats to the current operations that it is indulging itself. However, the organization has very relevant opportunities and strengths that can get utilized to alleviate it from the contemporary challenges. These resources vary from the material, technological towards the ideological capacity of the organization (Popovič, Hackney, Coelho & Jaklič, 2012). For instance, the organization has established a positive profile in the market that can help it to recruit a stable workforce that is culturally balanced. That means that the organization needs to develop a framework that will notify the potential professionals about its demand for an active force. Further, it has the potential to use both transformational approaches and fiscal approaches towards retaining a creative and reliable task force. That way, the organization will be in a position to operate free from such obvious challenges. It is imperative to consider that ARUP is a technically and engineering-oriented form of investment (Arup, 2015). Therefore, it is upon the organizational management to come up with a definite process that will not tamper with the projects it is undertaking. First, the issue of facilitating sobriety in culture changes is very essential. It is almost a global trend for all the thriving organizations to embrace the cultural changes within their scope of operations. That would incorporate ensuring that the level of diversity is sensible amidst considering the potential employees into the organization (Kang, Cheng & Gray, 2007). Arguably, the organization has had the idea aboard. However, that has not substantiated in the form of practice meaning that the organization may not as well benefit from the expected output of diversity. Remember, the organization Secondly, the organization has a responsibility in improving the technological flexibility (Popovič, Hackney, Coelho & Jaklič, 2012). That is, especially when it comes to designing or determining the completion time for the projects. Serious elements such as the climate cannot be regulated. Therefore, the organization remains with the option of employing a strategy of manoeuvring or mitigating the hazards associated with the climate change and demographic changes (Power, 2004). One approach could be to improve the technological competence, as well as, the ideological approach of the project implementation processes. For instance, the organization is not in a position to overuse the traditional approaches that it used to restructure and develop. The new developments demand new approaches especially with regards to skills development. For instance, the organization has been facing challenges with regards to the changing water supply designs due to the new constructions. Conclusion It is essential for the organization to undergo a change or upgrading process vis-à-vis it's technological and engineering proficiency (Popovič, Hackney, Coelho & Jaklič, 2012). The dynamic changes taking place in the engineering and technology industry require that the organization have to possess updated system and human resources. ARUP-Australia is a potential organization with a recommendable history in the engineering and technically based operations (Arup, 2015). Its triumph over local and international market surpasses most organizations. However, it is necessary that the organization undergo some level of transformation concerning the policies of hiring and embracing the changing culture. Further, it ought to elevate the level of technology. Therefore, there is need to reassess the strategies that the organization is using to manage it funds, as well as, the human resources. It will be easy to institute reasonable risk mitigation plans, reliable technology and satisfactory working conditions for employees (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002). References Australia | Arup | A global firm of consulting engineers, designers, planners and project managers. (2015). Retrieved from Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: a meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 87(2), 268. Power, M. (2004). The risk management of everything. The Journal of Risk Finance, 5(3), 58-65. Kang, H., Cheng, M., & Gray, S. J. (2007). Corporate governance and board composition: Diversity and independence of Australian boards. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15(2), 194-207. Popovič, A., Hackney, R., Coelho, P. S., & Jaklič, J. (2012). Towards business intelligence systems success: Effects of maturity and culture on analytical decision making. Decision Support Systems, 54(1), 729-739. Appendix SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths The organization has a reputable background of outstanding performance in both engineering and technical projects. Has experienced and high-profile employees who are proficient in what they do Has a stable mix of employees incorporating even the minority of cultures like those of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. Opportunities There are numerous projects that are underway, most of which would prefer the organization’s services Australia is an economic hub that does not restrict employees from international communities to serve in professional positions The organization can easily access technology gurus from the renowned institutions in Australia Threats There are upcoming organizations that are likely to take position in the engineering and technological sector if the company does not incorporate dynamic strategies in its operations There are myriad impeding risks some of which are not mitigated, making it impossible for the organization to survive the fiscal losses associated Weaknesses The extensive use of the traditional methods to develop and to evolve them to develop new one is not an effective approach in the emerging technological demands for engineering projects The organization has not sufficiently satisfied the demanded requirements with regards to adopting the changing culture. 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