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Workplaces Nowadays Are More Open and Tolerant - Essay Example

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The paper "Workplaces Nowadays Are More Open and Tolerant" is an outstanding example of an essay on management. When workers are tolerant of each other, they always have a culture of fairness and permissiveness towards anybody with a different opinion, practice, race, religion, nationality, etc, from their own…
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Wоrkрlасеs nоwаdаys are more ореn and tоlеrаnt Name: Institution: When workers are tolerant to each other, they are always have a culture of fairness and permissiveness towards anybody with a different opinion, practice, race, religion, nationality, etc, from their own. Tolerance makes workers to be open minded when intermingling with other people who might be different from them. It also encompasses handling all the people with respectfully and compassionately, even when one isn’t sharing their values or opinions. It therefore makes one to embrace these differences and realizing that these differences aid in making the world a place with riches, diversity, and excitements. (Obert 2004) It doesn't dictate one to tolerate or justifying any character that is ethically and morally wrong, or that which is hazardous to others. Tolerance also includes the people's attitudes and manner of their working. Others might not possibly carry out duties in a similar manner. However this does not necessarily suggest that they're not right! (Hoyle 2009). In these times of improbability, employers are continuously engaging more openly with their staffs and work tirelessly in quest of improving their communication and agree to have feedback. Companies which have very high-trust levels usually give their staff unvarnished information on how their company is performing and they usually explicate the validation behind every management decision. Most of the management systems are not afraid of sharing out any bad news and are always admitting their mistakes. The leaders in most of the workplaces are always expecting the members of their staff to express their thoughts, concerns, views and feelings more openly (Hoyle 2009). This usually makes such companies to have employees to feel part and parcel of the company and always remain focused on their responsibilities. Senior management are always communicating directly with their staff and making them understand the business’s objectives, policies and vision and the status. However, if there is a communication breakdown, either through a conscious or subconscious misapprehension disorganization arises, lack of clear objectives becomes evident and finally employee’s commitments wane.( Obert 2004). In most of the companies across the world, the working places are tolerant and open. This has been facilitated by factors like diversity, Ethics, and Leadership in all the global work places. People are usually brought up in different backgrounds, ethics and religions. Therefore diversity has been put into consideration in all the global working places this has helped these businesses to be more open and tolerant. We are living in a multicultural globe, where staff come from different cultures and beliefs and work together. This diversity has potentially improved the results of the workplaces and businesses. (Susan & Williams 2009). Taking this into consideration, diversity in the workplaces is something worth embracing. By accepting the advantages of diversity in the workplaces, many companies are doing very well as compared to the ones which are not embracing the aspect of diversity positively. When people who are working in a company or team, there are more ideas which are conceived. These more ideas have been useful in these working conditions whenever the management was open to their staff. The Quantity of these business ideas is obviously, not equivalent to the quality of ideas, so these companies have realized the secret of ensuring that they are open to their team of workers and that has helped them to have better opportunities of extracting the good concepts from these workers. (McDonough, 2011). Diversity in all the workplaces means that the staff always reason and think differently. This range in thinking and reasoning has led to increased creativity and inventions. Since the workplaces are open, one individual can latch on another’s idea , twist it a new and eventually come up with something innovative. Therefore, there is usually strong correlation between openness and diversity in all the global work places. (Susan & Williams 2009). People who come from different backgrounds, usually tend initially, don’t get along with each other very well. However, because they are expected to work efficiently together, these workers are compelled improve their people’s skills. The more these workers from different backgrounds interact with one other, the more they get used to one another. They gradually learn to appreciate their differences and to desist from judging their colleagues just because they are like them. Thus , their tolerance to each other becomes evident in all the workplaces where people don’t think or act similarly.Thus, these companies are usually learning to adapt other colleagues better in all the workplaces so as to achieve their set targets. (McDonough, 2011) The global organizations having a diversified cultures and its people coexisting as staff are noted to be doing much better than any other organization. They are usually as more open and more tolerant as possible. This positive image has been making these work places have a wide range of their potential customers, form different cultures, who are much willing to get their products and services. (McDonough, 2011). People could be different in terms of communication ability. This is evident in the CNN and other FM and TV stations which use this diversity component in its operations. The scripts are prepared by those who have high critical thinking abilities. Then these crew are always open and tolerant to the news anchors (who are endowed with good communication abilities). Also in the media industries, the crew have diverse levels education, languages, organizational skills, voice and video editing skill etc. Therefore, these companies have realized that they are supposed to be open in such a diverse workplace. During the employment interviews, the applicants are usually asked to be frank on their abilities. They are also requested to state their strengths and weaknesses during these interviews. In case the applicant gets recruited, the management has to do some orientation to the new staff. The management exhibit that they are transparent and open by introducing the new staff to their staff. The new staff is taken around the workplace and gets informed of various studios which are directly collaborating with their respective studio. (Lalonde 2001). The new staff is also told of the protocol of handling any disputes which might arise in future. They are advised to be very tolerant with each other since they are all coming from different backgrounds. So for these workers to co-hearse with each other peacefully, they are bound to be tolerant with each other. Since the workers come from different backgrounds are different form each other, the management always hold open conferences which are attended by all their staff. Some of the agenda in these conferences is about how to relate with each other and how to maintain team work through tolerance. (Susan & Williams 2009). In all the work places in the world, there are different types of leadership and management leading them. The management of any work place defines the type of working conditions in any organization. The catalyst of trust in the leaders in any organization is transparency. In the organizations which have exceptional leadership, they cherish the principles of transparency. This doesn’t necessarily mean that these managers usually tell all their employees all things. It just means that these managers are usually open about whatever they can reveal, and what you can’t reveal. This has usually made the workers in these organizations to gain more confidence with their leaders. The managers are usually the role models to their employees. When these managers explicit that they are transparent to their workers, the workers will emulate this virtue and eventually the workplace will always strive to be transparent. In the organizations which are alleged to be corrupt, the vice starts with their leaders and eventually stagnates in their juniors. (Ammann 2009). Leadership is shifting from the ancient to the modern form. The modern organizations have discovered that a commandant-control management approaches used in the past centuries is enormously inefficient in the modern fast varying world. With the aim of attracting and retaining employees, working conditions are nowadays focusing on being more open, as compared to the past closed managerial models which were centered on the abilities of a single leader. However, in the past managerial systems, there was lack of openness, tolerance, accountability and creativity in them. Nowadays, organizations are slowly inclining towards any leader who is always partnering, supportive, coaching and facilitating. This has been helping its members in making decisions when they are together with the top management pertaining how to carry out their responsibilities. This has helped these organizations to perform better as compared to their rivals. This is on the basis of innovation, retention, profitability, market leadership and the morale of the employees. Finally, the work place becomes tolerant and open. (Ammann 2009). Southwest Airlines in USA is a good example of open form of leadership. Here there is more groups staff down the ladder who are persuaded to take up more responsibilities. The Southwest motivates its leaders to lift up their group staffs to newer levels of opportunity to achieve as a team. They are usually able as a team as compared to solitary leader could have accomplished alone. In this company, the leaders have ensured that all the workers are constantly tolerating each other’s different capabilities. This has made this company to become very money-making in cutthroat airline industry. How then are leaders able to embrace an open model of leadership? In any Open system leadership, its leaders often let go of their influence to motivate their colleagues make decisions pertaining the work. (Varghese 2008). This is possible because they involve others in their toil, providing a plain perceptive of their responsibilities, magnitude of authority, any expectation, and constraint. They usually Mentor and coach to make sure that there is success: In any open system, a leader practices techniques which would support others. These methods include coaching, reinforcement, preparation for resistance and attaining others' commitments. They coach the members of the groups about errands, and also help to discover their concealed potential through building of their strengths and improvement of their feeble points. Encourages risk taking: any Open system leader aggressively empowers their members of the group to execute the ideas - particularly those that are involving some risk. (Varghese 2008). The same moment, they as well continue to be cautious and resist any enticement to capture the power when things aren’t going in the right way. Leaders usually strive to be tolerant adequately, so as to allow the group members to gain knowledge from their past mistakes. They also broaden support during the time of rough spots on a new assignment as an alternative to punishing them for mistakes. Therefore, the work places nowadays are more open and tolerant through their types of leadership. When referring to the sense of a fairness in payment, it's not only about the total of the paychecks that matter most most. The transparency and openness of the compensation system and an open dedication to fairness by the organization are vital to ensure people are always feeling fairly paid. In being transparent, the human-resource department at the Johnson & Johnson (a 125-staff insurance company found in Charleston), comes up with a total compensation write down, referred to as the "Investment Statements," and is issued to all the employees annually. These documents show each aggregate compensation for each employee, and includes items like base salaries, bonuses, medical coverages, paid time offs and many other aspects. (Marcus 2013). All the partners at the Tucson, which is an accounting firm meet yearly for a daylong process and review a comprehensive list of all their salaries and proposed increments and bonuses for all its 85. After ensuring that salaries are fair in comparison to company and the geographical benchmarks, these partners make alterations to individual bonuses and salaries of the employee in ensuring that there is an internal fairness between any office and job role. (Marcus 2013). All the organizations have their Professional and ethical standards which guide their working environments. It is clear that, when an employee breaks one of these statutes, he/she would be liable for a relevant punishment. The reason as to why these workers get punished, is so as to make the workers tolerant to each other. In case a misunderstanding arises between the workers, the codes of ethics advocate for tolerance when handling the matter at hand. The modern organizations’ ethics encourage the workers to be honest and respect the right of fair processes for all. The workers are usually open minded and always encouraging creativity. The workers are often reminded to be tolerant to each other so as to build partnerships with their immediate communities. When these workers welcome the difference amongst themselves, they thus practice tolerance. (James 2008). The workers are accepting their diversity with tolerance and understanding whenever they listen patiently, respect opinions and give a genuine feedback. The workers in the companies which are doing very well appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of their colleagues. Therefore when the working ethics are implemented, the workers become more tolerant to each other and practice high levels of integrity when considering their internal and external clients. The ethics are very categorical that the workers should be inspiring confidence by treating others with tolerance and fairness. One of the ‘silent’ advices given to the workers involved in a misunderstanding is forgiveness. This might sound to be religious or preachy to many, but it is likely one of the most important components of many management practices. The ethics management programs usually at first increase the numbers of ethical issues which are to be tackled since workers are more sensitive to their happening. Consequently, there are more occasions when the management has to address unethical behavior in their respective workplaces. The most vital component for being ethical is by just attempting to be ethical. Therefore, they help their colleagues to recognize and address their mistakes and eventually support them to keep on trying to operate ethically. (James 2008). The Victoria Police ethics are very categorical to ensure that their work place is very open and tolerant under whatever circumstances. Its members are constantly preserving property, peace and protect lives . They relentlessly prevent the occurrence of any offense, detecting and apprehending the culprits and assisting those who need their help (Victoria Police 2010). Their managers and supervisors create working condition that is always upholding their professional and ethical values. They achieve this through their own character and the manner in which they support and lead their worker. They therefore uphold tolerance as a core value in their lines of duties. The police force has various guns which are entrusted with these police officers. The police officers are guided by working ethics which confine their character. In case a dispute arises amongst the armed officers, their working ethics encourage them to tolerate their colleagues and doesn’t allow them to retaliate by shooting at each other. (James 2008). Victoria Police has implemented a precise policy rules about the alcohol and the consumption of various types of drugs, which all the officers are expected to abide by. The officers are only permitted to consume alcohol when they are off duty, and are advised to do so responsibly and safely and have to ensure that it doesn’t affect their abilities to meet their policy requirements. Also employees who might use any illicit drug is perceived to be a criminal act which can not be condoned by the Victoria Police. If any employee experiences some problems with the use of alcohol or other drugs, the Victoria Police usually assists them with some welfare counseling and assistance. This ensures that these work place has police officers who are sober and thus they are able to maintain an open and tolerant. Those officers who experience such problems, are advised to talk to their supervisors or managers, and seek for the welfare referral or assistance which is available through the Clinical Services Branches. When these officers are performing their duties they always ensure that they strictly observing neutrality in all issues which are entailing the politics and they do not criticize their Government, any employee or acts of the Government. These ethics have been usually achieved and thus the Victoria Police has working conditions are open and tolerant under most conditions. (Victoria Police 2010). The employees of the Victoria Police are expected to report any suspected act of corruption/ bribery or any fatal misconduct which is committed by any Victoria Police officer. Any employee who discharges this duty always expects support from most of the colleagues and the organization. The officers report such suspected acts to the Ethical Standards Department. The stipulated ethics are therefore adhered to failure to which one would be punished by being fined, imprisoned or both. Thus by adhering to their working ethics, makes the Victoria police a very open and transparent place. (Matsuura 2008). In conclusion, in all the organizations which have workers from different backgrounds are advantaged than their counterparts. Diversity could be in terms of Age,Gender, Race and ethnicity, Education levels, Physical appearances, Physical capability,Cultural differences,Problem-solving abilities, abilities to Critically think, abilities of Team building, ability to Communicate, levels of Income, variance in the type of music enjoyed, types of books read, type of experiences when growing up, Languages, abilities for empathy, ability of kindness, ability of motivating others, ability to work as a team with others, listening ability and ability to resolve conflicts. Most of the companies which are doing very well have realized that diversity brings about success. (Lalonde 2001) Diversity brings about tolerance in these working conditions so that all the workers are able to co-hearse with each other. The leaders in the current workplaces have also noted that there was some power related to sincerity and openness in their respective workplaces. Many companies usually have their annual bank turnovers printed on newspapers as a way of being open. This makes the workers and clients to prefer these companies to their counterparts. The leaders also have Annual general meetings with all the stake holders and discuss all the matters that pertains the progress of the organization. In these monumental meetings, discussions are made openly and sometimes through the video conferencing (for those which have stakeholders coming from different parts of the world). Also different organizations have different ethics which guide the character of their workers. These guidelines advocates for tolerance and all the workers are familiar with these codes of conduct. These organizations are incorporating some if the workers in the revision of these codes of conduct. Thus the work places are more tolerant and open. (Hoyle 2009). Reference list Ammann. 2009. The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich. New York: St. Martin's Press Marcus.2013. Four Ways to Foster Fairness in the Workplace, viewed 25 September 2013, Varghese.2008. Embracing an open leadership style, viewed 25 September 2013, James. 2008. Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations.Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. Matsuura. 2008. 'Foreword'. In: J.S. Page Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing James. 2008. Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. p. 189. James.2008. Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing McDonough. 2011. Fostering Diversity: Recognizing All the Benefits, viewed 25 September 2013, Lalonde (2001). "Edited extract from M.A. thesis". Unity in Diversity: Acceptance and Integration in an Era of Intolerance and Fragmentation. Ottawa, Ontario: Department of Geography, Carleton University Susan & Williams. 2009. Constituting diversity. Gender Equality and Comparative Constitutional Law. Cambridge University: Cambridge University Press Obert. 2004. "Openness to Experience". Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology 2. Oxford University: Oxford university press. Hoyle. 2009. Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior. New York/London: The Guildford Press. Victoria Police . 2010. Professional and ethical standards, viewed 25 September 2013, Read More
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