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Festival and Special Event Management - Case Study Example

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The paper "Festival and Special Event Management" is a great example of a Management Case Study. The video is comprehensive coverage of events with professional commentary on each stage of the fashion show. The video provides an insight into the activities and styles available in each category of the fashion week. …
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Events Analysis Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Events Analysis 1. New York Fall-Winter 2011-2012 - Fashion Week Review The video is a comprehensive coverage of events with professional commentary on each stage of the fashion show. The video provides an insight on the activities and styles available in each category of the fashion week. These videos are instrumental in revealing the potential the event has in the future and make New York City an influential fashion city in the global fashion industry. The New York Fall-Winter 2011-2012 is an arts and entertainment event according to the classification based on the type. According to the gets portfolio analysis, this is a periodic hallmark event, which is characterized by high tourist demand for the fashion design available in the event. The high value for setting up such an event is central to its success. The event attracts visitors to the city of New York thus it has economic benefits attached to it occurrence. The economic benefits range from increased tourism revenues to new investment opportunities in the fashion industry. Possible Measures of value In event tourism, there are a wide range of possible measures of value, which include but not limited to market share, growth potential, image enhancement, environmental value, event appropriateness, economic benefits, as well as, community support. The objective of the event organizers is to bring fashion ideas and display them to the fashion industry in a systematic manner. This helps develop talents as well as promote exchange of ideas between different industry players (Allen, 2008). The audiences of the fashion show include but not limited to fashion designer and fashion conscious individuals The New York fashion week Fall/Winter 2011-2012 targeted female audiences ranging from the age of 18 to 45. This age bracket is fashion sensitive and are keen on squinting themselves with the current fashion trends. The online marketing strategy applied by the event organizers included the use of social networks by the participants to increase awareness among the public. Moreover, the fashion houses and independent fashion designers also market the fashion week event through their own online facilities such as their websites. The event was sponsored by Mercedes-Benz. Through an agreement with the fashion organizers of New York Fashion Week Fall-Winter 2011-2012, Mercedes -Benz have their name included. This New York event had some pieces of work from design legends such as Marc Jacobs and Luca. Other designers who had their designs present in the fashion event included Betsey Johnson, Rodarte, and Michael Kors 2. Frankfurt motor shows 2011. The videos offer an intense discussion and analysis of the products on display by various exhibitors. The discussion between the correspondents in the video is significant to the effectiveness of the organization of the entire motor show. They review the principal and eye-catching developments of the show based on the 2011 motor show. The video also offers an insight on the important players in the motor show industry and highlight on the importance of holding such events. The Frankfurt motor show 2011 is an international event that attracts tourists from around the globe. It is a periodic hallmark event. The Frankfurt motor show 2011 was the sixty-fourth of its kind since the inception of the motor show. The event is organized periodically to unveil the new technologies in the automobile manufacture industry. The Frankfurt motor show 2011 had a range of the flowing items on display from different manufacturers, motorcycles, motor caravans, car accessories, passenger cars, servicing products, as well as repair and maintenance. The event was organized by Verband der Automobilindustrie, which is a German company. Possible Measures of value The Frankfurt motor show 2011 can be analyzed using indicators used in determining possible measures of value in event tourism. The event has a large market share compared to other similar event. Having been organized 64 different times the event has is characterized by high tourist demand. Moreover, the event brings enormous economic benefits to Frankfurt and its surrounding areas. It also enhances the image of the city. The event was organized under the leadership of Matthias Weismann who was the event organizers president and the project manager Gabriele Zimmermann. The events had about 945,000 with visitors 92800 of them paying the entrance fee for visitors. The show also had more than the previous year’s 780 exhibitors with a total number of 1,012 exhibitors did. The entrance fee was €15 to the ten-day open event to the public. The first day of the event was 15 to 25 September. The audience of the event includes automobile enthusiasts and other interested parties in the automobile industry. Online marketing played a significant role in increasing awareness of the event around the event with different automobile manufacturers publicizing the event in their websites. The event organizers also made significant internet presence through advertisements and social media awareness. The event is sponsored by various automotive manufacturers such as the Mercedes Benz, Audi, and Volkswagen through their umbrella body the German automotive industry association. The association’s president is also tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the event is a success. The event is massive and covers a gross square area of about 2.5 million square feet. Some of the products on display include single sitter electric vehicles, new passenger vehicles models. The participants include automobile manufacturers such as Porsche, land rover, Audi, Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes Benz and Toyota. The vast audience is an outcome of cravings and fascinations by car designs in the world. This event draws an audience from foreign nations with statistics showing that one out of every four visitors of the event is foreigners. The return on investment by both the private sector as well as the government is recognizable through different ways. First, the automakers use the event to advertise their products to the visitors. This event is an effective approach towards product marketing where customers are able to compare the functionality of the vehicles within a small area. To the government the event promotes tourism, which is significant government revenue. The interest by the government of France to be associated with the event is evidenced by the visiting of the president and other government officials at the event. 3. Singapore 2010 - Youth Olympic Games This is can be classified as an occasional mega event since it was characterized by high tourists visiting the country. This sports event united more than three thousand young athletes between the ages of 14 to 18 years. The event would also bring in close to 1500 officials from different areas. Participation, in the event, is not limited to the sports event but spans to ambassadorship as well as reporting the event. The organizations with broadcasting rights of the event had a series of responsibilities. The companies included the Mediator, Starhub and SingTel. The broadcast in the event included free-to-air television, online, mobile phone applications, and radio. The event will be held on quadrennial cycle just like the normal Olympic Games. Possible Measures of value This event will be instrumental in enhancing the image enhancement of the society through integration and association with members of diverse backgrounds. The event is organized by a series of committees, which include opening and closing executive committee, show committee, operations group, and logistics and finance group. Each of the teams has officials headed by a chairperson. The youth Olympic Games inaugural event drew attention from different areas of the world enhancing the image of Singapore as a tourist destination. The infrastructure developed to support the event will also attract other international events into the country. The event is organized by the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee under the direction of the culture and education programmed. The event incorporates diverse cultural backgrounds and languages. The volunteers involved in the event organization are useful in interpreting different languages on the multi lingual switchboard. The event organizers should handle the volunteers in the event with respect to instill a sense of appreciation in them for the sustainability of the volunteer network in the future events. The event was sponsored by various companies, which include Coca-Cola, Acer, Atos origin, as well as General Electric. Online marketing played a central role in increasing awareness about the event to the public. The increase in the use of mobile internet among the youth was instrumental in the effectiveness of online marketing techniques such as social media websites. The return on investment by the various stakeholders, in the event, will increase over the years as the event becomes popular. The 2010 event was unique and returns on investment could not be realized the first time because resources had been used in the preliminary planning for the event. 4. Paris Music Festival 2009, Video review The video is informative and entertaining. It provides information on the challenges and opportunities that are open to artists. Every artist has their style of success, but an exchange of ideas can be helpful in the future. Knowledge is useful in every area of interest in the word of music and sharing of experienced artist allows the free flow of knowledge. Event analysis The event is can be considered a regional event that is characterized by medium tourist demand compared to mega events. This annual event attracts music enthusiasts from different regions of the world. The objective of the event is to bring artists into a central location where they can share ideas as well as learn from diverse music backgrounds in the world. The helps build talent and encourage diverse cultural interactions. Harmonious interactions in the music industry can be used to preach peace around the world. The event has economic benefits as well as image enhancement to the city of Paris. This promotes tourism in the country. Moreover, the event is essential in promoting Paris as a centre for music and other forms of art. Works Cited " Fashion Week - New York Fashion Week Review Fall/Winter 2011-2012 NFYW | FashionTV - FTV - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. . " Paris Music Festival (Fête de la Musique 2009) - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. . " Singapore 2010 - Youth Olympic Games - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. . Allen, Johnny. Festival & special event management. 4th ed. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley & Sons Australia, 2008. Print. Pollard , Tim . "Frankfurt motor show 2011 ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. <>. Read More
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