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Key Performances Indicators and Work Breakdown Structure - QTEA - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Key Performances Indicators and Work Breakdown Structure - QTEA" is a good example of a management case study. Oil and gas production in many countries has been in existence for decades. Oil and gas producing countries are rich in gas production and so is the case in Australia. However, the gas-producing countries have not been getting any reasonable benefits for the mineral…
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Name Instructor Course Date Key Performances Indicators (KPIs) and Work breakdown Structure Oil and gas production in many countries has been in existence for decades. Oil and gas producing countries are rich in gas production and so is the case in Australia. However, the gas producing countries have not been getting any reasonable benefits for the mineral because they are unable to manufacture by themselves and export. It is due to this problem facing gas-producing nations that the 50TJ team has come up to device ways to produce gas and export with maximum profit and minimized cost of production. This project will help cut the dependence syndrome by gas producing nations by other nations. 50TJ has secured a license and tenements to explore and develop unconventional (coal seam) gas reserves for the supply of gas to market in the Australian State of Queensland, as a Capital works program. QTEA has completed the exploration phase of this program and has proven resources to support the development of a 50TJ gas compression facility. The service will be supplied gas from 40 coal seam gas (CSG) wells. All but one (1) of the wells is to be located on private land holdings. Each CSG well will produce gas and water. The gas will flow through to the gas compression facility where it will be clean and compressed ready for both the domestic gas supply and international gas supply markets. The global gas supply will be via a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant operated by another entity. The water will flow through to a treatment plant where it will be cleaned and progressed ready for agricultural and industrial use. The water produced from the wells is saline and as such a by-product of the water treatment is brine. The brine is extracted as part of the treatment and transported by a short conveyor belt to a brine processing facility that will process the brine ready for agricultural and industrial use. Supporting the processing facilities will be administration offices, road network, communications and power network. The processing plants and supporting facilities will be located on land owned or leased by QTEA. The wells will be located predominately on private land holdings for which QTEA will have to negotiate access and entry rights as per the requirements of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety). Act 2004 and Petroleum Act 1923. According to Marr (27), the development of the infrastructure required to produce the gas, QTEA intends to embark on a capital Works program that involves the delivery of new gas extraction, gas processing, water processing and associated infrastructure. The capital works program supported by some ancillary projects involving environmental approvals, land access and sales and marketing.This paper distinguishes key performance Indicators (KPI) for 50TJ gas production for export purposes. As this is key on the grounds that serves to accomplish supportability targets in developing nations. It expands on past research that created scientific categorization of gas generation, to propose an expository choice model and an organized system for supportability examination in 50TJ gas production extends in a creating continents like Australia. The paper utilizes the 'weighted entirety model' system in multi-criteria choice investigation (MCDA) and the 'added substance utility model' in scientific progressive procedure (AHP) for multi-criteria choice making, to add to the model for figuring the supportability file a fresh esteem for assessing gas creation outline recommendations. It talks about the advancement of the KPIs that are embodied inside of the logical model (Sivalls 39). It finishes up by talking about other potential use of the proposed model and technique for procedure robotization as a major aspect of incorporated manageability evaluation in gas production design and exporting developing nations. 50TJ gas project brings its experience to Qute Thermal Energy in Australia – Gas Production Civil Project (the Project) from major projects in New York and around the world. The project of gas productions proposed has more good than harm. The project is guided by the following outlined objectives: To produce 50TJ gas for export to either the domestic or international markets within 3 years of commencing the project; To benefit the local community and landholders by providing employment and alternative income (through land leases); and To minimise the impact of the development and ongoing operations to the local community and environment. 50TJ gas producers understand the global community concerns highlighted during previous consultation including:  managing drilling impacts including noise, landslides, vibration, resident evacuation and earth cracks  managing impacts on nearby businesses during construction, including access, visibility and effects on sensitive equipment or other operations  positive support for a long promised service  The need for ongoing consultation and collaborating with the community and other stakeholders, particularly in relation to the mitigation measures  Loss of community facilities, valued bush land, and vegetation  Congestion and the impact of construction on the environment at large  Public safety  Cumulative impacts of other projects in the Uganda. As per Satter (19), the Land Access and Community Liaison Implementation Plan and its allied minor divisions outline how the essential commitment to collaboration, mutual respect, and genuine consideration of community concerns is embedded in the project structure and processes. The team is strongly motivated to make a meaningful contribution by investing in community life while constructing the Project. 50TJ gas intends to provide its staff and contractors with opportunities to support the nominated local charities through payroll deductions, donation of time, expertise and money for community initiatives, partnering with local service groups to raise funds, and helping with career opportunities and work experience for local youth, indigenous and disabled community members. 1.2. Compliance with Stakeholder and Community Obligations The team has also prepared the Overarching Stakeholder and Community Involvement Plan for 50TJ gas project as required by the Planning Approval conditions. This Land Access and Community Liaison Implementation Plan (CLIP), and its sub-plans the Stakeholder and Community Involvement Plan (SCIPs) and Business Management Plan (BMP), address the requirements of the Project Planning Approval in relation to the activities to be carried out by 50TJ gas project in the Tunnels and Stations Civil Contract. Annex A details the sections of the plans that address the conditions and the relevant mitigation measures in the Submissions Report. 1.3. Stakeholder and Community Policy Effective stakeholder and community engagement is a core commitment by 50TJ gas production project. The Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy for the 50TJ gas team are attached in Annex A. It reflects the commitment to deliver the Community obligations including those defined by the Project Approval conditions. This Community Liaison Implementation Plan (CLIP) describes 50TJ approach to managing community and stakeholder engagement on the Project and meeting the community relation’s obligations of the Project Planning Approval. The approach provides better community and project outcomes by keeping the community informed, minimizing potential impacts and responding to the reasonable needs and requirements of stakeholders in Project decision-making. The CLIP outlines:  How the Project team will coordinate with other contractors to deliver consistent and effective community relations  Stakeholders, community, and businesses with an interest in the Project and potential impacts  Timeframes, roles, lines of communication and responsibilities  The methods to ensure community and stakeholders receive timely and relevant information about the Projects works and what to expect  TJHD’s approach to community and stakeholder participation to define issues, identify opportunities and inform relevant Project decision-making  Details of the strategies that will be applied to ensure open and proactive engagement with stakeholders and the community and respond to their issues  How 50TJ will work to enhance the reputation of the Project within the community, particularly the local community  Supporting procedures and tools to enable team members to deliver the CLIP to the best of their ability. Key Performance Indicators 50TJ gas project has set the following key performance indicators (KPIs) for stakeholder and communal management cantered on TfNSW requirements and a review of the EIS1 report. This includes achieving the required timeframe for notifications. Feedback records are also kept after random audit of notification and stakeholder delivery. 1- Awareness Awareness is carried out by the stakeholder and communications managers. They ensure 100% awareness of site activities and contact details among immediate site neighbours Enquiries and Complaints 2- Enquiries and complaints. Are directed to stakeholders and communication managers to ensure the information reach the destined people in charge 3- Accurate information is given to stakeholders 4- Distribution impacts Impacts are assessed to determine their intensity and their urgency 5- Satisfaction with consultation Satisfaction with consultation is done by the communication and stakeholders managers. They are mandated to ensure all forms of communication and information is current, accurate, and readily available to the interested stakeholders. This should ensure 75% satisfaction. 6- Project impact on environment The NEMA is in charge of the environment to assess any harmful impact on the environment 7- Project impact on business The impacts need to be evaluated, in that it should bring more benefits to the business than causing negativities 8- Project impact on community Disruption affects still headed by stakeholder and communications manager to respond to the enquiries and complaints raised by the society. This is done through the consultation manager who in turn record responses Current and accurate information is provided to all stakeholders. Work plan activity such as consideration of measures in an effort to avoid impact on the community. Code Key performance indicator Measure KPI social S1 Transient workforce Read More
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