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Effects of Multiple Factors on Knowledge Sharing among Police Leaders in Abu Dhabi - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Effects of Multiple Factors on Knowledge Sharing among Police Leaders in Abu Dhabi" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal. The 21st century has changed the accessibility of knowledge due to technological advancements hence availing information to the public at a higher rate and level…
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Name: Date: Institution: Course: Introduction The 21st century has changed the accessibility of knowledge due to technological advancements hence availing information to the public at a higher rate and level. This poses the need for organizations to manage the information to gain a competitive advantage in relation to their competitors. Knowledge sharing receives a considerable amount of influence from the management style adopted in the organization and the organizational culture among others. They influence the flow of information within the organization hence determining the level of efficiency derived from the information. According to (Singh 10), there is a strong correlation between knowledge management, consultation and the leadership styles utilized in delegation of responsibilities. Study by (Yang 87) show evidence that knowledge sharing improves the performance of the employees when properly managed. Traditionally, police organizations operate within a bureaucratic system of leadership with a clearly defined chain of command (Rosen et al 263). The officers need to follow a specific protocol in the handling of information presented by its superiors or the public. The police force now aims at transforming its system to obtain a preventive approach rather than a curative one. This involves the improvement of the flow of information from the subordinate officers who receive first hand information to the superiors who generate strategic plans of action. Knowledge sharing therefore offers the police and other organizations an opportunity to improve their performance and realize efficiency (Yang 86). In achieving efficiency, the organizations must realize that the human resource is the most valuable asset in achieving this objective. The management of people through the adoption of the most suitable leadership style offers the greatest advantage to an organization seeking to improve its processes. The evaluation of people occurs through the evaluation of their competencies, experiences, level of knowledge, and adaptability to various situations. Studies demonstrate the need for knowledge sharing in improving innovation, performance and the learning process. It begins with the modification of the leadership practices and the culture to embrace beneficial information and enhance its sharing (Ewest 137). Social interaction also plays a great role in ensuring a knowledge sharing culture and adaptability to change. Technology plays a major role in enhancing the level of interaction within the organization that promotes knowledge sharing. Police institutions have increased the level of investment in technology to automate their processes and simplify communication channels. They have particularly invested in systems that promoted the easy access to information from the public and to the responsible officers within the force. The Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarter issued a directive on knowledge management to act as a guideline in the administration of the process within the departments and the effects on the officers’ performance. This study seeks to investigate various factors that influence the knowledge sharing within the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarter among police leaders. Key Words: Knowledge Sharing, Police Leadership, Knowledge Management, Effect Factors Contents Study aims and objectives.....................................................................................................4 Significance and purpose of the study..................................................................................4 Limitations of the study........................................................................................................5 Background and problem statement.....................................................................................6 Research questions................................................................................................................7 Conceptual model.................................................................................................................7 Hypothesis ...........................................................................................................................8 Literature review..................................................................................................................9 Data collection.....................................................................................................................13 Data analysis........................................................................................................................13 Works cited.........................................................................................................................15 Study Aims and Objectives The study seeks to attain the following objectives. 1. Investigate the knowledge sharing channels within the organisation 2. Determine the level of awareness on the factors affecting knoledge sharing by the police leaders. 3. Assess the factors affecting knoledge sharing and rank them in order according to their exent of influence. 4. Explore the awareness of police leaders on the need for knowledge sharing and management as well as their effects on the organisational policies. 5. Assess if differences among police leaders in terms of observable variables such as gender, education, ranking, position have a significant impact on the level and process of knowledge sharing. 6. Determine the departments with the most efficient knowledge sharing channels and those with the weakest. 7. Investigate the correlation between kinoledge sharing and performance Significance and Purpose of the Study This study will benefit the management of the police headquarters by highlighting the factors affecting the defects in knowledge sharing (Singh 10). Identification of these factors enables the planning on ways to curb their effects. The study will also highlight the dysfunctional areas within the organization that need addressing to improve knowledge sharing. It will identify the specific reasons for this dysfunction in various departments as well as their impact on efficiency. The management seeks to benefit from the study due to its ability to defective areas and the responsible factors. The police officers will use the obtained information in seeking to address communication breakdown that slows down their operations. This will enable them improve the process of obtaining information from the ground and transmitting it to the responsible officers. The public also seeks to benefit from this research since it ensures the improvement of security measures. The study will identify the barriers to effective knowledge sharing that derails the speed at which the police respond to received intelligence (Panteli & Sockalingam 607). The study also identifies the factors that facilitate the improvement of knowledge sharing as well as the benefits of effective knowledge management. This will improve services offered to the public through quality improvement at a higher speed. Limitations of the study The researcher will face a major challenge in the collection of accurate information for the study. The police department may withhold information for security purposes and may view the investigation as a security threat. The police force prefers to maintain the anonymity of its operations to avoid divulging information to individuals that may harm the security level. This presents a major obstacle in data collection necessary for the drawing of conclusion for the study. The bureaucratic system may derail the researcher in obtaining timely and sufficient information. When dealing with the force, the researcher must obtain authorization at every stage from responsible officers. Obtaining this authorization takes time hence the study may take a longer time than anticipated. Backround and Problem Statement Since its establishment in 1957, the Abu Dhabi Police has grown over the years to curb the rising population pressures within the area. It employs a sum of 36000 employee including 12500 frontline staff, as well as border security, ambulance, fire services, and civil defense. Five departments report directly to the commander general, three bodies report to the deputy commissioner while the six general directorates take charge of the rest of the ADP. This clearly demonstrates a bureaucratic system where there is a clear chain of command for the personnel to observe. This affects the speed of information dissemination within the organization as increases the possibility of information distortion. Bureaucratic form of leadership in comparison to the open door policy affects the flow of information within the organization. The police department has therefore experienced communication breakdown due to this mode of management as well as the increasing size of the police force. The ADP must devise measures to ensure efficient communication between the high numbers of stakeholders to coordinate their efforts in attaining efficiency in performance. This offers the context for this study since it demonstrates the need for knowledge management and dissemination. The process of knowledge sharing receives a substantial amount of influence from certain factors that reduce the efficiency expected from this process. The breakdown in knowledge sharing reduces the expected impact on the organizational performance hence continued inefficiency. This study therefore seeks to identify various factors that affect knowledge sharing and their respective impacts to focus on their management hence improve knowledge sharing (Al-Alawi pp.2). Research Questions The primary research questions identified for this research include: a) What factors promote knowledge sharing among police leaders at the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarter? b) Are police leaders in the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarter aware of the factors affecting their knowledge sharing? c) What are the barriers to knowledge sharing among police leaders in the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarter? The Conceptual Model This study involves both independent and dependent vaiables that direct the conceptual framework of the study. The independent variables include the individual, organizational, and technological factors while the dependent variable is the knowledge sharing. The independent variables have an effect on the knowledge sharing process that relies on their interaction to develop efficiency. Figure 1. The conceptual model Hypothesis The following hypothesis would facilitate the attainment of the research objectives: H1: Attitudes of the police officers towards service has a significant effect on the knowledge sharing. H2: The committment of the top management has a significant positive influence on the knowledge sharing. H3: Technology has a significant positive impact on knowledge sharing. H4: Knowledge self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on knowledge sharing. H5: Compensation scheme has a significant positive influence on knowledge sharing. Literature review Knowledge management comprises of procedures and techniques used in the handling of information to ensure its improvement in the organizational processes. Knowledge sharing involves the access of information and its distribution among various operational units within the organization. The fields of technological innovation and strategic management have ventured into detailed research in the area of knowledge sharing following the realization of knowledge management as a competitive strategy. Research suggests that knowledge sharing involves learning processes rather than basic communication channels Various researches investigated the effects of trust and communication in the efficiency of knowledge sharing. (Rosen, Furst & Blackburn 268) investigated the working of teamwork in various operations within the organization. According to his study, trust plays a major role in the coordination of efforts among the team players. It influences the level of knowledge sharing among the members since presence of trust increases the reliability of information offered by the source. Trust determines the quality and quantity of information sharing within teams. Trust promotes confidence and the level of participation of the members of an organization. In their research on the barriers to effective knowledge sharing, they discovered that at the initial stage of team formation little knowledge sharing takes place. The sharing involves shallow and basic information lacking crucial details but at a later stage, the sharing improves after building trust among the members. (Al-Alawi, et al 2007) established that trust and communication affect the level of knowledge sharing. This study also highlighted the presence of a strong positive correlation between the information systems, rewards, organizational structure, and knowledge sharing. Some of the reviewed studies focus on the effects of the reward system on the knowledge sharing process. (Wasko & Faraj 43) suggested that people within an organization only share information when they perceive that this may improve their reputation and improve their recognition. Members of a team share information more efficiently when on a platform that offers them recognition and recognizes them as the source of this information. People often withhold information when they think its disclosure does not yield any benefit to their social status (Wasko 44). Holding of meetings in an open forum where individuals contribute information offers an opportunity for the people to gain recognition for their contribution. It also acts as a challenge for the dormant employees to put more effort in participation of the subject matter. People also dislike the lowering of their reputation due to absence of contribution hence they put a lot of effort in gathering information and presenting it when needed. According to the study, cohesiveness also affects the level of sharing among members of an organization. Perception of cohesion among organization members promotes knowledge sharing. A member of an organization may fail to contribute information when the organization lacks the will to act on it. A cohesive system on the other hand promotes knowledge sharing since the people have the confidence that the information will improve efficiency due to the organization’s responsiveness. Other researches focused on the barriers to knowledge sharing that slow down the process. (Khan 11) observed that people dislike conflict and always aim at eliminating any catalysts of conflict. However, conflict has an upside since it highlights the presence of differences hence facilitates their elimination. Conflict emerges in an organization when determining the type and level of technology to use for the processes. Differences in attitudes and management approaches also trigger conflict. Absence of conflict deters the discovery of innovative measures to solve problems since people agree on the first proposal. The study also observed that conflict emerges from personal differences rather than difference in interpretation. These personal and emotional differences interfere with the interaction of individuals within the organization as well as the knowledge sharing process. There exists a positive correlation between conflict and performance of workers. (Panteli & Sockalingam 265) analyzed conflict and described it as a double-edged sword. Poor management of conflict causes process dysfunction and discourages the cooperation of employees interfering with knowledge sharing. However, proper management of conflict promotes knowledge sharing since it strengthens personal relationships and trust that enhance cooperation and coordination. The reviewed research also highlighted leadership as a major factor affecting knowledge sharing. Various researches contend that leadership largely determines the success of knowledge sharing (Misiolek & Heckman, par.3). The study investigated the efficiency of teamwork resulting from proper leadership. (Densten 411) investigated the top leadership level in the police force in Australia. The study used that perspective of stratified system theory in investigating the level of leadership. It also observed that task complexity affects the knowledge sharing efficiency and organizational performance. Leadership effectiveness depends on the ability of the leader to motivate the subordinates in attaining set objectives. The pressure exerted on the subordinates generates enough effort to achieve favorable results. The study highlights leadership differences due to their ranks. The effectiveness of leadership also depends on the perspective and attitudes of the subjects. Receptive employees facilitate the leadership style adopted and enhance the flow of information from one point to another. Effective leadership relies on the ability of the leaders to take up the facilitating role rather than the commanding role. This improves employee cohesion by allowing them to explore their strengths and relevant skills. Previous studies analyze the effects of certain variables on the knowledge sharing process. The studies mostly focus on a general organization perspective that assumes the main goal of profit maximization. However, the police force is not a typical organization since its main purpose is the service provision to the public rather than profit making. Some of the suggestions made by previous researchers may therefore fail to fit the context of the police force. Various researchers also discourage the bureaucratic form of leadership citing is it as redundant and ineffective (Goh 28). The police force cannot operate in the absence of a clear chain of command and the researchers should therefore focus on improving knowledge sharing within this system rather than changing the leadership system. This study seeks to analyze the present condition of knowledge sharing within the organization to highlight the barriers and facilitators of the process. This will improve the knowledge sharing process within bureaucratic management system to improve its efficiency without tampering with the operations. Methodology Data Collection The study will involve both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. The data collection will involve the distribution of questionnaires to the members of the police force. The questionnaires will include both closed and open-ended questions to enable the freedom of opinion for the respondents as well as ensure standardization of responses. The questions cover questions regarding the opinions of the police officers on the knowledge sharing process. They will collect information regarding barriers and facilitators of the process in the current operations. The questionnaires will also reveal the awareness of the police leaders on the working of various systems within the organization. Random scientific sampling will enable the selection of a number of respondents that offers a significant representation of the entire population. A sample of 30% will offer sufficient representation hence offering reliable information concerning the departmental performance as well as the entire organization. The study will also conduct secondary data collection through the examination of the organization’s information structures and record keeping. Previous researches, articles, and newspapers written on the research topic will also assist in the examination process. Data Analysis The quantitative method will facilitate the data analysis to derive accurate interpretation. The correlation method will help in the analysis of the present relationship between variables. The analysis will also highlight the strength of this relationship as well as the nature of the relationship. A negative figure depicts an inverse relationship; a zero denotes lack of any form of relationship while a positive figure denotes a direct relationship. The chi-square analysis will test the set hypothesis and determine the significance level of the present impact. Works Cited Al-Alawi, Adel Ismail; Al-Marzooqi, Nayla Yousif and Mohammed, Yasmeen Fraidoon, ‘Organizational Culture And Knowledge Sharing: Critical Success Factors’, Journal Of Knowledge Management, Vol.11, Issue. 2. (2007). Available at Densten, Iveen. L. ‘Senior police leadership: Does rank matter?’ Policing, 26.3 (2003): 400-18. Ewest, Tee. ‘Knowledge management and organizational effectiveness: Considering applications for leadership’. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 8.11 (2010): 137. Goh, Susan. C. ‘Managing effective knowledge transfer: An integrative framework and some practice implications’. Journal of Knowledge Management, 6.1, (2002): 23-30. Kahn, Wan A. The student’s guide to successful project teams. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. 2007. Print. Misiolek, Norsa, & Heckman, Ryan. Patterns of emergent leadership in virtual teams. Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2005. Print. Panteli, Neil. & Sockalingam, Sang. (2005) Trust and conflict within virtual inter-organizational alliances: a framework for facilitating knowledge sharing. Decision Support System, 39,(2005): 599-617. Rosen, Ben., Furst, Susan. & Blackburn, Reagan. ‘Overcoming barriers to knowledge sharing in virtual teams’. Organizational Dynamics, 36.3 (2007): 259-273. Web. 29. April. 2015. Singh, Stephen. ‘Role of leadership in knowledge management: A study’. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12.4,(2008): 3-15. Web. 29. April. 2015. Wasko, Mark M., & Faraj, Stanley. ‘Why should I Share? Examining social capital and knowledge contribution in electronic networks of practice’. MIS Quarterly, 29.1 (2005): 35-57. Yang, Jen. ‘The impact of knowledge sharing on organizational learning and Effectiveness’. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11.2 (2007): 83-90. Web. 29. April. 2015. Read More
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