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Workplace Diversity and Human Resource Management - Zara and Dolce & Gabbana - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Workplace Diversity and Human Resource Management - Zara and Dolce & Gabbana " is a good example of a management case study. Human resource management simply referred to as HRm or HR, is a term that is used to describe all the organizational activities pertaining to selection and recruitment, designing work, training and development, motivation and appraisal of workers among other activities…
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Workplace diversity and human resource management Institution: Name: Date: Workplace diversity and human resource management Human resource management simply referred to as HRm or HR, is a term that is used to describe all the organizational activities pertaining to selection and recruitment, designing work, training and development, motivation and appraisal of workers among other activities. In other words, HRM can be defined as the framework of practices, philosophies, and policies for the purpose of management of the existing relationship between employer and employees (Armstrong 2007, p. 17). Diversity is defined as a variety of differences between things or people and it can be both invisible and visible (Cox 2001, p. 5). Therefore, the aspect of diversity is about not only gender, nationality, color, culture, age and ethnicity but also individual differences such as information awareness, lifestyle, and learning skills among others. In the modern world, human diversity is significant in the human resource management. Therefore, it is important for organizations to pay more attention to study of diversity so that executives can not only manage but also determine various strategies in managing change in the workplace. Diversity is also important for organizations to attain its desired objectives in the future. If diversity is properly managed, it can contribute to a healthy working environment and encourage employees to show loyalty to the organization. Presently, management pertaining to human resource management has become one of the key roles in organizational development. furthermore, because of widespread globalization, there is need for improved interaction among workforce of diverse cultures, beliefs and backgrounds. In the modern world, people no longer live and work in confined market but rather become part of the emerging global markets (Boxall & Purcell 2011, p. 7). The purpose of this essay is to highlight the aspect of workplace diversity on human resource management in Zara and Dolce & Gabbana (D & G) which are both fashion apparel stores. Konrad (2006, p. 56) points out that working in diverse groups can be more complex. However, if managed well it can contribute to another of benefits, which include creating a competitive advantage. This is because the diverse workgroups and employees can expand the capability of fostering cooperative, create new ideas and respond directly to the customers’ local preferences. The mentioned aspect is important for all the global business that demands to spread out their market. Hence, it is important for the HR to have a farsighted perspective with an aim of effectively managing workplace diversity in order to eliminate possible issues as well as reinforcing diverse cooperation. Additionally, personnel management within the business organizations that can create integrated collaboration workplace collaboration is becoming more popular. Currently, diversity is becoming a key aspect in the global business and it makes changes particularly in London as the rate of immigrants are increasing more and more. Because diverse employees not only creates a competitive advantage but also improves the organizations productivity, it is important for organizations to put more emphasis on the focus on ways of managing diversity effectively with an aim of adapting as well as improving the existing business structure so that the organizations have the necessary competency to deal with modern competitive markets. The human resource management has various roles, which include training, development, rewarding, and performance appraisal that are not only perceived as the means as well as the logic through which human resources are managed effectively. It is essential to point out that at the strategic level of management and for example in both Zara and D & G Company, the activities of the human resource management be linked with effecting on the current business activities as well as increasing the firm’s value. Therefore, in regard to the mentioned, human resource management is crucial to the organization because it has the capacity to promote diversity management and integrate the same with its various resources (Kossek 2000 p. 12). The Zara stores and D & G are characterized with a diverse workforce. This is because the employees are hired from different cultural and educational background. Zara’s workforce constitutes of mothers, teenage girls and even grandmothers who emerge from small towns and are seeking additional source of income. This strategy has enabled the company’s HR provide lower wages compared to the prevailing market rates. For Dolce &Gabbana (D & G) stores to ensure that it successfully mitigates risks that are associated with unsold products, it produces the styles in small quantities and targets a diverse market. The mentioned reduces the company’s exposure on single product in addition to staging artificial scarcity. The HR effectively applies the supply and demand rules therefore; less supply of the products in the market make the products more desirable. The objective of Zara stores is to provide unique and one stop shop for fashion at low prices. A number of organizations are engaging in different activities in order to manage diversity. On training and development, business such as Zara and D & G recognize the employees as the most significant management aspect. Therefore, it has adapted training and development programs to realize growth. PaludI (2012, p. 16) in his study points out that in establishing training and development programs within an organization, it is important to consider the effective ways in which people can learn. This is because one approach cannot be suitable for all. Therefore, through effective training and development programs, Sony further enhances motivation as well as encouraging personal growth via on-the-job-learning, which the HR management has tailored to meet the local needs. The company further offers a variety of distinctive training programs to its workforce with an aim of capitalizing on the unique aspects of the business and ensuring growth. For example since 2009, the company has been implementing a program that promises its HR managers to take part in projects that are designed to addresses issues related to environment and education. These programs have assisted in cultivating entrepreneurial spirit and in managing the diverse workforce. It has a global leadership development program, which is conducted by Zara supply chain solutions, Inc. the aim of the training is to build employee networks and encourage global perspective. Zara and D & G businesses further have a diverse market and class based on education, culture, age, gender, ethnicity and race. David & Robin (1996, p. 78) points out that one of the key ways of promoting diversity within the workplace is adapting technological innovations. However, in a diverse workforce environment it may be challenging to incorporate inclusively because of different attitudes. Traditionally, Zara has promoted a wide range of initiatives that entail cooperation with several store bases and other fashion retail companies. The company’s designers have the role of adding the depth of the technological expertise as well as integrating technologies from different fields. They also provide leadership skills particularly for development teams that transcend not only national but also corporate boundaries. According to Devoe (1999, p. 18), there are various management options that organizations can adopt to realize objective. However, there is specific approach that an organization can adapt in order to improve the performance automatically. All the management needs human resources and adaptions in order to suit the diverse workplace. The company has enhanced its management skills. This is because of the pace of change particularly in the operating environment. The company believes that such a structure will assist in effectively training the employees an aspect that provides the required for employees particularly for those with diverse backgrounds. For its HR, the company offers mandatory training programs that mainly emphasize the importance of change in the individual perception. Some of the training programs that the D& G stores offer include e-leaning, general training and on-site training that are tailored for specific objectives. The mandatory multilevel job-specific trainings assist employees to attain essential skills systematically with an aim of fostering human resources with the necessary skills that are essential in fostering growth. It also has elective training options to cater for its diverse workforce. There is also support for personal development and self-learning (Boxall & Purcell, 2011, p. 68). According to Mullins (2010, 90) in order for the company to be successful it should adopt effective product design and development. For example, Zara product design and development section has more than 200 employees. This is evident that the process is highly people intensive. On the concept of teamwork, the HR has the role to ensure that teamwork improves the company’s productivity and hence performance. The team within the Zara each individual creates approximately 60 styles. Furthermore, the HR mandates the team to create more than 1000 new styles monthly. If one style fails to appeal to the customers, then the emerging styles will not fail to attract them. Boxall & Purcell (2011, p. 71) points out that diversity in design and development contributes to a strong market base and hence a competitive advantage in the market. The Zara output in terms of product design and development is higher compared to other retailers and brands in the same industry. Additionally, because the HR advocates sufficient resources in the mentioned sector, it is cost efficient. In order to establish the market needed designs, the HR of both D & G and zara focus on market research. Their sources of market research include visit to universities and colleges, discos, sales reports, and feedback from stores among others to ensure that proper market research is carried out. Furthermore, in order for the company to manage diversity sucessfully, it is important for the HR to invest on information technology and communication. This is important for the business as it keeps itself up to date on people’s desire on products in addition to making decisions. For examples, Zara stores have sales associates that by use of internet update the headquarters about the products with high demand. Mattiske (2013, p. 55) it is important for company’s management to ensure that customers are able to discover new products that will meet their needs and desires. This can only be attained if there is diverse workforce. In Zara stores, clients can easily discover new products/designs. This is because the HR ensures that the supply of the designs are limited. Therefore, there is a sense to ensure exclusivity because the display of the designs/products is limited despite the stores having space for more products. The concept is based on the company’s regular creation as well as envelopment of their products. Through the mentioned, the product production, design and marketing, the HR ensures that the customers’ desires are a key priority. Shakhray (2009, p. 56) emphasizes that the first style system of production should be dependent on the exchange of information between the customers and the market stores, as well as the customers and subcontractors. The HR mandates the business to have a wide variety of products annually. The main reason of having a diverse range of products is that the two companies are more into fashion and not clothing business. Mullins (2010, p. 90), customers make purchases because they desire the designs and not because of the companies brand names. For example, Zara has various stores that customers can find a wide range of products, which their supply is limited. Because of fashion exclusivity of the company characterized with low price, Zara stores feature low inventory level. Hence, there are high chances of the customers missing the products. One of the greatest assets of teams within organizations is diversity. Most modern businesses employ individuals from diverse walks of life, backgrounds and countries around the world. Some of the team members come from different educational, cultural, ethnic and experiential backgrounds. Others have different styles or personalities while others will differ in age, gender, lifestyle or religion. Boxall & Purcell (2011, p. 66) further points out that when individuals bring a diverse life and work experiences, talents and viewpoints to their teams, there is high chances of quality decision making. For a business such as Zara and D & G to survive in the competitive market, they should take into consideration issues such as customers’ needs, the significance and limitation of technology. Because of the emerging technologies and diversity, it is important for human resource managers to ensure that there are effective communication channels within the organization so that the team members can develop the culture of working together in realizing the company’s objectives. This is because in the team situation, the focus of every member is to positively ensure that there is quality decision making that could result into improved performance (Graen, 2003, p. 77). The human resource managers should ensure that there is strong teamwork within the organization if they want to gain a competitive advantage in the market. It is important for the HR to teach the employees collaboration and cooperation skills to ensure balanced involvement of all the team members. Mullins (2010, 77), points out that the concept that there is only one-way of solving a particular problem eliminates workplace diversity. The human resources managers should challenge themselves as well as the team members to be open to multiple solutions from different people. The management should also encourage a situation whereby the informal and formal groups can easily interact and work towards realizing the organizations objectives. This can be achieved if there are effective communication strategies in place. The communication channel should be open. Graen (2003, p. 19). open communication gives the employees a chance to criticize the management and the employees can identify things about management style in addition to company’s culture. Therefore, communication is important in managing teamwork. Moreover, the HR should encourage situation whereby the employees can work effectively with other people outside their department or team. The management should further foster teamwork by ensuring that the employees are given a chance in decision-making for example nominating one of their team members for exemplary work/achievement. Workplace diversity is important in ensuring the effectiveness of teamwork in the working environment (Paludi, 2012, p. 90). This is evident within the Zara stores whereby the concept of teamwork is applied at all stages of product design and development. In conclusion, managers face a number of challenges in managing diversity within the organization. This is because the process of managing diversity does not only need acknowledging the existing differences between the employees but also promoting inclusiveness, combating discrimination and recognizing the benefits of diversity within the workplace. Mor-Barak (2011, p. 78), in his study however points out that human resource managers are likely to be challenged with losses in personnel productivity because of prejudice, discrimination and legal actions and complaints against the company. Furthermore, negative behaviors and attitudes can be a challenge to workplace diversity within the organization. This is because it not only damages work productivity but also interfere with working relationships between groups and teams. From the discussion, it is evident that workplace diversity improves company’s competitive advantage in addition to productivity level. Therefore, it is essential for HR managers to invest in various ways of improving workplace diversity. This can be achieved through adapting, extensive market research, through training and development, and adapting emerging technologies. References Cox, T. (2001).Creating the multicultural organization. San Fransisco: Jossey – Bass Publishers. David, A. T. & Robin J. E. (1996). Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity, Harvard Business Review, September-October 1996, pp. 79-90. Devoe, D.. (1999). Managing a diverse workforce. San Mateo, CA: InfoWorld Media Group. Jackson, S. E., & Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (U.S.). (1992). Diversity in the workplace: Human resources initiatives. New York: Guilford Press. Konrad, A. M. (2006). Handbook of workplace diversity. London [u.a.], Sage Publ. Kossek, E. E. (2000). Managing diversity: human resource strategies for transforming the workplace. Cambridge, Mass [u.a.], Blackwell Business. Kouzes, J & Barry, B, (2002).The leadership challenge, San Fransisco: Jossey – Bass Publishers. Loysk, B. (1996). Managing a changing workforce: Achieving outstanding service with todays employees. Davie, FL:Workplace Trends Publishing. Mattiske, C. (2013). Understanding and managing diversity.{8F62AFAB-1F3E-4CC0-BB1E- 7E78C162DD5D}&Format=410. PaludI, M. A. (2012). Managing diversity in today's workplace: strategies for employees and employers. Santa Barbara, Calif, ABC-CLIO. Shakhray, I. (2009). Managing diversity in the workplace: seminar paper. Nordersteadt, Germany, Grin Verlag. Mor-Barak, M. E. (2011). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Los Angeles: SAGE. Graen, G. B. (2003). Dealing with diversity. Greenwich, Conn, Information Age Publ. West, M. A. (2012). Effective teamwork practical lessons from organizational research. Chichester, West Sussex, BPS Blackwell. Mullins, L. J. (2010). Management and organisational behaviour. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall. Boxall, P. F., & Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and human resource management. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Armstrong, M. (2007). A handbook of human resource management practice. London [u.a.: Kogan Page. Read More
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